This document describes the formal properties of RDIR.
The RDIR format consists of a directed graph of labeled nodes and edges. In the full implementation of RDIR, edges connect to nodes at numbered ports. However, most interesting properties of the representation can be modeled without numbered ports. This document will concern itself with this simplified graph model, and with a reduced set of labels.
For the purposes of this document, nodes may be labeled with one of the following labels:
- Task
- Open
- Close
- Region (with a region name, see below)
Collectively, Task, Open and Close nodes are called Compute nodes, and Region nodes are called Data nodes.
Edges may be labeled with the following labels:
- Read
- Discard
- Write
- Reduce (with a commutative reduction operator such as + or *)
- HappensBefore (added as a separate step, see below)
Certain properties must be obeyed for a labeled graph to be considered well-formed RDIR.
The graph must be acyclic.
All Read and Discard edges must flow from a Data node to a Compute node.
All Write and Reduce edges must flow from a compute node to a data node.
While the well-formedness properties of RDIR ensure that graphs are sensible, they allow for graphs which contain data-races and other bad properties. Some additional properties are required to ensure that graphs avoid these pitfalls.
Every Data node must have at most one incoming Write edges, or one or more incoming Reduce edges (with the same reduction operator), but not both. This ensures that writes are race-free.
For every pair of Data nodes with edges that might alias (see below), one node must be reachable from the other (or vice versa). This ensures that each Region (or set of potentially aliased Regions) has a consistent version history.
In addition, several constraints are placed on each of the types of Compute nodes:
For every Write edge connected to a Task node, the node must have a Read or Discard edge for the same Region.
The set of nodes connected to a Task by Read edges must not alias.
Each Open node must Read exactly one Region node (the Read set).
The Write set of an Open node must be subregions of the Read set.
Open nodes may not have Discard or Reduce edges.
Each Close node must Write exactly one Region node (the Write set).
The Read set of a Close node must be subregions of the Write set.
Close nodes may not have Discard or Reduce edges.
Every graph satisfying the above properties is data-race free and has a straightforward semantics. However, not all valid graphs produce valid Legion programs. This is because not all valid graphs are serializable. Consider the following graph:
Regions A, B -> Task t1 -> Region A Regions A, B -> Task t2 -> Region B
This graph is valid and data-race free, if we assume that separate memory is allocated for each of the tasks and both copies are initialized with the state of regions A and B prior to the start of either task. However, there is no way to serialize this graph into a sequence of task calls such that the Legion runtime can reconstruct the dataflow graph at runtime.
We solve this by adding extra HappensBefore edges to the graph, which constrain execution to ensure that it is serializable. In cases such as the one above, the addition of HappensBefore edges will introduce a cycle into the graph, allowing the graph to be rejected. Graphs which do not contain cycles after the addition of HappensBefore edges are serializable and may be translated to well-formed Legion programs.
HappensBefore edges are added to the graph as follows:
- For every Compute node C which Writes a Region R, find the set of Reads which may potentially alias with R (call this set S). Add a HappensBefore Edge to C from any operation (other than C) which Reads any Region in the set S.
Every RDIR graph is accompanied by a Region Graph which describe several properties of the Region nodes in the dataflow graph:
- Which Regions may be potentially aliased?
- Which Regions must be setsets of other Regions?
There are several ways to encode such a graph. One way is to maintain a constraint graph with statically provable Subregion and Disjointness information on Regions. (The absense of Disjointness information in the graph indicates that two nodes may alias.)
Code generation from RDIR is straightforward:
Perform a topological sort on the graph.
For each Task node, walk the set of connected Data nodes (and edge labels) to determine what parameters to pass to the task.