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Script engine

The Lua class holds all together, that is needed for the compile and the runtime process. Normally you need only one instance per application. But sometimes it is useful to have more than one e.g. multithread scenarios.

Main task for Lua are:

  • Compiling scripts to chunks
  • Cache dynamic binding rules, they resolved during runtime
  • Language runtime methods
  • Reflection cache during parsing


Compiles a script to a chunk.

This method is very useful, if you want to execute a chunk more than one times.

Argument Description
sFileName, sCode, sName, tr Defines the script code and the name.
debug It is possible to manipulate the chunk creation to inject debug functionality. null creates plan chunks without any debugging functionality.
args Defines arguments for the chunk. So it is possible define arguments for the chunk. A chunk that is compiled with CompileChunk has at least one argument G, the global environment.

see Chunks

LuaGlobal CreateEnvironment

Creates a new LuaTable, that is associated to the lua script engine and acts as a standard lua environment.

It is also possible to create the enviroment from the LuaGlobal constructor, but best practice is to do it over this method.

see Tables


Creates a delegate of lua code without any overhead.

A delegate, that is generated by this function has no debug information and no environment. It is not possible to use global variables or lua function/libraries in the code. Only the clr-Library is useable.

using (Lua l = new Lua())
  // Creates the delegate
  // the x is optional, if it not given, than the name comes from the delegate-parameter
  var f = l.CreateLambda<Func<double, double>>("f", "return clr.System.Math:Abs(x) * 2", "x");
  Console.WriteLine("f({0}) = {1}", 2, f(2));
  Console.WriteLine("f({0}) = {1}", 2, f(-2));
  // Creates a delegate with a declaration
  // it is possible to set a delegate type (replace the null with the type)
  // it is also possible to declare local variables/functions 
  var f2 = l.CreateLambda("f2", "local Math = clr.System.Math; return Math:Abs(x) * 2;", null, typeof(double), new KeyValuePair<string, Type>("x", typeof(double)));
  Console.WriteLine("f2({0}) = {1}", 2, f2.DynamicInvoke(2));
  Console.WriteLine("f2({0}) = {1}", 2, f2.DynamicInvoke(-2));

This is a very useful if you need small code blocks, like formulas or simple expressions.


Singleton for the a debug engine, that compiles the script in a dynamic assembly with debug information. So, it is possible to retrieve a stack trace from every exception. The runtime overhead is very low. But on the other hand it consumes a lot memory and the code is not collectable from the garbage collector.

To have more influence over the memory you have to create a own instance of LuaStackTraceDebugger. If this class is collected, all chunks they are associated to debug engine are also collected.

The stack trace is added to the Data property of every exception. To retrieve a formatted stack trace use LuaExceptionData.GetData.

LuaExceptionDataled = LuaExceptionData.GetData(e);

FloatType, IntegerType

These two properties define the default data type for numbers.


Parses a number like tonumber.

StandardPackagesPaths, StandardPackagesPath

The global package search paths. As an array or a ; seperated list.


Returns the current version of NeoLua.

void Clear()

Clears the dynamic binding rules.

void DumpRuleCaches(...)

Dumps all cached rules of this script engine. This method is only for debug proposes and might be removed in later version.