diff --git a/.github/workflows/CI.yml b/.github/workflows/CI.yml
index 31ebfc6a9..5cdcaa9ed 100644
--- a/.github/workflows/CI.yml
+++ b/.github/workflows/CI.yml
@@ -15,7 +15,6 @@ jobs:
- Core
- '1'
- - '1.6'
- uses: actions/checkout@v4
- uses: julia-actions/setup-julia@v1
diff --git a/docs/make.jl b/docs/make.jl
index 5c7f3dc41..2025f4ba3 100644
--- a/docs/make.jl
+++ b/docs/make.jl
@@ -10,17 +10,11 @@ using Plots
makedocs(sitename = "Surrogates.jl",
- strict = [
- :doctest,
- :linkcheck,
- :parse_error,
- :example_block,
- # Other available options are
- # :autodocs_block, :cross_references, :docs_block, :eval_block, :example_block, :footnote, :meta_block, :missing_docs, :setup_block
- ],
- format = Documenter.HTML(analytics = "UA-90474609-3",
- assets = ["assets/favicon.ico"],
- canonical = "https://docs.sciml.ai/Surrogates/stable/"),
- pages = pages)
+ linkcheck = true,
+ warnonly = [:missing_docs],
+ format = Documenter.HTML(analytics = "UA-90474609-3",
+ assets = ["assets/favicon.ico"],
+ canonical = "https://docs.sciml.ai/Surrogates/stable/"),
+ pages = pages)
deploydocs(repo = "github.com/SciML/Surrogates.jl.git")
diff --git a/docs/pages.jl b/docs/pages.jl
index ce76c3fdb..1574aff5a 100644
--- a/docs/pages.jl
+++ b/docs/pages.jl
@@ -1,39 +1,39 @@
pages = ["index.md"
- "Tutorials" => [
- "Basics" => "tutorials.md",
- "Radials" => "radials.md",
- "Kriging" => "kriging.md",
- "Gaussian Process" => "abstractgps.md",
- "Lobachevsky" => "lobachevsky.md",
- "Linear" => "LinearSurrogate.md",
- "InverseDistance" => "InverseDistance.md",
- "RandomForest" => "randomforest.md",
- "SecondOrderPolynomial" => "secondorderpoly.md",
- "NeuralSurrogate" => "neural.md",
- "Wendland" => "wendland.md",
- "Polynomial Chaos" => "polychaos.md",
- "Variable Fidelity" => "variablefidelity.md",
- "Gradient Enhanced Kriging" => "gek.md",
- "GEKPLS" => "gekpls.md",
- "MOE" => "moe.md",
- "Parallel Optimization" => "parallel.md"
- ]
- "User guide" => [
- "Samples" => "samples.md",
- "Surrogates" => "surrogate.md",
- "Optimization" => "optimizations.md",
- ]
- "Benchmarks" => [
- "Sphere function" => "sphere_function.md",
- "Lp norm" => "lp.md",
- "Rosenbrock" => "rosenbrock.md",
- "Tensor product" => "tensor_prod.md",
- "Cantilever beam" => "cantilever.md",
- "Water Flow function" => "water_flow.md",
- "Welded beam function" => "welded_beam.md",
- "Branin function" => "BraninFunction.md",
- "Ackley function" => "ackley.md",
- "Gramacy & Lee Function" => "gramacylee.md",
- "Salustowicz Benchmark" => "Salustowicz.md",
- "Multi objective optimization" => "multi_objective_opt.md",
- ]]
+ "Tutorials" => [
+ "Basics" => "tutorials.md",
+ "Radials" => "radials.md",
+ "Kriging" => "kriging.md",
+ "Gaussian Process" => "abstractgps.md",
+ "Lobachevsky" => "lobachevsky.md",
+ "Linear" => "LinearSurrogate.md",
+ "InverseDistance" => "InverseDistance.md",
+ "RandomForest" => "randomforest.md",
+ "SecondOrderPolynomial" => "secondorderpoly.md",
+ "NeuralSurrogate" => "neural.md",
+ "Wendland" => "wendland.md",
+ "Polynomial Chaos" => "polychaos.md",
+ "Variable Fidelity" => "variablefidelity.md",
+ "Gradient Enhanced Kriging" => "gek.md",
+ "GEKPLS" => "gekpls.md",
+ "MOE" => "moe.md",
+ "Parallel Optimization" => "parallel.md",
+ "User guide" => [
+ "Samples" => "samples.md",
+ "Surrogates" => "surrogate.md",
+ "Optimization" => "optimizations.md",
+ "Benchmarks" => [
+ "Sphere function" => "sphere_function.md",
+ "Lp norm" => "lp.md",
+ "Rosenbrock" => "rosenbrock.md",
+ "Tensor product" => "tensor_prod.md",
+ "Cantilever beam" => "cantilever.md",
+ "Water Flow function" => "water_flow.md",
+ "Welded beam function" => "welded_beam.md",
+ "Branin function" => "BraninFunction.md",
+ "Ackley function" => "ackley.md",
+ "Gramacy & Lee Function" => "gramacylee.md",
+ "Salustowicz Benchmark" => "Salustowicz.md",
+ "Multi objective optimization" => "multi_objective_opt.md",
diff --git a/docs/src/index.md b/docs/src/index.md
index 096a3a04b..51538ba63 100644
--- a/docs/src/index.md
+++ b/docs/src/index.md
@@ -113,56 +113,59 @@ surrogate_optimize(f,SRBF(),lb,ub,my_lobachevsky,RandomSample())
value = my_lobachevsky(5.0)
## Reproducibility
```@raw html
The documentation of this SciML package was built using these direct dependencies,
using Pkg # hide
Pkg.status() # hide
```@raw html
```@raw html
and using this machine and Julia version.
using InteractiveUtils # hide
versioninfo() # hide
```@raw html
```@raw html
A more complete overview of all dependencies and their versions is also provided.
using Pkg # hide
-Pkg.status(;mode = PKGMODE_MANIFEST) # hide
+Pkg.status(; mode = PKGMODE_MANIFEST) # hide
```@raw html
-```@raw html
-You can also download the
-manifest file and the
-project file.
+using Markdown
+version = TOML.parse(read("../../Project.toml", String))["version"]
+name = TOML.parse(read("../../Project.toml", String))["name"]
+link_manifest = "https://github.com/SciML/" * name * ".jl/tree/gh-pages/v" * version *
+ "/assets/Manifest.toml"
+link_project = "https://github.com/SciML/" * name * ".jl/tree/gh-pages/v" * version *
+ "/assets/Project.toml"
+Markdown.parse("""You can also download the
+file and the
diff --git a/lib/SurrogatesAbstractGPs/test/runtests.jl b/lib/SurrogatesAbstractGPs/test/runtests.jl
index 33f0d5aa9..fb553f0e0 100644
--- a/lib/SurrogatesAbstractGPs/test/runtests.jl
+++ b/lib/SurrogatesAbstractGPs/test/runtests.jl
@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ using Surrogates: sample, SobolSample
x_points = sample(5, lb, ub, SobolSample())
y_points = f.(x_points)
agp1D = AbstractGPSurrogate([x_points[1]], [y_points[1]],
- gp = GP(SqExponentialKernel()), Σy = 0.05)
+ gp = GP(SqExponentialKernel()), Σy = 0.05)
x_new = 2.5
y_actual = f.(x_new)
for i in 2:length(x_points)
@@ -88,7 +88,7 @@ using Surrogates: sample, SobolSample
b = 6
my_k_EI1 = AbstractGPSurrogate(x, y)
surrogate_optimize(objective_function, EI(), a, b, my_k_EI1, RandomSample(),
- maxiters = 200, num_new_samples = 155)
+ maxiters = 200, num_new_samples = 155)
@testset "Optimization ND" begin
diff --git a/lib/SurrogatesFlux/src/SurrogatesFlux.jl b/lib/SurrogatesFlux/src/SurrogatesFlux.jl
index a078b473b..f97085fb3 100644
--- a/lib/SurrogatesFlux/src/SurrogatesFlux.jl
+++ b/lib/SurrogatesFlux/src/SurrogatesFlux.jl
@@ -26,8 +26,8 @@ NeuralSurrogate(x,y,lb,ub,model,loss,opt,n_echos)
function NeuralSurrogate(x, y, lb, ub; model = Chain(Dense(length(x[1]), 1), first),
- loss = (x, y) -> Flux.mse(model(x), y), opt = Descent(0.01),
- n_echos::Int = 1)
+ loss = (x, y) -> Flux.mse(model(x), y), opt = Descent(0.01),
+ n_echos::Int = 1)
X = vec.(collect.(x))
data = zip(X, y)
ps = Flux.params(model)
@@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ function add_point!(my_n::NeuralSurrogate, x_new, y_new)
X = vec.(collect.(my_n.x))
data = zip(X, my_n.y)
- for epoch in 1:my_n.n_echos
+ for epoch in 1:(my_n.n_echos)
Flux.train!(my_n.loss, my_n.ps, data, my_n.opt)
