All notable changes to the ORKG will be documented in this file. The format is based on Keep a Changelog and we adhere to Semantic Versioning.
v0.160.1 - 2025-01-27
- refactor(Review): migrate to TypeScript, integrate new backend endpoints, use SWR
- fix: useAddPaper hooks and autocomplete helpers
- fix: resource relationship loops seem to loop infinitely
- refactor: value plugins change loading method, use typescript
v0.160.0 - 2025-01-24
- feat(Statement): add edit mode to rosetta statement page
- fix: set correct parameters for Autocomplete in TableCellForm of the contribution editor
- chore: update husky
- fix: update the heuristic approach to display the CategoricalFilter and fix the TextFilter
v0.159.0 - 2025-01-17
- fix(Databrowser): literal constraints
- fix(StatementBrowser): adding and deleting items from lists
- feat: redirection page for papers
- refactor: convert some files to typescript
- chore: remove handsontable from the dependencies
- fix: pdf sentence annotator tool
- fix: add additional data to the autocomplete
- fix: validation of integer in validationSchema
- fix: truncate rosetta statement context badge
- feat: add visibility selector to content type pages
- fix: search field breaks with small horizontal resolution
v0.158.0 - 2025-01-14
- fix(Template): remove new lines from the description input fields
- feat: add support for additional literal types (time and duration)
v0.157.0 - 2025-01-13
- chore: remove support for discussions
- fix: hide content on 500 error
- feat: update the statistics page to display the number of comparison versions and lists
- fix: disable the dots placeholder for pagination
- refactor: convert ErrorBoundary to typescript
- feat(PaperView): paginate rosetta statements and add noDataComponent prop to PaginatedContent
- fix: sort observatories alphabetically by label
- fix: adding a new resources in the contributing editor
- refactor(Lists): use publish endpoint
v0.156.0 - 2024-12-20
- feat(Search): add ORKG Ask example questions
v0.155.0 - 2024-12-20
- feat: use content type tables endpoint for Table instance preview
- fix: remove document title update from the InternalServerError component
- fix(ContributionEditor): properly handle ConfirmCreatePropertyModal usage
- fix(DataBrowser): correct URL on the entity label
- feat(Observatory): display urls in the description as clickable links
- feat: display the value as the first option in autocomplete
- fix: delete rosetta statement
- feat: list Statements and statement types in the observatory page
- refactor: use backend endpoint for listing author works
- fix: pagination for class instances
v0.154.5 - 2024-12-17
- fix: update the comparison when a contribution is added or removed from the contribution editor
v0.154.4 - 2024-12-16
- fix: set correct prefixUrl for objects endpoint
- fix(Resource): add missing 'Comparison view' link for published comparisons
v0.154.3 - 2024-12-13
v0.154.2 - 2024-12-12
v0.154.1 - 2024-12-10
- test: mock things endpoint
v0.154.0 - 2024-12-09
- refactor: use endpoint for fetching things by id
- feat: redirection after sign-in to the same page
- refactor: use new backend endpoints for the research fields taxonomy
- fix: multiple loading texts when viewing rosetta statements of a paper
- feat: consolidate comparison editing and publishing
v0.153.0 - 2024-12-03
- feat: Quick action button to create a statement of the same type, using a resource as the subject
- refactor: top contributors dialog
- fix: responsiveness of pagination control
- fix: set 'view' as the text for the target class link
- fix: inconsistent URL highlighting in data browser
- feat: allow curators to create new observatories through the UI
- fix: smart suggestion icon shown for add value button that cannot be added
- feat: add pagination to the templates pages
- refactor: replace annotation service with nlp service
- feat: allow associating Rosetta Statement Types with observatories
- chore: set the env variable's default value for the public URL to localhost
- fix: hide "No Data" component in predicate DataBrowser
v0.152.0 - 2024-11-21
- feat: Pagination instead of "Load More" buttons
v0.151.1 - 2024-11-21
- fix: add frame-ancestors CSP rule for
v0.151.0 - 2024-11-20
- feat: migrate to Keycloak
- fix(widget): support encoded doi and update dependencies
- feat(DataBrowser): trim values when making suggestions and migrate from Joi to Zod for validation
- feat: display slot details when hovering over Rosetta statement type placeholders
- chore: remove files related to Create React App
- fix: ensure there is a space after the verb in a Rosetta statement
- feat: make descriptions easier to fill and always display them at the top
- fix: embedding videos
- feat(Header): add link to ORKG Ask
v0.150.1 - 2024-11-13
- fix(DataBrowser): remove duplicate statements in the paper version snapshot
- fix: adapt LinkButton component to backend _class values
v0.150.0 - 2024-11-07
- feat: Compare Rosetta statement versions
- fix(Rosetta statement editor): placeholder not displayed for multiple literals
- refactor: use list section endpoints for creation, updating and deletion of sections
- refactor: consolidate metadata editing of Lists
- chore: lint commit message and install Commitizen
- fix: issue with loading changelog for dev server
- refactor: remove alias for FontAwesomeIcon import
v0.149.0 - 2024-10-30
- use Turbopack for Development
- feat: use dedicated import endpoints for external ontologies
- refactor: improve statement browser with new features and enhancements
- chore: update NextJs
v0.148.0 - 2024-10-17
- fix: Adding users should not require an email address
v0.147.0 - 2024-10-17
- fix(Routing): use custom useParams instead next/navigation
- fix(Routing): use custom useParams instead next/navigation
- feat: add links to ORKG academy
- refactor: useContributor
- Observatory/EditObservatory => converted class component into functional component
v0.146.3 - 2024-10-10
- fix(StatementBrowser): Clicking on smart suggestion for adding property
v0.146.2 - 2024-09-20
- fix(Comparison): show citations of top authors
- fix(Routing): use custom useParams instead next/navigation
- fix(Comparison): column minimum width
- fix(StatementType): Display descriptions in the UI
- fix: move infosheet-data-protection to the root of public folder
v0.146.1 - 2024-09-13
- refactor: use new publish comparison endpoints
- fix: use useSearchParams instead of useParams in search page
- refactor: rename default exports for constants files
v0.146.0 - 2024-09-12
- feat(ClassPage): show statement type
- fix(Template diagram): wrong cardinality
- fix(StatementType): Edit buttons display '0' when permission is falsy
- fix: Page of a missing property shows internal server error
- fix: Button label on user page "more load" instead of "load more"
- fix(Review): blacklist research fields when publishing
- feat: activate the search for resources (individuals) in getExternalData
- fix: Pluralize header on benchmarks page
- Contributions => AddedMentionings component, called getResource Api to fetcha single resource, AddItem component
- refactor: remove Next.js migration components
- fix(LiteratureList): blacklist research fields when publishing
v0.145.0 - 2024-08-08
v0.144.0 - 2024-08-02
- fix(ContentType): redirection after create and editing failures
- fix: user feedback tab of quality report for comparison
- feat: Visualizing geo-data with openstreetmap
- ux: Reduce edge size in graph view
- remove the deprecated annotation from getStatementsBundleBySubject
- ux(StatementBrowser): auto-focus on input field while adding a new value
- fix: Empty related figure would break the UI
- fix: Allow creators to edit their comparison
v0.143.1 - 2024-07-04
- fix: issues while importing SHACL file
v0.143.0 - 2024-06-25
- refactor: use new literature list endpoints, rewrite to TypeScript
- show default changelog tooltip when no changelog was provided
- refactor: Autocomplete component
- feat: handle rendering of face markups, LaTeX, MathML in orkg paper titles
- Observatory/EditObservatory => converted class component into functional component
- ContributionTabs/ContributionTabs => imported ValuePlugins with prop type ENTITIES.LITERAL to wrap contribution.label
- DescriptivePropertySuggestion
- Observatory/EditObservatory => converted class component into functional component
v0.142.1 - 2024-06-21
- fix(ContributionEditor): cannot create new resources
v0.142.0 - 2024-06-18
- refactor: Autocomplete component
- fix: bundle analyzer, replace source-map-explorer with @next/bundle-analyzer
- fix(review): use route handlers to generate references
- ux: disable scroll to the top while changing filters or sorting on observatory page
- fix(Statement browser): Preferences are not well persisted
- fix(Resource): sign out when in edit mode
- fix: prevent editing of published comparisons
- feat: replace underline with strikethrough in markdown editor toolbar
