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File metadata and controls

313 lines (265 loc) · 15.4 KB
authors state dicussion
Jan Wyszynski <[email protected]>

RFD 110 Operator-Configurable Throttles for Manta


This RFD documents the design and implementation of a coarse muskie rate-limiter. The use-case addressed by the design is alleviating manta-wide stress when there is simply too much load for the system to handle. When manta load is too high, it is desirable to respond to clients in a way that will make them back-off until outstanding requests are handled.

A motivating example for throttling in manta is the observation that during Manta stress tests, the asynchronous peer in a Manatee cluster can fall arbitrarily far behind the primary because the application rate of postgres WAL records on the peer is slower than the rate at which they are being sent. In such a situation, it would be useful not only for the asynchronous peer to throttle incoming requests, but also for the sending peer to recognize this and either back off or queue outgoing requests to reduce the send rate.

Another motivating example is the availability lapse that occurs when users publish URLs to Manta objects on social media with using a CDN. In this situation a muskie throttle probably makes the most sense.


To reject a request when manta is under too much load, a rate-limited muskie will send an HTTP status code 503 (ServiceUnavailable) without doing any processing that is specific to the request. Currently, muskie doesn't differentiate between different types of requests, such as PUTs and GETs. Maintaining separate queues for reads and writes, or metadata and content operations, may be useful and merits further investigation.

In the language associated with a vasync queue, a request is "pending" if it is has been received by muskie, but the callback for processing it has not been scheduled. In the current iteration, every request that enters the "pending" state is eventually processed. It may be useful to implement some sort of timeout for requests sitting in the pending state, opting to get clients to retry requests instead of allowing them to observe high request latencies.


Restify has a throttling plugin that was proposed at a manta call, but the conclusion reached in various discussions was that muskie should not use it because * Not all services we want to rate-limit use restify * Dependence on restify has led to bugs in the past

Testing to compare the performance of the throttle discussed here and the restify throttle later in the development process may be useful for ensuring that efficiency is up to par. It may be useful to consider including some of the options that the restify throttle exposes in this design. One such option is maintaining a per-client-IP request queue.


Currently, the muskie module is configured via the file etc/config.json the "throttle" object. It exposes the following configuration parameters (shown with their corresponding default values):

"throttle" : {
        "enabled": false,
	"concurrency": 50,
	"queueTolerance": 25

The corresponding SAPI tunables are:


A dicussion concerning the tradeoffs between configuring these values on the fly and making them SAPI tunables concluded that it was better to preserve consistency, maintaining SAPI as the main source of manta component configuration.

The "enabled" parameter decides whether muskie performs any request throttling at all. If the throttle is not enabled, muskie will operate just as it did prior to the introduction of the throttle. With the goal of being minimally-invasive to normal manta operation in mind, the throttle is disabled by default.

The "concurrency" parameter corresponds to the concurrency option passed to the vasync queue that the coarse rate-limiter is implemented with. It represents the number of request-processing callbacks muskie can run at once. If all the slots in the queue are filled, incoming requests will start entering the "pending" state, waiting for request callbacks to finish.

The "queueTolerance" parameter corresponds to the number of "pending" requests muskie will tolerate before it responds to new requests with 503 errors. Experiments with mlive show that queueing rarely occurs with a concurrency value of 50. Queues that hit a depth of 25 likely indicate anomalous request latency and suggest a problem elsewhere in the system that should be investigated.

The default values of these parameters are based on load that was observed on SPC muskie instances. In general, tracing with the restify route-start and route-done parameters shows that under typical operation a muskie instance in SPC processes an average of 15 requests concurrently. The default value of the concurrency parameter is deliberately much higher than this average request rate. The reason for this being that the throttle is designed to be minimally invasive under normal and even slightly-higher-than-normal load.

Dtrace Probes

Currently, the muskie-throttle exposes a dtrace provider called "muskie-throttle" with two probes:

  • request_throttled. This probe fires when a request is throttled. If this probe fires then the client originating the offending request received a 503 status code. The probe passes the number of occupied vasync queue slots, the number of queued or "pending" requests, the url, and the http method of the request as arguments.

     	printf("slots: %d, queued: %d, url: %s, method: %s", arg0, arg1, copyinstr(arg2),

    Example output:

     [root@0e176aeb-3a6b-cf90-b846-9e1d293ac1ae ~/muskie-stats/bin]# dtrace -s \
     CPU     ID                    FUNCTION:NAME
       7  11010 request_throttled:request_throttled slots: 50, queued: 25, url:
     	/notop/stor/mlive/mlive_24/obj method": GET

    This probe will only fire if all the slots are occupied and the number of queued requests has reached the "queueTolerance" threshold. The probe includes the occupied slots and queue arguments despite the fact that, given knowledge of the muskie configuration, they provide no new information. The hope is that including these parameters will answer the question of whether the SAPI tunables need to be adjusted without requiring the operator to look in two places.

  • request_handled. This probe fires every time a request is handled. It includes the same information that the request_throttled probe provides. The benefit of having this probe is that the operator can use it to differentiate between requests being throttled and requests being handled under high-load situations. The output of the the probe is the same as that of the request_throttled probe only that the slots and queued values are not guaranteed to be the operator-defined threshold values.

Future Work


For now, the core throttling logic is implemented as a module in muskie. To generalize the logic, it may be useful to implement a library as an npm package that any manta service written in node.js can use. All throttling logic including and http endpoint exposed for tuning throttle parameters would be contained in the module.

