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Mike Gerdts <[email protected]>

RFD 121 bhyve brand

NOTE This is a draft. Your feedback and that of others will likely cause things to change. Open issues are tagged with @githubusername.

The FreeBSD hypervisor, bhyve (pronounced "beehive"), is being ported to SmartOS as a potential replacement for KVM. The key motivations for this include better network performance and more opportunities for collaboration with the FreeBSD bhyve community.

There are several motivations for the bhyve zone brand. In no particular order, they are:

  • In the unlikely event of a security flaw that leads to a guest escape, the escape may be into a zone with greatly reduced privileges.
  • Zones are well integrated with a variety of resource controls that are important for predictable behavior on shared resources.
  • Zones provide easy mechanisms network virtualization and isolation.
  • Many cloud and virtualization management frameworks are designed to work with zones. This is particularly true in Joyent's environment.

The following sections provide a brief overview bhyve then significant detail on the bhyve brand.

Overview of bhyve

bhyve is the name of the user space process that acts as the hypervisor. It also uses the vmm (virtual machine monitor) and viona (VirtIO Network Adaptor) drivers, which are being introduced with the bhyve project.

The configuration of the virtual hardware is controlled purely through command-line arguments to the bhyve command. A typical command line looks like:

bhyve -m 4g -c 2 -l com1,stdio -P -H -s 1,lpc \
    -s 3,virtio-blk,/dev/zvol/rdsk/tank/myfirstvm/disk0 \
    -s 4,virtio-net-viona,net0 \
    -l bootrom,/usr/share/bhyve/bhyve-csm-rom.fd myfirstvm

That is, the VM named myfirstvm has:

  • 4 GB of RAM
  • 2 virtual CPUs
  • first serial port (ttya, ttyS0, com1) attached to stdin and stdout
  • An LPC PCI-ISA bridge, providing connectivity to com1, com2, and bootrom
  • A disk device at PCI (bus, slot, function) 0,3,0. This disk device is created before running the bhyve program, and is most likely populated with an installed operating system.
  • A network device at PCI 0,4,0. This device, typically a vnic, must exist before bhyve is executed.
  • A boot ROM

There are a variety of other things that may be configured via command line arguments. See bhyve(8).

Even after the bhyve command exits, the VM state may still be present in the kernel. Subject to certain limitations, this can be reused by future invocations of bhyve to avoid the expensive freeing and allocation of gigabytes of memory. When one wants to free up these resources, bhyvectl --vm=<name> --destroy must be used.

It is possible to run an arbitrary number of bhyve instances in the global zone or non-global zones, subject to resource constraints.

The bhyve brand

The bhyve brand will be implemented in a way that allows it to be included in illumos so as to benefit from community involvement and to minimize the troubles associated with maintaining a fork. The key implication for SmartOS is that all interaction between vmadm[d] and the bhyve must be through public zones interfaces. This is contrast to how other SmartOS brands are currently implemented: most or all of the brand files for the smartos, lx, and kvm brands live outside of the illumos-joyent repository.

Within a bhyve zone, a special version of the bhyve program is used as the only process in the zone. It goes by the name zhyve. The life of a zhyve instance and its vmm state (e.g. guest memory, etc.) will match the life of the zone virtual platform. That is, the zone's init process is zhyve and care is taken to ensure that all resources are freed before the virtual platform is taken down. No vmm instance will outlive the zone_t of the zone in which it was created.

By default, LPC device com1 will be connected to /dev/zconsole. If the guest boot loader and/or operating system redirects its console to the first serial port (COM1, ttya, ttyS0, etc.), zlogin -C may be used to access the guest's console. This may be customized with a serial resource.

Public interfaces

The public interfaces to the bhyve brand are via zonecfg(1M), zoneadm(1M), and zlogin(1M). A new man page, bhyve(5) will be added to describe the uniqueness of the brand.

Zone Configuration

Because hardware virtual machines have unique configuration requirements, various new resource types and properties will be needed. Some resource types and properties that are appropriate for other brands will not be appropriate for the bhyve brand. Details of how resource types and properties are selectively enabled per-brand are found in RFD 122. Details on the resource types and properties supported by the bhyve brand are found below.

