- Some improvements in the Makefile.
- Improvements of the compatibility between FESTIval and PostgreSQL/PostGIS.
- Updates in the documentation of the FESTIval to better describe the installation guide.
- It is compatible with PostgreSQL >= 9.5 and with PostGIS >= 2.2 and <= 2.5 (#2 - @pedrobertella).
- It adds a script to discover the versions of PostgreSQL and PostGIS used in the compilation of the FESTIval (#2 - @pedrobertella).
- The FlashDBSim-For-Linux's source code is now attached to FESTIval in the directory libraries (#3 - @pedrobertella).
- The Makefile is changed to also compile the FlashDBSim-For-Linux beforing compiling FESTIval (#3 - @pedrobertella).
- Small corrections in the memory management of the file
- This is the first release of FESTIval. It is compatible with the PostgreSQL 9.5 and PostGIS 2.2.
- It is fully described in the following research paper: Carniel, A. C.; Ciferri, R. R.; Ciferri, C. D. A. FESTIval: A versatile framework for conducting experimental evaluations of spatial indices. MethodsX, vol. 7, 2020, 100695, 2020.