This repository is to evaluate the third assignment of the course ID2090 offered during March-June-2023.
Each student shall do the following:
- fork this repository in their account
- create a branch
- update the folder named after their roll number to include a tex file and any other files for the content task as described below
- push the folder to the github server
- create a pull request to have your updates reflected in the june2023 repo
The content task is as follows:
- The folder shall contain a Makefile so that upon running the make command, a pdf file will be created from the tex file compilation
- The folder shall contain a tex file and any other files (such as image files, bib files etc.,) as needed to let the latex or pdflatex compilation run without errors
- The final output pdf will show the name of the student, roll number, github username clearly at the top of the page.
- The content shall not have overlap with any other student of the course or previous students of this course.
- The content shall include the following things from a topic of your interest preferably from the subjects of your parent Department: an equation, a plot that describes the equation, a brief description of the equation and the symbols contained in it, a set of references that give more informatiom about the equation and finally, a paragraph on how you went about choosing the equation.
Alert me over email if your pull request is not accepted for any reason. Your email shall include your github username for ready lookup.