This guide walks you through the process of creating custom plugins for Ceedling.
It is assumed that the reader has a working installation of Ceedling and some basic usage experience, i.e. project creation/configuration and running tasks.
Some experience with Ruby and Rake will be helpful but not absolutely required. You can learn the basics as you go — often by looking at other, existing Ceedling plugins or by simply searching for code examples online.
(See Ceedling's release notes for more.)
- Ceedling 1.0 marks the beginning of moving all of Ceedling away from relying on Rake. New, Rake-based plugins should not be developed. Rake dependencies among built-in plugins will be refactored as the transition occurs.
- Ceedling's entire plugin architecture will be overhauled in future releases. The current structure is too dependent on Rake and provides both too little and too much access to Ceedling's core.
- Certain aspects of Ceedling's plugin structure have developed organically. Consistency, coherence, and usability may not be high — particularly for build step hook argument hashes and test results data structures used in programmatic plugins.
- Because of iterating on Ceedling's core design and features, documentation here may not always be perfectly up to date.
Ceedling plugins extend Ceedling without modifying its core code. They are implemented in YAML and the Ruby programming language and are loaded by Ceedling at runtime.
Plugins provide the ability to customize the behavior of Ceedling at various stages of a build — preprocessing, compiling, linking, building, testing, and reporting.
See CeedlingPacket for basic details of operation (:plugins
section) and for a directory of built-in plugins.
Plugins are enabled and configured from within a Ceedling project's YAML
configuration file (:plugins
Conventions & requirements:
- Plugin configuration names, the containing directory names, and filenames
- All match (i.e. identical names)
- Be snake_case (lowercase with connecting underscores).
- Plugins must be organized in a containing directory (the name of the plugin
as used in the project configuration
list is its containing directory name). - A plugin's containing directory must be located in a Ruby load path. Load
paths may be added to a Ceedling project using the
list. - Rake plugins place their Rakefiles in the root of thecontaining plugin directory.
- Programmatic plugins must contain either or both
subdirectories within their containing directories. - Configuration plugins must place their files within a
subdirectory within the plugin's containing directory.
Ceedling provides 3 options to customize its behavior through a plugin. Each strategy is implemented with source files conforming to location and naming conventions. These approaches can be combined.
- Configuration (YAML & Ruby)
subclass (Ruby)- Rake tasks (Ruby)
The configuration option, surprisingly enough, provides Ceedling configuration values. Configuration plugin values can supplement or override project configuration values.
Not long after Ceedling plugins were developed the option:
feature was added
to Ceedling to merge in secondary configuration files. This feature is
typically a better way to manage nultiple configurations and in many ways
supersedes a configuration plugin.
That said, a configuration plugin is more capable than the option:
feature and
can be appropriate in some circumstances. Further, Ceedling's configuration
pluging abilities are often a great way to provide configuration to
programmatic Plugin
subclasses (Ceedling plugins options #2).
- YAML defaults. The data of a simple YAML file is incorporated into Ceedling's configuration defaults during startup.
- Programmatic (Ruby) defaults. Ruby code creates a configuration hash that Ceedling incorporates into its configuration defaults during startup. This provides the greatest flexibility in creating configuration values.
- YAML configurations. The data of a simple YAML file is incorporated into Ceedling's configuration much like your project configuration file.
Project configuration file:
- support/plugins
- zoom_zap
Ceedling project directory sturcture:
(Third flavor of configuration plugin shown.)
├── project.yml
└── support/
└── plugins/
└── zoom_zap/
└── config/
└── zoom_zap.yml
Configuration is developed at startup by assembling defaults, collecting user-configured settings, and then populating any missing values with defaults.
- Ceedling loads its own defaults separately from your project configuration
- Supporting framework defaults such as for CMock are populated into (1)
- Any plugin defaults are merged with (2).
