- bpe280 driver
dma receive modeuse dma receive in i2c drivertry bit-banding using- main driver features
- check what is going in TC interrupt i2c
- refactoring
- move tacho to devices
- I2C restart in case of stuck - if device returned error. BMP280 likes to stuck. This bit can be used to reinitialize the peripheral after an error or a locked state. As an example, if the BUSY bit is set and remains locked due to a glitch on the bus, the SWRST bit can be used to exit from this state.
- if some i2c device was disconnected - doesn't work correct with next one
may be can use Busy FLAG check ???- const expr to create DMA channel instance
- i2c error handling to devices
- issue with last symbol in USART DMA transmition
- optimize stdLib inline and so on
- use bit-banding in perepherial drivers
change to constexpr everything that's possible- Try precompiled header for STD_PERIPH ???
- os core
- tasks
- resourceControl
- voltmeter
- doxygen - in process
- timer tacho/ign
- strobescope
- ninja
- esp8266 >> RIOT