- Protocol Version: 3.1
- Release Date: July 14, 2017
The Video message supports video codec streaming with metric information including codec protocal name, frame height, frame width, etc. The body section of the VIDEO data consists of two parts: video header to transfer the metric information and video body to transfer encoded video bit stream. The numerical values can be 8-, 16-, 32-bit integer, depending on the encoder. The pixel values can be either big-endian or little-endian. This message type could be used for real-time video transmission.
Data | Type | Description |
VERSION | uint16 | version number |
CODEC | char[4] | The codec name, Default codec="VP9 ". |
SCALAR_TYPE | uint8 | Scalar type (2:int8 3:uint8 4:int16 5:uint16 6:int32 7:uint32 10:float32 11:float64) |
ENDIAN | uint8 | Endian for image data (1:BIG 2:LITTLE) |
WIDTH | uint32 | Video Frame Width |
HEIGHT | uint32 | Video Frame Height |
ADDITIONALZDIMENSION | uint32 | The frame could be a 3D volume, this field is reserved for future development |
FRAMETYPE | uint16 | Field to identify frame type, such as key frame or invalid frame. Also, if the type value is larger than 0xFF, it indicates gray frames are encoded |
USECOMPRESS | int8 | Field indicates if current data is compressed or not. Original data without compression could be transmitted as well. |
BITSTREAM | uint8[] | Binary bit stream data |
Data | Type | Description |
CODEC | char[4] | Command Parameter. The Codec name indicates which codec to use for compression, Default codec="VP9 ". |
TIME_INTERVAL | uint32 | Command Parameter. Minimum time between two frames. Unit is millisecond. Default = 50 ms |
USECOMPRESS | int8 | Command Parameter. Field indicates if use compression or not. |
The TDATA message type is implemented in the following source code.
*Longquan Chen Junichi Tokuda