- feat(AddPaper): support adding title via query parameter
- lint: update react/jsx-wrap-multilines
v0.141.2 - 2024-05-30
- fix(Comparison): decoding predicates list
- fix: check if research field is provided from SciKGTeX extraction
v0.141.1 - 2024-05-24
- fix(AddPaper): add extracted SciKGTeX contribution data
- style(Observatory): allow description text to get a large space
v0.141.0 - 2024-05-11
- refactor: migrate multiple components to TypeScript
- observatories(EditObservatories)=> updated endpoint to updateObservatory
- feat(Resource): support setting the extraction method
- Comparison(RelatedPaperCarousal)=> added slidesToshow = 4,
- fix: redirect to resource page if the visualization is not linked to any comparison
- fix: applying template to all contributions in the contribution editor
- fix: Warning after editing contribution label
- Enable environment variables in storybook
- fix: unlisted badge missing in paper view
- fix: Paper url is not displayed under the "Access Paper" button
- fix: decode values of useParams and fix redirection in CheckSlug
- fix: Error in accessing templates from profile
- fix(TemplateEditor): switching tab reloads the template
- fix(ContributionEditor): listing suggested properties
- feat(Header): add ORKG birthday logo
- refactor: remove react-image-lightbox and update react-diff-viewer
- fix(Mastodon): solve hydration error by using next-client-cookies
- Layout(Footer): added a new L3S logo
- chore: Console error about Header component
- style: always have parentheses for arrow function arguments
v0.140.0 - 2024-04-25
v0.139.1 - 2024-04-23
- fix: listing instances
v0.139.0 - 2024-04-22
- feat(Comparison): support customizable column width
- fix(LinkValuePlugin): exclude text without protocol
- feat(UploadPdfModal): disable Grobid extraction when SciKGTeX annotations are present
- feat(Property): support deletion of own unused properties
- Templates: use new backend endpoints
v0.138.2 - 2024-04-04
- fix(ResearchField): wrong dependency check
v0.138.1 - 2024-04-04
- tools/page => corrected the sentence
- fix tests, fix(StatementBrowser): filter list of help articles
v0.138.0 - 2024-04-04
v0.137.0 - 2024-04-03
- Acknowledgements => changed the smart review methadology link and added The before orkg
- feat(Observatory): Faceted browsing of papers
- chore: Browserslist package update
- useQualityReport => changed entity.type into entity._class to fetch count of literals and resources
- EditableHeader=> added check if id===wikidata then hide the editable icon of the resouce label
- chore: update twitter icon
- fix: Adding papers via List are missing metadata (publicationMonth, publicationYear)
- fix(Template): Set default cardinality for select input field according to the current value
- fix(LinkValuePlugin): skip renderToString if props.children is already a string
- fix(ValuePlugin): support URLs with trailing non-link characters
- feat(Resource): support deletion of own unused resources
v0.136.0 - 2024-03-19
- Display Table for persistent paper versions
- app(page) => converted to typescript
- fix(Template): Show error if loading fails
- fix(Paper): Add property button in template box is misaligned
- fix(Home): Fetching literature lists and smart reviews
- chore: require parentheses for arrow function arguments
- refactor: use new paper endpoints
v0.135.2 - 2024-03-07
- fix: Authors are missing from Review and List cards
v0.135.1 - 2024-03-04
- refactor: change predicate of published lists
v0.135.0 - 2024-02-29
- comparisons:similarPaperScreen-structure
- fix: missing title in CSV export of comparisons
- fix issue #1415
- Fix issues #1528
- ObservatoriesCarousel => limit the observatories till 15
- feat(template): Add support for placeholder & description
v0.134.0 - 2024-02-21
- fix: benchmarks duplicate datasets in summary
- Resolved issue #1630: Fix bug task
- chore: migrate list page papers, visualization and comparisons to new endpoints
- refactor(services): Consolidate data fetching to use getResources endpoint
- fix(PaperVersion): display no label for resources without label
- feat(Template): Prominent display of SHACL export
v0.133.2 - 2024-02-08
- fix(Comparison): Sync with backend for publishing a doi
- fix: hide draft help articles from list
- fix: remove indexing of contributions after adding a paper
v0.133.1 - 2024-01-24
- Resolved issue #1621: fixed chore task
- Fix: Adding curators while publishing papers
- chore(PublishComparison): migrate to new publish DOI endpoint
v0.133.0 - 2024-01-15
- fix: Ensure that only valid sorting parameters are used for /api/resources/
- feat(Class): Show the creator and creation date
- fix: escape paper title when fetching paper by title
- fix: make heading labels consistent
- fix(DraftComparisons): show error message on failed deletion
v0.132.0 - 2023-12-19
- feat: Support extraction method for CSV import
- fix: make sure that tokenExpire cookie exist before auto logout
v0.131.0 - 2023-12-15
- feat(CodeValuePlugin): support TIB LDM URLs
v0.130.2 - 2023-12-11
v0.130.1 - 2023-12-11
- fix: Deprecated type field used in object endpoint requests
v0.130.0 - 2023-12-04
- fix(StatementBrowser): show external descriptions for 'same as' links
- feat(TemplateEditor): Persist the edit mode after creating a new template
v0.129.4 - 2023-11-28
- fix(ViewPaper): Contributions are not loaded if they are not instance of Contribution class
- fix(Review): ensure only Review authors are displayed
v0.129.3 - 2023-11-23
- refactor(Comparison): Sync with the new SimComp API
v0.129.2 - 2023-11-17
- fix: Add redirection for the legacy predicate/id route
- fix(StatementBrowser): defaults props of Statements component
- fix(StatementBrowser): defaults props of Statements component
v0.129.1 - 2023-11-15
- fix: wrong transition of createClass function from JavaScript to TypeScript
- feat: support typescript
v0.129.0 - 2023-11-08
- StatementBrowser(Statement):removed default props and renamed syncBackend => syncBackendValue and propertySuggestionsComponent => propertySuggestionsComponentStore
- fix(ResearchFieldCards): ensure words are correctly pluralized
- docs: update CONTRIBUTING and remove docs folder
- feat(AbstractModal): show warning for fetching abstract by title
- feat(Diff): show link to compare to latest version
v0.128.0 - 2023-11-01
- feat(Home): use new research field hierarchy endpoints for the front-page
- fix(CI/CD): Failing tests
- feat(HelpCenterSearch): make Strapi search case insensitive
- fix: Top contributors 'all time' is empty
- fix(ViewPaper): publishing a paper doesn't work
- fix(Search): Clicking search button with empty search string
- fix(Header): sometimes missing correct style (transparent)
- feat(Home): replace 'react-responsive-tabs' with custom tabs
v0.127.0 - 2023-10-24
- Resolve "Integrate the Sck-KG-Tex endpoint in frontend"
- fix: Remove sorting for research field changelog endpoint
- legal: update license to CC0
v0.126.1 - 2023-10-17
- style(Tippy): Text in hover popup is difficult to read
v0.126.0 - 2023-10-16
- feat: integrate ChatGPT Smart suggestions for six use cases
- fix: broken CSS pseudo class selector
- fix(PaperForm): store venue when automatically fetched
- Resolve "Publishing comparison tables"
- feat(Home): connect research fields homepage to browser
- Use the entrypoint mechanism provided by Nginx
v0.125.0 - 2023-10-11
- refactor: prepare file structure for NextJS, create wrapper components
- Fix delivery of enviroment variables file
v0.124.0 - 2023-10-05
- feat(Review): show DOI on top of review
- fix: provide null instead of empty string for author ORCIDs
v0.123.0 - 2023-09-22
- Revert "Merge branch '1496-remove-id-sorting-parameter-for-class-resource-search' into 'master'"
- feat(GraphView): support blacklisting of classes, show the full label of properties
v0.122.0 - 2023-09-19
- feat: "Disable metadata editing of papers when paper is verified"
- feat(Widget): add support for comparisons
- chore(Publish): Update doi response
- fix(ViewPaper): maintain the edit mode after creating a new contribution
- fix: remove sorting parameter from class resources search
- Fix: "Replace term 'Toots' with 'Posts' for Mastodon widget"
- ux(Autocomplete): copy the id of selected item instead of label
v0.121.0 - 2023-09-08
v0.120.0 - 2023-09-07
- feat(StatementBrowser): support ordered lists
- fix(Review): outline links not working and comparisons break on link click
- fix(QualityReport): correctly evaluate DOI and property descriptions
v0.119.0 - 2023-08-30
- fix(useIsEditMode): Ensure user is signed in before enabling edit mode
- feat(Class): support updating class labels for curators or in case of unused class
- fix(Property): Changing the label of a property clears the statements browser
- ux: persist edit mode via URL for entities pages
- fix(StatementBrowser): validation for large integer and decimal values
- feat(Review): show link to comparison
- ux(Resource): display loading indicator instead of '0' instances before loading
