If you wish to use this library in your own java project, then you should use silabs-pti-lib-X.Y.Z.jar
file on your classpath, but you will have to satisfy a dependency on Apache Mina in your own project.
If you wish to use this library as a program from the command line, then simply run a on-jar archive:
java -jar silabs-pti/build/libs/silabs-pti-X.Y.Z.jar
and it will execute and print the command line usage help:
$ java -jar silabs-pti/build/libs/silabs-pti-X.Y.Z.jar
Usage: java -jar silabs-pti-X.Y.Z.jar \[ARGUMENTS\] \[COMMANDS\]
Mandatory arguments:
-ip=<HOSTNAMES> - specify adapter names or IP addresses to connect to (may be ommited in case of -discover).
Optional arguments:
-i - drop into interactive mode after connecting to adapter. Type 'help' once in interactive mode.
-time=<TIME_IN_MS> - how long to capture, before connection is closed and program shuts down. Default is 1 year.
-delay=<TIME_IN_MS> - how much delay is put after each command when running commands over admin port. Default is 2 seconds.
-out=<FILENAME> - specify filename where to capture to.
-admin - connect to admin port and execute COMMANDS one after another
-serial0 - connect to serial0 port and execute COMMANDS one after another
-serial1 - connect to serial1 port and execute COMMANDS one after another
-format=[dump|raw|log|text] - specify a format for output.
-v - print version and exit.
-discover - run UDP discovery and print results.
-driftCorrection=[enable, disable] - perform drift time correction for incoming packets. Default is enabled.
-driftCorrectionThreshold= - drift time correction threshold (micro-sec).
-zeroTimeThreshold= - zero time threshold (micro-sec).
-discreteNodeCapture - each node stream gets its own log file. Each filename is "-out" option combined with "_$ip" suffix. Time Sync is disabled.
File formats:
dump - Binary dump of raw bytes, no deframing.
raw - Raw bytes of deframed debug messages, one message per line.
log - Parsed debug messages, written into a file that Network Analyzer can import.
text - Text file format that can be used with wireshark by running through 'text2pcap -q -t %H:%M:%S. <FILENAME>'
'java -jar silabs-pti-1.0.1.jar -ip=' => capture from given device and print raw events to stdout.
'java -jar silabs-pti-1.0.1.jar -ip=,' => capture from given devices and print raw events to stdout.
'java -jar silabs-pti-1.0.1.jar -ip=, -discreteNodeCapture -out=capture.log' => capture from given devices and stream events are captured in
capture_10.4.186.138.log, capture_10.4.186.139.log.
'java -jar silabs-pti-1.0.1.jar -ip= -admin discovery' => connect to admin port and print discovery information.
'java -jar silabs-pti-1.0.1.jar -ip= -format=log -time=5000 -out=capture.log' => capture for 5 seconds into capture.log, using network analyzer format.