This page is a simple way to share working knowledge of IBM UrbanCode Velocity. Refer to the Knowledge Center for official documentation. You can also look under the help icon in the upper right of Velocity's header for a documentation link.
- Join the RFE community Login with your IBM ID to vote for product features, or share a new idea with the community. If you do not have an IBM ID, simply create one.
- Getting Started: You can get the Community Edition and/or Free Trial at
- Passport Advantage: For product licensing see
- Velocity Installer Download:
- Support:
- Forum:
Your contributions are welcome and appreciated! 🙂
Create an Issue The easiest way to contribute is by asking and/or answering a velocity-info issue (5 points and a gold star ⭐ if you ask and answer your own question).
These are not product issues, but a way to contribute to user content, so topics are very open. For instance, you might request new content like a workbook, suggest supplementary info, or describe a hurdle and/or solution.
Issues are highly searchable, so make sure to search for a related issue before posting a new one. Also, because of this, you can use velocity-info issues as a sort of Q&A.
Just click on the "Issues" tab from the repository or the link here to get started: