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git batch

This will create a git remote, that takes care of running batch jobs.

The user pushes into the batch-remote to run the batch job and fetches the results by pulling from the batch-remote. The batch job is configurated by the users.


Here is a small example for how to setup up a remote repository for batch work

cd $(mktemp -d)
chmod +x
./ $HOME/.batch

cd /path/to/my_project
git remote add batch $HOME/.batch/repo.git

#set up your scheduler for this project
git add

# do a test-run
git commit -m "added scheduling for batch processing"
git push batch master

# when batch finishes, get results with
git pull batch master

Note: must make sure the project is run, and the results are committed.

To undo those changes:

rm -rf $HOME/.batch
git remote remove batch

why git?

We use git to make experiments reproducible. When we check in the code, the conda-environment and softlinks to the data, the experiment becomes reproducible.

After this we "only" need to make sure the data won't get changed, which we do via file-system permissions; And we need to make sure, there are no outside-influences, which is why only run binaries from conda.

As long as you follow the instructions, your computations will be reproducible by others.

table of content


all subfolders of the examples folder contain a file and supporting files to set up a runnable project.


This example project will schedule a job via at.

To run this example from scratch:

git clone [email protected]:SmartDataInnovationLab/git_batch.git

# init a batch remote
./git_batch/ $HOME/.batch

# copy the example project into an empty directory
cp -r git_batch/examples/at_notebook/ /tmp/at_notebook
cd /tmp/at_notebook

# prepare the git repository
git init; git add .; git commit -m "."
git remote add batch $HOME/.batch/repo.git

# do a test run
git push batch master

# wait until the job is done
sleep 5

# look at the log (defined in
cat /tmp/at.log

# pull the results
git pull batch master

to actually run the notebook, you might install the python requirements

pip3 install -r requirements.txt

htcondor notebook

This example shows how to setup and run notebooks remotely on sdil via condor.

Note: As of june 2018, git and condor don't seem to work on the same machine at the same time. So this section currently doesn't work on SDIL.

first setup a remote repository on sdil:

ssh <your_username>
cd $(mktemp -d)
chmod +x
./ $HOME/.batch

then copy the example onto your local machine and try it out

git clone [email protected]:SmartDataInnovationLab/git_batch.git

# copy the example project into an empty directory
cp -r git_batch/examples/condor_notebook/ /tmp/condor_notebook
cd /tmp/condor_notebook

# optional: update path to git in, because htcondor runs as a different user and may not know the correct version of git

# prepare the git repository
chmod +x
git init; git add .; git commit -m "."
git remote add batch ssh://<your_username><your_username>/.batch/repo.git

# do a test run
git push batch master

# wait until the job is done
sleep 10

# pull the results
git pull batch master

# look at the log
cat condor_log.txt

condor and dirhash

this example is the same as above, except the data will be frozen in a hashed archive

ssh <your_username>

#install dirhash
git clone [email protected]:SmartDataInnovationLab/dirhash.git
cd dirhash
mvn package
cd ..

# check out the example-project and
git clone [email protected]:SmartDataInnovationLab/git_batch.git

# copy the example project into an empty directory
cp -r git_batch/examples/condor_dirhash/ condor_dirhash
cd condor_dirhash

# freeze the data in your archive
# first hash the data
HASH=$(../dirhash/ $(pwd)/data/)

# now create a folder for the hashed data
mkdir ../archive
mkdir ../archive/$HASH

# move data to the archive and add softlink to project
mv data ../archive/$HASH/
ln -s ../archive/$HASH/ data

# make archive read-only (to avoid accidental changes)
chmod -R a-w ../archive/$HASH

# as you can see the data-dir is now softlinked to the archive, and inside all the files are readonly
ls -la data data/

# the rest will be done on the login-machine, since the BI machines don't have access to conda
ssh <your_username>
cd temp/condor_dirhash/

# prepate a conda environment for your project (now is a good time to grab a coffee. This will take a while)
conda create --name=my_env --clone=anaconda-py35 --copy

# tell your run-script to use this environment, so it will be used when executed in htcondor
sed -i -e 's/anaconda-py35/my_env/'

# install packages to your environment
conda install --name=my_env nbformat numpy matplotlib
conda install --name=my_env -c anaconda git

# tell condor your email adress, so it can notify you when the job is done.
# remove the comment in the line with 'notify_user' and fill in your own email address
nano run.sub

# prepare the git repository
git init && git add . && git commit -m "input for batch job"

# do a test run (we need condor for this, so connect to the correct machine)
condor_submit run.sub

# wait until the job is done
# you can look at it with

# look at the log
cat condor_outfile.txt 
cat condor_errors.txt

# checkin results
git add . && git commit -m "result from batch job"

how does it work?

The heart of the project is the receive-hook in the remote repository. Whenever the remote repository receives a pull, it will create a new work tree for the received branch, and then it will call from the branch inside the worktree's folder.

The is the entry-point for the user-customization. Here the actual scheduling has to initiated (e.g. with a simple "condor_submit").

For the best experience the results should be commited after the job is run (this must be done by a user-supplied script, because the receive-hook can not know when the job is finished). This way the user can access the results with a simple git pull

Note: the schedule script runs inside the hook, which means that it will be run as the user doing the push; Its output will be part of the output of git push, and it has to finish before git push can finish.

Note: we might remove the receive-hook in favor of other CI-Practices in the future

dev notes

this section is only relevant, if you want to edit this project

relevant links





  • longs demo-notebook
  • daniels masterthesis

offene Recherche:

  • Wie werden in CI/CD die git modules behandelt?

setting up debugging

  • (ggf. remote undso einrichten)
  • shell1: tail -f /tmp/at.log
  • shell3: echo "a" >> a.txt ; git commit -am "." ; git push batch master

htcondor inside docker

host starten:

docker run -it --rm -h htcondor --name htcondor andypohl/htcondor

job starten:

(im sdil ist das nur "condor_submit run.sub")

docker cp . htcondor:/home/submitter/submit
docker exec -ti htcondor chown -R 1000:1000 .
docker exec -ti htcondor chmod +x
docker exec -ti -u 1000:1000 htcondor condor_submit run.sub

job anschauen:

docker exec -ti -u 1000:1000 htcondor condor_status
docker exec -ti -u 1000:1000 htcondor cat dummy.log
docker exec -ti -u 1000:1000 htcondor cat outfile.txt


docker exec -ti -u 1000:1000 htcondor bash