diff --git a/interfaces/wishboneB3.xml b/interfaces/wishboneB3.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a55a62f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/interfaces/wishboneB3.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+ opencores.org
+ bus
+ wishbone
+ B3
+ false
+ false
+ 1
+ 1
+ wishbone from opencores.org b3.pdf
+ wishbone
diff --git a/interfaces/wishboneB3_rtl.xml b/interfaces/wishboneB3_rtl.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fc56b5c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/interfaces/wishboneB3_rtl.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,251 @@
+ opencores.org
+ bus
+ wishbone_rtl
+ B3
+ cycle in progress
+ true
+ required
+ 1
+ required
+ 1
+ in
+ 0
+ data transfer strobe RD or WR
+ required
+ 1
+ required
+ 1
+ in
+ 0
+ WE
+ WriteEnable
+ 1
+ 1
+ in
+ 0
+ select sub-words e.g. bytes for writing
+ in
+ 65535
+ ACK master input
+ required
+ 1
+ in
+ required
+ 0
+ Address bus
+ true
+ required
+ in
+ 0
+ addr
+ DAT_I master O slave
+ true
+ in
+ 0
+ DAT_O master I slave
+ in
+ 0
+ uninterruptible access
+ 1
+ 1
+ in
+ 0
+ slave terminates access with error
+ 1
+ in
+ 1
+ 0
+ slave not ready, access terminated
+ 1
+ in
+ 1
+ 0
+ information that is associated with the data input array [DAT_I()], and is qualified by signal [STB_I]
+ in
+ 0
+ info about data output array [DAT_O()], and is qualified by signal [STB_O]
+ true
+ in
+ 0
+ address lines [ADR_O()] info
+ true
+ in
+ 0
+ bus cycles, qualified by [CYC_O]
+ in
+ 0
+ 3
+ 3
+ in
+ 0
+ 2
+ 2
+ in
+ 0
+ wishbone
diff --git a/interfaces/wishboneB4.xml b/interfaces/wishboneB4.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8a0ff7e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/interfaces/wishboneB4.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+ opencores.org
+ bus
+ wishbone
+ B4
+ false
+ false
+ 1
+ 1
+ https://opencores.org/howto/wishbone 2010-06-22 Rev.B4 specs.
+ wishbone
diff --git a/interfaces/wishboneB4_rtl.xml b/interfaces/wishboneB4_rtl.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..af5722b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/interfaces/wishboneB4_rtl.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,312 @@
+ opencores.org
+ bus
+ wishbone_rtl
+ B4
+ cycle in progress
+ true
+ required
+ 1
+ required
+ 1
+ in
+ 0
+ addr
+ data transfer strobe RD or WR
+ required
+ 1
+ required
+ 1
+ in
+ 0
+ WE
+ WriteEnable
+ 1
+ 1
+ in
+ 0
+ wr
+ select sub-words e.g. bytes for writing
+ in
+ 65535
+ wr
+ ACK master input
+ required
+ 1
+ in
+ required
+ 0
+ Address bus
+ true
+ required
+ in
+ 0
+ addr
+ DAT_I master O slave
+ true
+ in
+ 0
+ rd
+ DAT_O master I slave
+ in
+ 0
+ wr
+ uninterruptible access
+ 1
+ 1
+ in
+ 0
+ slave terminates access with error
+ 1
+ in
+ 1
+ 0
+ slave not ready, access terminated
+ 1
+ in
+ 1
+ 0
+ information that is associated with the data input array [DAT_I()], and is qualified by signal [STB_I]
+ in
+ 0
+ info about data output array [DAT_O()], and is qualified by signal [STB_O]
+ true
+ in
+ 0
+ address lines [ADR_O()] info
+ true
+ in
+ 0
+ addr
+ bus cycles, qualified by [CYC_O]
+ in
+ 0
+ slave signals that it can not accept more transfer
+ required
+ 1
+ in
+ 1
+ 0
+ Cycle Type Identifier
+ true
+ 3
+ 3
+ in
+ 0
+ addr
+ Burst Type Extension
+ true
+ 2
+ 2
+ in
+ 0
+ addr
+ wishbone
diff --git a/rtl/afifo.v b/rtl/afifo.v
