- Home: https://wz2100.net/, https://sourceforge.net/projects/warzone2100/
- Inspiration: Warzone 2100
- State: mature
- Download: https://github.com/Warzone2100/warzone2100/releases, https://sourceforge.net/projects/warzone2100/files/releases/
- Keyword: strategy, popular, real-time
- Code repository: https://github.com/Warzone2100/warzone2100.git (@created 2010, @stars 2979, @forks 503)
- Code language: C++
- Code license: GPL-2.0
- Developer: 20kdc, alfred007, AmiralJCDG, Andrey, Artem Dergachev, Björn Ali Göransson, Buginator, Christian Ohm, Colin MacDonald, Cristian Odorico, Cup'n Plate Games, cybersphinx, Cyp, dak180, Dani Llewellyn, Daniel Llewellyn, Dennis Schridde, Dmitry Kargin, Dylan, Elio Gubser, epilef, Evolution01, Forgon2100, Freddie, Freddie Witherden, g.denis, Giel van Schijndel, Guangcong Luo, Ilari Tommiska, Jonathon, KJeff01, Kreuvf, LordGolias, Maxim Zhuchkov, Michał, Mohammad Al Tahan, Muhammad Al-Tahan, Mysteryem, nanotech, NoQ, pastdue, Pavel Solodovnikov, Paweł Perłakowski, Per I Mathisen, Per Inge Mathisen, Prot EuPhobos, Rene Jochum, René Jochum, Safety0ff, Stephen Swaney, Subsentient, Thiago Romão Barcala, Thomas Rupprecht, Tipchik, Topi Miettinen, vexed, Viktor Andreev, Vincent Laviron, Vitya Andreev, Vladimir Salnikov, vlj, wzdev-ci
Release of the official source code of Warzone 2100.
- Build system: CMake