Final project configuration:
- Your project file is loaded and any mixins merged
- Supporting framework settings that depend on project configuration are populated
- Plugin configurations are merged with the result of (1) and (2)
- Defaults are populated into your project configuration
- Path standardization, string replacement, and related occur throughout the final configuration
Merging means that existing simple configuration valuees are replaced or, in the case of containers such as lists and hashes, values are added to. If no such key/value pairs already exist, they are simply inserted into the configuration.
Populating means inserting a configuration value if none already exists. As an example, if Ceedling finds no compiler defined for test builds in your project configuration, it populates your configuration with its own internal tool definition.
A plugin may implement its own code to use extract custom configuration from
the Ceedling project file. See the built-in plugins for examples. For instance, the
Beep plugin makes use of a top-level :beep
section in project configuration. In
such cases, it's typically wise to make use of a plugin's option for defining
default values. Configuration handling code is greatly simplified if values are
guaranteed to exist in some form. This elimiates a great deal of presence checking
and related code.
Naming and location convention: <plugin_name>/config/defaults.yml
Configuration values are defined inside a YAML file just as the Ceedling project configuration file.
Keys and values are defined in Ceedling's “base” configuration along with all default values Ceedling loads at startup. If a particular key/value pair is already set at the time the plugin attempts to set it, it will not be redefined.
YAML values are static apart from Ceedling's ability to perform string substitution at configuration load time (see CeedlingPacket for more). Programmatic Ruby defaults (next section) are more flexible but more complicated.
# Any valid YAML is appropriate
:value: <setting>
Naming and location convention: <plugin_name>/config/defaults_<plugin_name>.rb
Configuration values are defined in a Ruby hash returned by a “naked” function
in a Ruby file. The Ruby file is loaded and evaluated at
Ceedling startup. It can contain anything allowed in a Ruby script file but
must contain the accessor function. The returned hash's top-level keys will
live in Ceedling's configuration at the same level in the configuration
hierarchy as a Ceedling project file's top-level keys ('top-level' refers to
the left-most keys in the YAML, not to how “high” the keys are towards the top
of the file).
Keys and values are defined in Ceedling's “base” configuration along with all default values Ceedling loads at startup. If a particular key/value pair is already set at the time the plugin attempts to set it, it will not be redefined.
This configuration option is more flexible than that documented in the previous section as full Ruby execution is possible in creating the defaults hash.
Naming and location convention: <plugin_name>/config/<plugin_name>.yml
Configuration values are defined inside a YAML file just as the Ceedling project configuration file.
Keys and values are defined in Ceedling's “base” configuration along with all default values Ceedling loads at startup. If a particular key/value pair is already set at the time the plugin attempts to set it, it will not be redefined.
YAML values are static apart from Ceedling's ability to perform string substitution at configuration load time (see CeedlingPacket for more). Programmatic Ruby defaults (next section) are more flexible but more complicated.
# Any valid YAML is appropriate
:value: <setting>
Naming and location conventions:
- The plugin's class name must be the camelized version (a.k.a. “bumpy case")
of the plugin filename —
This plugin option allows full programmatic ability connceted to any of a number of predefined Ceedling build steps.
The contents of <plugin_name>.rb
must implement a class that subclasses
, Ceedling's plugin base class.
An incomplete Plugin
subclass follows to illustate the basics.
# whiz_bang/lib/whiz_bang.rb
require 'ceedling/plugin'
class WhizBang < Plugin
def setup
# ...
# Build step hook
def pre_test(test)
# ...
# Build step hook
def post_test(test)
# ...
Project configuration file:
- support/plugins
- whiz_bang
Ceedling project directory sturcture:
├── project.yml
└── support/
└── plugins/
└── whiz_bang/
└── lib/
└── whiz_bang.rb
It is possible and often convenient to add more .rb
files to the containing
directory to allow good organization of plugin code. No Ceedling
conventions exist for these supplemental code files. Only standard Ruby
constaints exists for these filenames and content.
Each Plugin
sublcass has access to the following instance variables:
is self explanatory. @ceedling
is a hash containing every object
within the Ceedling application; its keys are the filenames of the objects
minus file extension.