diff --git a/lib/SurrogatesFlux/test/runtests.jl b/lib/SurrogatesFlux/test/runtests.jl
index 3e0c1d7ae..eaea94910 100644
--- a/lib/SurrogatesFlux/test/runtests.jl
+++ b/lib/SurrogatesFlux/test/runtests.jl
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ using SafeTestsets
my_opt = Descent(0.01)
n_echos = 1
my_neural = NeuralSurrogate(x, y, a, b, model = my_model, loss = my_loss, opt = my_opt,
- n_echos = 1)
+ n_echos = 1)
my_neural_kwargs = NeuralSurrogate(x, y, a, b)
add_point!(my_neural, 8.5, 20.0)
add_point!(my_neural, [3.2, 3.5], [7.4, 8.0])
@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ using SafeTestsets
my_opt = Descent(0.01)
n_echos = 1
my_neural = NeuralSurrogate(x, y, lb, ub, model = my_model, loss = my_loss,
- opt = my_opt, n_echos = 1)
+ opt = my_opt, n_echos = 1)
my_neural_kwargs = NeuralSurrogate(x, y, lb, ub)
my_neural((3.5, 1.49))
my_neural([3.4, 1.4])
@@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ using SafeTestsets
my_model = Chain(Dense(1, 2))
my_loss(x, y) = Flux.mse(my_model(x), y)
surrogate = NeuralSurrogate(x, y, lb, ub, model = my_model, loss = my_loss,
- opt = my_opt, n_echos = 1)
+ opt = my_opt, n_echos = 1)
surr_kwargs = NeuralSurrogate(x, y, lb, ub)
f = x -> [x[1], x[2]^2]
@@ -66,7 +66,7 @@ using SafeTestsets
my_model = Chain(Dense(2, 2))
my_loss(x, y) = Flux.mse(my_model(x), y)
surrogate = NeuralSurrogate(x, y, lb, ub, model = my_model, loss = my_loss,
- opt = my_opt, n_echos = 1)
+ opt = my_opt, n_echos = 1)
surrogate_kwargs = NeuralSurrogate(x, y, lb, ub)
surrogate((1.0, 2.0))
x_new = (2.0, 2.0)
@@ -85,7 +85,7 @@ using SafeTestsets
n_echos = 1
my_neural_ND_neural = NeuralSurrogate(x, y, lb, ub)
surrogate_optimize(objective_function_ND, SRBF(), lb, ub, my_neural_ND_neural,
- SobolSample(), maxiters = 15)
+ SobolSample(), maxiters = 15)
# AD Compatibility
lb = 0.0
@@ -101,7 +101,7 @@ using SafeTestsets
my_opt = Descent(0.01)
n_echos = 1
my_neural = NeuralSurrogate(x, y, lb, ub, model = my_model, loss = my_loss,
- opt = my_opt, n_echos = 1)
+ opt = my_opt, n_echos = 1)
g = x -> my_neural'(x)
@@ -120,7 +120,7 @@ using SafeTestsets
my_opt = Descent(0.01)
n_echos = 1
my_neural = NeuralSurrogate(x, y, lb, ub, model = my_model, loss = my_loss,
- opt = my_opt, n_echos = 1)
+ opt = my_opt, n_echos = 1)
g = x -> Zygote.gradient(my_neural, x)
g((2.0, 5.0))
@@ -141,7 +141,7 @@ using SafeTestsets
my_opt = Descent(0.01)
n_echos = 1
my_neural = NeuralSurrogate(x, y, lb, ub, model = my_model, loss = my_loss,
- opt = my_opt, n_echos = 1)
+ opt = my_opt, n_echos = 1)
Zygote.gradient(x -> sum(my_neural(x)), (2.0, 5.0))
my_rad = RadialBasis(x, y, lb, ub, rad = linearRadial())
diff --git a/lib/SurrogatesMOE/src/SurrogatesMOE.jl b/lib/SurrogatesMOE/src/SurrogatesMOE.jl
index 1833290ab..a2b8df0cc 100644
--- a/lib/SurrogatesMOE/src/SurrogatesMOE.jl
+++ b/lib/SurrogatesMOE/src/SurrogatesMOE.jl
@@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
module SurrogatesMOE
import Surrogates: AbstractSurrogate, linearRadial, cubicRadial, multiquadricRadial,
- thinplateRadial, RadialBasisStructure, RadialBasis,
- InverseDistanceSurrogate, Kriging, LobachevskyStructure,
- LobachevskySurrogate, NeuralStructure, PolyChaosStructure,
- LinearSurrogate, add_point!
+ thinplateRadial, RadialBasisStructure, RadialBasis,
+ InverseDistanceSurrogate, Kriging, LobachevskyStructure,
+ LobachevskySurrogate, NeuralStructure, PolyChaosStructure,
+ LinearSurrogate, add_point!
export MOE
@@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ function MOE(x, y, expert_types; ndim = 1, n_clusters = 2, quantile = 10)
# https://github.com/davidavdav/GaussianMixtures.jl/issues/21
jitter_vals = ((rand(eltype(x_and_y_train), size(x_and_y_train))) ./ 10000)
gm_cluster = GMM(n_clusters, x_and_y_train + jitter_vals, kind = :full, nInit = 50,
- nIter = 20)
+ nIter = 20)
mvn_distributions = _create_clusters_distributions(gm_cluster, ndim, n_clusters)
cluster_classifier_train = _cluster_predict(gm_cluster, x_and_y_train)
clusters_train = _cluster_values(x_and_y_train, cluster_classifier_train, n_clusters)
@@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ function MOE(x, y, expert_types; ndim = 1, n_clusters = 2, quantile = 10)
best_models = []
for i in 1:n_clusters
best_model = _find_best_model(clusters_train[i], clusters_test[i], ndim,
- expert_types)
+ expert_types)
push!(best_models, best_model)
# X = values[:, 1:ndim]
@@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ function MOE(x, y, expert_types; ndim = 1, n_clusters = 2, quantile = 10)
#return MOE(X, y, gm_cluster, mvn_distributions, best_models)
return MOE(x, y, gm_cluster, mvn_distributions, best_models, expert_types, ndim,
- n_clusters)
+ n_clusters)
@@ -224,7 +224,7 @@ finds best model for each set of clustered values by validating against the clus
function _find_best_model(clustered_train_values, clustered_test_values, dim,
- enabled_expert_types)
+ enabled_expert_types)
# find upper and lower bounds for clustered_train and test values concatenated
x_vec = [a[1:dim] for a in clustered_train_values]
@@ -247,7 +247,7 @@ function _find_best_model(clustered_train_values, clustered_test_values, dim,
# call on _surrogate_builder with clustered_train_vals, enabled expert types, lb, ub
surr_vec = _surrogate_builder(enabled_expert_types, length(enabled_expert_types), x_vec,
- y_vec, lb, ub)
+ y_vec, lb, ub)
# use the models to find best model after validating against test data and return best model
best_rmse = Inf
@@ -274,9 +274,9 @@ function _surrogate_builder(local_kind, k, x, y, lb, ub)
if local_kind[i][1] == "RadialBasis"
#fit and append to local_surr
my_local_i = RadialBasis(x, y, lb, ub,
- rad = local_kind[i].radial_function,
- scale_factor = local_kind[i].scale_factor,
- sparse = local_kind[i].sparse)
+ rad = local_kind[i].radial_function,
+ scale_factor = local_kind[i].scale_factor,
+ sparse = local_kind[i].sparse)
push!(local_surr, my_local_i)
elseif local_kind[i][1] == "Kriging"
@@ -286,12 +286,12 @@ function _surrogate_builder(local_kind, k, x, y, lb, ub)
my_local_i = Kriging(x, y, lb, ub, p = local_kind[i].p,
- theta = local_kind[i].theta)
+ theta = local_kind[i].theta)
push!(local_surr, my_local_i)
elseif local_kind[i][1] == "GEK"
my_local_i = GEK(x, y, lb, ub, p = local_kind[i].p,
- theta = local_kind[i].theta)
+ theta = local_kind[i].theta)
push!(local_surr, my_local_i)
elseif local_kind[i] == "LinearSurrogate"
@@ -304,21 +304,21 @@ function _surrogate_builder(local_kind, k, x, y, lb, ub)
elseif local_kind[i][1] == "LobachevskySurrogate"
my_local_i = LobachevskyStructure(x, y, lb, ub,
- alpha = local_kind[i].alpha,
- n = local_kind[i].n,
- sparse = local_kind[i].sparse)
+ alpha = local_kind[i].alpha,
+ n = local_kind[i].n,
+ sparse = local_kind[i].sparse)
push!(local_surr, my_local_i)
elseif local_kind[i][1] == "NeuralSurrogate"
my_local_i = NeuralSurrogate(x, y, lb, ub,
- model = local_kind[i].model,