Of particular note with this brand is that it is being designed for inclusion in illumos, while allowing the various distributions to extend it to their needs. In a nutshell this means:

  • No attr resources are required to have a usable bhyve zone.
  • No code in illumos will process attr resources for any purpose other than storing and retrieving them on behalf of users or layered software.
  • As described in RFD XXX, all resource types will support custom properties. This will allow customers that use illumos and layered software to attach metadata to every resource. This is following the lead of SmartOS' use of the property complex property in network and device resources.

The following sections describe the various resource types and properties configurable by zonecfg(1M).

global scope

Property Type Required Notes
autoboot simple yes Determines whether zone boots at system boot
bootargs N/A N/A Not supported. Disabled.
brand simple yes Must be "bhyve"
fs-allowed N/A N/A Pending virtfs
hostid N/A N/A Not supported. Disabled.
ip-type simple yes Must be "exclusive"
limitpriv simple no See "privsetspec" in ppriv(1)
pool simple no Resource pool to which the zone binds
scheduling-class simple no
uuid simple no

admin resource

No change from historical use.

attr resource

No change from historical use.

capped-cpu resource

Property Type Required Notes
ncpus simple no If there is no dedicated-cpus resource, min(1,floor(ncpus)) is used to determine the number of virtual cpus configured in the guest.
property list of complex no Arbitrary custom properties for use by SmartOS and other consumers downstream from illumos.

capped-memory resource

Property Type Required Notes
guest simple yes Guest memory size. Must be a multiple of the page size used by the guest.
locked alias no Alias for rctl with name zone.max-locked-memory rctl
physical alias no Alias for rctl with name zone.max-rss rctl
swap alias no Alias for rctl with name zone.max-swap rctl
property list of complex no Arbitrary custom properties for use by SmartOS and other consumers downstream from illumos.

dataset resource

Not supported.

dedicated-cpu resource

Property Type Required Notes
ncpus simple no The number of CPUs that are reserved for the exclusive use of this zone. This will also be the number of virtual cpus configured in the guest.
property list of complex no Arbitrary custom properties for use by SmartOS and other consumers downstream from illumos.

device resource

XXX The scope of this resource is unclear. See notes in disk and pci resources below.

Property Type Required Notes
boot simple no Only relevant to non-passthrough disk devices. If set to true this device will be the boot disk. Set on at most one device.
match simple yes The global zone device to delegate to the zone. Must be unique across all zones. Globs are not allowed.
emulation simple yes See bhyve(8). Typically virtio-blk, passthru, or none. If emulation is none, the device is not visible in the guest.
pci-slot simple no Not used if emulation is none. Otherwise if not specified, dynamically generated on each boot. If specified, must be in pcislot[:function] or bus:pcislot:function format. See bhyve(8). pci-slot must be unique within this zone's configuration.
option list of complex no Optional configuration options that are specific to emulation. See bhyve(8). Any option that involves IP addresses is not supported.
property list of complex no Arbitrary custom properties for use by SmartOS and other consumers downstream from illumos.

Note that this scheme gives no meaningful way to control the probe order of devices inside the guest, aside from manually setting pci-slot. This is especially important for disks if the guest is sensitive to device ordering, as configuration changes could prevent a guest from booting by moving a boot disk to a different location. If pci-slot is not specified on all disks, use the boot property on one disk to ensure it is put into a slot that the bootrom will likely choose as a boot device.

XXX This does not give a way to have multiple disks on a controller. From bhyve(8):

     Run an 8GB	quad-CPU virtual machine with 8	AHCI SATA disks, an AHCI ATAPI
     CD-ROM, a single virtio network port, an AMD hostbridge, and the console
     port connected to an nmdm(4) null-modem device.

	   bhyve -c 4 \
	     -s	0,amd_hostbridge -s 1,lpc \
	     -s	1:0,ahci,hd:/images/disk.1,hd:/images/disk.2,\
	   cd:/images/install.iso \
	     -s	3,virtio-net,tap0 \
	     -l	com1,/dev/nmdm0A \
	     -A	-H -P -m 8G

But maybe that's not required?

Example 1: Add a virtual disk backed by a zvol in 4Kn mode.

z1> add device
z1:device> set emulation=virtio-blk
z1:device> set match=/dev/zvol/rdsk/zones/z1/disk0
z1:device> add conf (name=nocache,value="")
z1:device> add conf (name=sectorsize,value="4096")
z1:device> end

Example 2: Connect the host's first serial port to the guest's second serial port.

