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File metadata and controls

120 lines (102 loc) · 2.97 KB

Learn Git Basics 🚀

Welcome to the Git Basics Workshop! This repository contains exercises to help you learn essential Git commands.

Workshop Prerequisites

  • Git installed on your computer
  • A GitHub account
  • A text editor

Getting Started

  1. Fork this repository by clicking the "Fork" button at the top right of this page
  2. Clone your forked repository:
git clone
cd git-workshop


Exercise 1: Making Your First Commit

  1. Create a new file called introduction.txt
  2. Add your name and one fun fact about yourself
  3. Stage the file:
git add introduction.txt
  1. Commit the change:
git status  # Check what's staged
git commit -m "Add personal introduction"

Exercise 2: Branching Out

  1. Create and switch to a new branch:
git checkout -b feature/add-hobby
  1. Create a file called hobbies.txt and list your hobbies
  2. Stage and commit your changes
  3. Switch back to main:
git checkout main

Exercise 3: Merging Changes

  1. Merge your feature branch into main:
git merge feature/add-hobby
  1. Resolve any conflicts if they occur

Exercise 4: Collaboration

  1. Create a new branch called feature/favorite-foods
  2. Add a file favorite-foods.txt with your top 3 favorite foods
  3. Stage and commit your changes
  4. Push your branch to GitHub:
git push origin feature/favorite-foods
  1. Create a Pull Request on GitHub

Exercise 5: Pulling Updates

  1. Pull the latest changes from the main branch:
git checkout main
git pull origin main

Common Git Commands Reference

# Repository Setup
git clone <url>          # Clone a repository
git init                 # Initialize a new repository

# Basic Commands
git status              # Check repository status
git add <file>          # Stage changes
git commit -m "message" # Commit changes
git push                # Push changes to remote
git pull                # Pull changes from remote

# Branching
git branch              # List branches
git checkout <branch>   # Switch branches
git checkout -b <name>  # Create and switch to new branch
git merge <branch>      # Merge branches

# History
git log                 # View commit history
git diff                # View changes

Troubleshooting Tips

  • If you make a mistake in your last commit message:
    git commit --amend -m "New message"
  • If you need to undo staged changes:
    git reset HEAD <file>
  • If you need to discard local changes:
    git checkout -- <file>

Extra Challenges

  1. Try creating multiple branches and merging them
  2. Practice resolving merge conflicts
  3. Experiment with git revert to undo commits
  4. Create a .gitignore file and test it

Need Help?

If you get stuck, try these steps:

  1. Check git status to see what's happening
  2. Look at the error message carefully
  3. Ask a workshop mentor for help
  4. Google the error message (a very real developer skill!)