An important concern when generalizing throttling logic is minimizing the number of changes that need to be made to the invoking service in order to apply the logic. As of right now, it seems reasonable to have an init function which instantiates a restify server and allows the invoker to point the throttle at a particular static configuration (passing either a file path or a sub-object of the invoking service's main configuration).

To actually use the module, it would be ideal to plug in a single callback into a handler chain through which all incoming requests to the service pass. Identifying such a chain or codepath will require further investigation.

Fine-grained Throttle

It may be useful to maintain separate request queues for differente types of requests. For example, certain loads might generate a much higher volume of PUTs than GETs. In this case, because the PUTs are the root cause of the load, it would be beneficial to throttle only PUTs and maintain a high GET throughput as opposed to blocking GETs because some client is generating a lot of PUTs. An even more fine-grained throttle might differentiate between different types of operations (putobject vs putdirectory) and could even use tools such as the one outlined in MANTA-3426 to throttle requests that put a lot of stress an a particular metadata shard, which seemed to be a contributing factor to SCI-293.

As mentioned in the discussion of the restify throttle plugin, it could also be useful to throttle requests on a per-IP basis. In general, it does not make sense to throttle clients that are not responsible for high load. Doing so also does not address the root cause of the load.

With a more fine-grained throttle comes the problem of managing a more fine-grained configuration. For each request differentiating property described in the previous two paragraphs, it may be desirable to impose concurrency or queue tolerance thresholds for only those requests that match a specific set of criteria. It might even be desirable to disable (or enabled) throttling for some types of requests altogether.

Global Decisions

In a more complex iteration of the throttle, we want to have a way to make throttling decisions with system-wide information. This means that we will want to either have a separate horizontally-scalable manta component that talks to all throttled services, tuning throttle parameters as necessary, or have the throttled services themselves communicate with each other to make the same decisions. For this reason, the per-muskie-process iteration of the throttle should be built with the possibility of sharing information concerning resources and various tunable parameters in mind.


Two big open questions concerning the implementation of operator-configurable throttling are:

  • How are things configured?
  • What is configured?


Currently, the muskie throttle parameters are configured as SAPI tunables. The reason for this decision, as mentioned above, is to maintain consistency with the way that other manta components are configured.

In the future, it may be useful to have a stand-alone configuration service that periodically checks on various muskie instances to present a more globally-aware picture of the load that manta is under. This may allow the operator to make better decisions about how to tune the throttle parameters of individual requests.

We may or may not want to investigate the possibility of having the library tune throttling parameters automatically when it experiences various levels of traffic. With a global configuration service, we may also be able to automate such inter-process decisions. Figuring out what paramaters it makes sense to tune automatically will require further investigation.



Higher concurrency values will result in more concurrent requests being handled by manta at any given point. This comes at the cost of greater load, but decreases the likelihood of exceptionally high request latencies. Lower concurrency values will result in fewer requests being handled concurrently at the cost of higher muskie queue depths (or 503 responses if the queue tolerance is low), which in turn increase the likelihood of high request latency.

Another question motivated by the operational semantics of a vasync queue is how to handle the situation in which the number of incoming requests exceeds the concurrency value of the queue. In this situation, the queue will begin to accumulate requests that will not be scheduled until a slot in the queue becomes available. It may be useful to have muskie tune the concurrency value of the queue to adapt to higher or lower queue lengths. For example, if muskie finds that there are consistently more than 5 requests in the pending state on the queue, it may choose to increase the queues concurrency value by 5 so that these extra requests can be scheduled. Alernatively (or perhaps additionally) this configuration could be exposed to the operator.

Queue Tolerance

A high queue tolerance value will result in more requests being queued under high load but may decrease the likelihood of rejecting requests with 503s. A low queue tolerance will result in more requests being rejected with 503s under high load, but will also limit muskies memory footprint in those situations.

One possibly unintended consequence of a high queue tolerance value is increased individual request latency. If clients timeout waiting for a response and then retry the request, the queue can actually lead in more requests being rejected with 503s because of induced client retries.


The parameters described in the "Parameters" section do not currently undergo any validation. Another important point to address is what upper/lower bounds should be set on numeric values. Determining these bounds will require more experimentation with realistic workloads.

It would be nice to enforce parameter bounds with a JSON validation library like ajv.


It is important to determine as early as possible what the symptoms of a manta-component under heavy load are. What limits are hit? What failures crop up (if any)? Determining this will require testing under different types of realistic loads. Once the symptoms of heavy load are determined, we can build whatever interface is necessary for the throttle observed them and adapt to prevent brownout.

The next logical step for testing the throttle would be to deploy it in some muskie instance on staging and generate different types of workloads. Some types of workloads to consider are:

  • Uniform workloads with just metadata operations.
  • Uniform workloads with just small PUTs.
  • Uniform workloads interleaving GETs, HEADs with small PUTs.
  • Bursty variants for the three previous workload types.
  • Uniform workloads interleaving small PUTs, GETs and, HEADs, with large PUTs.
  • Bursty workloads interleaving small PUTs, GETs, and HEADs, with large PUTs.
  • Uniform workloads with large PUTs
  • Random workloads.

Included in the above cases should be mmpu operations as well as non-mpu operations. We anticipate that the last type, random workloads, will be most difficult for the throttle to handle. The test results should show that for workloads that muskie instances in staging can handle well, the throttle should not degrade performance, but that for workloads that muskie instances in staging do not handle well, the throttle begins to send 503s to protect against brownout. It may be useful to write some scripts like mlive that can generate these different types of workloads.

Testing in staging also provides an opportunity to demonstrate dynamic configuration of the tunables listed in previous sections. We should be able to set values that cause aggressive throttling and values that cause less aggressive throttling and see that the 503s were sent when expected.