- feat(AddPaperModal): support BibTeX and PDF upload
- feat(Template): add description and export citation of resource in latex format
v0.118.0 - 2023-08-17
- feat(Template): show the list of instances
- fix(ViewPaper): add template to contribution is not synced with backend
v0.117.0 - 2023-08-17
- feat(ResearchFields): support smart suggestions
v0.116.0 - 2023-08-15
v0.115.0 - 2023-08-10
- fix(AuthorProfile): add missing ampersand in Google scholar url
- Fix(Feedback/FeedbackQuestions/WriteFeedback)
- fix(Home): overlapping of tour guide button and chat box button
- feat(GraphVisualization): implement Reagraph for graph visualizations
- fix(Search): catch decodeURIComponent failure
v0.114.1 - 2023-08-01
- fix(Home): hide broken Twitter timeline widget
- fix: Encode dois for widget endpoint
- HelpCenter:added title in browser
v0.114.0 - 2023-07-27
- fix(Review): remove unpublished while loading
- feat(Home): intro for new visitors
- feat(Template): Import SHACL
v0.113.0 - 2023-07-14
- feat(Home): add ORKG stories box
v0.112.0 - 2023-07-06
- fix(ViewPaper): ORCIDs not displayed after updating authors
- chore: allow console.error
- fix: sync with backend change on getStatementsByPredicateAndLiteral endpoint
- feat(Contributors): hide contributors with a contribution less than 3 percent
v0.111.0 - 2023-06-21
- feat(Observatories): paginate observatories and use complimentary observatory endpoints
- fix(ResearchField): alternation between feature and no featured items on research field page
- feat(AddPaper): only support SciKGTeX in compatibility mode
- feat(Paper): hide low score unpaywall results
- chore: async jspdf for code splitting, remove immutability-helper and use array-move instead
- feat(EntityRecognition): show DescriptionTooltip for recommendations
- fix(Breadcrumbs): fix flickering on hover
- fix(ResearchFieldSelector): hide fields while loading
v0.110.0 - 2023-06-12
- feat(Template): export as SHACL shape
- feat(TemplateDiagram): display number of instances
- fix(AuthorInput): adding an ORCID to a literal author freezes the paper editor
- feat(uploadPdf):metadata compatibility
v0.109.0 - 2023-06-08
- CD(Netlify): add redirection rule for index.html
- chore: replace 'featured' and 'unlisted' flags with 'visibility' parameter
- feat(Template): download template diagram as image
- fix(Visualization): problems with tables width
- style(Class): overflowing content of instances table
- fix(StatementBrowser): template properties vanish once saved
- fix(Observatory): show message when no description is provided
v0.108.0 - 2023-06-02
- feat(ResearchField): Show unlisted filter option publicly
- fix(TemplateEditor): Redux state cleared on location change
- chore: Sync with the backend refactoring of observatories endpoints
v0.107.1 - 2023-05-30
- set the height of the contentloader in templateModal
- fix: Data loss when reordering authors
- fix: class editor typo
- Revert fuzzy search string optimization
v0.107.0 - 2023-05-24
- remove unused file
- feat(Class): view and edit class hierarchy
- feat(UserProfile): show lists
- feat(Benchmarks): render resource page links on PwC Models
- fix: Duplicate Timeline entries
- feat(Observatories): Show unlisted filter option publicly
- feat(Template): diagram view (UML Class like)
- feat(Observatory): edit mode
- feat(AddPaperWizard): support PDF upload for metadata extraction
v0.106.0 - 2023-05-16
- ux:added links for add reviews and add lists in ContentTypeNew
- fix(Template): Show error if a template doesn't exist
- chore: Remove sort order parameter for search queries
- fix(Comparison): Slow processing time when there are multiple MathJax instances
- docs: Provide more information for unlisted badge for authored resources for non-curators
- feat(StatementBrowser): Indicate and link the used templates in the selected resource
- chore: Migrate to new organization update endpoint
- fix(Comparison): description doesn't render clickable urls
- fix(StatementBrowser): Add property is activated in the template box even if it's strict
- feat(Benchmark): dropdown for Datasets on a particular Research Problem
- fix(Visualization): Missing axis labels on view mode
- fix(StatementBrowser): Breadcrumbs navigation for resources in comparisons
v0.105.0 - 2023-05-10
- feat(Comparison): Hide the authors and curator when the property "is anonymized" set to true
v0.104.1 - 2023-05-05
- fix(Comparison): disable row groups when sorting
v0.104.0 - 2023-05-05
- fix(Sidebar): Template suggestions only on top-level contribution
- fix(Template): Show correct creation time
- chore: update browsers list db
- ux: Increase the page size of research problem items
- feat(Comparison): preserve metadata when publishing new version
- fix(AboutPage): responsive images
v0.103.1 - 2023-04-27
- fix(Storybook): list docs for components
v0.103.0 - 2023-04-26
- chore: Sync with the backend refactoring of top contributor endpoints
- fix(ComparisonCard): Small discrepancy in count of contributions for a comparison
- docs: implement Storybook for frequently used components
- feat(UserTooltip): improve animation
- fix(ResearchFieldsCards): fix word wrap, feat: change limit max displayed items
v0.102.2 - 2023-04-21
- fix: Do not allow setting unlisted and featured flag for non-content type resources
- fix(Template): make templates publicly accessible
- fix(CodeValuePlugin): show non-code links as anchors
- internal: Update dependencies
v0.102.1 - 2023-04-20
- fix(StatementBrowser): Load templates recommendation
v0.102.0 - 2023-04-20
- feat(suggestions):added Recommendations in view paper-edit mode
- feat(Template): use SHACL vocab
- ux: Show unlisted badge for authored resources for non-curators
v0.101.1 - 2023-04-11
- fix(CI): use cjs path instead of esm in Code component
v0.101.0 - 2023-04-11
- fix(UserProfile): ensure organization logo is displayed
- feat(StatementBrowser): support syntax highlighting for Github URLs
- ux(Observatory): Increase the page size of observatory items
- fix(Comparison): Multiple API calls to invalid resource
- chore(Paper): rename 'View paper' to 'Access paper'
- feat(GeneratePdf): add loading indicator
v0.100.0 - 2023-04-04
- fix(Comparison): fix export comparison as PDF
- feat(Footer): add report content link
- chore: make env switching easier
v0.99.0 - 2023-03-29
- fix(Style): Long URLs overflows into the provenance column
- fix(style): Markdown table out of container
- fix(ViewPaper): Verified Metadata Icon is only visible for curators
- feat(Discussion): support discussions on papers
v0.98.1 - 2023-03-28
- fix(TemplateEditor): losing statements while saving template
v0.98.0 - 2023-03-27
- feat(Observatory): set maximum length for observatory description
- enhancement(Benchmarks): paginate the list and refactor ListPage
v0.97.1 - 2023-03-23
- refactor: Sync with the backend changes and use the timline endpoint
v0.97.0 - 2023-03-20
- feat(QualityReport): count related figures in the quality modal
- chore(Footer): add link to data protection info sheet
- feat:change tabs with url
- feat: Delete property
- fix(TemplateEditor): Delete statements of orphan nodes while editing a template
- feat(Author): support listing works and searching for authors without ORCID
- feat(UserProfile): add user related statistics to profile
v0.96.0 - 2023-03-15
- feat: Support CSVW model for table view
v0.95.1 - 2023-03-14
- enhancement(HomePage): Group versions after alternating the featured and no-featured comparisons
- fix(ViewPaper): loading paper contributors if a user doesn't exist in the database
- style: hide scroll-bars for visualization preview of tables
- chore(Comaprison): Order of elements in the carousel
- chore(Review): change content section to text section
- ux: Truncate long contribution labels for better readability
- fix(Review): prevent recreation of existing references
- refactor: create separate component for button with loading state
- fix(About): blank page for about, fix issue with missing title
v0.95.0 - 2023-03-10
- refactor: Replace query-string with qs
- fix(Resource): usage in papers doesn't support url encoding
- fix(Comparison): Missing data when requesting a DOI for a published comparison
- feat(UserProfile): Show the created reviews and templates
- fix(Comparison): make carousel visible when only related figures/resources are available
- doc: add explainer videos to comparison and review list
v0.94.0 - 2023-03-06
- fix(Header): show all about menu items by increasing pageSize
- feat(Resource): Add usage tab that list papers referring to a resource
- refactor(Resource): use tabs ui pattern and move all components cards to its own directory
- sync(Benchmarks): list all benchmarks
- feat(Comparison): move related resources and figures to the virtualization carousel
- feat(AddPaper): Integration of the Agri-NER service
- fix(SmartReview): incorrect reference key for references
- Resolve "Migrate to new organization logo endpoint"
- fix(Header): prevent issue with wrong CMS env var