- loss = local_kind[i].loss, opt = local_kind[i].opt,
- n_echos = local_kind[i].n_echos)
+ model = local_kind[i].model,
+ loss = local_kind[i].loss, opt = local_kind[i].opt,
+ n_echos = local_kind[i].n_echos)
push!(local_surr, my_local_i)
elseif local_kind[i][1] == "RandomForestSurrogate"
my_local_i = RandomForestSurrogate(x, y, lb, ub,
- num_round = local_kind[i].num_round)
+ num_round = local_kind[i].num_round)
push!(local_surr, my_local_i)
elseif local_kind[i] == "SecondOrderPolynomialSurrogate"
@@ -327,7 +327,7 @@ function _surrogate_builder(local_kind, k, x, y, lb, ub)
elseif local_kind[i][1] == "Wendland"
my_local_i = Wendand(x, y, lb, ub, eps = local_kind[i].eps,
- maxiters = local_kind[i].maxiters, tol = local_kind[i].tol)
+ maxiters = local_kind[i].maxiters, tol = local_kind[i].tol)
push!(local_surr, my_local_i)
elseif local_kind[i][1] == "PolynomialChaosSurrogate"
@@ -363,7 +363,7 @@ function add_point!(m::MOE, x, y)
# https://github.com/davidavdav/GaussianMixtures.jl/issues/21
jitter_vals = ((rand(eltype(x_and_y_train), size(x_and_y_train))) ./ 10000)
gm_cluster = GMM(m.nc, x_and_y_train + jitter_vals, kind = :full, nInit = 50,
- nIter = 20)
+ nIter = 20)
mvn_distributions = _create_clusters_distributions(gm_cluster, m.nd, m.nc)
cluster_classifier_train = _cluster_predict(gm_cluster, x_and_y_train)
clusters_train = _cluster_values(x_and_y_train, cluster_classifier_train, m.nc)
@@ -372,7 +372,7 @@ function add_point!(m::MOE, x, y)
best_models = []
for i in 1:(m.nc)
best_model = _find_best_model(clusters_train[i], clusters_test[i], m.nd,
- m.e)
+ m.e)
push!(best_models, best_model)
m.c = gm_cluster
diff --git a/lib/SurrogatesMOE/test/runtests.jl b/lib/SurrogatesMOE/test/runtests.jl
index a6aa4c4c9..f47ea8f63 100644
--- a/lib/SurrogatesMOE/test/runtests.jl
+++ b/lib/SurrogatesMOE/test/runtests.jl
@@ -23,12 +23,12 @@ Random.seed!(StableRNG(SEED), SEED)
# Radials vs MOE
RAD_1D = RadialBasis(x, y, lb, ub, rad = linearRadial(), scale_factor = 1.0,
- sparse = false)
+ sparse = false)
expert_types = [
RadialBasisStructure(radial_function = linearRadial(), scale_factor = 1.0,
- sparse = false),
+ sparse = false),
RadialBasisStructure(radial_function = cubicRadial(), scale_factor = 1.0,
- sparse = false),
+ sparse = false),
MOE_1D_RAD_RAD = MOE(x, y, expert_types)
@@ -83,7 +83,7 @@ end
expert_types = [
KrigingStructure(p = [1.0, 1.0], theta = [1.0, 1.0]),
RadialBasisStructure(radial_function = linearRadial(), scale_factor = 1.0,
- sparse = false),
+ sparse = false),
moe_nd_krig_rad = MOE(x, y, expert_types, ndim = 2, quantile = 5)
moe_pred_vals = moe_nd_krig_rad.(x_test)
@@ -123,7 +123,7 @@ end
# test if MOE handles 3 experts including SurrogatesFlux
expert_types = [
RadialBasisStructure(radial_function = linearRadial(), scale_factor = 1.0,
- sparse = false),
+ sparse = false),
InverseDistanceStructure(p = 1.0),
@@ -161,9 +161,9 @@ end
expert_types = [
RadialBasisStructure(radial_function = linearRadial(), scale_factor = 1.0,
- sparse = false),
+ sparse = false),
RadialBasisStructure(radial_function = cubicRadial(), scale_factor = 1.0,
- sparse = false),
+ sparse = false),
moe = MOE(x, y, expert_types)
add_point!(moe, 0.5, 5.0)
@@ -188,7 +188,7 @@ end
y = discont_NDIM.(x)
expert_types = [InverseDistanceStructure(p = 1.0),
RadialBasisStructure(radial_function = linearRadial(), scale_factor = 1.0,
- sparse = false),
+ sparse = false),
moe_nd_inv_rad = MOE(x, y, expert_types, ndim = 2)
add_point!(moe_nd_inv_rad, (0.5, 0.5), sum((0.5, 0.5) .^ 2) + 5)
diff --git a/lib/SurrogatesPolyChaos/src/SurrogatesPolyChaos.jl b/lib/SurrogatesPolyChaos/src/SurrogatesPolyChaos.jl
index 634b885f9..27f962dd6 100644
--- a/lib/SurrogatesPolyChaos/src/SurrogatesPolyChaos.jl
+++ b/lib/SurrogatesPolyChaos/src/SurrogatesPolyChaos.jl
@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ function _calculatepce_coeff(x, y, num_of_multi_indexes, op::AbstractCanonicalOr
function PolynomialChaosSurrogate(x, y, lb::Number, ub::Number;
- op::AbstractCanonicalOrthoPoly = GaussOrthoPoly(2))
+ op::AbstractCanonicalOrthoPoly = GaussOrthoPoly(2))
n = length(x)
poly_degree = op.deg
num_of_multi_indexes = 1 + poly_degree
@@ -59,9 +59,9 @@ function _calculatepce_coeff(x, y, num_of_multi_indexes, op::MultiOrthoPoly)
function PolynomialChaosSurrogate(x, y, lb, ub;
- op::MultiOrthoPoly = MultiOrthoPoly([GaussOrthoPoly(2)
- for j in 1:length(lb)],
- 2))
+ op::MultiOrthoPoly = MultiOrthoPoly([GaussOrthoPoly(2)
+ for j in 1:length(lb)],
+ 2))
n = length(x)
d = length(lb)
poly_degree = op.deg
@@ -82,7 +82,7 @@ function (pcND::PolynomialChaosSurrogate)(val)
sum = sum +
pcND.coeff[i] *
first(PolyChaos.evaluate(pcND.ortopolys.ind[i, :], collect(val),
- pcND.ortopolys))
+ pcND.ortopolys))
return sum
@@ -93,12 +93,12 @@ function add_point!(polych::PolynomialChaosSurrogate, x_new, y_new)
polych.x = vcat(polych.x, x_new)
polych.y = vcat(polych.y, y_new)
polych.coeff = _calculatepce_coeff(polych.x, polych.y, polych.num_of_multi_indexes,
- polych.ortopolys)
+ polych.ortopolys)
polych.x = vcat(polych.x, x_new)
polych.y = vcat(polych.y, y_new)
polych.coeff = _calculatepce_coeff(polych.x, polych.y, polych.num_of_multi_indexes,
- polych.ortopolys)
+ polych.ortopolys)
diff --git a/lib/SurrogatesPolyChaos/test/runtests.jl b/lib/SurrogatesPolyChaos/test/runtests.jl
index 3a7f3d57a..767b4b19e 100644
--- a/lib/SurrogatesPolyChaos/test/runtests.jl
+++ b/lib/SurrogatesPolyChaos/test/runtests.jl
@@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ using SafeTestsets
y = objective_function.(x)
my_poly1d = PolynomialChaosSurrogate(x, y, lb, ub)
@test_broken surrogate_optimize(objective_function, SRBF(), a, b, my_poly1d,
- LowDiscrepancySample(; base = 2))
+ LowDiscrepancySample(; base = 2))
lb = [0.0, 0.0]
ub = [10.0, 10.0]
diff --git a/lib/SurrogatesRandomForest/src/SurrogatesRandomForest.jl b/lib/SurrogatesRandomForest/src/SurrogatesRandomForest.jl
index 69532f999..b3db175d4 100644
--- a/lib/SurrogatesRandomForest/src/SurrogatesRandomForest.jl
+++ b/lib/SurrogatesRandomForest/src/SurrogatesRandomForest.jl
@@ -50,7 +50,8 @@ function add_point!(rndfor::RandomForestSurrogate, x_new, y_new)
rndfor.x = vcat(rndfor.x, x_new)
rndfor.y = vcat(rndfor.y, y_new)
- rndfor.bst = xgboost((reshape(rndfor.x, length(rndfor.x), 1), rndfor.y); num_round = rndfor.num_round)
+ rndfor.bst = xgboost((reshape(rndfor.x, length(rndfor.x), 1), rndfor.y);
+ num_round = rndfor.num_round)
n_previous = length(rndfor.x)
a = vcat(rndfor.x, x_new)
diff --git a/lib/SurrogatesSVM/src/SurrogatesSVM.jl b/lib/SurrogatesSVM/src/SurrogatesSVM.jl
index 65da3087f..6cc23f388 100644
--- a/lib/SurrogatesSVM/src/SurrogatesSVM.jl
+++ b/lib/SurrogatesSVM/src/SurrogatesSVM.jl
@@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ function add_point!(svmsurr::SVMSurrogate, x_new, y_new)
svmsurr.x = vcat(svmsurr.x, x_new)
svmsurr.y = vcat(svmsurr.y, y_new)
svmsurr.model = LIBSVM.fit!(SVC(), reshape(svmsurr.x, length(svmsurr.x), 1),
