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Recursive Workspaces

Recursive workspaces

As the default mode of operation of bazel is to build everything completely from source, bazel needs to be aware of all the code that transitively affects the project under consideration. As long as all code is organized in one big mono-repository, this is easy. However, once one deals with code organised in several repositories, the problem arises of keeping track of repositories that are not used directly by the project, but only indirectly as transitive dependencies.

Existing approaches

Ignore the problem

The historic approach of bazel with respect to transitive dependencies was to ingore the problem and expect the user to (manually) add all transitive dependencies to the WORKSPACE file. This approach is followed by quite some projects and therefore should continued to be supported, i.e., any form of recursive workspace handling should be sufficiently opt-in to not make the workflow any harder for projects that already manage all their transitive dependencies explicitly in their WORKSPACE file (maybe with the help of some specialized tools).

The first design of recursive workspaces

The first design for recursive workspaces approaches the problem of transitive dependencies in the following way.

  • A definition of a repository in a WORKSPACE file takes precedence over definitions of the same repository in the WORKSPACE files included as transitive dependencies of said WORKSPACE file.

  • For definitions that are not in a direct line, it is considered an error if they define an external repository with the same name, but with a different defintion. However, those errors are only reported, once discovered; so it may well be that for two targets, building each individually on a clean workspace works, but building both together will error out due to the definition conflict.

The laziness in error checking was specified to avoid that the whole WORKPACE has to be evaluated recursively (which includes fetching all transitive dependencies, even if not needed for a specific target) before being able to start the build.

This proposal was never implemented.

The dependencies() pattern

Another approach for indirect dependencies that emerged over time is that repositories that intend to be used as third-party dependencies export a Starlark function that adds their dependencies, if not added already. So, the top-level WORKSPACE file would have entries like the following.

load("@bazel_tools//tools/build_defs/repo:http.bzl", "http_archive")

  name = "com_example_foo",
  urls = [""],
  strip_prefix = "foo-1.2.3",
  sha256 = "0a6717e765818538f153ac27ca6cf97c4290cb25dd374017e1dc2bd0d6f6bf5c",

load("@com_example_foo//:deps.bzl", "foo_deps")

The exported function foo_deps() would add the repositories com_example_foo depends on, if not already present. To do so, it checks if the repository name is already in native.existing_rules() and if this is not the case, adds the respective dependency.

load("@bazel_tools//tools/build_defs/repo:http.bzl", "http_archive")

def foo_deps():
  if "com_example_bar" not in native.existing_rules():
    http_archive(name="com_example_bar", ...)

This approach works well for one level of dependencies. However, the *_depenencies() function need to be aware of all their transitive dependencies; an exported Skylark function can add more repositories, but cannot load functions from those repositories.

Moreover, using the dependencies() pattern implies that all repositories exporting *_dependencies() are loaded unconditionally.


We consider manually keeping a list of all transitive dependencies a legitimate usse case; this use case also allows most control of which versions of the transitive dependencies are used. As a consequence, recursive workspaces must be added in a truely opt-in fasion, not causing additional fetches to existing projects.

Bazel values reproducibility of builds. In particular, the result of a target (including whether an error in the workspace are reported or not) should only depend on the repository itself, not on any previously built targets (or the order in which they were built). This implies that, when using an external repository, all possible conflicts or definitions taking priority have to be explored first, even if this implies fetching a large numebr of repositories that might bring an alternative definition in their indirect dependencies.

Finally, we are aiming for a general mechanism of handling transitive dependencies, without any limits on the length of dependency chains.

Suggested implementation

Recursion only on bazel sync

To reconceile the requirement of the outcome being independent of previous builds, and that of avoiding unnecessary fetches, we propose using the concept of resolved files. So, for normal builds, the full list of all external repositories involved will already be cached in a local Starlark file, without the need of fetching anything not needed. To update that list, an new option --recursive to the bazel sync command will be used. This option will tell bazel to also inspect the WORKSPACE files of external repositories. Typically, bazel would be instructed to record the result of this recursive traversal in a resolved file; in this way, the expensive operation of fetchting and inspecting all transitive repositories need to be done only once per dependency update and can be shared between different developers of the same project.