v0.93.0 - 2023-03-01
- feat(Comparison): quality report modal (i.e. maturity modal)
- feat(Comparison): show top authors for comparisons
- fix(Header): solve issue with sorting of about pages and categories
v0.92.0 - 2023-02-27
- refactor(Timeline): sync with backend changes on the contributors endpoint
- fix(Review): Ontology section
- Resolved: Resolve "Text on homepage is not clearly visible"
- fix: Broken edit mode in content type page
- ux: Show disabled selector when templates are used
v0.91.2 - 2023-02-21
- chore: support Strapi V4 API
v0.91.1 - 2023-02-10
- internal(SEO): Activate Search Console
- docs(Readme): add missing force flag
- fix(Visualization): fix broken comparisons and add error boundary
v0.91.0 - 2023-02-03
- feat(AddPaper): Templates recommendation service
- fix(StatementBrowser): do not apply the changes on update classes if the api request fails
- fix(Widget): use English as default language
- fix: prevent showing home page banner with rubber band scrolling
- feat(Comparison): show tooltip for collapsed long literals
- fix(Observatories): logos moving after loading
v0.90.0 - 2023-01-24
- feat(Comparison): support drag and drop, new design, edit mode
- ux(AddPaper): Show backend error message
- fix(CORS): Loading dbpedia abstract
- feat(ResearchFields): add input to copy field ID without leaving the page
v0.89.0 - 2023-01-09
- feat: Manage conference event for each series
- feat(StatementBrowser): replace circle with tooltip to indicate clickability
- fix(AddPaperWizard): contribution tabs missing styling
v0.88.0 - 2022-12-13
- fix(Comparison): Disable saving selected properties on path comparison method
- feat(CsvImport): add additional label for newly imported papers
- feat(Comparison): make full width if there are more than three contributions
- feat(AuthorBadges): collapse authors when there are more than 15 entries
v0.87.0 - 2022-12-08
- fix(StatementBrowser): make default properties follow the style guidelines
- feat(Comparison): improve horizontal scrolling by always showing scrollbar
- refactor(ViewPaper): Prevent getting similar contributions without an ID
- Optimize(Home): Prevent reloading content while switching between tabs
- internal: Update dependencies
v0.86.2 - 2022-11-24
- Disable similar contribution temporarily
v0.86.1 - 2022-11-21
- fix(CsvImport): remove prefix and suffix from header labels
- fix(Comparison): scrolling with buttons and shadow not working
- fix(Outline): prevent rerender of parent component
- NLP: update the api calls
- fix(Comparison): hide the outline when the comparison is fullscreen
v0.86.0 - 2022-11-09
v0.85.0 - 2022-11-03
- feat(List): add info message on top of list pages
- fix(Review): losing selected comparison for newly creation sections
- feat: Description tooltip on all entities
- ux(Comparison): Add a table of contents to a comparison page
- feat(Resource): Change the provenance of a resource
- CSP: add for local development
- fix: Incorrectly identified error message for Valid DOI
- fix(Template): wrong property description is displayed
- feat(Author): Show author's DBLP id
- fix(Review): catch loading error and show message
v0.84.0 - 2022-10-12
- fix readme table
- feat(AddPaper): don't require authentication for the first step
- fix(LiteratureList): embed list
v0.83.0 - 2022-10-06
- internal: update prettier and eslint-plugin-prettier
- fix(ViewPaper): link to TIB portal via exact match paper titles
- fix(Widget): remove www from public URLs
- fix(AddPaper): replace reactour with intro.js
- fix(Page): add support tib domain to CSP
- Style: show the container of items in Venue page
- feat(Resource): Automate the redirection to the dedicated page
- fix: Redirects broken of legacy pages with params
- fix(Search): Ignore draft comparisons in search result of resources
- Benchmarks: Head title change and link dataset resource in benchmark page to content type page
- fix(StatementBrowser): copy the correct value ID
- fix: make ComparisonPopup visible on the research problem and observatory pages
v0.82.1 - 2022-09-22
- fix(TemplateEditor): Saving a template with use cases
- refactor(Comparison): use redux to manage the state
v0.82.0 - 2022-09-13
- fix(CSP): Twitter timeline
v0.81.0 - 2022-09-12
- fix(ViewPaper): Verify citations count before showing it
- fix(AuthorsInput): Disable selecting authors from wikidata in add paper wizard
- feat: Diagrams
- fix: use regular expression to validate uri
- Help video modal issue fixed
- fix(CSP): Loading description from Wikipedia
v0.80.1 - 2022-09-09
- fix(CSP): Lookup by doi
v0.80.0 - 2022-09-05
- feat(ViewPaper): link to TIB portal
- feat(ViewPaper): update link to survey for CS papers
- chore(Comparison): Ditch /orkg/ from export comparison as RDF
- fix(Search): Error on leaving search page
- test: Mock resource update
- npm: update matomo-tracker-react
- ux: catch JavaScript errors and display a fallback UI
- optimization: lazy-loading of Featured comparisons page
- ux: Add copy to clipboard button to description tooltip and ID tooltip
- fix(AddPaper): Changes on existing resources are ignored
- fix(ContributionEditor): selecting the ontology sources for resources
v0.79.1 - 2022-09-01
- fix(ViewPaper): Broken DOI link in provenance box
v0.79.0 - 2022-08-31
- feat(paper): Persistent identification of ORKG papers
- ux(Template): Show an overlay loading and saving indicator
- fix(CSP): Support loading fonts from data:
- style(Author): Responsive AuthorHeader component
- feat(CS-NER): activate for Computational Linguistics research field
v0.78.1 - 2022-08-30
v0.78.0 - 2022-08-16
- fix(Stats): update benchmarks class
- chore: integrate recommended react rules
- ui(AddPaperWizard): disable annotator for CS, separate abstract entry modal
- feat(AddPaperWizard): add Bioassays Semantification tool
- fix(StatementBrowser): Dataset table doesn't show horizontal scroll bar
- fix(Author): filter deleted papers
v0.77.1 - 2022-08-11
- fix(PdfTextAnnotation): use package instead of CDN for loading pdfjs worker
v0.77.0 - 2022-08-10
- feat(AddPaperWizard): implement NER-CS tool
- internal: update dependencies
- config(CI/CD): Set homepage to / in package.json
- feat(ViewPaper): integrate unpaywall
- ux(ContributionEditor): remember last selected data type
- ux(ResearchFieldSelector): improved loading indicator
- feat(ExistingPaperModal): disallow duplicate DOIs
v0.76.0 - 2022-08-04
- CD(pre-release): Show the long format of tag name
- feat(Autocomplete): support for Wikidata and external ontologies
- fix(StatementBrowser): Submitting autocomplete field using Keyboard
v0.75.1 - 2022-07-25
- fix(CsvImport): broken validation solved
- CI: Send ref name when release is triggered
- feat(Search): support DOI lookup by full URL, fix loading indicator
v0.75.0 - 2022-07-20
- ux(Search): Run the search query when clicking Enter
- feat(ContributionEditor): support for 'empty' resource
- fix(StatementBrowser): Applying a template to contribution doesn't update the classes
v0.74.1 - 2022-07-13
- Change production pipeline trigger to tag pipeline
v0.74.0 - 2022-07-12
- feat(Class): ability to provide a description when creating a class
- Add pipeline trigger for deploying to production
v0.73.0 - 2022-07-11
- fix(StatementBrowser): cannot edit new resources
- feat(Observatory): Allowing deleting research problems
- feat(Property): ability to provide a description when creating a property
- ui: Switch main and sub-title for organizations and observatories
v0.72.0 - 2022-07-06
- feat(DatatypeSelector): support for 'empty' resource
- feat(Property): support updating property labels for curators
- SimilarContributions: hide on error and no results; News: hide when no recent news is available
- chore: replace react-meta-tags with helmet
- fix(Comparison): disable save draft for published comparisons
- docs: update API documentation url
- fix: follow DOI display guidelines
- fix(Comparison): tooltip is displayed behind comparison header
- refactor(Comparison): remove setTimeout for checking window size
- feat(ViewPaper): show citation count
- fix: use replace for navigation actions with redirect
- fix(AddPaper): show new resources in autocomplete
- Use sandbox in default.env
v0.71.1 - 2022-06-16
- fix(Comparison): publish with property IDs starting with 'R'
v0.71.0 - 2022-06-15
- feat(Search): support research field filter
- fix(StatementBrowser): Hide input on stop edit
- fix(Autocomplete): Prevent selecting template components
- chore: update version command, set package.json version
- fix(ContentType): statement browser keeps loading on edit mode
- fix: pre-commit hook
- chore: allow building with lint errors
- fix(Observatory): Problem with URLs
- ux: consolidate UI components
- style: adopt Airbnb lint rules
- feat(Home): add Twitter timeline
- Review: add link to SmartReview methodology
V0.70.1 - 2022-05-20
- fix: circular store dependency
V0.70 - 2022-05-20
- Resolve "Issue with reset redux state on location change"