- svmsurr.y)
+ svmsurr.y)
n_previous = length(svmsurr.x)
a = vcat(svmsurr.x, x_new)
diff --git a/src/Earth.jl b/src/Earth.jl
index 0a4d79490..fb620b745 100644
--- a/src/Earth.jl
+++ b/src/Earth.jl
@@ -149,15 +149,15 @@ function _backward_pass_1d(x, y, n_min_terms, basis, penalty, rel_GCV)
function EarthSurrogate(x, y, lb::Number, ub::Number; penalty::Number = 2.0,
- n_min_terms::Int = 2, n_max_terms::Int = 10,
- rel_res_error::Number = 1e-2, rel_GCV::Number = 1e-2,
- maxiters = 100)
+ n_min_terms::Int = 2, n_max_terms::Int = 10,
+ rel_res_error::Number = 1e-2, rel_GCV::Number = 1e-2,
+ maxiters = 100)
intercept = sum([y[i] for i in 1:length(y)]) / length(y)
basis_after_forward = _forward_pass_1d(x, y, n_max_terms, rel_res_error, maxiters)
basis = _backward_pass_1d(x, y, n_min_terms, basis_after_forward, penalty, rel_GCV)
coeff = _coeff_1d(x, y, basis)
return EarthSurrogate(x, y, lb, ub, basis, coeff, penalty, n_min_terms, n_max_terms,
- rel_res_error, rel_GCV, intercept, maxiters)
+ rel_res_error, rel_GCV, intercept, maxiters)
function (earth::EarthSurrogate)(val::Number)
@@ -319,14 +319,14 @@ function _backward_pass_nd(x, y, n_min_terms, basis, penalty, rel_GCV)
function EarthSurrogate(x, y, lb, ub; penalty::Number = 2.0, n_min_terms::Int = 2,
- n_max_terms::Int = 10, rel_res_error::Number = 1e-2,
- rel_GCV::Number = 1e-2, maxiters = 100)
+ n_max_terms::Int = 10, rel_res_error::Number = 1e-2,
+ rel_GCV::Number = 1e-2, maxiters = 100)
intercept = sum([y[i] for i in 1:length(y)]) / length(y)
basis_after_forward = _forward_pass_nd(x, y, n_max_terms, rel_res_error, maxiters)
basis = _backward_pass_nd(x, y, n_min_terms, basis_after_forward, penalty, rel_GCV)
coeff = _coeff_nd(x, y, basis)
return EarthSurrogate(x, y, lb, ub, basis, coeff, penalty, n_min_terms, n_max_terms,
- rel_res_error, rel_GCV, intercept, maxiters)
+ rel_res_error, rel_GCV, intercept, maxiters)
function (earth::EarthSurrogate)(val)
@@ -343,9 +343,9 @@ function add_point!(earth::EarthSurrogate, x_new, y_new)
earth.y = vcat(earth.y, y_new)
earth.intercept = sum([earth.y[i] for i in 1:length(earth.y)]) / length(earth.y)
basis_after_forward = _forward_pass_1d(earth.x, earth.y, earth.n_max_terms,
- earth.rel_res_error, earth.maxiters)
+ earth.rel_res_error, earth.maxiters)
earth.basis = _backward_pass_1d(earth.x, earth.y, earth.n_min_terms,
- basis_after_forward, earth.penalty, earth.rel_GCV)
+ basis_after_forward, earth.penalty, earth.rel_GCV)
earth.coeff = _coeff_1d(earth.x, earth.y, earth.basis)
@@ -354,9 +354,9 @@ function add_point!(earth::EarthSurrogate, x_new, y_new)
earth.y = vcat(earth.y, y_new)
earth.intercept = sum([earth.y[i] for i in 1:length(earth.y)]) / length(earth.y)
basis_after_forward = _forward_pass_nd(earth.x, earth.y, earth.n_max_terms,
- earth.rel_res_error, earth.maxiters)
+ earth.rel_res_error, earth.maxiters)
earth.basis = _backward_pass_nd(earth.x, earth.y, earth.n_min_terms,
- basis_after_forward, earth.penalty, earth.rel_GCV)
+ basis_after_forward, earth.penalty, earth.rel_GCV)
earth.coeff = _coeff_nd(earth.x, earth.y, earth.basis)
diff --git a/src/GEKPLS.jl b/src/GEKPLS.jl
index 3d3246ac0..1e26bf26f 100644
--- a/src/GEKPLS.jl
+++ b/src/GEKPLS.jl
@@ -72,21 +72,21 @@ function GEKPLS(x_vec, y_vec, grads_vec, n_comp, delta_x, lb, ub, extra_points,
pls_mean, X_after_PLS, y_after_PLS = _ge_compute_pls(X, y, n_comp, grads, delta_x,
- xlimits, extra_points)
+ xlimits, extra_points)
X_after_std, y_after_std, X_offset, y_mean, X_scale, y_std = standardization(X_after_PLS,
- y_after_PLS)
+ y_after_PLS)
D, ij = cross_distances(X_after_std)
pls_mean_reshaped = reshape(pls_mean, (size(X, 2), n_comp))
d = componentwise_distance_PLS(D, "squar_exp", n_comp, pls_mean_reshaped)
nt, nd = size(X_after_PLS)
beta, gamma, reduced_likelihood_function_value = _reduced_likelihood_function(theta,
- "squar_exp",
- d, nt, ij,
- y_after_std)
+ "squar_exp",
+ d, nt, ij,
+ y_after_std)
return GEKPLS(x_vec, y_vec, X, y, grads, xlimits, delta_x, extra_points, n_comp, beta,
- gamma, theta,
- reduced_likelihood_function_value,
- X_offset, X_scale, X_after_std, pls_mean_reshaped, y_mean, y_std)
+ gamma, theta,
+ reduced_likelihood_function_value,
+ X_offset, X_scale, X_after_std, pls_mean_reshaped, y_mean, y_std)
@@ -134,21 +134,21 @@ function add_point!(g::GEKPLS, x_tup, y_val, grad_tup)
g.y_matrix = vcat(g.y_matrix, y_val)
g.grads = vcat(g.grads, new_grads)
pls_mean, X_after_PLS, y_after_PLS = _ge_compute_pls(g.x_matrix, g.y_matrix,
- g.num_components,
- g.grads, g.delta, g.xl,
- g.extra_points)
+ g.num_components,
+ g.grads, g.delta, g.xl,
+ g.extra_points)
g.X_after_std, y_after_std, g.X_offset, g.y_mean, g.X_scale, g.y_std = standardization(X_after_PLS,
- y_after_PLS)
+ y_after_PLS)
D, ij = cross_distances(g.X_after_std)
g.pls_mean = reshape(pls_mean, (size(g.x_matrix, 2), g.num_components))
d = componentwise_distance_PLS(D, "squar_exp", g.num_components, g.pls_mean)
nt, nd = size(X_after_PLS)
g.beta, g.gamma, g.reduced_likelihood_function_value = _reduced_likelihood_function(g.theta,
- "squar_exp",
- d,
- nt,
- ij,
- y_after_std)
+ "squar_exp",
+ d,
+ nt,
+ ij,
+ y_after_std)
@@ -185,14 +185,14 @@ function _ge_compute_pls(X, y, n_comp, grads, delta_x, xlimits, extra_points)
bb_vals = circshift(boxbehnken(dim, 1), 1)
bb_vals = [0.0 0.0; #center
- 1.0 0.0; #right
- 0.0 1.0; #up
- -1.0 0.0; #left
- 0.0 -1.0; #down
- 1.0 1.0; #right up
- -1.0 1.0; #left up
- -1.0 -1.0; #left down
- 1.0 -1.0]
+ 1.0 0.0; #right
+ 0.0 1.0; #up
+ -1.0 0.0; #left
+ 0.0 -1.0; #down
+ 1.0 1.0; #right up
+ -1.0 1.0; #left up
+ -1.0 -1.0; #left down
+ 1.0 -1.0]
_X = zeros((size(bb_vals)[1], dim))
_y = zeros((size(bb_vals)[1], 1))
@@ -273,9 +273,9 @@ function boxbehnken(matrix_size::Int, center::Int)
for j in (i + 1):matrix_size
l = l + 1
A[(max(0, (l - 1) * size(A_fact)[1]) + 1):(l * size(A_fact)[1]), i] = A_fact[:,
- 1]
+ 1]
A[(max(0, (l - 1) * size(A_fact)[1]) + 1):(l * size(A_fact)[1]), j] = A_fact[:,
- 2]
+ 2]
diff --git a/src/Kriging.jl b/src/Kriging.jl
index 57500a62e..f48306069 100644
--- a/src/Kriging.jl
+++ b/src/Kriging.jl
@@ -46,12 +46,12 @@ function std_error_at_point(k::Kriging, val)
d = length(k.x[1])
r = zeros(eltype(k.x[1]), n, 1)
r = [let
- sum = zero(eltype(k.x[1]))
- for l in 1:d
- sum = sum + k.theta[l] * norm(val[l] - k.x[i][l])^(k.p[l])
- end
- exp(-sum)
- end
+ sum = zero(eltype(k.x[1]))
+ for l in 1:d
+ sum = sum + k.theta[l] * norm(val[l] - k.x[i][l])^(k.p[l])
+ end
+ exp(-sum)
+ end
for i in 1:n]
one = ones(eltype(k.x[1]), n, 1)
@@ -102,7 +102,7 @@ Constructor for type Kriging.
- theta: value > 0 modeling how much the function is changing in the i-th variable.
function Kriging(x, y, lb::Number, ub::Number; p = 2.0,
- theta = 0.5 / max(1e-6 * abs(ub - lb), std(x))^p)
+ theta = 0.5 / max(1e-6 * abs(ub - lb), std(x))^p)
if length(x) != length(unique(x))
println("There exists a repetition in the samples, cannot build Kriging.")
