Moore's Law is a prediction made by Gordon Moore, co-founder of Intel Corporation, in 1965. The law stated that the number of transistors on an integrated circuit would double every two years while the cost per transistor would decrease, leading to a significant increase in computing power and a decrease in the cost of technology.
Moore's Law has proven to be remarkably accurate over the years, with computing power increasing exponentially while the cost of technology has decreased. This increase in computing power has enabled the development of faster and more efficient computers, leading to a wide range of technological advancements in fields such as artificial intelligence, robotics, and telecommunications.
Moore's Law has also had a significant impact on the technology industry, driving innovation and competition among technology companies as they race to develop faster and more powerful computers. However, some experts believe that the law may be approaching its limits, as the physical size of transistors approaches the atomic scale and the cost of developing new technology increases.
Despite these limitations, Moore's Law has become a cornerstone of the technology industry and continues to shape the way we think about computing and technological progress.