This package has been deprecated. Use the built-in Culler in PixiJS v8+.
This package provides an optimized, highly configurable culling mechanism.
npm install @pixi-essentials/cull
If display-object's in your scene graph do not change each frame, then you can run culling whenever your display-object's move or your scene graph changes.
import { Application } from 'pixi.js';
import { Cull } from '@pixi-essentials/cull';
import { Viewport } from 'pixi-viewport';
const app = new Application({ });
const renderer = app.renderer;
const viewport = initScene(new Viewport());
const cull = new Cull().addAll(viewport.children);
// Flags whether culling, should be set "true" when a child is added to the viewport's subtree.
let cullDirty = false;
viewport.on('frame-end', function() {
if (viewport.dirty || cullDirty) {
viewport.dirty = false;
cullDirty = false;
If your scene graph is dynamic and/or changes across frames cannot be tracked, you can run culling
on the prerender
renderer.on('prerender', () => {
If you are rendering multiple panes on to the canvas, each with its own scene graph, using different projections, then you need to use separate culls for each scene graph.