From bb5d7b9d07f2fb4928ca61544982795f562a7007 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: SharkPool <> Date: Wed, 9 Oct 2024 14:04:26 -0700 Subject: [PATCH 1/5] Hyper-Sense --- extensions/SharkPool/Hyper-Sense.js | 707 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 1 file changed, 707 insertions(+) create mode 100644 extensions/SharkPool/Hyper-Sense.js diff --git a/extensions/SharkPool/Hyper-Sense.js b/extensions/SharkPool/Hyper-Sense.js new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..c9116df8ef --- /dev/null +++ b/extensions/SharkPool/Hyper-Sense.js @@ -0,0 +1,707 @@ +// Name: Hyper Sense +// ID: HyperSenseSP +// Description: Cool New Sensing Blocks +// By: SharkPool + +// Version 3.0.1 (TW Ver) + +(function (Scratch) { + "use strict"; + if (!Scratch.extensions.unsandboxed) throw new Error("Hyper Sense must run unsandboxed"); + + const menuIconURI = +""; + + const vm = Scratch.vm; + const runtime = vm.runtime; + const render = vm.renderer; + + let curPressKey = null, pressedKeys = {}; + let mousePos = [0, 0, 0, 0], scrollDist = 0, oldScroll = [0, 0, 0]; + let publicVars = {}, askAs = "sprite", loudnessArray = []; + + class HyperSenseSP { + constructor() { + runtime.on("BEFORE_EXECUTE", () => { + runtime.startHats("HyperSenseSP_whenKeyPressed"); + oldScroll[2] += (0 - oldScroll[2]) / 4; + mousePos[2] += (0 - mousePos[2]) / 3; + mousePos[3] += (0 - mousePos[3]) / 3; + Object.keys(pressedKeys).forEach(key => { pressedKeys[key] += 0.1 }); + }); + document.addEventListener("wheel", this.handleScroll); + document.addEventListener("mousemove", (e) => { + mousePos = [ + e.clientX, e.clientY, runtime.ioDevices.mouse.getScratchX(), runtime.ioDevices.mouse.getScratchY() + ] + }); + window.addEventListener("keydown", (event) => { + const name = event.key.toUpperCase(); + if (pressedKeys[name] === undefined) pressedKeys[name] = 0; + curPressKey = name; + }); + window.addEventListener("keyup", (event) => { + delete pressedKeys[event.key.toUpperCase()]; + curPressKey = Object.keys(pressedKeys).pop() || null; + }); + } + getInfo() { + return { + id: "HyperSenseSP", + name: "Hyper Sense", + color1: "#5cb1d6", + color2: "#47a8d1", + color3: "#2e8eb8", + menuIconURI, + blocks: [ + { blockType: Scratch.BlockType.LABEL, text: "Scrolling" }, + { + opcode: "monitorScrollWheel", + blockType: Scratch.BlockType.REPORTER, + text: "scroll distance" + }, + { + opcode: "scrollVel", + blockType: Scratch.BlockType.REPORTER, + text: "scroll velocity" + }, + { + opcode: "setScrollDistance", + blockType: Scratch.BlockType.COMMAND, + text: "set scroll distance to [DISTANCE]", + arguments: { + DISTANCE: { type: Scratch.ArgumentType.NUMBER, defaultValue: 0 } + }, + }, + { + opcode: "changeScrollDistance", + blockType: Scratch.BlockType.COMMAND, + text: "change scroll distance by [DISTANCE]", + arguments: { + DISTANCE: { type: Scratch.ArgumentType.NUMBER, defaultValue: 100 } + }, + }, + { + opcode: "scrollWheelHat", + blockType: Scratch.BlockType.EVENT, + text: "when scrolled [EVENT]", + isEdgeActivated: false, + arguments: { + EVENT: { type: Scratch.ArgumentType.STRING, menu: "SCROLL_EVENTS" } + }, + }, + { + opcode: "scrollWheelBool", + blockType: Scratch.BlockType.BOOLEAN, + text: "is scrolling [EVENT]?", + disableMonitor: true, + arguments: { + EVENT: { type: Scratch.ArgumentType.STRING, menu: "SCROLL_EVENTS" } + }, + }, + { blockType: Scratch.BlockType.LABEL, text: "Mouse Detection" }, + { + opcode: "mouseClick", + blockType: Scratch.BlockType.BOOLEAN, + text: "is mouse [BUTTON] down?", + arguments: { + BUTTON: { type: Scratch.ArgumentType.NUMBER, menu: "mouseButtons" } + } + }, + { + opcode: "realX", + blockType: Scratch.BlockType.REPORTER, + text: "real mouse x" + }, + { + opcode: "realY", + blockType: Scratch.BlockType.REPORTER, + text: "real mouse y" + }, + "---", + { + opcode: "velX", + blockType: Scratch.BlockType.REPORTER, + text: "mouse velocity x" + }, + { + opcode: "velY", + blockType: Scratch.BlockType.REPORTER, + text: "mouse velocity y" + }, + { blockType: Scratch.BlockType.LABEL, text: "Key Detection" }, + { + opcode: "whenKeyHit", + blockType: Scratch.BlockType.HAT, + text: "when [KEY] hit", + arguments: { + KEY: { type: Scratch.ArgumentType.STRING, menu: "keys" } + } + }, + { + opcode: "isKeyHit", + blockType: