This extension sends signed transaction to the network after it ensures that the simulation of the transaction is successful. This serves as a safety net, preventing you to submit transaction that will likely fail.
Go to the Extensions Library and search for "Simulate Send Transaction". Click on the extension and click "Activate".
Go to JSON-RPC Request Builder and select "Simulate Send Transaction" from the dropdown menu. You can then enter the JSON payload and click "Send Request".
- DATA, The signed transaction data.
"id": "1"
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"method": "extension_sendRawTransaction",
"params": ["0x02f871018302e67c80850562ac7da9827530944675c7e5baafbffbca748158becba61ef3b0a26387892f979bff1e8480c080a02c0c4fc3543712113a8a3fffc8e0bd31e152f3563817d585c75638768e89badca0416a72bb57c2378e79cb52d8b2d589f1bca069662501c94d990dba02be8e61c2"]
DATA, 32 Bytes - the transaction hash, or the zero hash if the transaction is not yet available.
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"result": "e00e63a38f50e5effce7d5546e7a7e62312468a74a179bace67ff1d82c029366"