@@ -168,8 +168,8 @@ Constructor for Kriging surrogate.
changing in the i-th variable.
function Kriging(x, y, lb, ub; p = 2.0 .* collect(one.(x[1])),
- theta = [0.5 / max(1e-6 * norm(ub .- lb), std(x_i[i] for x_i in x))^p[i]
- for i in 1:length(x[1])])
+ theta = [0.5 / max(1e-6 * norm(ub .- lb), std(x_i[i] for x_i in x))^p[i]
+ for i in 1:length(x[1])])
if length(x) != length(unique(x))
println("There exists a repetition in the samples, cannot build Kriging.")
@@ -194,12 +194,12 @@ function _calc_kriging_coeffs(x, y, p, theta)
d = length(x[1])
R = [let
- sum = zero(eltype(x[1]))
- for l in 1:d
- sum = sum + theta[l] * norm(x[i][l] - x[j][l])^p[l]
- end
- exp(-sum)
- end
+ sum = zero(eltype(x[1]))
+ for l in 1:d
+ sum = sum + theta[l] * norm(x[i][l] - x[j][l])^p[l]
+ end
+ exp(-sum)
+ end
for j in 1:n, i in 1:n]
# Estimate nugget based on maximum allowed condition number
diff --git a/src/Lobachevsky.jl b/src/Lobachevsky.jl
index 52fb0a123..30c890afb 100644
--- a/src/Lobachevsky.jl
+++ b/src/Lobachevsky.jl
@@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ end
Lobachevsky interpolation, suggested parameters: 0 <= alpha <= 4, n must be even.
function LobachevskySurrogate(x, y, lb::Number, ub::Number; alpha::Number = 1.0, n::Int = 4,
- sparse = false)
+ sparse = false)
if alpha > 4 || alpha < 0
error("Alpha must be between 0 and 4")
@@ -89,7 +89,7 @@ LobachevskySurrogate(x,y,alpha,n::Int,lb,ub,sparse = false)
Build the Lobachevsky surrogate with parameters alpha and n.
function LobachevskySurrogate(x, y, lb, ub; alpha = collect(one.(x[1])), n::Int = 4,
- sparse = false)
+ sparse = false)
if n % 2 != 0
error("Parameter n must be even")
@@ -199,5 +199,5 @@ function lobachevsky_integrate_dimension(loba::LobachevskySurrogate, lb, ub, dim
new_ub = deleteat!(ub, dim)
new_loba = deleteat!(loba.alpha, dim)
return LobachevskySurrogate(new_x, loba.y, loba.alpha, loba.n, new_lb, new_ub,
- new_coeff, loba.sparse)
+ new_coeff, loba.sparse)
diff --git a/src/Optimization.jl b/src/Optimization.jl
index 90e05a2db..cc615a983 100755
--- a/src/Optimization.jl
+++ b/src/Optimization.jl
@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ struct RTEA{K, Z, P, N, S} <: SurrogateOptimizationAlgorithm
function merit_function(point, w, surr::AbstractSurrogate, s_max, s_min, d_max, d_min,
- box_size)
+ box_size)
if length(point) == 1
D_x = box_size + 1
for i in 1:length(surr.x)
@@ -84,8 +84,8 @@ a few values to achieve both exploitation and exploration.
When w is close to zero, we do pure exploration, while w close to 1 corresponds to exploitation.
function surrogate_optimize(obj::Function, ::SRBF, lb, ub, surr::AbstractSurrogate,
- sample_type::SamplingAlgorithm; maxiters = 100,
- num_new_samples = 100, needs_gradient = false)
+ sample_type::SamplingAlgorithm; maxiters = 100,
+ num_new_samples = 100, needs_gradient = false)
scale = 0.2
success = 0
failure = 0
@@ -139,8 +139,8 @@ function surrogate_optimize(obj::Function, ::SRBF, lb, ub, surr::AbstractSurroga
evaluation_of_merit_function = zeros(float(eltype(surr.x[1])), num_new_samples)
@inbounds for r in 1:num_new_samples
evaluation_of_merit_function[r] = merit_function(new_sample[r], w, surr,
- s_max, s_min, d_max, d_min,
- box_size)
+ s_max, s_min, d_max, d_min,
+ box_size)
new_addition = false
adaptive_point_x = Tuple{}
@@ -235,8 +235,8 @@ SRBF 1D:
function surrogate_optimize(obj::Function, ::SRBF, lb::Number, ub::Number,
- surr::AbstractSurrogate, sample_type::SamplingAlgorithm;
- maxiters = 100, num_new_samples = 100)
+ surr::AbstractSurrogate, sample_type::SamplingAlgorithm;
+ maxiters = 100, num_new_samples = 100)
#Suggested by:
scale = 0.2
@@ -292,7 +292,7 @@ function surrogate_optimize(obj::Function, ::SRBF, lb::Number, ub::Number,
#3) Evaluate merit function at the sampled points
evaluation_of_merit_function = merit_function.(new_sample, w, surr, s_max,
- s_min, d_max, d_min, box_size)
+ s_min, d_max, d_min, box_size)
new_addition = false
adaptive_point_x = zero(eltype(new_sample[1]))
@@ -374,9 +374,9 @@ function surrogate_optimize(obj::Function, ::SRBF, lb::Number, ub::Number,
-function potential_optimal_points(::SRBF, strategy, lb, ub, surr::AbstractSurrogate, sample_type::SamplingAlgorithm, n_parallel;
- num_new_samples = 500)
+function potential_optimal_points(::SRBF, strategy, lb, ub, surr::AbstractSurrogate,
+ sample_type::SamplingAlgorithm, n_parallel;
+ num_new_samples = 500)
scale = 0.2
w_range = [0.3, 0.5, 0.7, 0.95]
w_cycle = Iterators.cycle(w_range)
@@ -427,7 +427,6 @@ function potential_optimal_points(::SRBF, strategy, lb, ub, surr::AbstractSurrog
tmp_surr = deepcopy(surr)
new_addition = 0
diff_x = zeros(eltype(surr.x[1]), d)
@@ -481,9 +480,10 @@ function potential_optimal_points(::SRBF, strategy, lb, ub, surr::AbstractSurrog
# Ask SRBF 1D
-function potential_optimal_points(::SRBF, strategy, lb::Number, ub::Number, surr::AbstractSurrogate,
- sample_type::SamplingAlgorithm, n_parallel;
- num_new_samples = 500)
+function potential_optimal_points(::SRBF, strategy, lb::Number, ub::Number,
+ surr::AbstractSurrogate,
+ sample_type::SamplingAlgorithm, n_parallel;
+ num_new_samples = 500)
scale = 0.2
success = 0
w_range = [0.3, 0.5, 0.7, 0.95]
@@ -580,7 +580,6 @@ function potential_optimal_points(::SRBF, strategy, lb::Number, ub::Number, surr
return (proposed_points_x, merit_of_proposed_points)
This is an implementation of Lower Confidence Bound (LCB),
a popular acquisition function in Bayesian optimization.
@@ -589,8 +588,8 @@ Under a Gaussian process (GP) prior, the goal is to minimize:
default value ``k = 2``.
function surrogate_optimize(obj::Function, ::LCBS, lb::Number, ub::Number, krig,
- sample_type::SamplingAlgorithm; maxiters = 100,
- num_new_samples = 100, k = 2.0)
+ sample_type::SamplingAlgorithm; maxiters = 100,
+ num_new_samples = 100, k = 2.0)
dtol = 1e-3 * norm(ub - lb)
for i in 1:maxiters
new_sample = sample(num_new_samples, lb, ub, sample_type)
@@ -650,8 +649,8 @@ Under a Gaussian process (GP) prior, the goal is to minimize:
default value ``k = 2``.