index 1e333b2..a10c50b 100644
--- a/rtl/afifo.v
+++ b/rtl/afifo.v
@@ -649,3 +649,7 @@ module afifo(
end endgenerate
+`ifndef YOSYS
+`default_nettype wire
diff --git a/rtl/axidma.v b/rtl/axidma.v
index 5b2b584..5638741 100644
--- a/rtl/axidma.v
+++ b/rtl/axidma.v
@@ -2740,3 +2740,7 @@ module axidma #(
// None (currently)
+`ifndef YOSYS
+`default_nettype wire
diff --git a/rtl/axidouble.v b/rtl/axidouble.v
index f40fea3..05b2bb9 100644
--- a/rtl/axidouble.v
+++ b/rtl/axidouble.v
@@ -1198,3 +1198,7 @@ module axidouble #(
end endgenerate
+`ifndef YOSYS
+`default_nettype wire
diff --git a/rtl/axildouble.v b/rtl/axildouble.v
index e5f7be2..b8fc88b 100644
--- a/rtl/axildouble.v
+++ b/rtl/axildouble.v
@@ -735,6 +735,6 @@ module axildouble #(
cover((cvr_writes > 4) && (cvr_reads > 4));
-// `ifndef YOSYS
-// `default_nettype wire
-// `endif
+`ifndef YOSYS
+`default_nettype wire
diff --git a/rtl/axilsingle.v b/rtl/axilsingle.v
index 13a9911..d42b39b 100644
--- a/rtl/axilsingle.v
+++ b/rtl/axilsingle.v
@@ -714,6 +714,6 @@ module axilsingle #(
cover((cvr_writes > 4) && (cvr_reads > 4));
-// `ifndef YOSYS
-// `default_nettype wire
-// `endif
+`ifndef YOSYS
+`default_nettype wire
diff --git a/rtl/axim2wbsp.v b/rtl/axim2wbsp.v
index f4eda1c..245e1b6 100644
--- a/rtl/axim2wbsp.v
+++ b/rtl/axim2wbsp.v
@@ -46,16 +46,17 @@ module axim2wbsp #(
// This is an int between 1-16
parameter C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH = 32,// Width of the AXI R&W data
parameter C_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH = 28, // AXI Address width
- localparam AXI_LSBS = $clog2(C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH)-3,
- localparam DW = C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH,
- localparam AW = C_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH - AXI_LSBS,
+ parameter AXI_LSBS = $clog2(C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH)-3, // leave it calculated, unless AXI narrow transfers need to be supported
+ parameter DW = C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH, // leave it calculated
+ parameter AW = C_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH - AXI_LSBS, // leave it calculated
parameter LGFIFO = 5,
+ parameter [0:0] OPT_SWAP_ENDIANNESS = 1'b0,
parameter [0:0] OPT_READONLY = 1'b0,
parameter [0:0] OPT_WRITEONLY = 1'b0
) (
- //
+ // names are matching AXI spec, therefore X_INTERFACE_INFO not needed
input wire S_AXI_ACLK, // System clock
- input wire S_AXI_ARESETN,
+ input wire S_AXI_ARESETN, // reset, active low
// AXI write address channel signals
input wire S_AXI_AWVALID, // Write address valid
@@ -104,17 +105,30 @@ module axim2wbsp #(
output wire S_AXI_RLAST, // Read last
output wire [1:0] S_AXI_RRESP, // Read response
- // We'll share the clock and the reset
+ // Wishbone4 pipelined master. We'll share the clock and output the active-high reset
+ (* X_INTERFACE_INFO = "xilinx.com:signal:reset:1.0 o_reset RST" *)
output wire o_reset,
+ (* X_INTERFACE_INFO = "opencores.org:bus:wishbone:B4 M_WBP CYC" *)
output wire o_wb_cyc,
+ (* X_INTERFACE_INFO = "opencores.org:bus:wishbone:B4 M_WBP STB" *)
output wire o_wb_stb,
+ (* X_INTERFACE_INFO = "opencores.org:bus:wishbone:B4 M_WBP WE" *)
output wire o_wb_we,
+ (* X_INTERFACE_INFO = "opencores.org:bus:wishbone:B4 M_WBP ADR" *)
output wire [(AW-1):0] o_wb_addr,
+ (* X_INTERFACE_INFO = "opencores.org:bus:wishbone:B4 M_WBP DAT_MOSI" *)