- refactor(Templates): type resources of “TemplateComponentClass”
- feat(Observatories): Combined lists and paginate content
- feat(HelpArticle): support articles without category
- feat(Observatory): link contributors and organizations with observatories from the UI
V0.69.2 - 2022-05-16
- fix(Search): infinite loop after changing search query
- fix(Redirect): research problem/field slug redirection leads to 404
- fix: Broken links in Search and Dataset pages
- fix: broken slug redirect
V0.69.1 - 2022-05-03
- fix(ContributionEditor): "view comparison" button not working
- fix: add url prefix for links
- Add GitLab CI configuration for deployment to test system
V0.69 - 2022-05-02
- feat(Header): NFDI4DS widget integration
- ux: make text selectable for buttons containing graph labels
- chore: remove unused dependencies
- fix(DiffView): page not loading, paper entries undefined
- internal: Update dependencies
- feat(Observatory): support description line breaks
V0.68.1 - 2022-04-19
- ux(Search ): hide message "There are no results..." in results
- ux(AddPaper): go to next step on field click
- fix: Template save button keeps saving state
- fix(Comparison): Error when publishing comparison DOI without creators
- fix(Review): duplicate publishing notification after publishing
- fix: Contributions Help Tour issue
V0.68 - 2022-04-13
- feat(Review): publish reviews with DOI
- Comparison: improve navigation
- feat(List): generic list of ORKG content
- fix(ContributionEditor): fix updating property
- fix: Non-existing resource: no error message displayed
- refactor: move global CSS code to respective components
- feat: integrate event tracking
- refactor: Transition to Redux Toolkit
- Resource: show metadata
- Tooltip: use Tippy instead of Reactstrap
- CsvImport: static backdrop, rename research problem column
- CI: use https explicitly to install aoelen/react-pdf-highlighter-dist
V0.67.2 - 2022-03-21
- fix(Comparison): metadata not showing
V0.67.1 - 2022-03-18
- fix(Comparison): failed loading comparisons without an organization
V0.67 - 2022-03-18
- ResearchField: Sync with backend changes
V0.66 - 2022-03-17
- feat(Comparison): Anonymize authors while publishing
V0.65.2 - 2022-03-14
- fix(ContributionEditor): creating resources with existing label not possible, error on select option with enter key
V0.65.1 - 2022-03-14
- fix(Autocomplete): doesn't show value
V0.65 - 2022-03-08
- style: Contributions tabs
- refactor: replace usePrevious with onClose of StatementBrowserDialog
- fix(StatementBrowser): formatted labels after 3 hierarchy level
- fix(Templates): used templates
- routes: Redirect old curation call URL to new help center page
- feat(CsvImport): show warning if specified datatype is conflicting with cell value
- feat(Review): show comparison link for print view
V0.64 - 2022-03-03
- Review: remove reading time estimation
- feat(CsvImport): support data types for literals
- fix: Combined lists pagination
- internal: Rename env var for backend API
V0.63 - 2022-03-01
- fix(CSVImport): title required when using DOI
- style: remove auto capitalization property labels
- feat(ContributionEditor): Support template
- fix(TemplateEditor): Updating a template for a class
- fix(CombinedLists): alternate between featured and unfeatured items
- style: Research field page title bar
- fix(EditPaperDialog): default blank value for Month and Year in paper metadata
- feat(AddPaper): Show previously selected for research field selection
- feat(Header): support for multiple about categories
- docs(CsvImport): link to help center instead of modal
V0.62.1 - 2022-02-15
- ux(EditModeHeader): animate show and hide
- fix(Auth): fix non-serializable tokenExpire
- fix(Autocomplete): String exact match for instances of a class
- fix(CombinedList): Sort comparison versions correctly
- fix(LiteratureList): hide curation buttons
- fix: no options in paper title input field
- fix: Contributor tooltip doesn't show the number of papers
- fix(StatementBrowser): Toast message of updating a label
- ui(Comparison): move position 'add contribution' button
- refactor(Reviews): rename SmartReviews to reviews
V0.62 - 2022-02-07
- feat: Content curation features and show combined list of all content in research field/problem pages
- feat(Search): Add filter for content created by a user
- fix(SmartReview): Title doesn't remove line breaks from the label
- fix: Catch error if indexing contributions fail
- seo(UserProfile): set document title
- fix(LatestNews): Carousel indicators are not correctly displayed
- doc: Display a link to the help center to add Benchmark
- fix(SmartReview): set images in Markdown editor to max-width 100%
- fix(ContributionEditor): literal conversion tooltip not visible
- fix(Template): Property range field doesn't show the class name
- chore: Replace contact page link with helpdesk email in 503 page
- feat(LiteratureList): make list embeddable
V0.61 - 2022-01-26
- fix(Comparison): view a resource within a context
- feat(Visualization): view visualization modal
V0.60 - 2022-01-24
- feat: lookup paper metadata by title via Semantic Scholar
- fix: videos, replace bootstrap classes
- feat(Comparison): support showing single result when filtering
- feat(LiteratureList): support BibTeX export
V0.59 - 2022-01-17
- fix: issue with running ORKG in Safari (update citation-js)
- fix: Some issues in textbox width of autocomplete
- style: PWC box spacing issue
- feat(MarkdownEditor): support for video embedding
V0.58 - 2022-01-10
- Comparison: support embedding videos
- fix(PaperView): Reversed order of authors
- style: Responsive benchmarks page
- fix: Plural words with zero items
- fix(AbstractAnnotator): text wrapping issue
- docs: add Architecture section
- internal: Update dependencies
V0.57.2 - 2021-12-20
- fix: Same as abstract not displayed
- fix(StatementBrowser): Double tooltip on research problem resources
- fix(Resource): Updating the label
- fix(StatementBrowser): Infinit loop on fetch statements for resource
- fix(SmartReview): allow deletion of duplicate authors
V0.57.1 - 2021-12-07
- fix(SmartReview): fix issue with adding resources/properties in the ontology table
- fix(Search): paper links do not show correctly
V0.57 - 2021-12-03
- fix(Search): link to SmartReview directly, refactor switch statement
- feat: literature list
V0.56 - 2021-12-02
- feat(StatementBrowser): Optimisation and enhancement of templates, autocomplete and user interaction
- docs: add contributing file
V0.55.1 - 2021-11-19
- fix(Comparison): Contribution data doesn't show in case no properties are selected
V0.55 - 2021-11-16
- Comparison: rename 'more' to 'actions' button header
- fix(Comparison): loading indicator prevent overflowing
- fix: top contributors
- fix(Contribution editor): Bibtex reader does not catch the url entry
- Style(ContributionEditor): Make dropdown box of types visible
- fix(Contribution Editor): Select datatypes dropdown in the popup
- fix(Comparison): Applied filters are not visible at the first time applied
- fix: Bibtex are saved in "has doi" statement
V0.54.1 - 2021-11-10
- fix(ContributionEditor): infinite loop when adding a paper
V0.54 - 2021-11-08
- fix(ContributionEditor): Saving the boolean value
- fix(Comparison): Publishing a new version of a comparison doesn't show the labels of existing references
- fix(SmartReview): fix author order list page, fix invalid formatted reference
- fix(SmartReview): scrollbars for overflowing outline items
- feature: support for draft comparisons, consolidate draft entity design
- refactor: transition to Redux Toolkit, starting with the contribution editor
V0.53 - 2021-11-02
- fix(Comparison): Disable extend property ids when using exact match approach
- feat(DataAccess): add link to visual SPARQL editor
V0.52.1 - 2021-10-21
- fix(ContributionEditor): reset datatype on close, support for creating duplicate resources
V0.52 - 2021-10-18
- fix(AddPaper): Check the existence of paper after lookup
- fix: Unpublished comparisons have
in their title#702
- ux: Open a new window for "Go to resource page" link
- feat(Contributions editor): Add the new selector of datatype
- fix(EditPaperDialog): preserve author order, prevent duplicate statements
- feat(Comparison): Show a header row in case of shared path of properties
- ux(TemplateEditor): Show the property id and the description in a tooltip
- enhancement(SEO): use JSON-LD to describe ScholarlyArticle
- fix: Inconsistent behavior between search fields on search results page
- fix: URLs as Literals in Comparison Editor
- feat(Header): list about pages in submenu
- fix(EditPaperDialog): prevent duplication of fields and venues
- ux: Remove visual feedback on list item hover
- fix: add margin for view paper button
- fix: adjust the regular expression of Link value plugin
- fix: Latex formulas wrapping
- fix(AddPaper): Dismiss the modal of "DOI already in ORKG" only by using the buttons
- feat(Homepage): support for news article cards