function surrogate_optimize(obj::Function, ::LCBS, lb, ub, krig,
- sample_type::SamplingAlgorithm; maxiters = 100,
- num_new_samples = 100, k = 2.0)
+ sample_type::SamplingAlgorithm; maxiters = 100,
+ num_new_samples = 100, k = 2.0)
dtol = 1e-3 * norm(ub - lb)
for i in 1:maxiters
d = length(krig.x)
@@ -710,8 +709,8 @@ end
Expected improvement method 1D
function surrogate_optimize(obj::Function, ::EI, lb::Number, ub::Number, krig,
- sample_type::SamplingAlgorithm; maxiters = 100,
- num_new_samples = 100)
+ sample_type::SamplingAlgorithm; maxiters = 100,
+ num_new_samples = 100)
dtol = 1e-3 * norm(ub - lb)
eps = 0.01
for i in 1:maxiters
@@ -776,9 +775,9 @@ function surrogate_optimize(obj::Function, ::EI, lb::Number, ub::Number, krig,
# Ask EI 1D & ND
-function potential_optimal_points(::EI, strategy, lb, ub, krig, sample_type::SamplingAlgorithm, n_parallel::Number;
- num_new_samples = 100)
+function potential_optimal_points(::EI, strategy, lb, ub, krig,
+ sample_type::SamplingAlgorithm, n_parallel::Number;
+ num_new_samples = 100)
lb = krig.lb
ub = krig.ub
@@ -853,8 +852,8 @@ maximize expected improvement:
function surrogate_optimize(obj::Function, ::EI, lb, ub, krig,
- sample_type::SamplingAlgorithm; maxiters = 100,
- num_new_samples = 100)
+ sample_type::SamplingAlgorithm; maxiters = 100,
+ num_new_samples = 100)
dtol = 1e-3 * norm(ub - lb)
eps = 0.01
for i in 1:maxiters
@@ -935,7 +934,7 @@ function adjust_step_size(sigma_n, sigma_min, C_success, t_success, C_fail, t_fa
function select_evaluation_point_1D(new_points1, surr1::AbstractSurrogate, numb_iters,
- maxiters)
+ maxiters)
v = [0.3, 0.5, 0.8, 0.95]
k = 4
n = length(surr1.x)
@@ -996,8 +995,8 @@ surrogates and dynamic coordinate search in high-dimensional expensive black-box
function surrogate_optimize(obj::Function, ::DYCORS, lb::Number, ub::Number,
- surr1::AbstractSurrogate, sample_type::SamplingAlgorithm;
- maxiters = 100, num_new_samples = 100)
+ surr1::AbstractSurrogate, sample_type::SamplingAlgorithm;
+ maxiters = 100, num_new_samples = 100)
x_best = argmin(surr1.y)
y_best = minimum(surr1.y)
sigma_n = 0.2 * norm(ub - lb)
@@ -1019,14 +1018,14 @@ function surrogate_optimize(obj::Function, ::DYCORS, lb::Number, ub::Number,
if new_points[i] > ub
new_points[i] = max(lb,
- maximum(surr1.x) -
- norm(new_points[i] - maximum(surr1.x)))
+ maximum(surr1.x) -
+ norm(new_points[i] - maximum(surr1.x)))
if new_points[i] < lb
new_points[i] = min(ub,
- minimum(surr1.x) +
- norm(new_points[i] - minimum(surr1.x)))
+ minimum(surr1.x) +
+ norm(new_points[i] - minimum(surr1.x)))
@@ -1043,7 +1042,7 @@ function surrogate_optimize(obj::Function, ::DYCORS, lb::Number, ub::Number,
sigma_n, C_success, C_fail = adjust_step_size(sigma_n, sigma_min, C_success,
- t_success, C_fail, t_fail)
+ t_success, C_fail, t_fail)
if f_new < y_best
x_best = x_new
@@ -1056,7 +1055,7 @@ function surrogate_optimize(obj::Function, ::DYCORS, lb::Number, ub::Number,
function select_evaluation_point_ND(new_points, surrn::AbstractSurrogate, numb_iters,
- maxiters)
+ maxiters)
v = [0.3, 0.5, 0.8, 0.95]
k = 4
n = size(surrn.x, 1)
@@ -1124,8 +1123,8 @@ to perturb a given coordinate and decrease this probability after each function
evaluation so fewer coordinates are perturbed later in the optimization.
function surrogate_optimize(obj::Function, ::DYCORS, lb, ub, surrn::AbstractSurrogate,
- sample_type::SamplingAlgorithm; maxiters = 100,
- num_new_samples = 100)
+ sample_type::SamplingAlgorithm; maxiters = 100,
+ num_new_samples = 100)
x_best = collect(surrn.x[argmin(surrn.y)])
y_best = minimum(surrn.y)
sigma_n = 0.2 * norm(ub - lb)
@@ -1160,13 +1159,13 @@ function surrogate_optimize(obj::Function, ::DYCORS, lb, ub, surrn::AbstractSurr
while new_points[i, j] < lb[j] || new_points[i, j] > ub[j]
if new_points[i, j] > ub[j]
new_points[i, j] = max(lb[j],
- maximum(surrn.x)[j] -
- norm(new_points[i, j] - maximum(surrn.x)[j]))
+ maximum(surrn.x)[j] -
+ norm(new_points[i, j] - maximum(surrn.x)[j]))
if new_points[i, j] < lb[j]
new_points[i, j] = min(ub[j],
- minimum(surrn.x)[j] +
- norm(new_points[i] - minimum(surrn.x)[j]))
+ minimum(surrn.x)[j] +
+ norm(new_points[i] - minimum(surrn.x)[j]))
@@ -1185,7 +1184,7 @@ function surrogate_optimize(obj::Function, ::DYCORS, lb, ub, surrn::AbstractSurr
sigma_n, C_success, C_fail = adjust_step_size(sigma_n, sigma_min, C_success,
- t_success, C_fail, t_fail)
+ t_success, C_fail, t_fail)
if f_new < y_best
x_best = x_new
@@ -1311,8 +1310,8 @@ SOP Surrogate optimization method, following closely the following papers:
#Suggested number of new_samples = min(500*d,5000)
function surrogate_optimize(obj::Function, sop1::SOP, lb::Number, ub::Number,
- surrSOP::AbstractSurrogate, sample_type::SamplingAlgorithm;
- maxiters = 100, num_new_samples = min(500 * 1, 5000))
+ surrSOP::AbstractSurrogate, sample_type::SamplingAlgorithm;
+ maxiters = 100, num_new_samples = min(500 * 1, 5000))
d = length(lb)
N_fail = 3
N_tenure = 5
@@ -1558,8 +1557,8 @@ function II_tier_ranking_ND(D::Dict, srgD::AbstractSurrogate)
function surrogate_optimize(obj::Function, sopd::SOP, lb, ub, surrSOPD::AbstractSurrogate,
- sample_type::SamplingAlgorithm; maxiters = 100,
- num_new_samples = min(500 * length(lb), 5000))
+ sample_type::SamplingAlgorithm; maxiters = 100,
+ num_new_samples = min(500 * length(lb), 5000))
d = length(lb)
N_fail = 3
N_tenure = 5
@@ -1741,7 +1740,7 @@ function _nonDominatedSorting(arr::Array{Float64, 2})
while !isempty(arr)
s = size(arr, 1)
red = dropdims(sum([_dominates(arr[i, :], arr[j, :]) for i in 1:s, j in 1:s],
- dims = 1) .== 0, dims = 1)
+ dims = 1) .== 0, dims = 1)
a = 1:s
sel::Array{Int64, 1} = a[red]
push!(fronts, ind[sel])
@@ -1753,8 +1752,8 @@ function _nonDominatedSorting(arr::Array{Float64, 2})
function surrogate_optimize(obj::Function, sbm::SMB, lb::Number, ub::Number,
- surrSMB::AbstractSurrogate, sample_type::SamplingAlgorithm;
- maxiters = 100, n_new_look = 1000)
+ surrSMB::AbstractSurrogate, sample_type::SamplingAlgorithm;
+ maxiters = 100, n_new_look = 1000)
#obj contains a function for each output dimension
dim_out = length(surrSMB.y[1])
d = 1
@@ -1793,8 +1792,8 @@ function surrogate_optimize(obj::Function, sbm::SMB, lb::Number, ub::Number,
function surrogate_optimize(obj::Function, smb::SMB, lb, ub, surrSMBND::AbstractSurrogate,
- sample_type::SamplingAlgorithm; maxiters = 100,
- n_new_look = 1000)
+ sample_type::SamplingAlgorithm; maxiters = 100,
+ n_new_look = 1000)
#obj contains a function for each output dimension
dim_out = length(surrSMBND.y[1])
d = length(lb)
@@ -1834,8 +1833,8 @@ end
# RTEA (Noisy model based multi objective optimization + standard rtea by fieldsen), use this for very noisy objective functions because there are a lot of re-evaluations
function surrogate_optimize(obj, rtea::RTEA, lb::Number, ub::Number,
- surrRTEA::AbstractSurrogate, sample_type::SamplingAlgorithm;
- maxiters = 100, n_new_look = 1000)
+ surrRTEA::AbstractSurrogate, sample_type::SamplingAlgorithm;
+ maxiters = 100, n_new_look = 1000)
Z = rtea.z
K = rtea.k
p_cross = rtea.p
@@ -1940,8 +1939,8 @@ function surrogate_optimize(obj, rtea::RTEA, lb::Number, ub::Number,
function surrogate_optimize(obj, rtea::RTEA, lb, ub, surrRTEAND::AbstractSurrogate,
- sample_type::SamplingAlgorithm; maxiters = 100,
- n_new_look = 1000)
+ sample_type::SamplingAlgorithm; maxiters = 100,
+ n_new_look = 1000)
Z = rtea.z
K = rtea.k
p_cross = rtea.p
@@ -2047,7 +2046,7 @@ function surrogate_optimize(obj, rtea::RTEA, lb, ub, surrRTEAND::AbstractSurroga
function surrogate_optimize(obj::Function, ::EI, lb, ub, krig, sample_type::SectionSample;
- maxiters = 100, num_new_samples = 100)
+ maxiters = 100, num_new_samples = 100)
dtol = 1e-3 * norm(ub - lb)
eps = 0.01
for i in 1:maxiters
@@ -2095,7 +2094,7 @@ function surrogate_optimize(obj::Function, ::EI, lb, ub, krig, sample_type::Sect
if length(new_sample) == 0
println("Out of sampling points.")
