Welcome! In this tutorial series, you will learn all you need to know to program and maintain a basic application that harneses the power of Soar Cognitive Architecture as an A.I. agent. Specifically, this course walks you through how to make an agent for the Supplier Sorting task. (See here for an overview of the task.)
This tutorial series assumes no prior experience with Soar, but it does assume general experience in programming with classic languages such as Python.
Lessons are organized around projects. To begin, download this repository to your local machine so you can run your project code there. When you are ready, open Project 00 - Starting Soar and follow the instructions in the README there.
After you complete each project, proceed to the next project folder and follow the instructions on the corresponding README.
When you have completed all lessons, you will have created your own version of the Supplier Sorting agent and will have the expertise to modify and maintain it and similar agents on your own!
Lessons 11-13 still need ppt/pdf lesson files. The project code for those lessons is usable and commented, so it shouldn't be too complicated to create lessons for them.