- Home: https://crossfire.real-time.com/, https://sourceforge.net/projects/crossfire/
- Media: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Crossfire_(1992_video_game)
- State: mature
- Download: https://crossfire.real-time.com/download/index.html, https://sourceforge.net/projects/crossfire/files/
- Keyword: role playing, multiplayer online + massive
- Code repository: https://svn.code.sf.net/p/crossfire/code (svn active)
- Code language: C, Java
- Code license: GPL-2.0
- Developer: Aaron Baugher, Alestan, Alexander Schultz, Andreas Kirschbaum, Andreas Vogl, Andrew Fuchs, AnMaster, Anthony Wyatt, Anton Oussik, Bob Tanner, Bort, Brendan Lally, David Seikel, DraugTheWhopper, eracc, Eric Kendrick, Jaakko Niemi, John Cater, Joris Bontje, Josh Hoover, Joshua Wilson, Karla Stenger, Kevin R. Bulgrien, Kevin Zheng, Klaus Elsbernd, Kurt Fitzner, Lalo Martins, Mark Wedel, Meegwun Southall, meflin2, Nicolas Weeger, Philipp Currlin, Preston Crow, rakitahs, Raphaël Quinet, Rebecca Kelly, Rick Tanner, rower, Salathar, Saru, SilverNexus, tchize, Todd Mitchell
Cooperative multiplayer graphical RPG and adventure game. See also Gridarta for Crossfire, the map editor.