Once you've set up your favourite bundler with PostCSS, you're ready to start using the runtime.
Here I'll showcase some of the ways this can be done in React.
yarn add @zeecoder/react-container-query --dev
# or
npm install @zeecoder/react-container-query --save-dev
You might have the following CSS:
.App {
/* ... */
&__child {
/* ... */
@container (width > 100px) {
Change some styles on the image element when the container is
wider than 100px
@container (aspect-ratio > 3) {
/* Change styles on the avatar itself, when the aspect-ratio is greater than 3 */
@container (width > 100px) and (height > 100px) {
/* ... */
Using render props.
import React from "react";
import { ContainerQuery } from "@zeecoder/react-container-query";
import { meta } from "./App.pcss";
// This component creates a `div` element by default. All props added to
// <ContainerQuery> will be forwarded to this div. If you need a different tag,
// then you can use the "as" prop, for example: `as="h1"`.
const App = () => (
<ContainerQuery meta={meta} className="App">
My App
<div className="App__child">Child</div>
export default App;
You might be interested in your component's size:
import React from "react";
import { ContainerQuery } from "@zeecoder/react-container-query";
import { meta } from "./App.pcss";
const App = () => (
<ContainerQuery meta={meta} className="App">
{size => (
<div className="App__child">
Size: {size.width}x{size.height}
export default App;
If you prefer Higher-Order Components:
import { withContainerQuery } from "@zeecoder/react-container-query";
import { meta } from "./App.pcss";
const App = () => (
<div className="App">
My App
<div className="App__child">Child</div>
export default withContainerQuery(App, meta);
As outlined in the React docs in order to properly support <=IE11, you'll probably want to include the appropriate polyfills.