output wire [(C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH-1):0] o_wb_data,
+ (* X_INTERFACE_INFO = "opencores.org:bus:wishbone:B4 M_WBP SEL" *)
output wire [(C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH/8-1):0] o_wb_sel,
+ (* X_INTERFACE_INFO = "opencores.org:bus:wishbone:B4 M_WBP STALL" *)
input wire i_wb_stall,
+ (* X_INTERFACE_INFO = "opencores.org:bus:wishbone:B4 M_WBP ACK" *)
input wire i_wb_ack,
+ (* X_INTERFACE_INFO = "opencores.org:bus:wishbone:B4 M_WBP DAT_MISO" *)
input wire [(C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH-1):0] i_wb_data,
+ (* X_INTERFACE_INFO = "opencores.org:bus:wishbone:B4 M_WBP ERR" *)
input wire i_wb_err
@@ -138,6 +152,8 @@ module axim2wbsp #(
@@ -194,7 +210,9 @@ module axim2wbsp #(
@@ -281,3 +299,7 @@ module axim2wbsp #(
`ifdef FORMAL
+`ifndef YOSYS
+`default_nettype wire
diff --git a/rtl/aximrd2wbsp.v b/rtl/aximrd2wbsp.v
index a42e80f..f2be9b2 100644
--- a/rtl/aximrd2wbsp.v
+++ b/rtl/aximrd2wbsp.v
@@ -51,7 +51,8 @@ module aximrd2wbsp #(
// This is an int between 1-16
parameter C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH = 32,// Width of the AXI R&W data
parameter C_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH = 28, // AXI Address width
- parameter AW = 26, // AXI Address width
+ parameter AXI_LSBS = $clog2(C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH)-3, // change it only to support narrow transfers
+ parameter AW = C_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH - AXI_LSBS, // AXI Address width
parameter LGFIFO = 3,
parameter [0:0] OPT_SWAP_ENDIANNESS = 0
// parameter WBMODE = "B4PIPELINE"
@@ -601,3 +602,7 @@ module aximrd2wbsp #(
+`ifndef YOSYS
+`default_nettype wire
diff --git a/rtl/aximwr2wbsp.v b/rtl/aximwr2wbsp.v
index a16d89a..2f672eb 100644
--- a/rtl/aximwr2wbsp.v
+++ b/rtl/aximwr2wbsp.v
@@ -41,8 +41,9 @@ module aximwr2wbsp #(
// This is an int between 1-16
parameter C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH = 32,// Width of the AXI R&W data
parameter C_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH = 28, // AXI Address width
parameter [0:0] OPT_SWAP_ENDIANNESS = 1'b0, // Lil to Big Endian swap
- localparam AXI_LSBS = $clog2(C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH)-3,
+ parameter AXI_LSBS = $clog2(C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH)-3, // change it only to support narrow transfers
localparam DW = C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH,
@@ -571,3 +572,7 @@ module aximwr2wbsp #(
cover(cvr_wrid_bursts == 4);
+`ifndef YOSYS
+`default_nettype wire
diff --git a/rtl/axixclk.v b/rtl/axixclk.v
index d362974..57ea252 100644
--- a/rtl/axixclk.v
+++ b/rtl/axixclk.v
@@ -307,3 +307,7 @@ module axixclk #(
end endgenerate
+`ifndef YOSYS
+`default_nettype wire
diff --git a/rtl/easyaxil.v b/rtl/easyaxil.v
index e2e6dbb..25e5028 100644
--- a/rtl/easyaxil.v
+++ b/rtl/easyaxil.v
@@ -439,3 +439,7 @@ module easyaxil #(
// }}}
+`ifndef YOSYS
+`default_nettype wire
diff --git a/rtl/sfifothresh.v b/rtl/sfifothresh.v
index 7a010cf..33b754f 100644
--- a/rtl/sfifothresh.v
+++ b/rtl/sfifothresh.v
@@ -95,3 +95,7 @@ module sfifothresh(i_clk, i_reset,
assert(o_int == (o_fill >= $past(i_threshold)));
+`ifndef YOSYS
+`default_nettype wire
diff --git a/rtl/wbm2axilite.v b/rtl/wbm2axilite.v
index f3d63e2..d0f6689 100644
--- a/rtl/wbm2axilite.v
+++ b/rtl/wbm2axilite.v