This example supposes a device such as a GPS receiver used for NTP is attached to the host's first serial port and there is a desire to present that device to the guest on its second serial port.

z1> add device
z1:device> set emulation=none
z1:device> set match=/dev/term/a
z1:device> end
z1> select lpc
z1:lpc> set com2=/dev/term/a
z1:lpc> end

Example 3: Use PCI passthrough to give a real PCI device to the guest

In this example, the device in the host PCI slot 2:0:0 is passed through to the guest in PCI slot 8:0:0. A comment is added using a custom property.

z1> add device
z1:device> set emulation=passthru
z1:device> set match=2:0:0
z1:device> set pci-slot=8:0:0
z1:device> add property (name=comment,value="AR8151 v2.0 Gigabit Ethernet")
z1> end

fs resource

Not supported, at least until virtfs or or similar is viable.

lpc resource

This is a new resource type being added to allow configuration of bhyve's LPC devices. A maximum of one lpc resource is supported. The recommended values for bootrom and com1 will appear in the SYSbhyve zonecfg template.

Property Type Required Notes
bootrom simple no The bootrom image to load and associate with the LPC device. The suggested value is /usr/share/bhyve/uefi-csi-rom.bin
com1 simple no Where to connect the first serial device. The suggested value is /dev/zconsole. If the guest then redirects the console output to its first serial port, zlogin -C may be used to access the guest console.
com2 simple no Where to connect the second serial device.
property list of complex no Arbitrary custom properties for use by SmartOS and other consumers downstream from illumos.

net resource

Property Type Required Notes
address N/A N/A Not supported. Disabled.
allowed-address N/A N/A Not supported. Disabled.
defrouter N/A N/A Not supported. Disabled.
global-nic N/A N/A Obsolete. Not Supported. Disabled.
linkprop list of complex no A list of link properties that will be set on the vnic specified by virtual in <linkprop>="<value>" format. Valid link properties and values are found in dladm(1M).
mac-addr simple no A MAC address. If not specified, a MAC address will be dynamically generated and stored in this property.
model simple no Specifies NIC type that is emulated. If not specified, defaults to virtio-viona. See bhyve(8) for other supported models.
pci-slot simple no If not specified, dynamically generated on each boot. If specified, must be in pcislot[:function] or bus:pcislot:function format. See bhyve(8). Most not conflict with any other pci-slot in any other resource.
physical N/A N/A This is the name of a physical device or a NIC tag in the global zone. If virtual is specified, this will be the device from which a vnic is created. If virtual is not specified, this device will be delegated.
virtual simple no If specified, it is the name of a vnic that will be created on top of physical. The value must be valid as a vnic name and must be unique within this zone.
vlan simple no The vlan ID set on virtual. Only used if virtual is set.
property list of complex no Arbitrary custom properties for use by SmartOS and other consumers downstream from illumos.

SmartOS will use the following custom properties (RFD 122).

Property Description
ips List of IP addresses in CIDR format that are to be configured on this NIC
gateways List of gateways accessible from this NIC
primary XXX useful?

Example: Create a vnic named eth0 on ixgbe1.

Configure the vnic to prevent DHCP spoofing and only allow outgoing traffic from or The ips and gateways custom properties are not used by the zones framework - they are only used by SmartOS metadata service.

z1> add net
z1:net> set physical=ixgbe1
z1:net> set virtual=eth0
z1:net> add linkprop (name=protection,value="dhcp-nospoof")
z1:net> add linkprop (name=allowed-ips,value=",")
z1:net> add property (name=ips,value=",")
z1:net> add property (name=gateways,value="")
z1:net> end

Compatibility warning:

SmartOS has historically used physical to specify the name of the vnic and global-nic to specify the name of physical nic. This SmartOS convention seems likely to be difficult to sell to upstream reviewers.

rctl resource

No change from historical use.

security-flags resource

No change from historical use.

disk resource

XXX It is not clear if this will exist or we will continue to use device resources for presenting virtual disks

Property Type Required Notes
path simple yes Path to the raw device (/dev/rdsk) that provides the backing store.
boot simple no Defaults to false, may be true or false. Only one disk can have this set to true. Setting it to true causes the disk to appear in a lower-numbered PCI slot than other disks. Ignored if pci-slot is also configured.
model simple no If not specified, defaults to virtio (disk) or ahci-cd (cd), depending on value of media property. Other block device emulation type specified in bhyve(8) may be specified.
media simple no Defaults to disk. May be disk or cd
pci-slot simple no If not specified, dynamically generated on each boot. If specified, must be in pcislot[:function] or bus:pcislot:function format. See bhyve(8). Most not conflict with any other pci-slot in any other resource.
property list of complex no Arbitrary custom properties for use by SmartOS and other consumers downstream from illumos.

