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Soft Robot Optimal Control via Reduced-Order Finite Element Models

This repository accompanies the following papers

We provide an implementation of various optimal control algorithms (SCP, iLQR, LQR, etc.) for nonlinear reduced order models based on nonlinear Finite Element Models (FEMs). Specifically, it interfaces with the SOFA simulation engine to simulate Soft Robots modeled using FEMs.


SOFA: Sofa-framework is a physics simulation engine

SOFA plugins:

ROS2: For using Sequential Convex Programming through cvxpy. See installation + setup below

Python packages: cvxpy, control, pyDOE default numeric packages (numpy, scipy, matplotlib, etc.)

Using the repository

Three models (Finger, Trunk and Diamond), copied from SOFA SoftRobots plugin are provided.

The examples folder is a great starting point once you have gone through the installation (see below).


This project is under active development with limited documentation (for now). Any suggestions for improvements are welcome.

We would like to acknowledge the great work SOFA does and encourage you to check it out and get involved.

Install and setup environment

Tested platforms: Ubuntu: 20.04, Python 3.8 (tested with 3.8.2, 3.8.3, 3.8.12)

Set up virtual environment

Note that instructions assume a virtual environment and python packages installed in site-packages of environment

miniconda2 and anaconda3 (probably others, but these have been tested) can be used.

SofaPython3 requires Python 3.8+. If using a package manager / virtual environment, ensure that qmake --version points to the same Qt version as Sofa (in order to enable running Sofa from the terminal (without runSofa))

Create and activate sofa conda environment

conda create --name sofa python=3.8
conda activate sofa
conda config --set auto_activate_base false
conda activate sofa

Note that you can activate and deactivate this environment with conda activate and conda deactivate.

Install python packages
conda install numpy, scipy
conda install pyqt
pip install slycot   # required for control package
pip install control
pip install pyDOE
pip install cvxpy
pip install osqp
pip install sip

Install pybind11 2.6.0 - DO NOT install 2.8.0 as it will throw compilation errors when compiling SofaPython3

conda install -c conda-forge pybind11=2.6.0

There should now be a directory {PYTHON_ENV}/share/cmake/pybind11 (e.g. ${HOME}/anaconda3/envs/sofa/share/cmake/pybind11.

This stores the cmake files for pybind11, necessary to compile SofaPython3.

Track pybind2.8 issue here: pybindissue

Set your environment variables in $HOME/.bashrc. Should look like below

export PYTHONPATH="$HOME/sofa-plugins/STLIB/python3/src"
export SP3_BLD=$HOME/sofa/build/install/plugins/SofaPython3
export SOFA_BLD=$HOME/sofa/build
export GUROBI_HOME="/opt/gurobi950/linux64"
export PATH="${PATH}:${GUROBI_HOME}/bin"
export GRB_LICENSE_FILE=/opt/gurobi950/gurobi.lic

Execute source ~/.bashrc in terminal to make the appropriate changes.

Get Plugin Libraries

Download the libraries SoftRobots, STLIB, and SofaPython3

mkdir $HOME/sofa-plugins
git clone $HOME/sofa-plugins/SoftRobots
git clone $HOME/sofa-plugins/STLIB
git clone $HOME/sofa-plugins/SofaPython3

Now create a CMakeLists.txt file in the $HOME/sofa-plugins/ directory and add the following:

cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.11)


sofa_add_subdirectory(plugin STLIB/ STLIB)
sofa_add_subdirectory(plugin SoftRobots/ SoftRobots)
sofa_add_subdirectory(plugin SofaPython3/ SofaPython3)

Install Sofa

Follow instructions to download dependencies (compiler, CMake, Qt, etc.). Tested only on v22.12 (i.e., clone v22.12 from repo)

Set up directory structure for Sofa and clone repository:

mkdir $HOME/sofa/src
mkdir $HOME/sofa/build
git clone $HOME/sofa/src

Build Sofa

Run cmake-gui to run the CMake GUI.

Set the source path to $HOME/sofa/src and the build path to $HOME/sofa/build. Make sure the path to installation of Qt is correct by adding an entry CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH and setting it to the appropriate location (e.g. /home/jlorenze/Qt/5.15.0/gcc_64).

Run Configure, and set the compiler according to the instructions here.

Then, add entry SOFA_BUILD_METIS and enable it.

Find the entry SOFA_EXTERNAL_DIRECTORIES and set it to $HOME/sofa-plugins where $HOME is replaced with the actual path (e.g. /home/jlorenze/).