@@ -41,48 +41,82 @@ module wbm2axilite #(
localparam DW = C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH,// Wishbone data width
localparam AW = C_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH-2// WB addr width (log wordsize)
) (
+ (* X_INTERFACE_INFO = "xilinx.com:signal:clock:1.0 i_clk CLK" *)
input wire i_clk,
+ (* X_INTERFACE_INFO = "xilinx.com:signal:reset:1.0 i_reset RST" *)
input wire i_reset,
// We'll share the clock and the reset
- input wire i_wb_cyc,
- input wire i_wb_stb,
- input wire i_wb_we,
- input wire [(AW-1):0] i_wb_addr,
- input wire [(DW-1):0] i_wb_data,
- input wire [(DW/8-1):0] i_wb_sel,
- output wire o_wb_stall,
- output reg o_wb_ack,
- output reg [(DW-1):0] o_wb_data,
- output reg o_wb_err,
+ (* X_INTERFACE_INFO = "opencores.org:bus:wishbone:B4 S_WBP CYC" *)
+ input wire i_wb_cyc,
+ (* X_INTERFACE_INFO = "opencores.org:bus:wishbone:B4 S_WBP STB" *)
+ input wire i_wb_stb,
+ (* X_INTERFACE_INFO = "opencores.org:bus:wishbone:B4 S_WBP WE" *)
+ input wire i_wb_we,
+ (* X_INTERFACE_INFO = "opencores.org:bus:wishbone:B4 S_WBP ADR" *)
+ input wire [(AW-1):0] i_wb_addr,
+ (* X_INTERFACE_INFO = "opencores.org:bus:wishbone:B4 S_WBP DAT_MOSI" *)
+ input wire [(DW-1):0] i_wb_data,
+ (* X_INTERFACE_INFO = "opencores.org:bus:wishbone:B4 S_WBP SEL" *)
+ input wire [(DW/8-1):0] i_wb_sel,
+ (* X_INTERFACE_INFO = "opencores.org:bus:wishbone:B4 S_WBP STALL" *)
+ output wire o_wb_stall,
+ (* X_INTERFACE_INFO = "opencores.org:bus:wishbone:B4 S_WBP ACK" *)
+ output reg o_wb_ack,
+ (* X_INTERFACE_INFO = "opencores.org:bus:wishbone:B4 S_WBP DAT_MISO" *)
+ output reg [(DW-1):0] o_wb_data,
+ (* X_INTERFACE_INFO = "opencores.org:bus:wishbone:B4 S_WBP ERR" *)
+ output reg o_wb_err,
// AXI write address channel signals
+ (* X_INTERFACE_INFO = "xilinx.com:interface:aximm:1.0 M_AXI AWVALID" *)
output reg o_axi_awvalid,
+ (* X_INTERFACE_INFO = "xilinx.com:interface:aximm:1.0 M_AXI AWREADY" *)
input wire i_axi_awready,
+ (* X_INTERFACE_INFO = "xilinx.com:interface:aximm:1.0 M_AXI AWADDR" *)
output reg [C_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH-1:0] o_axi_awaddr,
+ (* X_INTERFACE_INFO = "xilinx.com:interface:aximm:1.0 M_AXI AWPROT" *)
output wire [2:0] o_axi_awprot,
// AXI write data channel signals
+ (* X_INTERFACE_INFO = "xilinx.com:interface:aximm:1.0 M_AXI WVALID" *)
output reg o_axi_wvalid,
+ (* X_INTERFACE_INFO = "xilinx.com:interface:aximm:1.0 M_AXI WREADY" *)
input wire i_axi_wready,
+ (* X_INTERFACE_INFO = "xilinx.com:interface:aximm:1.0 M_AXI WDATA" *)
output reg [C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH-1:0] o_axi_wdata,
+ (* X_INTERFACE_INFO = "xilinx.com:interface:aximm:1.0 M_AXI WSTRB" *)
output reg [C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH/8-1:0] o_axi_wstrb,
// AXI write response channel signals
+ (* X_INTERFACE_INFO = "xilinx.com:interface:aximm:1.0 M_AXI BVALID" *)
input wire i_axi_bvalid,
+ (* X_INTERFACE_INFO = "xilinx.com:interface:aximm:1.0 M_AXI BREADY" *)
output wire o_axi_bready,
+ (* X_INTERFACE_INFO = "xilinx.com:interface:aximm:1.0 M_AXI BRESP" *)
input wire [1:0] i_axi_bresp,
// AXI read address channel signals
+ (* X_INTERFACE_INFO = "xilinx.com:interface:aximm:1.0 M_AXI ARVALID" *)
output reg o_axi_arvalid,
+ (* X_INTERFACE_INFO = "xilinx.com:interface:aximm:1.0 M_AXI ARREADY" *)
input wire i_axi_arready,
+ (* X_INTERFACE_INFO = "xilinx.com:interface:aximm:1.0 M_AXI ARADDR" *)