V0.51 - 2021-10-07
- fix(Autocomplete): Loading external classes
- feat(Autocomplete): use TIB Terminology Service for class lookup
- feat(ViewPaper): support for Altmetric
- fix(Comparison): fix overflowing property values
- feat(Search): support class label lookup
- fix(DatatypeSelector): preserve selected value on rerender
- fix(Autocomplete): resolve issue with selecting an existing class from external ontologies
V0.50.1 - 2021-09-10
- fix: Preview for visualization shows error message
V0.50 - 2021-09-10
- fix: Links to terms of use and data protection
- feat(CSV import): Add paper venue column and fix fetching publication month and year
V0.49 - 2021-09-08
- ux(Comparison popup): Replace delete confirmation with tooltip
- fix(Stats): improve responsiveness of stats boxes
- feat(Author): Show ORCID/Google Scholar profiles for authors and refactor Cards
- feat(Home): support alerts via the CMS
- feat(Comparison): load live data, only allow editing when live data is fetched
V0.48 - 2021-08-09
- fix(ContributionEditor): make property column always visible
- fix: add missing return instruction in getLabel
- fix(Comparison): correct color for transposed first table cell
- refactor(ListPage): use ListPage component for all pages listing entities
- Style: Section titles in research field page needs a margin right
- fix(Paper): fix styling is listed comparisons
- feat(SmartReview): mention ORKG in acknowledgements
- style(Comparison): make contribution labels better visible
V0.47 - 2021-08-03
- Replace title about page
- fix: wrap top menu to prevent horizontal scrolling on small screens
- feat(SB): Select datatype of literal
- fix(Header): improve responsiveness
- feat(ValuePlugins): support inline Latex and AsciiMath
- UX(Comparison popup): Start comparison only if two contributions are selected
- style: Enhance similar contributions elements in small screens
- fix: Exclude videos and images patterns from link ValuePlugin
- chore: remove unused packages
V0.46 - 2021-07-26
- feat: Integration of Strapi CMS
V0.45 - 2021-07-21
- fix: Issue with fetch statements for resource
- enhancement(Benchmark): Show benchmark of a research problem on dataset
- feat(Stats): add additional statistics
- fix(SmartReview): save authors without change
- feat(Observatories): human-readable URLs
- fix(Comparison): Remove decoding before parsing comparison configuration
- fix(SmartReview): preserve order of ontology items, rely on backend default sorting
V0.44.1 - 2021-07-15
- fix(CSV import): Validation schema
V0.44 - 2021-07-13
- fix: make several UI components more accessible
- fix: Paper cannot be edited when no research field is provided
- feat(CSV import): Fetch metadata if DOI is provided
- fix(CSV Import): Research field validation
- feat(ValuePlugins): support inline clickable links
V0.43 - 2021-07-07
- fix: add Comparison pop-up to ResearchFields page
- feat(SmartReview): show selection box when adding a reference
- fix: some contribution editor and comparison issues
- feat(CSV import): support for resources with header prefix
- internal: Update dependencies
- fix(Comparison): display references
V0.42.1 - 2021-06-24
- feat(SmartReview): support value plugins in ontology table
- ux: Add loading indicator for benchmarks and fix plotting issues
- fix: Broken pagination in templates page
- fix(SmartReview): incorrect reference key for automatically generated references
V0.42 - 2021-06-22
- fix(SmartReview): set max length for content sections
- feat(Stats): add additional statistics
- feat(SmartReview): section outline, section move buttons, publish reminder, scrolling on move
- ux: Add to comparison button
- curation: Make only admins can edit research field resource
- feat(AuthorInput): decode html entities of crossref reponse
- chore: remove organizations/id/Observatories endpoint
- fix: Current user tooltip appears on the user profile
- ux(ContributionEditor): list animations when automatically sorted
- fix(SmartReview): show correct property labels in ontology entity suggestion
- refactor(Visualization): Store the customization state
V0.41 - 2021-06-15
- feat: Add benchmarks related pages
V0.40.2 - 2021-06-10
- fix: Showing doi in ExistingDoiModal
V0.40.1 - 2021-06-08
- fix(Visualizations): Loading while switching between comparison versions
V0.40 - 2021-06-08
- feat(Observatories): remove a resource from an observatory
- Comparison: Show history and enhancements on comparison cards
V0.39.1 - 2021-06-08
- fix(Comparison): Publishing a comparison with a old response
V0.39 - 2021-06-07
- UX: auto resize input fields for literals
- feat(SmartReview): support for new entity table section type
- fix: Edit property in the statement browser
- feat(SmartReview): support in-text citations
- Comparison: storing parameters in the simcom database
- fix: Guided tour to add a paper manually
- fix(Template): Loading empty list of components
- fix: Access to resources listed in the property page
- feat(Comparison): Clickable labels in tooltip of cells
- feat: Show always provenance and timeline box
- fix: scrolling on add paper page
- fix(Template): Property range field doesn't show the class name
V0.38.1 - 2021-05-20
- fix: Error when components of a templates don't have a range
V0.38 - 2021-05-19
- fix: Error on PropertySuggestions component
- fix: loading comparison components
- fix: loading observatory and organization in user profile
- fix: load more button in add contribution modal and prevent comparing the same contribution
- feat(Resources): allow curators to edit published comparison
- feat(Comparisons): change default comparison method to 'path'
- fix(Comparisons): encode predicates when URL is generated
- feat(FeaturedComparison): make featured comparison for home page only
- SmartReview: fix link after publishing, fix Markdown syntax, fix history after publishing
- feat: sort contributors and show contribution percentage in tooltip
V0.37.3 - 2021-05-12
V0.37.2 - 2021-05-04
V0.37.1 - 2021-05-03
- Update curation call page
V0.37 - 2021-04-30
- feat: add webinar page
- fix: Creating account with non-matching passwords doesn't display error
- fix: temporary fix of top contributors
V0.36 - 2021-04-26
- fix: contributions order and rediction after delete
- style: increase z-index of the comparison menu
- style: alignment of checkboxes in 'select properties' modal
- feat: smart survey article writer
- fix: use value id instead of index as a key in StatementItemTemplate
- fix: Add properties if there is no template predicate
- fix: Edit author in AuthorsInput
V0.35 - 2021-04-21
- page: Add video to curation grant call
V0.34 - 2021-04-16
- help: Add a link to how to embed a video wiki page
- feat: add page Curation Grant
- fix: force LF line endings for Windows users
V0.33 - 2021-04-14
- fix: List comparisons for a contribution
- fix: Mobile menu breaks on homepage
- ui: Observatory page improvements
- refactor: update theme variables
- update dependencies
- enhancement: improve mobile support is some views
- ui: Show all time contributors by default
- data: Add API to Data Access Page
- fix: Sorting comparisons on the home page
- geonames: use the property "same as" instead of "url" for the linking
V0.32 - 2021-03-30
- fix: show creators in papers page, get top contributors, loading comparisons, research field taxonomy browser
- header: Add new content button
- ux: Set a default value of a research field while publishing a new version of comparison
- ux: Show "Create resource" on top of the search results
- feat(ContributionEditor): multiple UX improvements
- feat: Add share link marker
- ui: new home page and new research field/problem/organization/observatory layouts
- help: Self visualization service instruction video
- feat: add video to comparisons page
- feat: use slugs in URL for research fields and problems
- fix: Comparison view density and property cell when the method path is used
- fix: Unlogged user can edit a paper and removing token cookie on logout
- feat(ContributionEditor): scale container based on contribution amount
- feat(Search): support search for paper by DOI
- fix: consistent labels for list pages
- fix: show error message when invalid contribution IDs are provided
- feat: Show the statements of a property
- feat: tools overview page
- feat(AddContribution): include DOI in input label
- feat(ContributionEditor): always show research problem row
- ci: integrate junit test reports
- refactor: support new backend pagination requests and responses
V0.31 - 2021-03-08
- feat: contribution editor
- feat: Add tooltip showing the description of properties/classes
- update colors
- style: Comparison filter icon
- refactor: Paper card, max number of authors
V0.30.1 - 2021-02-25
- fix: Deleting property statement browser results in error
V0.30 - 2021-02-19
- fix: Downgrade react-select-async-paginate
- feat: Add faceted search on comparison page
- feat: Add export to jupyter notebook button
- fix: Too many re-renders.