return section_sampler_returner(sample_type, krig.x, krig.y, lb, ub,
- krig)
+ krig)
point_found = true
@@ -2115,12 +2114,12 @@ function surrogate_optimize(obj::Function, ::EI, lb, ub, krig, sample_type::Sect
function section_sampler_returner(sample_type::SectionSample, surrn_x, surrn_y,
- lb, ub, surrn)
+ lb, ub, surrn)
d_fixed = fixed_dimensions(sample_type)
@assert length(surrn_y) == size(surrn_x)[1]
surrn_xy = [(surrn_x[y], surrn_y[y]) for y in 1:length(surrn_y)]
section_surr1_xy = filter(xyz -> xyz[1][d_fixed] == Tuple(sample_type.x0[d_fixed]),
- surrn_xy)
+ surrn_xy)
section_surr1_x = [xy[1] for xy in section_surr1_xy]
section_surr1_y = [xy[2] for xy in section_surr1_xy]
if length(section_surr1_xy) == 0
diff --git a/src/PolynomialChaos.jl b/src/PolynomialChaos.jl
index 76e89e1df..81e72600b 100644
--- a/src/PolynomialChaos.jl
+++ b/src/PolynomialChaos.jl
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ function _calculatepce_coeff(x, y, num_of_multi_indexes, op::AbstractCanonicalOr
function PolynomialChaosSurrogate(x, y, lb::Number, ub::Number;
- op::AbstractCanonicalOrthoPoly = GaussOrthoPoly(2))
+ op::AbstractCanonicalOrthoPoly = GaussOrthoPoly(2))
n = length(x)
poly_degree = op.deg
num_of_multi_indexes = 1 + poly_degree
@@ -53,9 +53,9 @@ function _calculatepce_coeff(x, y, num_of_multi_indexes, op::MultiOrthoPoly)
function PolynomialChaosSurrogate(x, y, lb, ub;
- op::MultiOrthoPoly = MultiOrthoPoly([GaussOrthoPoly(2)
- for j in 1:length(lb)],
- 2))
+ op::MultiOrthoPoly = MultiOrthoPoly([GaussOrthoPoly(2)
+ for j in 1:length(lb)],
+ 2))
n = length(x)
d = length(lb)
poly_degree = op.deg
@@ -75,7 +75,7 @@ function (pcND::PolynomialChaosSurrogate)(val)
sum = sum +
pcND.coeff[i] *
first(PolyChaos.evaluate(pcND.ortopolys.ind[i, :], collect(val),
- pcND.ortopolys))
+ pcND.ortopolys))
return sum
@@ -86,12 +86,12 @@ function add_point!(polych::PolynomialChaosSurrogate, x_new, y_new)
polych.x = vcat(polych.x, x_new)
polych.y = vcat(polych.y, y_new)
polych.coeff = _calculatepce_coeff(polych.x, polych.y, polych.num_of_multi_indexes,
- polych.ortopolys)
+ polych.ortopolys)
polych.x = vcat(polych.x, x_new)
polych.y = vcat(polych.y, y_new)
polych.coeff = _calculatepce_coeff(polych.x, polych.y, polych.num_of_multi_indexes,
- polych.ortopolys)
+ polych.ortopolys)
diff --git a/src/Radials.jl b/src/Radials.jl
index 88178a899..d60f3ca40 100644
--- a/src/Radials.jl
+++ b/src/Radials.jl
@@ -25,9 +25,9 @@ cubicRadial() = RadialFunction(1, z -> norm(z)^3)
multiquadricRadial(c = 1.0) = RadialFunction(1, z -> sqrt((c * norm(z))^2 + 1))
thinplateRadial() = RadialFunction(2, z -> begin
- result = norm(z)^2 * log(norm(z))
- ifelse(iszero(z), zero(result), result)
- end)
+ result = norm(z)^2 * log(norm(z))
+ ifelse(iszero(z), zero(result), result)
RadialBasis(x,y,lb,ub,rad::RadialFunction, scale_factor::Float = 1.0)
@@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Polyharmonic_spline
function RadialBasis(x, y, lb, ub; rad::RadialFunction = linearRadial(),
- scale_factor::Real = 0.5, sparse = false)
+ scale_factor::Real = 0.5, sparse = false)
q = rad.q
phi = rad.phi
coeff = _calc_coeffs(x, y, lb, ub, phi, q, scale_factor, sparse)
@@ -110,9 +110,9 @@ using Zygote: @nograd, Buffer
function _make_combination(n, d, ix)
exponents_combinations = [e
for e
- in collect(Iterators.product(Iterators.repeated(0:n,
- d)...))[:]
- if sum(e) <= n]
+ in collect(Iterators.product(Iterators.repeated(0:n,
+ d)...))[:]
+ if sum(e) <= n]
return exponents_combinations[ix + 1]
@@ -144,7 +144,7 @@ function multivar_poly_basis(x, ix, d, n)
for (a, d)
- in zip(x, _make_combination(n, d, ix)))
+ in zip(x, _make_combination(n, d, ix)))
@@ -179,12 +179,12 @@ function _add_tmp_to_approx!(approx, i, tmp, rad::RadialBasis; f = identity)
# specialise when only single output dimension
function _make_approx(val,
- ::RadialBasis{F, Q, X, <:AbstractArray{<:Number}}) where {F, Q, X}
+ ::RadialBasis{F, Q, X, <:AbstractArray{<:Number}}) where {F, Q, X}
return Ref(zero(eltype(val)))
function _add_tmp_to_approx!(approx::Base.RefValue, i, tmp,
- rad::RadialBasis{F, Q, X, <:AbstractArray{<:Number}};
- f = identity) where {F, Q, X}
+ rad::RadialBasis{F, Q, X, <:AbstractArray{<:Number}};
+ f = identity) where {F, Q, X}
@inbounds @simd ivdep for j in 1:size(rad.coeff, 1)
approx[] += rad.coeff[j, i] * f(tmp)
@@ -242,6 +242,6 @@ function add_point!(rad::RadialBasis, new_x, new_y)
append!(rad.y, new_y)
rad.coeff = _calc_coeffs(rad.x, rad.y, rad.lb, rad.ub, rad.phi, rad.dim_poly,
- rad.scale_factor, rad.sparse)
+ rad.scale_factor, rad.sparse)
diff --git a/src/Sampling.jl b/src/Sampling.jl
index da53e1f9b..0eda577e0 100644
--- a/src/Sampling.jl
+++ b/src/Sampling.jl
@@ -15,21 +15,25 @@ function sample(args...; kwargs...)
#### SectionSample ####
SectionSample{T}(x0, sa)
`SectionSample(x0, sampler)` where `sampler` is any sampler above and `x0` is a vector of either `NaN` for a free dimension or some scalar for a constrained dimension.
-struct SectionSample{R<:Real,I<:Integer,VR<:AbstractVector{R},VI<:AbstractVector{I}} <: SamplingAlgorithm
+struct SectionSample{
+ R <: Real,
+ I <: Integer,
+ VR <: AbstractVector{R},
+ VI <: AbstractVector{I},
+} <: SamplingAlgorithm
fixed_dimensions(section_sampler::SectionSample)::Vector{Int64} = findall(x -> x == false,
- isnan.(section_sampler.x0))
+ isnan.(section_sampler.x0))
free_dimensions(section_sampler::SectionSample)::Vector{Int64} = findall(x -> x == true,
- isnan.(section_sampler.x0))
+ isnan.(section_sampler.x0))
Returns Tuples constrained to a section.
@@ -39,8 +43,11 @@ The sampler is defined as in e.g.
`section_sampler_y_is_10 = SectionSample([NaN64, NaN64, 10.0, 10.0], UniformSample())`
where the first argument is a Vector{T} in which numbers are fixed coordinates and `NaN`s correspond to free dimensions, and the second argument is a SamplingAlgorithm which is used to sample in the free dimensions.
-function sample(n::Integer, lb::T, ub::T, section_sampler::SectionSample) where
- T <: Union{Base.AbstractVecOrTuple, Number}
+function sample(n::Integer,
+ lb::T,
+ ub::T,
+ section_sampler::SectionSample) where {
+ T <: Union{Base.AbstractVecOrTuple, Number}}
QuasiMonteCarlo._check_sequence(lb, ub, length(lb))
if lb isa Number
@@ -60,12 +67,16 @@ function sample(n::Integer, lb::T, ub::T, section_sampler::SectionSample) where
out_as_vec[d, y] = new_samples[xi, y]
- return isone(size(out_as_vec, 1)) ? vec(out_as_vec) : collect(reinterpret(reshape, NTuple{size(out_as_vec, 1), eltype(out_as_vec)}, out_as_vec))
+ return isone(size(out_as_vec, 1)) ? vec(out_as_vec) :
+ collect(reinterpret(reshape,
+ NTuple{size(out_as_vec, 1), eltype(out_as_vec)},
+ out_as_vec))
-SectionSample(x0::AbstractVector, sa::SamplingAlgorithm) =
+function SectionSample(x0::AbstractVector, sa::SamplingAlgorithm)
SectionSample(x0, sa, findall(isnan, x0))
SectionSample(n, d, K::SectionSample)
@@ -75,16 +86,19 @@ The sampler is defined
`SectionSample([NaN64, NaN64, 10.0, 10.0], UniformSample())`
where the first argument is a Vector{T} in which numbers are fixed coordinates and `NaN`s correspond to free dimensions, and the second argument is a SamplingAlgorithm which is used to sample in the free dimensions.
