Improved camera movement of OpenGL GUI: smooth zooming and translation
Removed debian meta files from the main DART repository
Fixed Lemke LCP solver for several failing cases
Increase minimum required Ipopt version to 3.11.9
Added support of urdfdom_headers 1.0 for DART 5.1 (backport of #766)
- Fixed inconsistent frame rate of GlutWindow
Updated to support Bullet built with double precision (backport of #660)
Modified to use btGImpactMeshShape instead of btConvexTriangleMeshShape for mesh
Updated to support FCL 0.5 and tinyxml 4.0 (backport of #749)
Fixed inverse kinematics (backporting)
Fixed aligned memory allocation with Eigen objects in loading meshes
Fixed incorrect applying joint constraint impulses (backporting)
Fixed some build and packaging issues
Add bullet dependency to package.xml
Improved handling of missing symbols of Assimp package
Improved travis-ci build log for Mac
Fixed warnings in Function.cpp
Fixed build failures on AppVeyor
Fixed const qualification of ResourceRetriever
Fixed aligned memory allocation with Eigen objects
Fixed copy safety for various classes
Fixed incorrect rotational motion of BallJoint and FreeJoint
Removed old documents: dart-tutorial, programmingGuide
Fixed aligned memory allocation with Eigen objects
Fixed segfault in Linkage::Criteria
Improved sdf/urdf parser
Fixed CMake warnings
Fixed build issues on Windows
Fixed IpoptSolver bugs
Added Frame::getTransform(withRespecTo, inCoordinatesOf)
Improved API documentation -- set the SHOW_USED_FILES tag to NO
Added convenience setters for generalized coordinates of FreeJoint
Fixed compilation warnings
Added a mutex to Skeleton
Added generic URIs support
Added End Effector, Inverse Kinematics, and osgDart
Removed outdated packaging scripts
Added initial position and initial velocity properties
Added a package.xml file for REP-136 support
Improved Linkage and Chain Criteria
Added Joint::isCyclic to mark SO(2) topology
Fixed SEGFAULTs in DartLoader
Added the SYSTEM flag to include_directories
Improved Joint warning
Added tutorials (http://dart.readthedocs.org/)
- Fixed bug in Jacobian update notifications
Improved app indexing for bipedStand and atlasSimbicon
Added clipping command when it exceeds the limits
Improved CollisionNode's index validity check
Standardized warning messages for Joints
Fixed bug in SDF parser -- correct child for a joint
Fixed SDF parsing for single link model without joint
Added missing virtual destructors to Properties in Entity and [Soft]BodyNode
Limited maximum required version of Assimp less than 3.0~dfsg-4
Fixed SEGFAULTs in DartLoader
Fixed aligned memory allocation with Eigen objects
Added some missing API for DegreeOfFreedom
Replaced logMaps with Eigen::AngleAxisd
Improved FCL collision detector
Removed deprecated API and suppressed warnings
Added use of OpenGL's multisample anti-aliasing
Added computation of differences of generalized coordinates
Added deprecated and force-linline definitions for clang
Eradicated memory leaks and maked classes copy-safe and clonable
Improved PlaneShape constructors
Added appveyor options for parallel build and detailed log
Improved robustness and package handling for URDF parsing
Fixed bug in BodyNode::_updateBodyJacobianSpatialDeriv()
Added alpha channel and Color functions
Added Jacobian getters to Skeleton
Added ArrowShape for visualizing arrows
Fixed matrix dimension bug in operationalSpaceControl app
Added build type definitions
Added Signal class
Added LineSegmentShape for visualizing line segments
Fixed segfault in SoftSdfParser
Added subscriptions for destructions and notifications
Added NloptSolver::[get/set]NumMaxEvaluations()
Added support of Eigen::VectorXd in parser
Added Skeleton::getNumJoints()
Fixed bug in DARTCollide for sphere-sphere collision
Fixed naming issues for Skeletons in World
Added PlanarJoint support for URDF loader
Fixed rotation of the inertia reference frame for URDF loader
Fixed bug in loading WorldFile
Added plotting of 2D trajectories
Removed unsupported axis orders of EulerJoint
Added convenience functions to help with setting joint positions
Added Frame class and auto-updating for forward kinematics
Added Travis-CI build test for OSX
Added specification of minimum dependency version
- Updated DART 4.3 to be compatible with urdf 1.0/tinyxml2 6/flann 1.9.1
- Fixed duplicate entries in Skeleton::mBodyNodes causing segfault in destructor
- Fixed incorrect applying of joint constraint impulses (backported from 6.0.0)
- Fixed build issue with gtest on Mac
- Fixed joint Coulomb friction
- Fixed installation -- missing headers (utils/urdf, utils/sdf)