Also, add and enable entry SOFTROBOTS_IGNORE_ERRORS which will allow SoftRobots to compile without the STLIB library.

Next, set filepath entry pybind11_DIR to $HOME/anaconda3/envs/sofa/share/cmake/pybind11.

Ensure the following bool entries are activated (PLUGIN_SOFTROBOTS, PLUGIN_SOFAPYTHON3, PLUGIN_STLIB)

Run Configure again (should complete with no errors), and then run Generate.

To build (use -j flag to use all cores):

cd $HOME/sofa/build
make -j
make install

Test that Sofa launches by running $SOFA_BLD/bin/runSofa -l $SP3_BLD/lib/

Install Gurobi

Instructions are for v9.5.0

Install Gurobi Instructions

Download Gurobi and setup an academic account here

Run the following to install Gurobi in the system /opt folder

sudo tar xvfz ~/Downloads/gurobi9.5.0_linux64.tar.gz -C /opt/
cd /opt/
sudo chmod +777 /opt/gurobi950
sudo chmod +777 /opt/gurobi950/linux64

Once gurobi is installed and you have you created an academic account, you need to obtain and install the license. You can obtain it here

You then need to put the license in /opt/gurobi950 during grbgetkey.

Next, install Gurobi modules for Python (see full instructions here)

python install
Installation of ROS2

SofaPython3 requires Python 3.8, hence the instructions for ROS2 compatible with python3.8 (which is default for ubuntu 20.04) is provided.

Download the Debian binaries for ROS2 Foxy Fitzroy on ubuntu. Follow the steps provided in the link to complete the setup of ROS2. Follow steps below for further installation instructions.

ROS2 recommends the usage of colcon for building packages:

sudo apt install python3-colcon-common-extensions
pip install -U git+

Lark parser is required for ROS2

pip install lark_parser

Next setup the ROS2 workspace, follow the instructions of step 1+2 of the guided tutorial. Optionally you can use ../setup.zsh instead of ../setup.bash and you can add it to your shell so that it is sourced upon launching the terminal.

Next we will setup a package (using cmake) to have the service required for using SOFA with cvxpy, for Sequential Convex Programming trajectory optimization problems. Setup is based upon the Custom ROS2 Interface Page:

# Navigate to src directory in root of workspace.
ros2 pkg create --build-type ament_cmake soft_robot_control_ros
cd soft_robot_control_ros
mkdir srv
cp {$REPO_DIR}/dependencies/ros/GuSTOsrv.srv srv/

Add the following to CMakeLists.txt in ${WS_DIR}/src/soft_robot_control_ros:

find_package(rosidl_default_generators REQUIRED)


Add the following to package.xml




Build the soft_robot_control_ros package. From ${WS_DIR} run

colcon build --packages-select soft_robot_control_ros

Within your workspace ${WS_DIR}, to source it run:

. install/setup.bash  # Alternative: . install/setup.zsh

To validate that the service is created run the ros2 interface show command:

ros2 interface show soft_robot_control_ros/srv/GuSTOsrv

Setup Environment variables (optional)

Add the following to your .bashrc file to auto source ROS 2 workspaces

source $HOME/ros2_foxy/install/setup.bash
source $HOME/ros2_ws/install/setup.bash
conda activate sofa

Running soft-robot-control and Sofa

There are two methods to launching simulations using soft-robot-control with Sofa. Both require setting the problem file in

  1. Run with the simulation GUI. $SOFA_BLD/bin/runSofa -l $SP3_BLD/lib/ ~/soft-robot-control/ then python3 ~/soft-robot-control/examples/diamond/ run_rompc_solver to run controller. Ensure that the diamond_rompc problem in is uncommented.

  2. Run in the background. python (Requires modifying sofa_lib_path to match environment in file)


[1] F. Faure, C. Duriez, H. Delingette, J. Allard, B. Gilles, S. Marchesseau, H. Talbot, H. Courtecuisse, G. Bousquet, I. Peterlik, and S. Cotin, “SOFA: A multi-model framework for interactive physical simulation,” in Soft Tissue Biomechanical Modeling for Computer Assisted Surgery, 2012.

[2] E. Coevoet, T. Morales-Bieze, F. Largilliere, Z. Zhang, M. Thieffry, M. Sanz-Lopez, B. Carrez, D. Marchal, O. Goury, J. Dequidt, and C. Duriez, “Software toolkit for modeling, simulation, and control of soft robots,” Advanced Robotics, vol. 31, no. 22, pp. 1208–1224, 2017.