Objects commonly used in plugins include:
— Project configuration@ceedling[:streaminator]
— Logging@ceedling[:reportinator]
— String formatting for logging@ceedling[:file_wrapper]
— File operations@ceedling[:plugin_reportinator]
— Various needs including gathering test results
If your plugin defines this method, it will be called during plugin creation at
Ceedling startup. It is effectively your constructor for your custom Plugin
Because Ceedling can run build operations in multiple threads, build step hook
handliers must be thread safe. Practically speaking, this generally requires
a Mutex
object synchronize()
d around any code that writes to or reads from
a common data structure instantiated within a plugin.
A common example is collecting test results filepaths from the
hook. A hash or array accumulating these
filepaths as text executables complete their runs must have appropriate
threading protections.
Pre and post build step hooks are often called on either side of a command line
tool operation. If a command line tool is executed for a build step (e.g. test
compilation), the arg_hash
will be the same for the pre and post hooks with
one difference.
In the post_
hook, the arg_hash
parameter will contain a shell_result
whose associated value is itself a hash with the following contents:
:output => "<Console output>", # String holding any $stdout / redirected $stderr output
:status => <Process::Status>, # Ruby object of type Process::Status
:exit_code => <int>, # Command line exit code (extracted from :status object)
:time => <float> # Seconds elapsed for shell operation
Note: Test preprocessing steps are quite sophissticated and involve various
combination of tool executions. The post_
preprocessing hooks do not inlucde shell
results. Future updates to Ceedling’s plugin system will create a more robust means
of attaching custom behaviors to test preprocessing or connecting your own preprocessing
pipeline with toolchains other than GCC.
These methods are called before and after execution of preprocessing for header files to be mocked (see CeedlingPacket to understand preprocessing). If a project does not enable preprocessing or a build does not include tests, these are not called. This pair of methods is called a number of times equal to the number of mocks in a test build.
The argument arg_hash
follows the structure below:
arg_hash = {
# Filepath of header file to be preprocessed on its way to being mocked
:header_file => "<filepath>",
# Filepath of processed header file
:preprocessed_header_file => "<filepath>",
# Filepath of tests C file the mock will be used by
:test => "<filepath>",
# List of flags to be provided to `cpp` GNU preprocessor tool
:flags => [<flags>],
# List of search paths to be provided to `cpp` GNU preprocessor tool
:include_paths => [<paths>],
# List of compilation symbols to be provided to `cpp` GNU preprocessor tool
:defines => [<defines>]
These methods are called before and after execution of test file preprocessing (see CeedlingPacket to understand preprocessing). If a project does not enable preprocessing or a build does not include tests, these are not called. This pair of methods is called a number of times equal to the number of test files in a test build.
The argument arg_hash
follows the structure below:
arg_hash = {
# Filepath of C test file to be preprocessed on its way to being used to generate runner
:test_file => "<filepath>",
# Filepath of processed tests file
:preprocessed_test_file => "<filepath>",
# Filepath of tests C file the mock will be used by
:test => "<filepath>",
# List of flags to be provided to `cpp` GNU preprocessor tool
:flags => [<flags>],
# List of search paths to be provided to `cpp` GNU preprocessor tool
:include_paths => [<paths>],
# List of compilation symbols to be provided to `cpp` GNU preprocessor tool
:defines => [<defines>]
These methods are called before and after mock generation. If a project does not enable mocks or a build does not include tests, these are not called. This pair of methods is called a number of times equal to the number of mocks in a test build.
The argument arg_hash
follows the structure below:
arg_hash = {
# Filepath of the header file being mocked.
:header_file => "<filepath>",
# Additional context passed by the calling function.
# Ceedling passes the :test symbol by default while plugins may provide another
:context => :<context>,
# Filepath of the tests C file that references the requested mock
:test => "<filepath>",
# Filepath of the generated mock C code.
:output_path => "<filepath>"
These methods are called before and after execution of test runner generation. A
test runner includes all the necessary C scaffolding (and main()
entry point)
to call the test cases defined in a test file when a test executable runs. If a
build does not include tests, these are not called. This pair of methods is
called a number of times equal to the number of test files in a test build.
