Welcome to rdf-rest-js.
Now a browserified version is available, it's browserified/rdfrest-bundle.js
We are using browserify to bundle this lib and his dependencies into one rdfrest-bundle.js that expose both AMD and CommonJS. Here is the command we uses for creating the bundle:
browserify src/rdf-rest-lib.js --standalone rdfrestjs > browserified/rdfrest-bundle.js
Via AMD, for browsers, using bower to get the lib, and RequireJS to load it (or any AMD compliant loader)
bower install rdfrestjs
paths: {
rdfrestjs: "bower_components/rdf-rest-js/browserified/rdfrest-bundle"
define(["rdfrestjs"], function(rdfrestjs) {
"use strict";
// use rdfrestjs via his factories
// the actual interface is in src/rdf-rest-lib.js
npm install rdfrest
var rdfrest = require("rdfrest");
// inform the Core factory of a ressource
var BasicCore = rdfrest.coreBasic.BasicCore;
var graph = rdfrest.graph.graph;
var makeIri = rdfrest.rdfNode.iri;
rdfrest.coreFactory.register("http://ex.co", function(uri) {
var g = graph();
return new BasicCore(uri, g);
// Get the corresponding Core
var getCore = rdfrest.coreFactory.getCore;
var iri = rdfrest.rdfNode.iri;
var namespace = rdfrest.rdfNode.namespace;
var nt = rdfrest.serializerNTriples.nt;
var john = iri("http://ex.co/JohnLennon");
var ns = namespace("http://schema.org/");
var bc = getCore(john);
bc.getState().then(function(g) {
return nt(g, console.log);
}).then(function() {
return bc.edit(function(g) {
return g.addTriple(john, ns("name"), "John Lennon");
}).then(function(g) {
return nt(g, console.log);
Use case 1 - Look the source code
You want to create an in-memory RDF Graph Representation from a Json-LD document.
Requiring the parser:
var graph = require('../src/graph.js').graph;
var getParser = require('../src/parsers/factory.js').getParser;
require('../src/parsers/json-ld-adapter'); // ensures that parser is registered
Getting the ld+json parser from the Parser Factory and give to it an empty graph:
var parser = getParser({
graph: graph()
Defining the Json-LD document:
var doc = {
"@context": "http://json-ld.org/contexts/person.jsonld",
"@id": "http://dbpedia.org/resource/John_Lennon",
"name": "John Lennon",
"born": "1940-10-09",
"spouse": "http://dbpedia.org/resource/Cynthia_Lennon"
Add a stringified version of the Json-LD document to the parser instance:
Defining a Promise that represent an asynchronous computation of an in-memory RDF Graph Representation from the Json-LD document:
var aPromise = parser.finalize();
Fullfill the Promise to perform the parsing, and show each triples of the RDF Graph:
aPromise.then(function (graph) {
graph.forEachTriple(null, null, null, console.log);
You want a Json-LD document from a RDF Graph Representation TODO