output reg [C_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH-1:0] o_axi_araddr,
+ (* X_INTERFACE_INFO = "xilinx.com:interface:aximm:1.0 M_AXI ARPROT" *)
output wire [2:0] o_axi_arprot,
- // AXI read data channel signals
+ // AXI read data channel signals
+ (* X_INTERFACE_INFO = "xilinx.com:interface:aximm:1.0 M_AXI RVALID" *)
input wire i_axi_rvalid,
+ (* X_INTERFACE_INFO = "xilinx.com:interface:aximm:1.0 M_AXI RREADY" *)
output wire o_axi_rready,
+ (* X_INTERFACE_INFO = "xilinx.com:interface:aximm:1.0 M_AXI RDATA" *)
input wire [C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH-1:0] i_axi_rdata,
+ (* X_INTERFACE_INFO = "xilinx.com:interface:aximm:1.0 M_AXI RRESP" *)
input wire [1:0] i_axi_rresp
diff --git a/rtl/wbm2axisp.v b/rtl/wbm2axisp.v
index cac5652..9e19dbc 100644
--- a/rtl/wbm2axisp.v
+++ b/rtl/wbm2axisp.v
@@ -66,67 +66,119 @@ module wbm2axisp #(
// }}}
) (
// {{{
- input wire i_clk, // System clock
- input wire i_reset,// Reset signal,drives AXI rst
+ (* X_INTERFACE_INFO = "xilinx.com:signal:clock:1.0 M_AXI_ACLK CLK" *)
+ input wire i_clk, // System clock
+ (* X_INTERFACE_INFO = "xilinx.com:signal:reset:1.0 i_reset RST" *)
+ input wire i_reset,// Reset signal active high, inverted drives AXI rst
// AXI write address channel signals
- output reg o_axi_awvalid, // Write address valid
- input wire i_axi_awready, // Slave is ready to accept
- output wire [C_AXI_ID_WIDTH-1:0] o_axi_awid, // Write ID
- output reg [C_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH-1:0] o_axi_awaddr, // Write address
- output wire [7:0] o_axi_awlen, // Write Burst Length
- output wire [2:0] o_axi_awsize, // Write Burst size
- output wire [1:0] o_axi_awburst, // Write Burst type
- output wire [0:0] o_axi_awlock, // Write lock type
- output wire [3:0] o_axi_awcache, // Write Cache type
- output wire [2:0] o_axi_awprot, // Write Protection type
- output wire [3:0] o_axi_awqos, // Write Quality of Svc
+ (* X_INTERFACE_INFO = "xilinx.com:interface:aximm:1.0 M_AXI AWVALID" *)
+ output reg o_axi_awvalid, // Write address valid
+ (* X_INTERFACE_INFO = "xilinx.com:interface:aximm:1.0 M_AXI AWREADY" *)
+ input wire i_axi_awready, // Slave is ready to accept
+ (* X_INTERFACE_INFO = "xilinx.com:interface:aximm:1.0 M_AXI AWID" *)
+ output wire [C_AXI_ID_WIDTH-1:0] o_axi_awid, // Write ID
+ (* X_INTERFACE_INFO = "xilinx.com:interface:aximm:1.0 M_AXI AWADDR" *)
+ output reg [C_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH-1:0] o_axi_awaddr, // Write address
+ (* X_INTERFACE_INFO = "xilinx.com:interface:aximm:1.0 M_AXI AWLEN" *)
+ output wire [7:0] o_axi_awlen, // Write Burst Length
+ (* X_INTERFACE_INFO = "xilinx.com:interface:aximm:1.0 M_AXI AWSIZE" *)
+ output wire [2:0] o_axi_awsize, // Write Burst size
+ (* X_INTERFACE_INFO = "xilinx.com:interface:aximm:1.0 M_AXI AWBURST" *)
+ output wire [1:0] o_axi_awburst, // Write Burst type
+ (* X_INTERFACE_INFO = "xilinx.com:interface:aximm:1.0 M_AXI AWLOCK" *)
+ output wire [0:0] o_axi_awlock, // Write lock type
+ (* X_INTERFACE_INFO = "xilinx.com:interface:aximm:1.0 M_AXI AWCACHE" *)
+ output wire [3:0] o_axi_awcache, // Write Cache type
+ (* X_INTERFACE_INFO = "xilinx.com:interface:aximm:1.0 M_AXI AWPROT" *)
+ output wire [2:0] o_axi_awprot, // Write Protection type
+ (* X_INTERFACE_INFO = "xilinx.com:interface:aximm:1.0 M_AXI AWQOS" *)
+ output wire [3:0] o_axi_awqos, // Write Quality of Svc