SmartOS will use the following custom properties (RFD 122).

Property Description
image-size XXX
image-uuid XXX

pci resource

XXX It is not clear if this will exist or if we will somehow use device resources

Property Type Required Notes
XXX simple yes Specifies the physical device
pci-slot simple no If not specified, dynamically generated on each boot. If specified, must be in pcislot[:function] or bus:pcislot:function format. See bhyve(8). Most not conflict with any other pci-slot in any other resource.
property list of complex no Arbitrary custom properties for use by SmartOS and other consumers downstream from illumos.

smbios resource

This resource allows customization of some SMBIOS fields.

Property Type Required Notes
type simple yes A number, as defined in SMBIOS specification. Initially, only type 1 is supported.
field list of complex yes Each field has members name and value, as described in the SMBIOS specifications.
property list of complex no Arbitrary custom properties for use by SmartOS and other consumers downstream from illumos.

The type and fields translate into -B <type>,<name>=<value>[,...] arguments for bhyve(8). See bhyve(8) for details.


z1> add smbios
z1:smbios> set type=1
z1:smbios> add field (name=product,value="SmartDC HVM")
z1:smbios> add field (name=version,value="20380119T031408Z")
z1:smbios> add field (name=uuid,value="51db0004-1a24-e3c3-a62b-eb6da1827b9e")
z1:smbios> end


The zoneadm command supports most of the operations supported with other brands. There are exceptions:

  • attach -n will have no updates.
  • boot will not support the -i, -m, or -s options. Boot options after -- are also not supported.
  • move will not be supported
  • shutdown will not support boot_options

zoneadm install

Install will only install from some form of media. This could be a local iso file, PXE boot, etc. In particular, we will not support anything like direct install. The expected help message is:

zoneadm -z <bhyve-zone> install -i <format>,<file> [-c cfgdisk]
zoneadm -z <bhyve-zone> install -b <boot.iso> [-c cfgdisk]

In the first form, -i specifies the disk image that the host will write to the device that has a boot property with value set to true. Supported formats are raw and zfs, either of which may be compressed with gzip, bzip2, or xz. zoneadm install will only install to the boot disk. For multi-disk installations, other tools should populate the virtual disks and then use zoneadm attach.

If -c cfgdisk is specified, the guest is booted once with the specified configuration disk attached temporarily. The configuration disk must be in a raw disk image in a format that is understood by the guest.

In the second form, -b specifies installation media that will be temporarily attached. If -c cfgdisk is also specified, the configuration disk will also be attached during the installation boot. The zone will always transition to the installed state when the guest halts or reboots. If the guest installation fails, this could lead to the zone being in an installed state with a broken guest installation.

Install will create any missing devices specified by device resources. When the guest shuts down after the installation boot, the zone transitions to the installed state.

zoneadm attach

Attach transitions from the configured to the installed state, optionally performing a configuration boot.

zoneadm -z <bhyve-zone> attach [-c cfgdisk]

If the -c cfgdisk option is used, the zone is booted once with the specified raw disk image temporarily attached.

zoneadm detach

Detach transitions from the installed state to the configured state. No data inside the zone is altered.

zoneadm clone

zoneadm -z <bhyve-zone> clone [-m copy] [-c cfgdisk]

Clone makes a copy of the source zone's boot disk to the new zone. If a zfs clone is possible and -m copy is not specified, the disk is cloned with zfs clone. Otherwise, the disk will be cloned with dd. If the new zone's boot disk already exists, it must be at least as large as the source disk. Any new zfs snapshots that are created for the clone will be set to self-destruct (via zfs destroy -d <snapshot>) when no longer needed.

