- Create an issue in this repository with the topic you want to work on.
- Get that topic assigned by the maintainer
- Create a PR and wait for review.
- Create a PR by adding the topics in this ReadMe file.
Topic Name | Contributor |
GitHub Code Scanner | Nishkarsh Raj |
Jenkins | Neha Singh |
Linear Discriminant Analysis in Python | Kajori Ghosh |
HashiCorp Vagrant | Abhijeet Prasad |
6 Tips and Techniques to Speed Up and Improve Your Node.js Performance | Naruepanart Siangsanan |
Docker - Container Security | Manuel Castellin |
Kubernetes | Asher W |
DataCamp | Aviraw |
Fundamentals of Virtual Private Networks | Asher W |
Shell Scripting | Pranjal Srivastava |
GitHub | Muditxofficial |
An Overview of Cryptography | Asher W |
HashiCorp Packer | |
HashiCorp Terraform | |
HashiCorp Nomad | |
HashiCorp Consul | |
HashiCorp Vault | |
GitLab | |
Dependabot | |
Circle CI | |
WireShark | BHMBS Ibrahim |