All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
Process proc
now use relative paths instead of absolute paths #3- Auto-select 64-bit ID if the current ID is detected as such (duh).
- If it's the first time a Symlink is made and there is Backup, it will be moved f8b91dd
- 64-bit ID now works #1
are now replaced as long as they are different #2- Sometimes backups are not moved #4
- Exclude PrtlUpd and some fixes fb65373
- Relative path for H1Prtl and fixed DirectoryNotEmptyException 4404227
- Java 8 compatibility (goodbye
). - Auto-selection of the
based on the selected game. - Auto-creation of
with App ID based on the selected game (and button pressed). - JTextArea to show some information to the user.
- Symbolic links to be able to use the Launcher in one place and run the 5 possible games.
- The way to move files (
) is now similar to the wayH1PrtlUpd()
does it.
- The "PLAY XXX" buttons will not attempt to repeat their action multiple times.