- Fixed API incompatibility introduced by dart-4.3.0
- Added name manager for efficient name look-up and unique naming
- Added all-inclusive header and namespace headers
- Added DegreeOfFreedom class for getting/setting data of individual generalized coordinates
- Added hybrid dynamics
- Added joint actuator types
- Added Coulomb joint friction
- Migrated to C++11
- Improved readability of CMake output messages
- Fixed const-correctneess of member functions
- Added handling use of 'package:/' in URDF
- Fixed version numbering of shared libraries in debian packages
- Fixed Jacobian and its derivatives of FreeJoint/BallJoint
- Added reset functions for Simulation and Recording class
- Added operational space control example
- Fixed misuse of Bullet collision shapes
- Fixed adjacent body pair check for Bullet collision detector
- Fixed incorrect computation of constraint impulse for BallJointConstraint and WeldJointContraint
- Improved generation of soft box shape for soft body
- Added ABI check script
- Fixed build issues on Linux
- Fixed build issues on Windows
- Fixed unintended warning messages
- Fixed bug in switching collision detectors
- Fixed kinematics and dynamics when a skeleton has multiple parent-less bodies
- Fixed issue on installing DART 4 alongside DART 3 on Linux
- Fixed warnings on gcc
- Renamed getDof() to getNumDofs()
- Added cylinder shape for soft body
- Added implicit joint spring force and damping force
- Added planar joint
- Added soft body dynamics
- Added computation of velocity and acceleration of COM
- Added bullet collision detector
- Improved performance of forward dynamics algorithm
- Improved dynamics API for Skeleton and Joint
- Improved constraint dynamics solver
- Improved calculation of equations of motion using Featherstone algorithm
- Improved optimizer interface and added nlopt solver
- Fixed self collision bug
- Fixed incorrect integration of BallJoint and FreeJoint
- Removed Transformation classes. Their functionality is now included in joint classes.
- Added Featherstone algorithm. Can currently only be used without collision handling. The old algortihm is still present and used for that case.
- Removed kinematics namespace. Functionality is moved to dynamics classes.
- Added dart root namespace
- A lot of function and variable renames
- Added constraint namespace
- Added "common" namespace
- Clean-up of build system:
- Renamed DART_INCLUDEDIR to the standard-compliant DART_INCLUDE_DIRS in CMake files. Users need to adapt their CMake files for this change.
- Users no longer need to call find_package(DARTExt) in the CMake files. A call to find_package(DART) also finds its dependencies now.
- Allow user to overwrite installation prefix
- Add possibility to include DART header files as '#include <dart/dynamics/Skeleton.h>' in addition to '#include <dynamics/Skeleton.h>'
- Allow out-of-source builds
- URDF loader:
- Major clean-up
- Consider mesh scaling factor
- Replaced robotics::World with simulation::World
- Removed robotics::Robot
- Added simulation::SimWindow
- Some speed-up of Eigen calculations
- Added abstract trajectory interface
- ConstraintDynamics handles contact, joint limit and other constraint forces simultaneously
- Improved Lemke algorithm for solving LCP
- Renamed skeletonDynamics::getQDotVector() to getPoseVelocity()
- Added abstract CollisionDetector interface allowing for multiple different collision detector implementations.
- Created math namespace
- Added System class as base class to Skeleton and Joint
- URDF loader: Removed ability to load nonstandard URDF files with an object tag
- Added support for multiple shapes per BodyNode
- Made urdfdom a dependency instead of including it in the DART source
- Added function to CollisionDetector to let user check a specific pair of BodyNodes for collision
- Mass and inertia are no longer stored in Shape but in BodyNode.
- Different shapes for collision and visualization (not just different meshes)
- Shapes are no longer centered at the COM but can be transformed independently relative to the link frame.
- Improved URDF support
- Support for non-mesh shapes
- Does not create dummy root nodes anymore
- Support for continuous joints
- Support for arbitrary joint axes for revolute joints (but not for prismatic joints) instead of only axis-aligned joint axes
- Support for relative mesh paths even if the robot and world URDF files are in different directories
- All supported joint types can be root joints
- Clean-up of the Robot class
- Removed Object class
- More robust build and installation process on Linux