- feat: Add SPARQL endpoint
- fix: Self-Vis-Service feedback and smaller issues
- fix(eslint): remove eslint for jsx files
- update: react scripts
- docs: add readme PDF annotation tool
- fix: Comparison creators are missing from Publish metadata
- ci: Add cache control headers for static files nginx config
V0.29 - 2021-02-05
- fix: Deleting property from statement browser
V0.28 - 2021-02-05
- fix: logos in footer are not center aligned
- lint: Support Windows as development environment
V0.27 - 2021-02-03
- fix: Chatbot covers cookie banner button
- fix: Add value component and add paper request
- feat: Add visualizations page
- feat: Research field pages improvements
- ux: Enhance observatory selector
- fix: Assign comparison to an observatory
- partners: Add EOSC and EU flag logos in footer
- feat: New pages: add property and add class
- fix: Latest papers on home page shows oldest papers
- feat(ResearchFields): new page to browse the research field taxonomy
- refactor(ContributionItemList): use correct HTML semantics for interactive elements
- feat: Comparison visualization service
- Update dependencies
- feat(Comparison): scrolling by click on shadow, refactoring of ComparisonTable
- refactor: move store creation to statement browser component
- feat: search button on list pages
V0.26 - 2021-01-13
- fix(CsvImport): new properties with new resources
- ux(homePage): Improve observatoryCarousel
- fix(CsvImport): Trimming values
- style(Comparison): move publication year to the front in comparison header
- style(Header): reorganize menu items
- style(Resource): add button to create resource
- style(Comparison): max-width for content loader for full page comparisons
- fix(SimilarPapers): index contributions after adding new paper
- style(ResearchFieldCards): add a button to visit research field page
- feat(ResearchFields): tree selector for research fields
- feat(CsvImport): support reusing new resources
- feat(CsvImport): support URLs in CSV import
- feat(CsvImport): import CSV file with DOIs
- feat(Breadcrumbs): make last field clickable
- chore: update dependencies of ORKG widget
- feat: make properties clickable throughout the UI
- fix : Issue with display provenance box when the paper is added by an unknown user
- fix: Add creators when publishing comparison
V0.25 - 2020-12-16
- ui: Home page improvements
- feat: Autocomplete in authors input fields
- fix: Filtering templates
- feat(Comparisons): show observatory logo in comparison header
- help: Links to wiki pages
- ux: Hint text for publishing comparisons Component
- design(BreadCrumbs): update background color
- fix: slow comparison re-renders
- fix: Comparison method option
- fix(CsvImport): require authentication
V0.24 - 2020-12-10
- feat: redirect user to page after authentication
- fix(Comparison): hide 'view resource' link if resource is not available
- feat: Mark paper metadata as manually verified
- ux: Add breadcrumbs on paper, research field and comparison pages
- enhancement: Comparison card
- enhancement: Delete a contribution without calling the comparison API
- enhancement (Add paper): Search research field
- chore: update packages
- legal: update data protection
- fix: Save research problem when using the CSV import tool
- fix: skip null values on stringifying queries
- feat(FeaturedComparisons): support anchors to category headers
- fix: Changing display name
- Add accessibility linter rules
V0.23 - 2020-11-17
- optimization: Support code splitting to reduce bundle size
- ux: Observatory card as a link
- fix: Save research field when creating a new observatory
- feat: CSV import page
- ux: add button to view more papers for research field cards
- feat: delete buttons for curators
- chore: move getResourcesByClass to resources network file
V0.22 - 2020-11-10
- enhancement: Research field and observatory pages
- feat: Comparisons related figures carousel in observatory page
- autocomplete: fix duplicate result when searching by ID
- fix: Use a unique key to render TemplateComponent
- fix: Check if the user is authenticated on the first load
- fix: Search page issue
- ux: improve autocomplete component
V0.21 - 2020-10-28
- feat: Support for existing ontologies using Ontology Lookup Service (EMBL-EBI)
- feat: Curating observatories
- fix: Keep tooltip open on click for disabled buttons
- fix: Missing parameter id for the resource page
- fix: Features link
- style: consolidate design across platform
- feat: links to resource page and vice versa
V0.20 - 2020-10-21
- fix: create env.js on build (run react-env on build)
- legal: new paragraph in terms of use
- feat: Disable edit button on resource page for published comparisons with DOI
- legal: Accept terms checkboxes during registration
- ux: Add template help modal
- Runtime env variables and Docker compose support
- legal: update terms of use
- refactor: introduce services folder for structuring network requests
- feat: Figures as links
- feat: add terms of use page
V0.19 - 2020-10-14
- analytics: Use Matomo tracker react package
- fix(RelatedFigures): default white background for transparent images
- fix(TrendingProblems): dynamic row height for multiline problems
- analytics: Add Matomo tracking code
- ux: Breadcrumbs: long labels
- ux(Changelog): make the changelog more understandable
- feat: Add dynamic filter in search page
- ux: add documentation link to header for more visibility
- feat: Require authentication in edit options
- ux: Gravatar message in user settings
- ux: Validate paper URL
- fix: Change user page header
- feat: Setting the uri of the class
- enhancement: Use fetch statement by predicate and literal value
- page: Export data page
V0.18.2 - 2020-09-30
- fix: Disable add a reference button when the comparison is published without a DOI
- fix: overlapping buttons pdf text annotator
V0.18.1 - 2020-09-29
V0.18 - 2020-09-28
- feat: Pdf annotation text
- feat(Comparison): New method, assign DOI, simple versioning, provenance box, UI enhancement
- ui: Add cookie banner
- feat: Statement Browser Extensions
- fix: Filter out deleted papers from Browse by research field
- fix: Use a unique key to render StatementItem
- fix: Number of occurrences in contribution level
- fix: Make the resource link visible in the breadcrumbs if the label is long
- style: replace 'predicate' with 'property' throughout the UI
V0.17.1 - 2020-08-21
- style(Observatory): change design to three column layout
- fix: Loading the template of predicates and Geonames CORS issues
V0.17 - 2020-08-19
- fix: AddValue Template addes two items
- feat(Homepage): show trending research problems
- fix: "Add filtering of deleted papers on profile page"
- fix: Showing formatted label while showing a Pulse indicator
- fix: Change Predicate class ID constant
- Autocomplete improvements
- fix: Prevent Scrolling on contribution selection change (ViewPaper)
- fix: editing issue with Edge
- fix: shifting page when modal opens/closes
- feat: PDF survey table extractor
- fix: Hashtag Search does not work in search page
- ux: change label of 'published in'
- fix: empty venue in add paper wizard
- style(ResearchProblem): show contribution label in papers list
- fix(GraphView): never automatically expand research fields
- refactor: move fixed IDs out of .env file to separate config file
V0.16 - 2020-07-22
- ux: change term object to resource
- style(StatementBrowser): replace colon by arrow
- fix: Load more papers in research problem page
- fix: Observatory link typo
- ux : Update tooltip content of the dropdown menu
- fix: Export comparison as PDF
- refactor: change file structure, use pages directory
V0.15 - 2020-07-10
- improvement: Show linked research fields to research problem
- fix: fetching classes in add resource page
V0.14 - 2020-07-09
- enhancement: Create page for classes
- feat: Improve Observatory Overview page
- feat: Normalization of research problem names
- feat: Add the possibility to use templates in existing contributions
- style: replace text labels featured comparisons
- ux: Comparison table with sticky header
- Add warning message for testing server
- feat: Add meta information node for graph visualizations
- fix: Literal linked to contribution
V0.13 - 2020-06-24
- enhancement: Loading templates after updating classes in Resource details page
- Fix: Visiting the same predicate
- fix: Bug in skipping the help tour
- ux: Save button for templates header
- fix: Creating new properties not working
- fix(Search): character encoding, refactoring search form
- chore(lint): disallow unnecessary curly braces in JSX props
V0.12 - 2020-06-19
- feat: Add observatories page
- style: Use rounded css class where box class is used
- feat: Improve the predicate landing pages
- fix: Show loading indicator if the template of the object is still loading
- enhancement: Use a select input field to specify the cardinality
- feat: Support pagination in the autocomplete component
- style(menu): Add features link to top header menu
- fix: add polyfill for TextEncoder
- feat: save correct datatype of literals
- feat: cherry picking, PaperCardPreviews from #215 ( Caching )
- chore(package): update Fontawesome
- fix: Editing paper meta data: doi and url
- enhancement: Support pagination in listing the statements where the resource is an object
- refactor: SelectProperties component
- fix: DeletedPaper doesn't take into account fetching papers of a research problem/field
- fix: Duplicated labels of mapped comparison properties
- style(UX): Close alert of horizontal scrolling comparison by cookie
- feat: support deleting papers, refactor code, upgrade packages
- Resolve "editing publication month does not provide expectedtype"
V0.11 - 2020-06-03
- feat: Many to many relationship between Organization and Observatory entities
- Generete latex export only when the model is open
- Support suggestion of templates based on research problems
- feat: Indicate mapped comparison properties
- Fix: Paper venue
- fix: Template editor issues
- feat: make resources and research problem selectable
- fix(Changelog): issue with wrong tag order
V0.10.1 - 2020-05-19
- Fix the issue if the paper is not part of an observatory
V0.10 - 2020-05-19
- fix: Add value if the resource has a formated label
- fix: Logout user when the token expires
- style: Fix z-index for comparison popup and page header bar
- fix: Rendering statements component in resource details page
- feat(Resource): show statements with resource in object
- Resolve "Creating organization and observatories"
- feat: support image resources for comparisons
- feat: Feedback/Support Chat for the ORKG Frontend
- feat: Template improvements
- design: change position of contribution amount
- fix: Use localstorage instead of cookie to collect contributions for a comparison
- feat(AddPaper): Show existing paper if the doi already exists
- feat: Show the resource and predicate id in the autocomplete options
- feat: Make the option edit a paper visible along the page
- fix: Comparison with same property label, but different IDs
- feat: Display the number of compared contributions
- fix Console Error from the Jumbotron component
- feat: Listing all published comparisons
- fix: Fix existing tests
V0.9 - 2020-05-05
- feat: support thumbnails for related comparison resources
- Resolve "Fix double line edit mode"
- Single node collapse
- Resolve "Bug: publishing a comparison"
- Change position "Add contribution" for a comparison
V0.8 - 2020-04-15
- Change comparison menu
- feat: edit the classes of a resource
- fix inserting data from abstract annotator to contribution data
- fix create a shareable link for published comparisons
- feat: Support ordering for featured comparisons and papers on homepage
V0.7.1 - 2020-04-02
- fix: delete property of template
V0.7 - 2020-04-02
- Add a contribution option
- feat: support for paper PDF url
- Resolve "Edit the research field of a paper"
- make the similar paper box responsive #45
- Resolve "Add additional resources to comparisons"
- refactor: Statement Browser and Save the template used to create a resource
- Custom 503 error page
- ViewPaper design update
- Resolve "Responsive site"
- Update regular expression of ORCID Identifier
- Better mobile support in some views
- Replace Findable with FAIR on the home page header.