// AXI write data channel signals
- output reg o_axi_wvalid, // Write valid
- input wire i_axi_wready, // Write data ready
- output reg [C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH-1:0] o_axi_wdata, // Write data
- output reg [C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH/8-1:0] o_axi_wstrb, // Write strobes
- output wire o_axi_wlast, // Last write transaction
+ (* X_INTERFACE_INFO = "xilinx.com:interface:aximm:1.0 M_AXI WVALID" *)
+ output reg o_axi_wvalid, // Write valid
+ (* X_INTERFACE_INFO = "xilinx.com:interface:aximm:1.0 M_AXI WREADY" *)
+ input wire i_axi_wready, // Write data ready
+ (* X_INTERFACE_INFO = "xilinx.com:interface:aximm:1.0 M_AXI WDATA" *)
+ output reg [C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH-1:0] o_axi_wdata, // Write data
+ (* X_INTERFACE_INFO = "xilinx.com:interface:aximm:1.0 M_AXI WSTRB" *)
+ output reg [C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH/8-1:0] o_axi_wstrb, // Write strobes
+ (* X_INTERFACE_INFO = "xilinx.com:interface:aximm:1.0 M_AXI WLAST" *)
+ output wire o_axi_wlast, // Last write transaction
// AXI write response channel signals
- input wire i_axi_bvalid, // Write reponse valid
- output wire o_axi_bready, // Response ready
+ (* X_INTERFACE_INFO = "xilinx.com:interface:aximm:1.0 M_AXI BVALID" *)
+ input wire i_axi_bvalid, // Write reponse valid
+ (* X_INTERFACE_INFO = "xilinx.com:interface:aximm:1.0 M_AXI BREADY" *)
+ output wire o_axi_bready, // Response ready
+ (* X_INTERFACE_INFO = "xilinx.com:interface:aximm:1.0 M_AXI BID" *)
input wire [C_AXI_ID_WIDTH-1:0] i_axi_bid, // Response ID
- input wire [1:0] i_axi_bresp, // Write response
+ (* X_INTERFACE_INFO = "xilinx.com:interface:aximm:1.0 M_AXI BRESP" *)
+ input wire [1:0] i_axi_bresp, // Write response
// AXI read address channel signals
- output reg o_axi_arvalid, // Read address valid
- input wire i_axi_arready, // Read address ready
- output wire [C_AXI_ID_WIDTH-1:0] o_axi_arid, // Read ID
- output reg [C_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH-1:0] o_axi_araddr, // Read address
- output wire [7:0] o_axi_arlen, // Read Burst Length
- output wire [2:0] o_axi_arsize, // Read Burst size
- output wire [1:0] o_axi_arburst, // Read Burst type
- output wire [0:0] o_axi_arlock, // Read lock type
- output wire [3:0] o_axi_arcache, // Read Cache type
- output wire [2:0] o_axi_arprot, // Read Protection type
- output wire [3:0] o_axi_arqos, // Read Protection type
+ (* X_INTERFACE_INFO = "xilinx.com:interface:aximm:1.0 M_AXI ARVALID" *)
+ output reg o_axi_arvalid, // Read address valid
+ (* X_INTERFACE_INFO = "xilinx.com:interface:aximm:1.0 M_AXI ARREADY" *)
+ input wire i_axi_arready, // Read address ready
+ (* X_INTERFACE_INFO = "xilinx.com:interface:aximm:1.0 M_AXI ARID" *)
+ output wire [C_AXI_ID_WIDTH-1:0] o_axi_arid, // Read ID
+ (* X_INTERFACE_INFO = "xilinx.com:interface:aximm:1.0 M_AXI ARADDR" *)
+ output reg [C_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH-1:0] o_axi_araddr, // Read address
+ (* X_INTERFACE_INFO = "xilinx.com:interface:aximm:1.0 M_AXI ARLEN" *)
+ output wire [7:0] o_axi_arlen, // Read Burst Length
+ (* X_INTERFACE_INFO = "xilinx.com:interface:aximm:1.0 M_AXI ARSIZE" *)
+ output wire [2:0] o_axi_arsize, // Read Burst size
+ (* X_INTERFACE_INFO = "xilinx.com:interface:aximm:1.0 M_AXI ARBURST" *)
+ output wire [1:0] o_axi_arburst, // Read Burst type
