Thanks for helping us improve AmCAT by reporting an issue! If you report a bug with AmCAT, please provide the following details if applicable:
- What are you trying to do. If applicable, please include:
- URL of the page:
- text of your query (please copy/paste, don't include a screenshot):
- any other settings or steps needed for us to reproduce the problem:
- What is the result. If applicable, please include:
a screenshot of the result or error message:
the text of the error message or traceback, if given:
if there's no error, please indicate what's wrong with the result, i.e. what did you expect to get and what did you get instead.
- If applicable, what steps you already took to solve the problem, e.g.
- refreshing your browser (control+F5 works better sometimes)
- trying a different browser (remember that we only support firefox and chrome)
- trying the same operation on different data, or a different query on the same data, etc.