If the -c cfgdisk option is used, the zone is booted once with the specified raw disk image temporarily attached.

zoneadm boot

zoneadm -z <bhyve-zone> boot [-i <boot.iso>] [-c cfgdisk]

If a boot.iso or cfgdisk is specified, these devices will be temporarily attached. These options facilitate rescue operations and/or reconfiguration. In the case of a live CD, it should be possible to run diskless using only the specified boot.iso

** XXX ** Need a mechanism to communicate to the global zone when zhyve actually starts running guest code. It's been observed that there can be a significant delay as kvm evicts arc buffers to make room for guest RAM. Perhaps zoneadm boot should not return until that initialization is done. Alternatively, we could implement auxiliary states and have an aux state like guest-running. Aux state changes would generate sysevents, allowing management frameworks to be notified of changes.

zoneadm reboot

This will be the same as zoneadm halt followed by zoneadm boot.

zoneadm shutdown

This will send an ACPI shutdown (or reboot, with -r) to the guest.

XXX It's not clear to me that we have a means to do this yet.


The zlogin may only be used with the -C option to reach the guest console.

Brand implementation details

The following are private implementation details that are architecturally relevant.

Guest networking configuration

Guest networking can be configured statically, via DHCP, or via cloud orchestration protocols. The bhyve brand will not implement a built-in DHCP server. If DHCP is needed for guest configuration, a DHCP server needs to be configured and maintained.

In SmartOS, each guest image will be configured to use cloud-init or a similar program to configure guest networking. The network configuration will be obtained through the metadata socket, which is configured on the second serial port in each guest.

PCI slot and function allocation

XXX this needs work, subject to resolution of the device vs. disk & pci resource type discussion.

bhyve(8) says:

     -s	slot,emulation[,conf]
		 Configure a virtual PCI slot and function.

		 bhyve provides	PCI bus	emulation and virtual devices that can
		 be attached to	slots on the bus.  There are 32	available
		 slots,	with the option	of providing up	to 8 functions per

		 slot	     pcislot[:function]	bus:pcislot:function

			     The pcislot value is 0 to 31.  The	optional
			     function value is 0 to 7.	The optional bus value
			     is	0 to 255.  If not specified, the function
			     value defaults to 0.  If not specified, the bus
			     value defaults to 0.

By default, the boot device (boot=true in zone configuration) will be at 0:0:1. Any temporarily attached boot/install media to take precedence over the persistently attached disk images,

XXX Do we need to expose the bus:slot:function as a property on device and net resources?

Zone directory hierarchy

The in-zone directory hierarchy will be:

Zone directory Notes
/ Read-write <zonepath>/root directory
/dev dev(7FS) mount point
/lib Mounted read-only from global /lib
/usr Mounted read-only from global /usr
/var/run tmpfs(7FS) mount point
/etc/svc/volatile tmpfs(7FS) mount point, required by dlmgmtd

Note that /tmp is not tmpfs. It is used by zhyve to store logs that should survive a zone reboot.


The bhyve command needs very few devices, and as such the platform will provide a small subset of what is typically available within a zone. Those include:

Device Notes
/dev/null Attached to stdin
/dev/viona To open VirtIO network devices
/dev/vmm/ Only the nodes for instances belonging to the zone.
/dev/zvol/rdsk/ For access to ZFS volumes
/dev/zconsole So the guest console may be mapped to the zone console

Any other devices will be present in the zone only if specified in the per-zone configuration with zonecfg(1M).


The privileges will be stripped to the minimum required to run a guest. If bhyve only needs a privilege during startup, the privilege will be dropped prior to running code in the guest.

Zone init command: zhyve

Communicating the bhyve configuration options to zone's bhyve process is difficult to do an an elegant way because the zone has no direct access to the zone configuration or zoneadmd. While some of the needed information is accessible via zone_getattr(2), some isn't. In the interest of expedience, a not so elegant mechanism will be used.

The boot brand hook will be used to transform portions of the zone configuration into the command line options required by bhyve.

In the zone, /usr/sbin/zhyve will be the init command. zhyve is bhyve by a unique name so that it may self-detect that it is intended to fetch its arguments from /var/run/bhyve/zhyve.args.