+ (* X_INTERFACE_INFO = "xilinx.com:interface:aximm:1.0 M_AXI ARLOCK" *)
+ output wire [0:0] o_axi_arlock, // Read lock type
+ (* X_INTERFACE_INFO = "xilinx.com:interface:aximm:1.0 M_AXI ARCACHE" *)
+ output wire [3:0] o_axi_arcache, // Read Cache type
+ (* X_INTERFACE_INFO = "xilinx.com:interface:aximm:1.0 M_AXI ARPROT" *)
+ output wire [2:0] o_axi_arprot, // Read Protection type
+ (* X_INTERFACE_INFO = "xilinx.com:interface:aximm:1.0 M_AXI ARQOS" *)
+ output wire [3:0] o_axi_arqos, // Read Protection type
// AXI read data channel signals
- input wire i_axi_rvalid, // Read reponse valid
- output wire o_axi_rready, // Read Response ready
+ (* X_INTERFACE_INFO = "xilinx.com:interface:aximm:1.0 M_AXI RVALID" *)
+ input wire i_axi_rvalid, // Read reponse valid
+ (* X_INTERFACE_INFO = "xilinx.com:interface:aximm:1.0 M_AXI RREADY" *)
+ output wire o_axi_rready, // Read Response ready
+ (* X_INTERFACE_INFO = "xilinx.com:interface:aximm:1.0 M_AXI RID" *)
input wire [C_AXI_ID_WIDTH-1:0] i_axi_rid, // Response ID
+ (* X_INTERFACE_INFO = "xilinx.com:interface:aximm:1.0 M_AXI RDATA" *)
input wire [C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH-1:0] i_axi_rdata, // Read data
- input wire [1:0] i_axi_rresp, // Read response
- input wire i_axi_rlast, // Read last
+ (* X_INTERFACE_INFO = "xilinx.com:interface:aximm:1.0 M_AXI RRESP" *)
+ input wire [1:0] i_axi_rresp, // Read response
+ (* X_INTERFACE_INFO = "xilinx.com:interface:aximm:1.0 M_AXI RLAST" *)
+ input wire i_axi_rlast, // Read last
// We'll share the clock and the reset
- input wire i_wb_cyc,
- input wire i_wb_stb,
- input wire i_wb_we,
- input wire [(AW-1):0] i_wb_addr,
- input wire [(DW-1):0] i_wb_data,
- input wire [(DW/8-1):0] i_wb_sel,
- output reg o_wb_stall,
- output reg o_wb_ack,
- output reg [(DW-1):0] o_wb_data,
- output reg o_wb_err
+ (* X_INTERFACE_INFO = "opencores.org:bus:wishbone:B4 S_WBP CYC" *)
+ input wire i_wb_cyc,
+ (* X_INTERFACE_INFO = "opencores.org:bus:wishbone:B4 S_WBP STB" *)
+ input wire i_wb_stb,
+ (* X_INTERFACE_INFO = "opencores.org:bus:wishbone:B4 S_WBP WE" *)
+ input wire i_wb_we,
+ (* X_INTERFACE_INFO = "opencores.org:bus:wishbone:B4 S_WBP ADR" *)
+ input wire [(AW-1):0] i_wb_addr,
+ (* X_INTERFACE_INFO = "opencores.org:bus:wishbone:B4 S_WBP DAT_MOSI" *)
+ input wire [(DW-1):0] i_wb_data,
+ (* X_INTERFACE_INFO = "opencores.org:bus:wishbone:B4 S_WBP SEL" *)
+ input wire [(DW/8-1):0] i_wb_sel,
+ (* X_INTERFACE_INFO = "opencores.org:bus:wishbone:B4 S_WBP STALL" *)
+ output reg o_wb_stall,
+ (* X_INTERFACE_INFO = "opencores.org:bus:wishbone:B4 S_WBP ACK" *)
+ output reg o_wb_ack,
+ (* X_INTERFACE_INFO = "opencores.org:bus:wishbone:B4 S_WBP DAT_MISO" *)
+ output reg [(DW-1):0] o_wb_data,
+ (* X_INTERFACE_INFO = "opencores.org:bus:wishbone:B4 S_WBP ERR" *)
+ output reg o_wb_err
// }}}
@@ -1145,3 +1197,7 @@ module wbm2axisp #(
`endif // FORMAL
// }}}
+`ifndef YOSYS
+`default_nettype wire
diff --git a/rtl/wbp2classic.v b/rtl/wbp2classic.v
index 0e465f1..f8752a5 100644
--- a/rtl/wbp2classic.v
+++ b/rtl/wbp2classic.v
@@ -34,38 +34,67 @@
`default_nettype none
-module wbp2classic(i_clk, i_reset,
- i_mcyc, i_mstb, i_mwe, i_maddr, i_mdata, i_msel,
- o_mstall, o_mack, o_mdata, o_merr,
- o_scyc, o_sstb, o_swe, o_saddr, o_sdata, o_ssel,
- i_sack, i_sdata, i_serr,
- o_scti, o_sbte);
- parameter AW = 12,
- DW = 32;
- //
- input wire i_clk, i_reset;
- //