Scratch.BlockType.BOOLEAN, + text: "key [KEY] hit?", + arguments: { + KEY: { type: Scratch.ArgumentType.STRING, menu: "keys" } + } + }, + "---", + { + opcode: "whenKeyPressed", + blockType: Scratch.BlockType.HAT, + text: "when [KEY] pressed", + isEdgeActivated: false, + arguments: { + KEY: { type: Scratch.ArgumentType.STRING, menu: "keys", defaultValue: "Tab" } + } + }, + { + opcode: "isKeyPressed", + blockType: Scratch.BlockType.BOOLEAN, + text: "key [KEY] pressed?", + arguments: { + KEY: { type: Scratch.ArgumentType.STRING, menu: "keys", defaultValue: "Tab" } + }, + }, + "---", + { + opcode: "currentKey", + blockType: Scratch.BlockType.REPORTER, + text: "current key pressed" + }, + { + opcode: "currentKeys", + blockType: Scratch.BlockType.REPORTER, + text: "current keys pressed" + }, + { + opcode: "timeKeyPressed", + blockType: Scratch.BlockType.REPORTER, + text: "seconds [KEY] key pressed", + arguments: { + KEY: { type: Scratch.ArgumentType.STRING, menu: "keys" } + } + }, + { blockType: Scratch.BlockType.LABEL, text: "Touching Expanded" }, + { + opcode: "spritePointing", + blockType: Scratch.BlockType.BOOLEAN, + text: "is [SPRITE1] pointing towards [SPRITE2]?", + arguments: { + SPRITE1: { type: Scratch.ArgumentType.STRING, menu: "TARGETS3" }, + SPRITE2: { type: Scratch.ArgumentType.STRING, menu: "TARGETS" } + } + }, + { + opcode: "spriteTouchingSprite", + blockType: Scratch.BlockType.BOOLEAN, + text: "is [SPRITE1] touching [SPRITE2]?", + arguments: { + SPRITE1: { type: Scratch.ArgumentType.STRING, menu: "TARGETS" }, + SPRITE2: { type: Scratch.ArgumentType.STRING, menu: "TARGETS3" } + } + }, + { + opcode: "spriteTouchingClone", + blockType: Scratch.BlockType.BOOLEAN, + text: "is [SPRITE1] touching clone of [SPRITE2] with [VAR] set to [VAL]?", + arguments: { + SPRITE1: { type: Scratch.ArgumentType.STRING, menu: "TARGETS3" }, + SPRITE2: { type: Scratch.ArgumentType.STRING, menu: "TARGETS4" }, + VAR: { type: Scratch.ArgumentType.STRING, defaultValue: "my variable" }, + VAL: { type: Scratch.ArgumentType.STRING, defaultValue: 0 } + } + }, + "---", + { + opcode: "spriteCurrentTouching", + blockType: Scratch.BlockType.REPORTER, + text: "sprites touching [SPRITE]", + arguments: { + SPRITE: { type: Scratch.ArgumentType.STRING, menu: "TARGETS2" } + } + }, + { + opcode: "getNeighbors", + blockType: Scratch.BlockType.REPORTER, + text: "neighbors of [SPRITE] in range [DIAMETER]", + arguments: { + SPRITE: { type: Scratch.ArgumentType.STRING, menu: "TARGETS2" }, + DIAMETER: { type: Scratch.ArgumentType.NUMBER, defaultValue: 200 } + } + }, + "---", + { + opcode: "colorTouchingSprite", + blockType: Scratch.BlockType.REPORTER, + text: "color touching [SPRITE]", + arguments: { + SPRITE: { type: Scratch.ArgumentType.STRING, menu: "TARGETS2" } + } + }, + { + opcode: "colorAtPosition", + blockType: Scratch.BlockType.REPORTER, + text: "color at x [x] y [y]", + arguments: { + x: { type: Scratch.ArgumentType.NUMBER, defaultValue: 0 }, + y: { type: Scratch.ArgumentType.NUMBER, defaultValue: 0 } + } + }, + { blockType: Scratch.BlockType.LABEL, text: "Strings" }, + { + opcode: "boolean", + blockType: Scratch.BlockType.BOOLEAN, + text: "is [STRING] real?", + arguments: { + STRING: { type: Scratch.ArgumentType.STRING } + } + }, + { + opcode: "getAllString", + blockType: Scratch.BlockType.REPORTER, + text: "get [TEXT] in [STRING]", + arguments: { + STRING: { type: Scratch.ArgumentType.STRING, defaultValue: "rotating a 6 makes a 9!" }, + TEXT: { type: Scratch.ArgumentType.STRING, menu: "string_types" } + } + }, + { blockType: Scratch.BlockType.LABEL, text: "Asking" }, + { + opcode: "advancedAsk", + blockType: Scratch.BlockType.COMMAND, + text: "ask [QUESTION] as [THING] and [WAIT]", + arguments: { + THING: { type: Scratch.ArgumentType.STRING, menu: "Asking" }, + QUESTION: { type: Scratch.ArgumentType.STRING, defaultValue: "what is your name?" }, + WAIT: { type: Scratch.ArgumentType.STRING, menu: "shouldWait" } + } + }, + { + opcode: "advancedAskReporter", + blockType: Scratch.BlockType.REPORTER, + text: "ask [QUESTION] as [THING]", + arguments: { + THING: { type: Scratch.ArgumentType.STRING, menu: "Asking" }, + QUESTION: { type: Scratch.ArgumentType.STRING, defaultValue: "what is your name?" } + } + }, + { + opcode: "stopAsking", + blockType: Scratch.BlockType.COMMAND, + text: "stop asking question" + }, + { + opcode: "currentTyped", + blockType: Scratch.BlockType.REPORTER, + text: "typed answer" + }, + { + opcode: "isAsking", + blockType: Scratch.BlockType.BOOLEAN, + text: "is asking?" + }, + "---", + { + opcode: "setAtt", + blockType: Scratch.BlockType.COMMAND, + text: "set ask monitor x: [x] y: [y] width: [width]", + arguments: { + x: { type: Scratch.ArgumentType.NUMBER, defaultValue: 0 }, + y: { type: Scratch.ArgumentType.NUMBER, defaultValue: 0 }, + width: { type: Scratch.ArgumentType.NUMBER, defaultValue: 480 } + } + }, + { + opcode: "setAskType", + blockType: Scratch.BlockType.COMMAND, + text: "set ask box input to [TYPE]", + arguments: { + TYPE: { type: Scratch.ArgumentType.STRING, menu: "INPUTS" } + } + }, + { + opcode: "setAskType2", + blockType: Scratch.BlockType.COMMAND, + text: "set ask box input to dropdown with items in array [TYPE]", + arguments: { + TYPE: { type: Scratch.ArgumentType.STRING, defaultValue: "[\"option 1\", \"option 2\"]" } + } + }, + { blockType: Scratch.BlockType.LABEL, text: "Miscellaneous" }, + { + opcode: "isScreen", + blockType: Scratch.BlockType.BOOLEAN, + text: "is [SCREEN] ?", + disableMonitor: true, + arguments: { + SCREEN: { type: Scratch.ArgumentType.STRING, menu: "SCREENS" } + } + }, + { + opcode: "screenOff", + blockType: Scratch.BlockType.REPORTER, + text: "stage size offset" + }, + "---", + { + opcode: "averageMicrophoneLoudness", + blockType: Scratch.BlockType.REPORTER, + text: "average loudness" + }, + { + opcode: "allLayers", + blockType: Scratch.BlockType.REPORTER, + text: "max sprite layers" + }, + "---", + { + opcode: "spriteDragMode", + blockType: Scratch.BlockType.COMMAND, + text: "set drag mode of [SPRITE] to [DRAG]", + arguments: { + SPRITE: { type: Scratch.ArgumentType.STRING, menu: "TARGETS3" }, + DRAG: { type: Scratch.ArgumentType.STRING, menu: "DRAG_MODES" } + }, + }, + { + opcode: "spriteDragging", + blockType: Scratch.BlockType.BOOLEAN, + text: "is [SPRITE] [DRAG] ?", + arguments: { + SPRITE: { type: Scratch.ArgumentType.STRING, menu: "TARGETS3" }, + DRAG: { type: Scratch.ArgumentType.STRING, menu: "DRAG_TYPE" } + }, + } + ], + menus: { + TARGETS: { acceptReporters: true, items: this._getTargets(true, false) }, + TARGETS2: { acceptReporters: true, items: this._getTargets(true, true) }, + TARGETS3: { acceptReporters: true, items: this._getTargets(false, true) }, + TARGETS4: { acceptReporters: true, items: this._getTargets(false, false) }, + SCREENS: ["fullscreen", "smallscreen"], + INPUTS: ["text", "password", "number", "color"], + Asking: ["stage", "sprite"], + shouldWait: ["wait", "continue"], + SCROLL_EVENTS: ["up", "down"], + DRAG_TYPE: ["draggable", "being dragged"], + DRAG_MODES: { acceptReporters: true, items: ["draggable", "not draggable"] }, + string_types: { acceptReporters: true, items: ["numbers", "letters", "special characters"] }, + keys: { + acceptReporters: true, + items: [ + "Any", "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H", "I", "J", + "K", "L", "M", "N", "O", "P", "Q", "R", "S", "T", + "U", "V", "W", "X", "Y", "Z", + "0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", + "Up Arrow", "Down Arrow", "Left Arrow", "Right Arrow", + "Space", "Enter", "Shift", "Control", "Alt", "Escape", + "Backspace", "Tab", "Caps Lock", + "Insert", "Page Up", "Page Down" + ] + }, + mouseButtons: { + acceptReporters: true, + items: [ + { text: "left", value: "0" }, + { text: "scroll wheel", value: "1" }, + { text: "right", value: "2" }, + { text: "back", value: "3" }, { text: "foward", value: "4" } + ], + } + } + }; + } + + // Helper Funcs + _getTargets(mouse, myself) { + const spriteNames = []; + if (mouse) { spriteNames.push({ text: "mouse-pointer", value: "_mouse_" }) } + if (myself) { spriteNames.push({ text: "myself", value: "_myself_" }) } + const targets = runtime.targets; + for (let index = 1; index < targets.length; index++) { + const target = targets[index]; + if (target.isOriginal) { + const targetName = target.getName(); + spriteNames.push({ text: targetName, value: targetName }); + } + } + return spriteNames.length > 0 ? spriteNames : [""]; + } + + handleScroll = (event) => { + scrollDist += event.deltaY; + oldScroll[2] = event.deltaY; + if (this.scrollWheelBool({ EVENT:"up", SECRET: true })) runtime.startHats("HyperSenseSP_scrollWheelHat", { EVENT: "up" }); + if (this.scrollWheelBool({ EVENT:"down", SECRET: true })) runtime.startHats("HyperSenseSP_scrollWheelHat", { EVENT: "down" }); + }; + + keyHandler(key, loop) { + if (key === "Any") { + if (curPressKey === null) return false; + key = curPressKey; + } + if (isNaN(parseFloat(key))) key = key.toUpperCase(); + let pressedKey = this.currentKey().toUpperCase(); + if (pressedKey !