Implementation note

We are striving to not modify bhyve code any more than required so that it is easier to keep in sync with upstream. For this reason, a new source file, zhyve.c is being added. This will contain an implementation of main() and any other bhyve brand-specific code that is required. The main() that is in bhyverun.c is renamed to bhyve_main() via -Dmain=bhyve_main in CPPFLAGS while compiling bhyverun.c

In the global zone, /usr/sbin/amd64/bhyve and /usr/lib/brand/bhyve/zhyve will be hard links to the same file. When invoked with a basename of bhyve, the command will behave exactly as documented in bhyve(8). When invoked with a basename of zhyve, it will read its arguments from /var/run/bhyve/zhyve.args

The format of /var/run/bhyve/zhyve.args is a packed nvlist with one string array element at key zhyve_args. The array and size returned by nvlist_lookup_string_array() are suitable for passing to bhyve_main().

Future direction

It is anticipated that in the future a mechanism will be needed to transmit information between zoneadmd and zhyve. Prior art in Kernel Zones illustrates a generic solution for this type of problem.

In Solaris Kernel Zones, we solved this need by having the in-zone process listen on a door in the zone. When zoneadmd wished to interact with the in-zone process, it would do so via a fork(), zone_enter(), door_call() sequence. An event pipe also existed between zoneadmd and the in-zone process to allow zoneadmd to know when in-zone process needed attention. This formed the foundation of important features like hot add/remove, live migration, and other features.

For the case of passing the bhyve configuration, this mechanism would involve zhyve starting the door server, then waiting for zoneadmd to make a door call passing the required configuration.

Live reconfiguration

Resizing virtual disks

WARNING: Aspirational statement ahead @jussisallinen

When the backing store for a disk is resized, the next time the guest makes a geometry request, the virtio-blk driver will return the new size. That is, the virtio-blk driver will not cache the disk size, rather it will query the backing store each time the guest requests the geometry.

No zone utility will be involved in the actual resizing of the device in the host.

Hot add/remove of devices

Changing the set of devices visible to a guest without a reboot is not feasible in the initial implementation. This is an area where there may need to be guest cooperation, which would further complicated the implementation. @jussisallinen

XXX Solaris implemented removable lofi devices. Such an approach may be feasible to create empty disks slots that can be filled without a reboot. The occupants of those slots will not be present in the zone's configuration and as such will not persist across host reboot.

Hot add/remove of vcpus

In the future, maybe.

Memory resizing or ballooning

In the future, maybe.

Integration with SmartOS

While SmartOS will benefit greatly from the features that are core to the bhyve brand, SmartOS has its own mechanisms for zone configuration, installation, console access, guest network configuration, etc.

Configuration upgrade and downgrade

It is likely that there will be a non-trivial number of bhyve zones in the wild before the features described in this RFD are ready. This implies that there needs to be an automatic conversion from the old configuration version to the new. Once a configuration is converted, there's also the possibility that the system will be rebooted to an old platform image or that the zone will be migrated. Thus, we need to have a means for automatic conversion between arbitrary configuration versions.

When the first configuration change is delivered, a new zone configuration conversion service will be added by installing an SMF manifest in /var/svc/profile along with an appropriate conversion script within /var/lib. See OS-6746.

Configuration mapping

SmartOS zones are configured via a json file. The supported configuration items are described in vmadm(1M). The following table shows how each supported configuration item maps to zone configuration or externally maintained metadata. All attr resources have type=string.