- // Incoming WB pipelined port
- input wire i_mcyc, i_mstb, i_mwe;
- input wire [AW-1:0] i_maddr;
- input wire [DW-1:0] i_mdata;
- input wire [DW/8-1:0] i_msel;
- output reg o_mstall, o_mack;
- output reg [DW-1:0] o_mdata;
- output reg o_merr;
- //
- // Outgoing WB classic port
- output reg o_scyc, o_sstb, o_swe;
- output reg [AW-1:0] o_saddr;
- output reg [DW-1:0] o_sdata;
- output reg [DW/8-1:0] o_ssel;
- input wire i_sack;
- input wire [DW-1:0] i_sdata;
- input wire i_serr;
- // Extra wires, not necessarily necessary for WB/B3
- output reg [2:0] o_scti;
- output reg [1:0] o_sbte;
+module wbp2classic #(
+ parameter AW = 12,
+ DW = 32
+ ) (
+ (* X_INTERFACE_INFO = "xilinx.com:signal:clock:1.0 i_clk CLK" *)
+ input wire i_clk,
+ (* X_INTERFACE_INFO = "xilinx.com:signal:reset:1.0 i_reset RST" *)
+ input wire i_reset,
+ //
+ // Incoming WB pipelined port WB4 slave interface
+ (* X_INTERFACE_INFO = "opencores.org:bus:wishbone:B4 S_WBP CYC" *)
+ input wire i_mcyc,
+ (* X_INTERFACE_INFO = "opencores.org:bus:wishbone:B4 S_WBP STB" *)
+ input wire i_mstb,
+ (* X_INTERFACE_INFO = "opencores.org:bus:wishbone:B4 S_WBP WE" *)
+ input wire i_mwe,
+ (* X_INTERFACE_INFO = "opencores.org:bus:wishbone:B4 S_WBP ADR" *)
+ input wire [(AW-1):0] i_maddr,
+ (* X_INTERFACE_INFO = "opencores.org:bus:wishbone:B4 S_WBP DAT_MOSI" *)
+ input wire [(DW-1):0] i_mdata,
+ (* X_INTERFACE_INFO = "opencores.org:bus:wishbone:B4 S_WBP SEL" *)
+ input wire [(DW/8-1):0] i_msel,
+ (* X_INTERFACE_INFO = "opencores.org:bus:wishbone:B4 S_WBP STALL" *)
+ output reg o_mstall,
+ (* X_INTERFACE_INFO = "opencores.org:bus:wishbone:B4 S_WBP ACK" *)
+ output reg o_mack,
+ (* X_INTERFACE_INFO = "opencores.org:bus:wishbone:B4 S_WBP DAT_MISO" *)
+ output reg [(DW-1):0] o_mdata,
+ (* X_INTERFACE_INFO = "opencores.org:bus:wishbone:B4 S_WBP ERR" *)
+ output reg o_merr,
+ // We'll share the clock and the reset
+ // Outgoing WB classic port master ( for convinience labelled as WB4, later use separate interface definition for WB3 classic)
+ (* X_INTERFACE_INFO = "opencores.org:bus:wishbone:B3 M_WBC CYC" *)
+ output reg o_scyc,
+ (* X_INTERFACE_INFO = "opencores.org:bus:wishbone:B3 M_WBC STB" *)
+ output reg o_sstb,
+ (* X_INTERFACE_INFO = "opencores.org:bus:wishbone:B3 M_WBC WE" *)
+ output reg o_swe,
+ (* X_INTERFACE_INFO = "opencores.org:bus:wishbone:B3 M_WBC ADR" *)
+ output reg [(AW-1):0] o_saddr,
+ (* X_INTERFACE_INFO = "opencores.org:bus:wishbone:B3 M_WBC DAT_MOSI" *)
+ output reg [(DW-1):0] o_sdata,
+ (* X_INTERFACE_INFO = "opencores.org:bus:wishbone:B3 M_WBC SEL" *)
+ output reg [(DW/8-1):0] o_ssel,
+ (* X_INTERFACE_INFO = "opencores.org:bus:wishbone:B3 M_WBC ACK" *)
+ input wire i_sack,
+ (* X_INTERFACE_INFO = "opencores.org:bus:wishbone:B3 M_WBC DAT_MISO" *)
+ input wire [(DW-1):0] i_sdata,
+ (* X_INTERFACE_INFO = "opencores.org:bus:wishbone:B3 M_WBC ERR" *)
+ input wire i_serr,
+ // Extra wires, not necessary for WB/B3
+ (* X_INTERFACE_INFO = "opencores.org:bus:wishbone:B3 M_WBC CTI" *)
+ output reg [2:0] o_scti,
+ (* X_INTERFACE_INFO = "opencores.org:bus:wishbone:B3 M_WBC BTE" *)
+ output reg [1:0] o_sbte
// returned = whether we've received our return value or not.
reg returned;
diff --git a/rtl/wbsafety.v b/rtl/wbsafety.v
index 3699a89..1a91e6d 100644
--- a/rtl/wbsafety.v
+++ b/rtl/wbsafety.v
@@ -523,3 +523,7 @@ module wbsafety(i_clk, i_reset,
+`ifndef YOSYS
+`default_nettype wire