== " ") pressedKey = pressedKey.replaceAll(" ", ""); + if ( + ((key === "SPACE" && pressedKey === " ") || key === pressedKey || + (key.startsWith("DIGIT") && key.slice(5) === pressedKey)) + ) { + key = (key === "SPACE") ? " " : key; + return loop ? true : pressedKeys[key] <= 0.1; + } + return false; + } + + colorTouching(x, y) { + const clientX = Math.round((((runtime.stageWidth / 2) + x) / runtime.stageWidth) * render._gl.canvas.clientWidth); + const clientY = Math.round((((runtime.stageHeight / 2) - y) / runtime.stageHeight) * render._gl.canvas.clientHeight); + const rgb = render.extractColor(clientX, clientY, 20).color; + return `#${rgb.r.toString(16).padStart(2, "0")}${rgb.g.toString(16).padStart(2, "0")}${rgb.b.toString(16).padStart(2, "0")}`; + } + + // Block Funcs + monitorScrollWheel() { return scrollDist } + scrollVel() { return oldScroll[2] * -1 } + + setScrollDistance(args) { scrollDist = Scratch.Cast.toNumber(args.DISTANCE) } + changeScrollDistance(args) { scrollDist += Scratch.Cast.toNumber(args.DISTANCE) } + + scrollWheelBool(args) { + const i = args.SECRET ? 0 : 1; + const status = args.EVENT === "down" ? scrollDist > oldScroll[i] : scrollDist < oldScroll[i]; + if (status) oldScroll[i] = scrollDist; + return Scratch.Cast.toBoolean(status); + } + + mouseClick(args, util) { return util.ioQuery("mouse", "getButtonIsDown", [Scratch.Cast.toNumber(args.BUTTON)]) } + realX() { return mousePos[0] } + realY() { return mousePos[1] } + velX() { return mousePos[2] } + velY() { return mousePos[3] } + + isKeyHit(args) { return this.keyHandler(Scratch.Cast.toString(args.KEY).replace(" ", ""), false) } + whenKeyHit(args) { return this.keyHandler(Scratch.Cast.toString(args.KEY).replace(" ", ""), false) } + + whenKeyPressed(args) { return this.keyHandler(Scratch.Cast.toString(args.KEY).replace(" ", ""), true) } + isKeyPressed(args) { return this.keyHandler(Scratch.Cast.toString(args.KEY).replace(" ", ""), true) } + + currentKey() { + if (curPressKey === null) return "No Keys Pressed"; + else if (curPressKey.includes("ARROW") || curPressKey === "CAPSLOCK") { + return (curPressKey === "CAPSLOCK") ? "Caps Lock" : `${ curPressKey.charAt(5).toUpperCase() + curPressKey.slice(6).toLowerCase() } Arrow`; + } + return curPressKey.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + curPressKey.slice(1).toLowerCase(); + } + + currentKeys() { + return JSON.stringify(Object.keys(pressedKeys).map((key) => { + if (key.includes("ARROW") || key === "CAPSLOCK") return (key === "CAPSLOCK") ? "Caps Lock" : `${key.charAt(5).toUpperCase() + key.slice(6).toLowerCase()} Arrow`; + return key.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + key.slice(1).toLowerCase(); + })); + } + + timeKeyPressed(args) { + let key = Scratch.Cast.toString(args.KEY).replace(" ", ""); + if (isNaN(parseFloat(key))) key = key.toUpperCase(); + if (key === "SPACE") key = " "; + if (args.KEY === "Any") return Math.max(0, ...Object.values(pressedKeys)); + else return pressedKeys[key] ?? 0; + } + + spritePointing(args, util) { + const target = args.SPRITE1 === "_myself_" ? : runtime.getSpriteTargetByName(args.SPRITE1); + if (!target) return false; + const oldDir = target.direction; + runtime.ext_scratch3_motion.pointTowards({ TOWARDS : args.SPRITE2 }, { ...util, target, ioQuery : util.ioQuery }); + const newDir = target.direction; + target.setDirection(oldDir); + return Math.round(newDir) === Math.round(oldDir); + } + + spriteTouchingSprite(args, util) { + const sprite2 = args.SPRITE2; + const target = sprite2 === "_myself_" ? : runtime.getSpriteTargetByName(sprite2); + if (!target) return false; + return target.isTouchingObject(args.SPRITE1); + } + + spriteTouchingClone(args, util) { + const target1 = args.SPRITE1 === "_myself_" ? : runtime.getSpriteTargetByName(args.SPRITE1); + const target2 = runtime.getSpriteTargetByName(args.SPRITE2); + if (!target1 || !target2) return false; + const clones = target2.sprite.clones; + for (var i = 1; i < clones.length; i++) { + if (clones[i]) { + const variable = clones[i].lookupVariableByNameAndType(args.VAR, "", clones[i]); + if (variable && Scratch.Cast.toString(variable.value) === Scratch.Cast.toString(args.VAL)) { + if (render.isTouchingDrawables(target1.drawableID, [clones[i].drawableID])) return true; + } + } + } + return false; + } + + spriteCurrentTouching(args, util) { + const list = []; + const thisSprite = args.SPRITE === "_mouse_" ? "_mouse_" : args.SPRITE === "_myself_" ? : args.SPRITE; + const targets = runtime.targets; + for (let index = 1; index < targets.length; index++) { + const target = targets[index]; + const name = `${target.getName()}${target.isOriginal ? "" : " (Clone)"}`; + if (target.isTouchingObject(thisSprite) && name !== thisSprite) list.push(name); + } + return JSON.stringify(list); + } + + getNeighbors(args, util) { + const circ = Scratch.Cast.toNumber(args.DIAMETER); + let list = [], pos = []; + if (args.SPRITE === "_mouse_") pos = [util.ioQuery("mouse", "getScratchX"), util.ioQuery("mouse", "getScratchY"), ""]; + else if (args.SPRITE === "_myself_") pos = [,,]; + else { + const nameTarget = runtime.getSpriteTargetByName(args.SPRITE); + if (!nameTarget) return "[]"; + pos = [nameTarget.x, nameTarget.y,]; + } + const targets = runtime.targets; + for (let index = 1; index < targets.length; index++) { + const target = targets[index]; + const dx = pos[0] - target.x; + const dy = pos[1] - target.y; + if (Math.sqrt((dx * dx) + (dy * dy)) <= circ && !== pos[2]) list.push(`${target.getName()}${target.isOriginal ? "" : " (Clone)"}`); + } + return JSON.stringify(list); + } + + colorAtPosition(args) { return this.colorTouching(Scratch.Cast.toNumber(args.x), Scratch.Cast.toNumber(args.y)) } + colorTouchingSprite(args, util) { + if (args.SPRITE === "_mouse_") return this.colorTouching(util.ioQuery("mouse", "getScratchX"), util.ioQuery("mouse", "getScratchY")); + else { + const target = args.SPRITE === "_myself_" ? : runtime.getSpriteTargetByName(args.SPRITE); + if (!target) return ""; + const wasVisible = target.visible; + target.setVisible(false); + const hex = this.colorTouching(target.x, target.y); + target.setVisible(wasVisible); + return hex; + } + } + + boolean(args) { return (Scratch.Cast.toBoolean(args.STRING) && args.STRING !== undefined) } + + getAllString(args) { + let regex; + switch (args.TEXT) { + case "numbers": {regex = /[^0-9]/g; break } + case "special characters": {regex = /[A-Za-z0-9]/g; break } + default: regex = /[^A-Za-z]/g; + } + return args.STRING.replace(regex, ""); + } + + advancedAsk(args, util) { + const wasVisible =; + if (! && args.THING === "stage"); + askAs = args.THING; + return new Promise(resolve => { + runtime.ext_scratch3_sensing.askAndWait(args, util); + if (! && wasVisible); + if (publicVars.askStuff) this.setAtt(publicVars.askStuff); + if (publicVars.askType) this.setAskType(publicVars.askType); + if (args.WAIT === "continue") resolve(); + else runtime.once("ANSWER", () => { resolve() }); + }); + } + advancedAskReporter(args, util) { + return this.advancedAsk(args, util).then(() => { return runtime.ext_scratch3_sensing.getAnswer() }); + } + + stopAsking() { + runtime.emit("ANSWER", this.currentTyped()); + runtime.emit("QUESTION", null); + } + + currentTyped() { + let box = document.querySelector(typeof scaffolding !== "undefined" ? `input[class="sc-question-input"]` : `div[class*="question"] [class^="input_input-form"]`); + return box ? box.value : ""; + } + + isAsking() { return Scratch.Cast.toBoolean(document.querySelector(`div[class*="question-input"]`)) } + + setAtt(args) { + let box = document.querySelector(`div[class*="question"]`); + if (!box) return publicVars.askStuff = args; + const canvas = getComputedStyle(render.canvas); + if (args.width) = `${args.width * (parseInt(canvas.width) / 480)}px`; + const x = Scratch.Cast.toNumber(args.x) + (parseInt(canvas.width) / 2) - (args.width * (parseInt(canvas.width) / 480) / 2); + const y = Scratch.Cast.toNumber(args.y) + (parseInt(canvas.height) / 2) - (askAs === "stage" ? 53 : 39); + = `translate(${x}px, ${y * -1}px)`; + } + + setAskType(args) { + let box = document.querySelector(typeof scaffolding !