In this way, any form of recursive workspaces is also completely opt-in: recursive sync is controlled by a newly added option, and telling bazel to write or read a resolved file also has to be enabled explictly by appropriate flags.

Traversal order and precedence: depth-first

For direct dependencies in a WORKSPACE file, they may be used, immediately after being introduced. So the following is perfectly legitimate, assuming that the function foo() introduces a repository @com_example_indirect.

load("@bazel_tools//tools/build_defs/repo:http.bzl", "http_archive")

  name = "com_example_foo",
  urls = [""],
  strip_prefix = "foo-1.2.3",
  sha256 = "0a6717e765818538f153ac27ca6cf97c4290cb25dd374017e1dc2bd0d6f6bf5c",

load("@com_example_foo//:foo.bzl", "foo")
load("@com_example_indirect//:rules.bzl", "bar_repo")
bar_repo(name = "bar", ...)

Now, the the promise that recursive workspaces are trying to provide is that an external repository (like @com_example_foo) can just be added and used without having to think about its dependencies.

Now assume that @com_example_foo//:foo.bzl originally looked as follows (which would work in the non-recursive case).

load("@bazel_tools//tools/build_defs/repo:http.bzl", "http_archive")

def foo():
    name = "com_example_indirect",
    urls = [""],
    sha256 = "6a6abb37d3dec18048ea33e176da7552ac45b96ac9eef4098dfdd282d23ec177",

But the maintainers of @com_example_foo decided that, instead of hardcoding versions and hashes, it is better to take them indirectly form @bar which they added to their WORKSPACE file. Hence @com_example_foo//:foo.bzl now looks as follows.

load("@bazel_tools//tools/build_defs/repo:http.bzl", "http_archive")

load("@bar//:goodsources.bzl", "goodsources")

def foo():
  (urls, sha256) = goodsources["indirect"]
    name = "com_example_indirect",
    urls = urls,
    sha256 = sha256,

The common expectation of recursive worksapces is that foo() can still be evaluated in the top-level WORKSPACE file as the recursion should take care of of the dependencies that @com_example_foo needs in the definition of foo. This, however, is only possible, if we explore the dependencies of @com_example_foo before we try to evaluate the load("@com_example_foo//:foo.bzl", "foo") statement.

This example also shows that the original design of recursive workspaces does not work. It would require that the definition of @bar in the top-level WORKSPACE file take precedence. That defintion, however, depends on knowledge of @bar (as bar_repo is loaded from @com_example_indirect, where the URL is taken from @bar//:goodsources.bzl), a circular definition that cannot be resolved.

To ensure that the call to foo() can still be be evaluated in a recursive sync, we propose a depth-first traversal of the transitive dependencies. To simplify the semantics, we also propose the depth-first traversal as precedence order: a repository found earlier in the depth-first traversal takes precedence over a later repository with the same name; in fact, the latter will not even be read (and hence the dependencies in its WORKSPACE file ignored).

As bazel eventually generates a global namespace, repositories are distinguished by name (and only name). That is, if, while exploring a WORKSPACE file of a repository, we find a repository with a name not yet in the global name space, that repository is loaded and its WORKSPACE file read recursively. If, on the other hand, a repository with this name exists already, that entry is ignored and the next entry is read. This ignoring of an entry is done without any form of warning, as we consider it normal that two direct dependencies have a shared dependency.

