- Complete redesign with modern user interface
- Improved profile management system
- Enhanced SSO/SAML authentication handling
- Better Firefox and Chrome compatibility
- New streamlined interface with dark/light theme support
- Enhanced profile management:
- Easier profile creation and editing
- Import/Export functionality improvements
- Quick profile switching
- Improved SSO authentication reliability
- Better error messages and user feedback
- Faster performance and reduced memory usage
- Improved browser compatibility for both Chrome and Firefox
- More reliable SAML capture and processing
- Cleaner, more intuitive configuration interface
- Better handling of S3 bucket permissions
- Enhanced error reporting and troubleshooting
- Improved extension stability
- Bug fixes for Firefox support
- Add debug mode for console logging
- Resolve issue with background.js which was preventing SAML capture
- Bug fixes for Firefox support
- Permissions prompt in Firefox for AWS
- Firefox support added
- Changed S3 authentication method to utilise SSO SAML response
- Removed Cognito support
- Remove UI elements for Cognito
- Dependency and version updates.
- Cleanup: Removed unused code and files.
- Improved code comments for better maintainability.
- Added document titles for better accessibility.
- Improved accessibility with updates to HTML attributes.
- Font updates for better readability.
- Dependency and version updates.
- Cleanup: Removed unused code and files.
- Enhanced error handling in code.
- Refactored event listeners for improved readability.
- Fixed variable declaration issues.
- Code cleanup and added clarifying comments.
- Bug fixes for profile management
- Code refactoring
- Dependancy updates
- UI Update: Options and Popup separated
- Code refactor: Modularised codebase into libraries
- Dependancy updates
- Added Import/Export for profiles.
- Resolved issues with toast notifications not showing.
- Materialcss to bootstrap
- Adding fa for icons
- update materialize to v1.0.0
- add support for Amazon Cognito
- Updated UI. Sections further broken down into AESR Actions, AESR Configuration, S3 Configuration, Credentials and Cognito
- Added toast notifications upon action success/failure
- Added console logging when debugMode = true
- Upgraded from AWS SDK v2 to v3.
- Updated UI: error banner, instructions section, ExtentionID print, Last Send
- Added instructions