V0.6.2 - 2020-03-11
- Remove unuseful comments and variables
- Update changelog
- Fix RDF datacube vocabulary tabular view
V0.6.1 - 2020-03-10
- Fix datacube vocabulary tabular view
V0.6 - 2020-03-10
- fix: RDF DataCube tabular view
- fix: Export to Latex
- Widget
- feat(UX): Pre-fill general data using a query paramater
- Locate button fix
- feat: provide input templates to users and many small UX changes throughout the UI
V0.5.8 - 2020-03-03
- Search in graph
V0.5.7 - 2020-03-03
- refactor(Comparison): save comparison response only on share and publish actions
- feat(Home): add ORKG marketing video to the homepage
- Resolve "Improvements to sign in / account settings / user profile"
- style: fix problem of autocomplete width with long texts
- feat: Add paper venue #115
- feat(Comparison): Add reference to contribution comparison
- improvement(UX): Auto focus on author input field
- improvement(UX): research field input
- improvement(UX): Edit paper
- feat(ResearchProblemInput): Suggest newly added research problems from other contributions
- style(UX): Show a keyboard shortcut to navigate horizontally in comparison results
- fix(EditPaper): fix link to research problem after editing
- fix(AddPaper): use existing research problems
- feat(ValuePlugin): Add Doi value plugin
- improvement(Comparison) : LaTeX/BibTeX Export
- feat(Paper): Share paper in social media
- improvement(ResearchProblem) : show description of research problem
- Close the comparison popup when the user clicks ouside of it
- fix(HelpTour): remove updateTourCurrentStep action
- feat(Graph visualization): Add expand all nodes option and improve the performance for getting new data
- fixed rendering animation group remove
- feat(Resource): show DBpedia/Wikipedia/WikiData abstract when a resource is sameAs wiki's resource
- Visualization module
- feat(ResearchFields): grey out empty fields, better UX with animations
- fix: User logout
- feat(Footer): add more partner logos
V0.5.6 - 2020-01-21
- style(footer): Add TIB logo
- fix(Comparison): Export PDF
- fix(Comparison): Short and Publish links
- style(SimilarContribution): show contribution label
- style: break words comparison box + add calendar icon paper card
- fix(Comparison): wrap long text in headers
V0.5.5 - 2020-01-17
V0.5.4 - 2020-01-17
- feat(Comparison): Export as RDF
- fix(Comparison): improve general UX
- fix(Comparison): fix links to published comparison, fix wrapping long comparison title
- feat(Comparison): ability to publish a comparison
- feat(License): add license for published data
- feat(StatementBrowser): video previews for multiple platforms including the TIB AV portal
- fix(Search): hide no found message of not selected filter types, fix loading indicator
- style: eslint rules for better coding, prefer const over let as warning, disallow var
- feat: Sortable authors input
- fix: similar contributions
- fix: check if headers exist before calling headers function
- fix: load paper and statement browser data from the previous props on componenetDidUpdate
- fix: Set classes of newly created contributions and research problems
- Make the autocomplete case unsensitive
- fix: Show no result message if the search query is empty
- style: Fix problem with long strings of search results
- fix: exclude authors from resources search result
- fix: Open property on create
- fix: define a custom method to sort elements of an array
- feat: show a link of the dedicated page of selected resource in statement browser
- add links to imprint and data protection regulation
- remove unused css files
V0.5.3 - 2019-12-17
- Show featured papers by default
- fix: Use react router link for internal link
- fix: Add FeaturedPaper class to default environment variables
V0.5.2 - 2019-12-16
- fix: featured papers component
- refactor : Get paper data function
- style: update home page components
- added stopForce function (called when graph is closed [stopBackgroundProcesses])
- style: fix statment browser issue in firefox
- fix: replace urls with constants
- style: add margin top to body class
- style(Homepage): set multiple mottos in the homepage
- fix: typos on homepage and license page
V0.5.1 - 2019-12-13
- fix: remove the token cookie if it's expired
V0.5 - 2019-12-13
- style: change the about banner on the home page
- fix: disable send token by default on get requests
- Ensure that no duplicate labels are in the new properties
- refator: Separated component for contribution help tour
- feat: User settings
- feat: featured comparisons page and show slider on homepage
- feat: add Github issue tracker link to footer
- fix : Adding wrapping option to resources/literals in StatementBrowser
- fix: Updating a resource/literal labels
- fix: scrolling to browser window top and page transition
- Visualization module
- replace some HTTP requests with bulk actions
- Integration of ORCID and Author Class
- fix: Misleading error message on comparison
- Add Gitlab template issue for Bugs
- style(header, footer): small style changes
- style: prettier on all files
- Author page #94
- feat(authentication): support for user accounts in the UI
- Keep the interface interactive during the guided tour #84
- Filtering the resources based on the classes
- feat: show path of values in the contribution comparison
- fix: Sort resources/predicates/statements by created at property
- fix: set the classes of resources on autocomplete
- refactor: move abstract annotation to a dialog
- Resolve "Edit paper: don't save when there are not changes"
- feat(changelog): include changelog page in the UI
- Show save button when editing resource label
- style(home): add a banner that links to project page
- fix : edit the label of a resource
- feat: keep selected property on the resource history
- style(footer): new footer design that shows the current version
- feat(addpaper, viewpaper): support paper edit
- docs(readme): more information and include contributors information
- style(header): include new ORKG logo in the header
- Fix latex preview
- docs(changelog): auto generate change log on pre-commit
- Annotation tooltip position
- Async Research problem selection
- Some fixes in tools pages
- Add edit label for not existing resources
- Include pagination paramaters in network functions
- Save full paper using one api call
- Add paper : Show paper title after the first step
- Get annotations via post HTTP method
- Support latex entry in the input fields #53
- Added stats page, change name of debug menu to: tools
- Feat/improved search results page
- Remove MouseFlow and TPDL Experiment
- Pre-commit lint check
- Package updates
- Fix missing label abstract annotator
- Add confirmation box when the user leave the page 'add paper' without saving #76
- Fix contribution deletion #88
- Fix the size of view graph button #90
- Render the publication DOI as a link #91
- Parse the full title from crossref #89
V0.4.1 - 2019-09-06
- add missing slashes
V0.4 - 2019-09-06
- RDF data cube vocabulary tabular visualization
- Paper wizard abstract step
- TPDL experiment info page
- Unregister the service worker
- Init share short link option to false if long url change
- Add clear comparison popup
- Fix statement browser style
- Add support to get general paper data from bibtex
- Improve autocomplete
- Graph visualization
- Set pages title
- Comparison fixes
- Index each contribution separately
- Include citation to ORKG in LaTeX exports
- Fix some links in view paper page
- config routes
- Add explanation for the meaning of research contributions #56
- add a link to orkg in exported latex
V0.3 - 2019-06-27
- Move scss styles of Contributions.module into styled components #52
- add bibtex generator
- load comparison from cookie each second
- add transpose option to compraison table
- show message if property label already exists #49
- prevent page reload on enter research problem fix #51
- fix the link of compare contributions
- check if there at least a paper for a contribution
- Add no title when a paper title is missing
- Similarity styling fix
- run setupSimilarity async after adding a paper
- add separated loading indicator for similaire contributions
- Keep input value when switching data type - fix #48
- Fix statement browser bugs
- Research problem
- Add research problem input
V0.2 - 2019-06-27
- Resolve "Deployment deletes documentation"
- Extracted popup delay to the configuration file.
- Resolve "Rewrite networking to use promises"
- Resolve "Type error" in Chrome, when trying to add a new predicate
- Minor changes before dils
- Resolve "Make the changes in UI to Neo4J implementation in backend"
- UI cleanup before DILS
- Hid navigation buttons. Commented the corresponding code, so that they can be brought back easily.
- Added tooltips to the buttons.
- Resolve "Show a new value selection row in the dropdown box"
- Resolve "Add DOI as a property when creating a new resource from DOI"
- Resolve "Make addition of property possible"
- Resolve "Warnings when building"
- Resolve "Fix network error problem in Firefox"
- Added a fix to redirects.
- search working again
- Build for /orkg URL prefix
- Deployment changes
- fix merge issues from master into search
- Search functionality
- Refactoring helpers
- Gitlab CI
- Resolve "Implement 'add statement' functionality"
- Bootstrap wikidata routing
- Resolve "Implement data addition"
- Using visjs
- Using orkg prototype
- Implemented basic data fetch from the new backend.