The argument arg_hash
follows the structure below:
arg_hash = {
# Additional context passed by the calling function.
# Ceedling passes the :test symbol by default while plugins may provide another
:context => :<context>,
# Filepath of the tests C file.
:test_file => "<filepath>",
# Filepath of the test file to be processed (if preprocessing enabled, this is not the same as :test_file).
:input_file => "<filepath>",
# Filepath of the generated tests runner file.
:runner_file => "<filepath>"
These methods are called before and after source file compilation. These are called in both test and release builds. This pair of methods is called a number of times equal to the number of C files in a test or release build.
The argument arg_hash
follows the structure below:
arg_hash = {
:tool => {
# Hash holding compiler tool elements (see CeedlingPacket)
# Symbol of the operation being performed, e.g. :compile, :assemble or :link
:operation => :<operation>,
# Additional context passed by the calling function.
# Ceedling provides :test or :release by default while plugins may provide another.
:context => :<context>,
# Filepath of the input C file
:source => "<filepath>",
# Filepath of the output object file
:object => "<filepath>",
# List of flags to be provided to compiler tool
:flags => [<flags>],
# List of search paths to be provided to compiler tool
:search_paths => [<paths>],
# List of compilation symbols to be provided to compiler tool
:defines => [<defines>],
# Filepath of the listing file, e.g. .lst file
:list => "<filepath>",
# Filepath of the dependencies file, e.g. .d file
:dependencies => "<filepath>"
These methods are called before and after linking an executable. These are called in both test and release builds. These are called for each test executable and each release artifact. This pair of methods is called a number of times equal to the number of test files in a test build or release artifacts in a release build.
The argument arg_hash
follows the structure below:
arg_hash = {
# Hash holding linker tool properties.
:tool => {
# Hash holding compiler tool elements (see CeedlingPacket)
# Additional context passed by the calling function.
# Ceedling provides :test or :release by default while plugins may provide another.
:context => :<context>,
# List of object files paths being linked, e.g. .o files
:objects => [],
# List of flags to be provided to linker tool
:flags => [<flags>],
# Filepath of the output file, e.g. .out file
:executable => "<filepath>",
# Filepath of the map file, e.g. .map file
:map => "<filepath>",
# List of libraries to link, e.g. those passed to the (GNU) linker with -l
:libraries => [<names>],
# List of libraries paths, e.g. the ones passed to the (GNU) linker with -L
:libpaths => [<paths>]
These methods are called before and after running a test executable. If a build does not include tests, these are not called. This pair of methods is called for each test executable in a build (each test file is ultimately built into a test executable).
The argument arg_hash
follows the structure below:
arg_hash = {
# Hash holding execution tool properties.
:tool => {
# Hash holding compiler tool elements (see CeedlingPacket)
# Additional context passed by the calling function.
# Ceedling provides :test or :release by default while plugins may provide another.
:context => :<context>,
# Name of the test file minus path and extension (`test/TestIness.c` -> 'TestIness')
:test_name => "<name>",
# Filepath of original tests C file that became the test executable
:test_filepath => "<filepath>",
# Path to the tests executable file, e.g. .out file
:executable => "<filepath>",
# Path to the tests result file, e.g. .pass/.fail file
:result_file => "<filepath>"
These methods are called before and after performing all steps needed to run a test file — i.e. configure, preprocess, compile, link, run, get results, etc. This pair of methods is called for each test file in a test build.
The argument test
corresponds to the path of the test C file being processed.
These methods are called before and after performing all steps needed to run the release task — i.e. configure, preprocess, compile, link, etc.
These methods are called before and after executing any ceedling task — e.g: test, release, coverage, etc.
This method is called at the conclusion of a Ceedling build that encounters any error that halts the build process. To be clear, a test build with failing test cases is not a build error.