== "undefined" ? `input[class="sc-question-input"]` : `div[class*="question"] [class^="input_input-form"]`); + if (!box) return publicVars.askType = args; + const element = document.getElementById("SP-input_select"); + if (element) box.parentNode.removeChild(element); + if (args.TYPE === "dropdown") { + const width = box.parentNode.getBoundingClientRect().width; + let dropdown = document.createElement("select"); + = "SP-input_select"; + dropdown.setAttribute("style", `background: #fff; color: #505050; width: ${width - 40}px; display: block; border-width: 2px; border-color: #D9D9D9; transform: translate(0px,3px);`); + args.LIST.forEach(item => { + let option = document.createElement("option"); + option.value = item; option.text = item; + dropdown.appendChild(option); + }); + box.parentNode.appendChild(dropdown); + = "none"; + box.value = dropdown.value; + dropdown.addEventListener("change", () => { box.value = dropdown.value }); + const button = document.querySelector(`button[class*="question-submit-button"]`); + button.addEventListener("click", () => { + setTimeout(() => { runtime.ext_scratch3_sensing._answer = box.value }, 10); + }); + } else { + box.type = args.TYPE; + box.pattern = args.TYPE === "number" ? "[0-9]*" : "none"; + = "block"; + } + } + setAskType2(args, util) { + try { + const array = JSON.parse(args.TYPE); + if (array.length > 0) this.setAskType({...args, TYPE : "dropdown", LIST : array }) + } catch {} + } + + isScreen(args) { + const values = [render.canvas.getBoundingClientRect().width, runtime.stageWidth]; + return args.SCREEN === "fullscreen" ? values[0] > values[1] : values[0] < values[1]; + } + screenOff() { return render.canvas.getBoundingClientRect().width / runtime.stageWidth } + + averageMicrophoneLoudness() { + if (loudnessArray.length >= 30) loudnessArray = []; + loudnessArray.push(runtime.ext_scratch3_sensing.getLoudness()); + let sum = loudnessArray.reduce((accumulator, curValue) => accumulator + curValue, 0); + return Math.round((sum / loudnessArray.length) * 100) / 100; + } + + allLayers() { return render._drawList.length - 1 } + + spriteDragMode(args, util) { + const target = args.SPRITE === "_myself_" ? : runtime.getSpriteTargetByName(args.SPRITE); + if (target) target.setDraggable(args.DRAG === "draggable"); + } + spriteDragging(args, util) { + const target = args.SPRITE === "_myself_" ? : runtime.getSpriteTargetByName(args.SPRITE); + if (target) return target[args.DRAG === "draggable" ? "draggable" : "dragging"]; + return false; + } + } + + Scratch.extensions.register(new HyperSenseSP()); +})(Scratch); From 657c17b4375239b1875d9e8cd779bd2c1ba19161 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: SharkPool <> Date: Wed, 9 Oct 2024 14:17:36 -0700 Subject: [PATCH 2/5] Create Hyper-Sense.svg --- images/SharkPool/Hyper-Sense.svg | 24 ++++++++++++++++++++++++ 1 file changed, 24 insertions(+) create mode 100644 images/SharkPool/Hyper-Sense.svg diff --git a/images/SharkPool/Hyper-Sense.svg b/images/SharkPool/Hyper-Sense.svg new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..a3b3b1f791 --- /dev/null +++ b/images/SharkPool/Hyper-Sense.svg @@ -0,0 +1,24 @@ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + From 6de21c5268e177a7b7459b2e2ddab6259497a2a9 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: SharkPool <> Date: Fri, 25 Oct 2024 19:44:04 -0700 Subject: [PATCH 3/5] Hyper-Sense -- Scroll Bool Bug Fix --- extensions/SharkPool/Hyper-Sense.js | 26 +++++++++++++++++--------- 1 file changed, 17 insertions(+), 9 deletions(-) diff --git a/extensions/SharkPool/Hyper-Sense.js b/extensions/SharkPool/Hyper-Sense.js index c9116df8ef..d087c7d498 100644 --- a/extensions/SharkPool/Hyper-Sense.js +++ b/extensions/SharkPool/Hyper-Sense.js @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ // Description: Cool New Sensing Blocks // By: SharkPool -// Version 3.0.1 (TW Ver) +// Version 3.0.2 (TW Ver) (function (Scratch) { "use strict"; @@ -17,14 +17,14 @@ const render = vm.renderer; let curPressKey = null, pressedKeys = {}; - let mousePos = [0, 0, 0, 0], scrollDist = 0, oldScroll = [0, 0, 0]; + let mousePos = [0, 0, 0, 0], scrollDist = 0, oldScroll = [0, 0]; let publicVars = {}, askAs = "sprite", loudnessArray = []; class HyperSenseSP { constructor() { runtime.on("BEFORE_EXECUTE", () => { runtime.startHats("HyperSenseSP_whenKeyPressed"); - oldScroll[2] += (0 - oldScroll[2]) / 4; + oldScroll[1] += (0 - oldScroll[1]) / 4; mousePos[2] += (0 - mousePos[2]) / 3; mousePos[3] += (0 - mousePos[3]) / 3; Object.keys(pressedKeys).forEach(key => { pressedKeys[key] += 0.1 }); @@ -432,7 +432,7 @@ handleScroll = (event) => { scrollDist += event.deltaY; - oldScroll[2] = event.deltaY; + oldScroll[1] = event.deltaY; if (this.scrollWheelBool({ EVENT:"up", SECRET: true })) runtime.startHats("HyperSenseSP_scrollWheelHat", { EVENT: "up" }); if (this.scrollWheelBool({ EVENT:"down", SECRET: true })) runtime.startHats("HyperSenseSP_scrollWheelHat", { EVENT: "down" }); }; @@ -464,15 +464,23 @@ // Block Funcs monitorScrollWheel() { return scrollDist } - scrollVel() { return oldScroll[2] * -1 } + scrollVel() { return oldScroll[1] * -1 } setScrollDistance(args) { scrollDist = Scratch.Cast.toNumber(args.DISTANCE) } changeScrollDistance(args) { scrollDist += Scratch.Cast.toNumber(args.DISTANCE) } - scrollWheelBool(args) { - const i = args.SECRET ? 0 : 1; - const status = args.EVENT === "down" ? scrollDist > oldScroll[i] : scrollDist < oldScroll[i]; - if (status) oldScroll[i] = scrollDist; + scrollWheelBool(args, util) { + let oldVal; + if (args.SECRET) oldVal = oldScroll[0]; + else { + if (util.thread.stackFrames[0].oldVal === undefined) util.thread.stackFrames[0].oldVal = 0; + oldVal = util.thread.stackFrames[0].oldVal; + } + const status = args.EVENT === "down" ? scrollDist > oldVal : scrollDist < oldVal; + if (status) { + if (args.SECRET) oldScroll[0] = scrollDist; + else util.thread.stackFrames[0].oldVal = scrollDist; + } return Scratch.Cast.toBoolean(status); } From 4f0e6f4118807f810ab2135950af182d14bd23d0 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: SharkPool <> Date: Tue, 26 Nov 2024 21:16:04 -0800 Subject: [PATCH 4/5] Hyper-Sense -- Key Pressed Rewrite --- extensions/SharkPool/Hyper-Sense.js | 73 ++++++++++++++--------------- 1 file changed, 36 insertions(+), 37 deletions(-) diff --git a/extensions/SharkPool/Hyper-Sense.js b/extensions/SharkPool/Hyper-Sense.js index d087c7d498..d97f8e66ad 100644 --- a/extensions/SharkPool/Hyper-Sense.js +++ b/extensions/SharkPool/Hyper-Sense.js @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ // Description: Cool New Sensing Blocks // By: SharkPool -// Version 3.0.2 (TW Ver) +// Version 3.0.21 (TW Ver) (function (Scratch) { "use strict"; @@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ const runtime = vm.runtime; const render = vm.renderer; - let curPressKey = null, pressedKeys = {}; + let curPressKey = "", pressedKeys = {}; let mousePos = [0, 0, 0, 0], scrollDist = 0, oldScroll = [0, 0]; let publicVars = {}, askAs = "sprite", loudnessArray = []; @@ -36,13 +36,13 @@ ] }); window.addEventListener("keydown", (event) => { - const name = event.key.toUpperCase(); + const name = this.toProperKey(event.key, false); if (pressedKeys[name] === undefined) pressedKeys[name] = 0; curPressKey = name; }); window.addEventListener("keyup", (event) => { - delete pressedKeys[event.key.toUpperCase()]; - curPressKey = Object.keys(pressedKeys).pop() || null; + delete pressedKeys[this.toProperKey(event.key, false)]; + curPressKey = Object.keys(pressedKeys).pop() || ""; }); } getInfo() { @@ -437,20 +437,31 @@ if (this.scrollWheelBool({ EVENT:"down", SECRET: true })) runtime.startHats("HyperSenseSP_scrollWheelHat", { EVENT: "down" }); }; + toProperKey(key, reverse) { + if (reverse) { + if (key === "CAPSLOCK") return "Caps Lock"; + key = Scratch.Cast.toString(key).replace("DIGIT", "").toLowerCase(); + if (key.includes("arrow")) key = key.replace("arrow", "") + " Arrow"; + if (key.includes("page")) key = "Page " + key.charAt(4).toUpperCase() + key.slice(5); + key = key.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + key.slice(1); + } else { + if (key === " ") return "SPACE"; + key = key.toUpperCase().replaceAll(" ", ""); + if (!isNaN(parseFloat(key))) return "DIGIT" + key; + if (key.includes("ARROW")) key = key.replace("ARROW", "") + "ARROW"; + } + return key; + } + keyHandler(key, loop) { - if (key === "Any") { - if (curPressKey === null) return false; - key = curPressKey; + key = this.toProperKey(key, false); + if (key === "ANY" && curPressKey !