diff --git a/speculation-rules.bs b/speculation-rules.bs
index 6bcf76c..7e8d77a 100644
--- a/speculation-rules.bs
+++ b/speculation-rules.bs
@@ -578,7 +578,7 @@ A prerender candidate is a [=struct=] with the following [=struct/ite
1. ⌛ [=list/For each=] |link| of |links|:
1. ⌛ Let |url| be |link|'s [=HTMLHyperlinkElementUtils/url=].
1. ⌛ Let |referrerPolicy| be the result of [=computing a speculative action referrer policy=] given |rule| and |link|.
- 1. ⌛ [=list/Append=] a [=prefetch candidate=] with [=prefetch candidate/URL=] |url|, [=prefetch candidate/anonymization policy=] |anonymizationPolicy|, [=prefetch candidate/referrer policy=] |referrerPolicy|, and [=prefetch candidate/No-Vary-Search hint=] |rule|'s [=speculation rule/No-Vary-Search hint=] to |prefetchCandidates|.
+ 1. ⌛ [=list/Append=] a [=prefetch candidate=] with [=prefetch candidate/URL=] |url|, [=prefetch candidate/anonymization policy=] |anonymizationPolicy|, [=prefetch candidate/referrer policy=] |referrerPolicy|, [=prefetch candidate/eagerness=] |rule|'s [=speculation rule/eagerness=], and [=prefetch candidate/No-Vary-Search hint=] |rule|'s [=speculation rule/No-Vary-Search hint=] to |prefetchCandidates|.
1. ⌛ [=list/For each=] |rule| of |ruleSet|'s [=speculation rule set/prerender rules=]:
1. ⌛ [=list/For each=] |url| of |rule|'s [=speculation rule/URLs=]:
1. ⌛ Let |referrerPolicy| be the result of [=computing a speculative action referrer policy=] given |rule| and null.
@@ -591,7 +591,7 @@ A prerender candidate is a [=struct=] with the following [=struct/ite
1. ⌛ Let |target| be |rule|'s [=speculation rule/target navigable name hint=].
1. ⌛ If |target| is null, set it to the result of [=getting an element's target=] given |link|.
1. ⌛ Let |referrerPolicy| be the result of [=computing a speculative action referrer policy=] given |rule| and |link|.
- 1. ⌛ Let |prerenderCandidate| be a new [=prerender candidate=] whose [=prerender candidate/URL=] is |url|, [=prerender candidate/target navigable name hint=] is |target|, and [=prerender candidate/referrer policy=] is |referrerPolicy|.
+ 1. ⌛ Let |prerenderCandidate| be a new [=prerender candidate=] whose [=prerender candidate/URL=] is |url|, [=prerender candidate/target navigable name hint=] is |target|, [=prerender candidate/referrer policy=] is |referrerPolicy|, and [=prerender candidate/eagerness=] is |rule|'s [=speculation rule/eagerness=].
1. ⌛ [=list/Append=] |prerenderCandidate| to |prerenderCandidates|.
1. ⌛ [=list/For each=] |prefetchRecord| of |document|'s [=Document/prefetch records=]:
1. ⌛ If |prefetchRecord|'s [=prefetch record/label=] is not "`speculation-rules`", then [=iteration/continue=].