This method is called when invoking the summary task, ceedling summary
. This
method facilitates logging the results of the last build without running the
previous build again.
By default, Ceedling validates configured tools at startup according to a
simple setting within the tool definition. This works just fine for default
core tools and options. However, in the case of plugins, tools may not be even
relevant to a plugin's operation depending on its configurable options. It's
a bit silly for a tool not needed by your project to fail validation if
Ceedling can't find it in your $PATH
. Similarly, it's irresponsible to skip
validating a tool just because it may not be needed.
Ceedling provides optional, programmatic tool validation for these cases.
can be forced to ignore a tool's
setting to validate it. In such a scenario, a plugin should
configure its own tools as :optional => true
but forcibly validate them at
plugin startup if the plugin's configuration options require said tool.
An example from the gcov
plugin illustrates this.
# Validate gcov summary tool if coverage summaries are enabled (summaries rely on the `gcov` tool)
if summaries_enabled?( @project_config )
tool: TOOLS_GCOV_SUMMARY, # Tool defintion as Ruby hash
boom: true # Ignore optional status (raise exception if invalid)
is defined with a Ruby hash in the plugin code.
It is configured with :optional => true
. At plugin startup, configuration
options determine if the tool is needed. It is forcibly validated if the plugin
configuration requires it.
Some testing-specific plugins need access to test results to do their work. A utility method is available for this purpose.
This method takes as an argument a list of results filepaths. These typically
correspond directly to the collection of test files Ceedling processed in a
given test build. It's common for this list of filepaths to be assembled from
the post_test_fixture_execute
build step execution hook.
The data that assemble_test_results()
returns hss a structure as follows. In
this example, actual results from a single, real test file are presented as
hash/array Ruby code with comments and with some edits to reduce line length.
# Associates each test executable (i.e. test file) with an execution run time
:times => {
"test/TestUsartModel.c" => 0.21196400001645088
# List of succeeding test cases, grouped by test file.
:successes => [
:source => {:file => "test/TestUsartModel.c", :dirname => "test", :basename => "TestUsartModel.c"},
:collection => [
# If Unity is configured to do so, it will output execution run time for each test case.
# Ceedling creates a zero entry if the Unity option is not enabled.
{:test => "testCase1", :line => 17, :message => "", :unity_test_time => 0.0},
{:test => "testCase2", :line => 31, :message => "", :unity_test_time => 0.0}
# List of failing test cases, grouped by test file.
:failures => [
:source => {:file => "test/TestUsartModel.c", :dirname => "test", :basename => "TestUsartModel.c"},
:collection => [
{:test => "testCase3", :line => 25, :message => "<failure message>", :unity_test_time => 0.0}
# List of ignored test cases, grouped by test file.
:ignores => [
:source => {:file => "test/TestUsartModel.c", :dirname => "test", :basename => "TestUsartModel.c"},
:collection => [
{:test => "testCase4", :line => 39, :message => "", :unity_test_time => 0.0}
# List of strings printed to $stdout, grouped by test file.
:stdout => [
:source => {:file => "test/TestUsartModel.c", :dirname => "test", :basename => "TestUsartModel.c"},
# Calls to print to $stdout are outside Unity's scope, preventing attaching test file line numbers
:collection => [
"<$stdout string (e.g. printf() call)>"
# Test suite run stats
:counts => {
:total => 4,
:passed => 2,
:failed => 1,
:ignored => 1,
:stdout => 1},
# The sum of all test file execution run times
:total_time => 0.21196400001645088
This plugin type adds custom Rake tasks to your project that can be run with ceedling <custom_task>
Naming and location conventions: <plugin_name>/<plugin_name>.rake
# Only tasks with description are listed by `ceedling -T`
desc "Print hello world to console"
task :hello_world do
sh "echo Hello World!"
Resulting, example command line:
> ceedling hello_world
> Hello World!
Project configuration file:
- support/plugins
- hello_world
Ceedling project directory sturcture:
├── project.yml
└── support/
└── plugins/
└── hello_world/
└── hello_world.rake