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This package implements a custom-tailored object pool for PixiJS applications. It provides the following features:

  • reserve: You can preallocate the pool size to have a set amount of objects.

  • limit: You can reduce the pool size after a lot of allocations.

  • auto-GC: The GC will reduce your pool to the reserve size after allocation demand goes down per-frame.

This package can also be used as a single-source of object pools. If two different libraries need a pool for say, PIXI.Rectangle, then the same object pool will be returned.


  • You should use auto-GC only if allocations-per-frame is smooth (slowly increase & slowly decrease) or you know the upper limit of objects you need per frame.

Installation 📦

npm install @pixi-essentials/object-pool

Usage 📄

import { ObjectPoolFactory } from '@pixi-essentials/object-pool';
import { Rectangle } from '@pixi/math';

const rpool: ObjectPoolFactory =;

rpool.startGC();// prevent pool from staying above 10,000 rectangles for too long

const rect: PIXI.Rectangle = rpool.allocate();

// do something


// Want to reduce pool size now?