It should be noted that here the proposal differs from the earlier one that argued that repositories defined in the top-level WORKSPACE should take precedence over transitive dependencies. Our argument is that it is more desirable to have the meaning of foo(), and hence the set of repositories it might introduce to the global name space, be independent of declarations made later in the top-level WORKSPACE file. Moreover, this requirement is even necessary, if we want to stay with the current semantics of a WORKSPACE file that cuts it into chunks at each load statement and assumes that each chunk can be evaluated knowing only the previous chunks.

Order to be understood logically

Bazel currently allows contructions like the following in the WORKSPACE.

load("@bazel_tools//tools/build_defs/repo:http.bzl", "http_archive")

  name = "com_example_foo",
  urls = [""],
  sha256 = "0a6717e765818538f153ac27ca6cf97c4290cb25dd374017e1dc2bd0d6f6bf5c",

 name = "com_example_bar",
 urls = [""]
 sha256 = "e3b0c44298fc1c149afbf4c8996fb92427ae41e4649b934ca495991b7852b855",

Here, the repository @com_example_foo cannot be fetched before @com_example_bar is available, as the fetch itself requires a file from @com_example_bar. Therefore, despite the location in the WORKSPACE file, we consider @com_example_bar logically before @com_example_foo. In particular, if @com_example_bar pulls in, maybe indirectly, a repository called @com_example_foo through its WORKSPACE, the defintion of @com_example_foo in the top-level WORKSPACE file will be ingored.

This topological sorting also applies over indirect edges. So in the following snippet, the repository @com_example_baz will be fetched first and might override the definitions of @com_example_foo and @com_example_bar in the top-level WORKSPACE file.

load("@bazel_tools//tools/build_defs/repo:http.bzl", "http_archive")

  name = "com_example_foo",
  urls = [""],
  sha256 = "0a6717e765818538f153ac27ca6cf97c4290cb25dd374017e1dc2bd0d6f6bf5c",

 name = "com_example_bar",
 urls = [""]
 sha256 = "e3b0c44298fc1c149afbf4c8996fb92427ae41e4649b934ca495991b7852b855",

 name = "com_example_baz",
 urls = [""]
 sha256 = "01ba4719c80b6fe911b091a7c05124b64eeece964e09c058ef8f9805daca546b",

We do not make any promises about which topological order bazel chooses apart from it being reproducible. One possible implementation is to examine the first repository in the WORKSPACE file and go through its arguments one by one in a deterministic order; if a reference to a not yet fetched repository is found, the fetch is aborted, the not-yet fetched repository fetched recursively, and the original fetch restarted. As opposed to normal Skyframe operations, the non-parallel inspection of the arguments is important here to give a well-defined order. In the following example, we do not promise whether @a or @b is explored first, but we do promise that the order will always be the same, indepenently of which of @a or @b fetches faster.

load("@bazel_tools//tools/build_defs/repo:http.bzl", "http_archive")

  name = "com_example_foo",
  urls = [""],
  sha256 = "0a6717e765818538f153ac27ca6cf97c4290cb25dd374017e1dc2bd0d6f6bf5c",
  build_file = "@a//:foo.BUILD",
  workspace_file = "@b//:foo.WORKSPACE",

http_archive(name = "a", ...)
http_archive(name = "b", ...)

As circular dependencies are not allowed, projects can always avoid this confusingly-looking semantics of a recursive bazel sync by presenting the entries in their WORKSPACE file in topological order.

Recursive sync is necessarily sequential

Another consequence of having a precedence order on definitions of external repositories is that the fetch of a repository may only be started once all places that might find defintions take precedence have been fully discovered (as no observable behaviour, including network access and errors may come from a defintion that is overridden by another one). For depth-first traversal, this implies strictly sequential fetches. This is costly (in terms of wall-clock time), but probably acceptable, given that in the intended use case, recursive syncs to update the resolved information, are rare.

Interaction with repository renaming

The design document on diamond splitting proposes that for recursive workspaces, the renamings assigned for a repository are also applied to the the repositories pulled in inderectly from the WORKSPACE file of that repository. We follow this proposal.