== "") { + if (loop) return true; + else return pressedKeys[curPressKey] <= 0.1; } - if (isNaN(parseFloat(key))) key = key.toUpperCase(); - let pressedKey = this.currentKey().toUpperCase(); - if (pressedKey !== " ") pressedKey = pressedKey.replaceAll(" ", ""); - if ( - ((key === "SPACE" && pressedKey === " ") || key === pressedKey || - (key.startsWith("DIGIT") && key.slice(5) === pressedKey)) - ) { - key = (key === "SPACE") ? " " : key; - return loop ? true : pressedKeys[key] <= 0.1; + if (pressedKeys[key]) { + if (loop) return true; + else return pressedKeys[key] <= 0.1; } return false; } @@ -490,32 +501,20 @@ velX() { return mousePos[2] } velY() { return mousePos[3] } - isKeyHit(args) { return this.keyHandler(Scratch.Cast.toString(args.KEY).replace(" ", ""), false) } - whenKeyHit(args) { return this.keyHandler(Scratch.Cast.toString(args.KEY).replace(" ", ""), false) } + isKeyHit(args) { return this.keyHandler(Scratch.Cast.toString(args.KEY), false) } + whenKeyHit(args) { return this.keyHandler(Scratch.Cast.toString(args.KEY), false) } - whenKeyPressed(args) { return this.keyHandler(Scratch.Cast.toString(args.KEY).replace(" ", ""), true) } - isKeyPressed(args) { return this.keyHandler(Scratch.Cast.toString(args.KEY).replace(" ", ""), true) } - - currentKey() { - if (curPressKey === null) return "No Keys Pressed"; - else if (curPressKey.includes("ARROW") || curPressKey === "CAPSLOCK") { - return (curPressKey === "CAPSLOCK") ? "Caps Lock" : `${ curPressKey.charAt(5).toUpperCase() + curPressKey.slice(6).toLowerCase() } Arrow`; - } - return curPressKey.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + curPressKey.slice(1).toLowerCase(); - } + whenKeyPressed(args) { return this.keyHandler(Scratch.Cast.toString(args.KEY), true) } + isKeyPressed(args) { return this.keyHandler(Scratch.Cast.toString(args.KEY), true) } + currentKey() { return this.toProperKey(curPressKey, true) } currentKeys() { - return JSON.stringify(Object.keys(pressedKeys).map((key) => { - if (key.includes("ARROW") || key === "CAPSLOCK") return (key === "CAPSLOCK") ? "Caps Lock" : `${key.charAt(5).toUpperCase() + key.slice(6).toLowerCase()} Arrow`; - return key.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + key.slice(1).toLowerCase(); - })); + return JSON.stringify(Object.keys(pressedKeys).map((key) => { return this.toProperKey(key, true) })); } timeKeyPressed(args) { - let key = Scratch.Cast.toString(args.KEY).replace(" ", ""); - if (isNaN(parseFloat(key))) key = key.toUpperCase(); - if (key === "SPACE") key = " "; - if (args.KEY === "Any") return Math.max(0, ...Object.values(pressedKeys)); + const key = this.toProperKey(Scratch.Cast.toString(args.KEY), false); + if (key === "ANY") return Math.max(0, ...Object.values(pressedKeys)); else return pressedKeys[key] ?? 0; } From b8b595c8c9dd95ac732ce89fc573e96d5eecb933 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: SharkPool <> Date: Wed, 15 Jan 2025 13:52:28 -0800 Subject: [PATCH 5/5] Hyper-Sense -- Fix Clone Detection --- extensions/SharkPool/Hyper-Sense.js | 7 ++++--- 1 file changed, 4 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-) diff --git a/extensions/SharkPool/Hyper-Sense.js b/extensions/SharkPool/Hyper-Sense.js index d97f8e66ad..5052420070 100644 --- a/extensions/SharkPool/Hyper-Sense.js +++ b/extensions/SharkPool/Hyper-Sense.js @@ -2,8 +2,9 @@ // ID: HyperSenseSP // Description: Cool New Sensing Blocks // By: SharkPool +// License: MIT -// Version 3.0.21 (TW Ver) +// Version 3.0.22 (TW Ver) (function (Scratch) { "use strict"; @@ -522,7 +523,7 @@ const target = args.SPRITE1 === "_myself_" ? : runtime.getSpriteTargetByName(args.SPRITE1); if (!target) return false; const oldDir = target.direction; - runtime.ext_scratch3_motion.pointTowards({ TOWARDS : args.SPRITE2 }, { ...util, target, ioQuery : util.ioQuery }); + runtime.ext_scratch3_motion.pointTowards({ TOWARDS: args.SPRITE2 }, { ...util, target, ioQuery : util.ioQuery }); const newDir = target.direction; target.setDirection(oldDir); return Math.round(newDir) === Math.round(oldDir); @@ -532,7 +533,7 @@ const sprite2 = args.SPRITE2; const target = sprite2 === "_myself_" ? : runtime.getSpriteTargetByName(sprite2); if (!target) return false; - return target.isTouchingObject(args.SPRITE1); + return target.sprite.clones.some((t) => { return t.isTouchingObject(args.SPRITE1) }) } spriteTouchingClone(args, util) {