SmartOS Config Resource Property
alias attr name=alias value
archive_on_delete attr name=archive_on_delete value
billing_id attr name=billing_id value
boot attr name=boot value
boot_timestmap xxx xxx
brand global brand
cpu_cap capped-cpu ncpus
cpu_shares global cpu-shares
cpu_type not supported in this brand
create_timestmap attr name=create-timestamp value
server_uuid dynamic, based on server
customer_metadata stored <zonepath>/config/
datasets not supported in this brand
delegate_datasets not supported in this brand
disks Each disk gets a unique device resource
disks.*.block_size device option name=sectorsize
disks.*.boot device boot
disks.*.compression device property name=compression
disks.*.nocreate device property name=nocreate
disks.*.image_name device property name=image-name
disks.*.image_size device property name=image-size
disks.*.image_uuid device property name=image-uuid
disks.*.refreservation device property name=refreservation
disks.*.size device property name=size
disks.*.media device See Note 1, below
disks.*.model device See Note 1, below
disks.*.zpool xxx xxx
disk_driver xxx xxx
do_not_inventory attr name=do-not-inventory value
dns_domain attr name=dns-domain value
filesystems not supported in this brand
filesystems.*.type not supported in this brand
filesystems.*.source not supported in this brand
filesystems.*.target not supported in this brand
filesystems.*.raw not supported in this brand
filesystems.*.options not supported in this brand
firewall_enabled xxx xxx
fs_allowed not supported in this brand
hostname attr name=hostname value
image_uuid xxx xxx
internal_metadata see <zonepath>/config/
internal_metadata_namespace xxx
indestructable_delegated xxx xxx
indestructable_zoneroot zfs snapshot and hold
kernel_version not supported in this brand
limit_priv not supported in this brand (set to fixed value)
maintain_resolvers attr name=maintain-resolvers value
max_locked_memory capped-memory locked
max_lwps global max-lwps
max_physical_memory capped-memory physical
max_swap capped-memory swap
mdata_exec_timeout not supported in this brand
nics Each nic gets a unique net resource
nics.*.allow_dhcp_spoofing net See Note 2, below
nics.*.allow_ip_spoofing net See Note 2, below
nics.*.allow_mac_spoofing net See Note 2, below
nics.*.allow_restricted_traffic net See Note 2, below
nics.*.allow_unfilterd_promisc net See Note 2, below
nics.*.allow_blocked_outgoing_ports net See Note 2, below
nics.*.allow_allowed_ips net See Note 2, below
nics.*.allow_dhcp_server net See Note 2, below
nics.*.gateway net property name=gateway
nics.*.gateways net property name=gateways
nics.*.interface net virtual
nics.*.ip net property name=ip
nics.*.ips net property name=ips
nics.*.mac net mac-addr
nics.*.model net model
nics.*.mtu net property name=mtu
nics.*.netmask net property name=metask
nics.*.network_uuid net property name=network_uuid
nics.*.nic_tag net physical
nics.*.primary net primary
nics.*.vlan_id net vlan-id
nics.*.vrrp_primary_ip not supported in this brand
nics.*.vrrp__vrid not supported in this brand
nic_driver not supported in this brand
nowait attr name=nowait value
owner_uuid attr name=owner-uuid value
package_name attr name=package-name value
package_version attr name=package-version value
pid dynamic
qemu_opts not supported in this brand
qemu_extra_opts not supported in this brand
quota zfs property
ram capped-memory guest
resolvers attr name=resolvers value
routes see <zonepath>/config/`
snapshots not supported in this brand
spice_opts not supported in this brand
spice_password not supported in this brand
spice_port not supported in this brand
state dynamic
tmpfs not supported in this brand
transition_expire xxx xxx
transition_to xxx xxx
type fixed BHYVE
uuid global uuid
vcpus dedicated-cpu ncpus (but see Note 3, below)
vga xxx xxx
virtio_txburst xxx xxx
virtio_txtimer xxx xxx
vnc_password xxx xxx
vnc_port xxx xxx
zfs_data_compression not supported in this brand
zfs_data_recsize not supported in this brand
zfs_filesystem_limit not supported in this brand
zfs_io_priority global zfs-io-priority
zfs_root_compression not supported in this brand
zfs_root_recsize not supported in this brand
zfs_snapshot_limit not supported in this brand
zfs_max_size not supported in this brand
zlog_max_size not supported in this brand
zone_state xxx xxx
zonepath global zonepath
zonename global zonename
zoneid dynamic
zpool xxx xxx

Note 1: For each disk media and model work together to populate to populate the model and media in the device resource.

json media json model device media device model
disk virtio-blk
disk disk virtio-blk
disk virtio disk virtio-blk
disk ide disk ahci
disk ide disk ahci
disk not supported
cdrom cdrom ahci
cdrom virtio not supported
cdrom ide cdrom ahci
cdrom not supported

Note 2: All of the properties related to the protection link property gets turned into a single comma-separated list and added to the net resource's linkprop name=protection.

Note 3: This assumes that for SmartOS we do not allow oversubscription of CPUs. This seems to be the direction we are going, at least initially. In the future, we can add an oversubscribe_cpus knob which would suggest that we may use capped-cpus. Both modes are accounted for in the descriptions of the dedicated-cpu and capped-cpu resources above.