Moreover, we suggest that the renaming be applied everywhere in the external repository.

  • If the WORKSPACE file introduces an external repository, its name is mapped before deciding whether it is already present or has to be added to the global name space (this was already part of the quoted design document).
  • If we pull in a repository from the workspace, the renamings are composed (in the sense of function composition, where a dict is seen as a function by taking the identity on all arguments that are not keys in the dict).

For example, assum the WORKSPACE of @ext, where @ext is an external repository with assignment = {"a":"b", "u":"v", "x" : "y"}, contains the following entry.

load("@bazel_tools//tools/build_defs/repo:http.bzl", "http_archive")

  name = "a",
  urls = [""],
  assignments = {"z" : "x", "s" : "t"},

Then, it will first be checked, if a repository @b is already in the global context. If this is the case, then nothing will be added. Otherwise, a new repository @b will be added, as if there was the following declaration in the global workspace.

load("@bazel_tools//tools/build_defs/repo:http.bzl", "http_archive")

  name = "b",
  urls = [""],
  assignments = {"z" : "y", "s" : "t", "a" : "b", "u" : "v", "x" : "y"},

"Declare what you use" might lead to dropping of top-level definitions

It is generally good practise to declare all the dependencies of a project that are used directly, including those that are also a dependency of another directly used dependency. The reason for this approach (sometimes also called "strict deps") is that direct dependencies might change their dependencies and, unless we declare all direct dependencies, some might become dangling once they no longer get pulled in indirectly.

We encourage declaring all direct dependencies on external repositories in the world of recursive workspaces as well. This might imply that a definition in the top-level workspace is ignored if the same repository is pulled in earlier as an indirect dependency. As long as the dependency graph at a repository level is cycle free, the order can be chosen in such a way, that the definition in the top-level WORKSPACE file is discovered first. However, such an order might still become invalid if the declared (branch-following) direct dependencies change their dependency structure. Hence ease of declaring intent in the WORKSPACE file (i.e., not having to care about the structure of indirect dependencies) is conflicting with the desire of not having ingored repository definitions in the top-level WORKSPACE file. This proposal favours simplicity of writing WORKSPACE files over ease of reading off the version of a dependency from the WORKSPACE file.

Opt-out of recursion to break cyclic dependencies

While the definitions of repositories have to be acyclic, and the dependency graph of the targets has to be acyclic as well, the latter need not induce a cycle-free graph on the repositories the targets come from. In other words, there might well be repositories @A and @B such that a target from @A depends on some target in @B, and some target in @B depends on a target of @A. In this case, the WORKSPACE files of @A and @B contain each other, making it a priori impossible to specify both @A and @B in a recursive workspace.

As an escape-hatch for these situations, i.e., cyclic dependencies between repositories in conjunction with the need to chose specific versions for both, we allow another magic parameter recursive to every repository rule (magic in the sense as assignments is a magic parameter that has a special meaning regardless of how the rule otherwise choses to interpret its parameters). If set to False, it will prevent recursive expansion of that repository, even in recursive syncs. For commands other than a recursive sync, this parameter is always ignored. If a rule is not recursive, it is the responsibility of the author of the global WORKSPACE file to ensure that all dependencies of the targets in that repository are added to the global workspace in some way.

Support for resolved files in direct dependencies

This design basically proposes using resolved files as a checked-in cache for the depth-first traversal of the dependency graph. Now, if a direct dependency has a resolved file already, it might be desirable to use that instead of recursively traversing its WORKSPACE file. First of all, this would be faster, as fewer repositories would have to bloaded. Second, and more importantly, the commited resolved file might contain a well tested snapshot of the needed dependencies that works well together. So, to allow supporting reusing resolved files in dependencies, we allow the recursive parameter to be a string as well. If it is, and a file with that name exists relative to the top of the external repository, then this file is read as a resolved file instead of recursively interpreting the WORKSPACE in this repository.