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Resources |
- S3D
- SNAP: discrete ordinates mini-app
- Fast linear solver based on HODLR structure
- MiniAero: RK4 unstructured FV, compressible Navier-Stokes
- PRK Stencil
- Soleil-X: multi-physics solver (explicit compressible flow, point particles, DOM radiation)
- Circuit simulation
- PENNANT: unstructured mesh, Lagrangian staggered-grid hydrodynamics
- MiniAero: RK4 unstructured FV, compressible Navier-Stokes
- PageRank
- PRK Stencil
- Barnes-Hut
- WCHR: shocks in compressible flows
- Particle advection with GC solver
- QR decomposition
- Sparse Cholesky
- 1D AMR proxy app
- Meshfree Solver
- FleCSI: framework for multi-physics simulation
- Lux: distributed graph processing
- Emacs mode for Regent
- Vim mode for Regent
- Mailing List (for announcements and general discussion)
- Bug Tracker (for bug reports)
- Gitlab CI
- [Performance]({{ "/perf/" | relative_url }})
- [Weft]({{ "/weft/" | relative_url }}) (companion artifacts for Weft PLDI 2015 paper)