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Ceedling Plugin: GTest-like Test Suite Console Report

Prints to the console ($stdout) test suite results in a GTest-like format.

Plugin Overview

This plugin is intended to be used in place of the more commonly used "pretty" test report plugin. Like its sibling, this plugin ollects raw test results from the individual test executables of your test suite and presents them in a more readable summary form — specifically the GoogleTest format.

This plugin is most useful when using an IDE or working with a CI system that understands the GTest console logging format.


Enable the plugin in your Ceedling project by adding report_tests_gtestlike_stdout to the list of enabled plugins instead of any other report_tests_*_stdout plugin.

    - report_tests_gtestlike_stdout


No additional configuration is needed once the plugin is enabled.

Plugin Output

Ceedling mapped to GoogleTest reporting elements

Ceedling's conventions and output map to GTest format as the following:

  • A Ceedling test file — ultimately an individual test executable — is a GTest test case.
  • A Ceedling test case (a.k.a. unit test) is a GTest test.
  • Execution time is collected for each Ceedling test executable, not each Ceedling test case. As such, the test report includes only execution time for each GTest test case. Individual test execution times are reported as 0 ms.

GoogleTest generates reporting output incrementally. Ceedling produces test results incrementally as well, but its plugin reporting structure does not collect and format statistics until the end of a build. This plugin duplicates the tense of the wording in a GTest report, but it is unintentionally somewhat misleading.

Example output (snippet)

The GTest format is verbose. It lists all tests with success and failure results.

The example output below shows the header and footer of test results for a suite of 49 Ceedling tests in 18 test files but only includes logging for 6 tests.

 > ceedling test:all
[==========] Running 49 tests from 18 test cases.
[----------] Global test environment set-up.

[----------] 4 tests from test/TestUsartModel.c
[ RUN      ] test/TestUsartModel.c.testGetBaudRateRegisterSettingShouldReturnAppropriateBaudRateRegisterSetting
[       OK ] test/TestUsartModel.c.testGetBaudRateRegisterSettingShouldReturnAppropriateBaudRateRegisterSetting (0 ms)
[ RUN      ] test/TestUsartModel.c.testGetFormattedTemperatureFormatsTemperatureFromCalculatorAppropriately
[       OK ] test/TestUsartModel.c.testGetFormattedTemperatureFormatsTemperatureFromCalculatorAppropriately (0 ms)
[ RUN      ] test/TestUsartModel.c.testShouldReturnErrorMessageUponInvalidTemperatureValue
[       OK ] test/TestUsartModel.c.testShouldReturnErrorMessageUponInvalidTemperatureValue (0 ms)
[ RUN      ] test/TestUsartModel.c.testShouldReturnWakeupMessage
[       OK ] test/TestUsartModel.c.testShouldReturnWakeupMessage (0 ms)
[----------] 4 tests from test/TestUsartModel.c (1277 ms total)
[----------] 1 tests from test/TestMain.c
[ RUN      ] test/TestMain.c.testMainShouldCallExecutorInitAndContinueToCallExecutorRunUntilHalted
[       OK ] test/TestMain.c.testMainShouldCallExecutorInitAndContinueToCallExecutorRunUntilHalted (0 ms)
[----------] 1 tests from test/TestMain.c (1351 ms total)
[----------] 1 tests from test/TestModel.c
[ RUN      ] test/TestModel.c.testInitShouldCallSchedulerAndTemperatureFilterInit
test/TestModel.c(21): error: Function TaskScheduler_Init() called more times than expected.
 Actual:   FALSE
 Expected: TRUE
[  FAILED  ] test/TestModel.c.testInitShouldCallSchedulerAndTemperatureFilterInit (0 ms)
[----------] 1 tests from test/TestModel.c (581 ms total)

[----------] Global test environment tear-down.
[==========] 49 tests from 18 test cases ran.
[  PASSED  ] 48 tests.
[  FAILED  ] 1 tests, listed below:
[  FAILED  ] test/TestModel.c.testInitShouldCallSchedulerAndTemperatureFilterInit