-function sample(n::Integer, d::Integer, section_sampler::SectionSample, T=eltype(section_sampler.x0))
+function sample(n::Integer,
+ d::Integer,
+ section_sampler::SectionSample,
+ T = eltype(section_sampler.x0))
@assert eltype(section_sampler.x0) == T
@assert length(section_sampler.fixed_dims) == d
return sample(n, section_sampler)
-@views function sample(n::Integer, section_sampler::SectionSample{T}) where T
+@views function sample(n::Integer, section_sampler::SectionSample{T}) where {T}
samples = Matrix{T}(undef, n, length(section_sampler.x0))
fixed_dims = section_sampler.fixed_dims
- samples[:,fixed_dims] .= sample(n, length(fixed_dims), section_sampler.sa, T)
+ samples[:, fixed_dims] .= sample(n, length(fixed_dims), section_sampler.sa, T)
return vec(samples)
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/Surrogates.jl b/src/Surrogates.jl
index 09f840132..0d388a6a4 100755
--- a/src/Surrogates.jl
+++ b/src/Surrogates.jl
@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ current_surrogates = ["Kriging", "LinearSurrogate", "LobachevskySurrogate",
#Radial structure:
function RadialBasisStructure(; radial_function, scale_factor, sparse)
return (name = "RadialBasis", radial_function = radial_function,
- scale_factor = scale_factor, sparse = sparse)
+ scale_factor = scale_factor, sparse = sparse)
#Kriging structure:
@@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ end
#Neural structure
function NeuralStructure(; model, loss, opt, n_echos)
return (name = "NeuralSurrogate", model = model, loss = loss, opt = opt,
- n_echos = n_echos)
+ n_echos = n_echos)
#Random forest structure
@@ -84,22 +84,23 @@ end
export current_surrogates
export GEKPLS
export RadialBasisStructure, KrigingStructure, LinearStructure, InverseDistanceStructure
-export LobachevskyStructure, NeuralStructure, RandomForestStructure,
- SecondOrderPolynomialStructure
+export LobachevskyStructure,
+ NeuralStructure, RandomForestStructure,
+ SecondOrderPolynomialStructure
export WendlandStructure
export AbstractSurrogate, SamplingAlgorithm
export Kriging, RadialBasis, add_point!, current_estimate, std_error_at_point
# Parallelization Strategies
export potential_optimal_points
export MinimumConstantLiar, MaximumConstantLiar, MeanConstantLiar, KrigingBeliever,
- KrigingBelieverUpperBound, KrigingBelieverLowerBound
+ KrigingBelieverUpperBound, KrigingBelieverLowerBound
# radial basis functions
export linearRadial, cubicRadial, multiquadricRadial, thinplateRadial
# samplers
export sample, GridSample, RandomSample, SobolSample, LatinHypercubeSample,
- HaltonSample
+ HaltonSample
export RandomSample, KroneckerSample, GoldenSample, SectionSample
# Optimization algorithms
@@ -111,8 +112,9 @@ export InverseDistanceSurrogate
export SecondOrderPolynomialSurrogate
export Wendland
export RadialBasisStructure, KrigingStructure, LinearStructure, InverseDistanceStructure
-export LobachevskyStructure, NeuralStructure, RandomForestStructure,
- SecondOrderPolynomialStructure
+export LobachevskyStructure,
+ NeuralStructure, RandomForestStructure,
+ SecondOrderPolynomialStructure
export WendlandStructure
#export MOE
export VariableFidelitySurrogate
diff --git a/src/VariableFidelity.jl b/src/VariableFidelity.jl
index de713c770..d90928d38 100644
--- a/src/VariableFidelity.jl
+++ b/src/VariableFidelity.jl
@@ -9,13 +9,13 @@ mutable struct VariableFidelitySurrogate{X, Y, L, U, N, F, E} <: AbstractSurroga
function VariableFidelitySurrogate(x, y, lb, ub;
- num_high_fidel = Int(floor(length(x) / 2)),
- low_fid_structure = RadialBasisStructure(radial_function = linearRadial(),
- scale_factor = 1.0,
- sparse = false),
- high_fid_structure = RadialBasisStructure(radial_function = cubicRadial(),
- scale_factor = 1.0,
- sparse = false))
+ num_high_fidel = Int(floor(length(x) / 2)),
+ low_fid_structure = RadialBasisStructure(radial_function = linearRadial(),
+ scale_factor = 1.0,
+ sparse = false),
+ high_fid_structure = RadialBasisStructure(radial_function = cubicRadial(),
+ scale_factor = 1.0,
+ sparse = false))
x_high = x[1:num_high_fidel]
x_low = x[(num_high_fidel + 1):end]
y_high = y[1:num_high_fidel]
@@ -25,48 +25,48 @@ function VariableFidelitySurrogate(x, y, lb, ub;
if low_fid_structure[1] == "RadialBasis"
#fit and append to local_surr
low_fid_surr = RadialBasis(x_low, y_low, lb, ub,
- rad = low_fid_structure.radial_function,
- scale_factor = low_fid_structure.scale_factor,
- sparse = low_fid_structure.sparse)
+ rad = low_fid_structure.radial_function,
+ scale_factor = low_fid_structure.scale_factor,
+ sparse = low_fid_structure.sparse)
elseif low_fid_structure[1] == "Kriging"
low_fid_surr = Kriging(x_low, y_low, lb, ub, p = low_fid_structure.p,
- theta = low_fid_structure.theta)
+ theta = low_fid_structure.theta)
elseif low_fid_structure[1] == "GEK"
low_fid_surr = GEK(x_low, y_low, lb, ub, p = low_fid_structure.p,
- theta = low_fid_structure.theta)
+ theta = low_fid_structure.theta)
elseif low_fid_structure == "LinearSurrogate"
low_fid_surr = LinearSurrogate(x_low, y_low, lb, ub)
elseif low_fid_structure[1] == "InverseDistanceSurrogate"
low_fid_surr = InverseDistanceSurrogate(x_low, y_low, lb, ub,
- p = low_fid_structure.p)
+ p = low_fid_structure.p)
elseif low_fid_structure[1] == "LobachevskySurrogate"
low_fid_surr = LobachevskySurrogate(x_low, y_low, lb, ub,
- alpha = low_fid_structure.alpha,
- n = low_fid_structure.n,
- sparse = low_fid_structure.sparse)
+ alpha = low_fid_structure.alpha,
+ n = low_fid_structure.n,
+ sparse = low_fid_structure.sparse)
elseif low_fid_structure[1] == "NeuralSurrogate"
low_fid_surr = NeuralSurrogate(x_low, y_low, lb, ub,
- model = low_fid_structure.model,
- loss = low_fid_structure.loss,
- opt = low_fid_structure.opt,
- n_echos = low_fid_structure.n_echos)
+ model = low_fid_structure.model,
+ loss = low_fid_structure.loss,
+ opt = low_fid_structure.opt,
+ n_echos = low_fid_structure.n_echos)
elseif low_fid_structure[1] == "RandomForestSurrogate"
low_fid_surr = RandomForestSurrogate(x_low, y_low, lb, ub,
- num_round = low_fid_structure.num_round)
+ num_round = low_fid_structure.num_round)
elseif low_fid_structure == "SecondOrderPolynomialSurrogate"
low_fid_surr = SecondOrderPolynomialSurrogate(x_low, y_low, lb, ub)
elseif low_fid_structure[1] == "Wendland"
low_fid_surr = Wendand(x_low, y_low, lb, ub, eps = low_fid_surr.eps,
- maxiters = low_fid_surr.maxiters, tol = low_fid_surr.tol)
+ maxiters = low_fid_surr.maxiters, tol = low_fid_surr.tol)
throw("A surrogate with the name provided does not exist or is not currently supported with VariableFidelity")
@@ -80,12 +80,12 @@ function VariableFidelitySurrogate(x, y, lb, ub;
if high_fid_structure[1] == "RadialBasis"
#fit and append to local_surr
eps = RadialBasis(x_high, y_eps, lb, ub, rad = high_fid_structure.radial_function,
- scale_factor = high_fid_structure.scale_factor,
- sparse = high_fid_structure.sparse)
+ scale_factor = high_fid_structure.scale_factor,
+ sparse = high_fid_structure.sparse)
elseif high_fid_structure[1] == "Kriging"
eps = Kriging(x_high, y_eps, lb, ub, p = high_fid_structure.p,
- theta = high_fid_structure.theta)
+ theta = high_fid_structure.theta)
elseif high_fid_structure == "LinearSurrogate"
eps = LinearSurrogate(x_high, y_eps, lb, ub)
@@ -95,24 +95,24 @@ function VariableFidelitySurrogate(x, y, lb, ub;
elseif high_fid_structure[1] == "LobachevskySurrogate"
eps = LobachevskySurrogate(x_high, y_eps, lb, ub, alpha = high_fid_structure.alpha,
- n = high_fid_structure.n,
- sparse = high_fid_structure.sparse)
+ n = high_fid_structure.n,
+ sparse = high_fid_structure.sparse)
elseif high_fid_structure[1] == "NeuralSurrogate"
eps = NeuralSurrogate(x_high, y_eps, lb, ub, model = high_fid_structure.model,
- loss = high_fid_structure.loss, opt = high_fid_structure.opt,
- n_echos = high_fid_structure.n_echos)
+ loss = high_fid_structure.loss, opt = high_fid_structure.opt,
+ n_echos = high_fid_structure.n_echos)
elseif high_fid_structure[1] == "RandomForestSurrogate"
eps = RandomForestSurrogate(x_high, y_eps, lb, ub,
- num_round = high_fid_structure.num_round)
+ num_round = high_fid_structure.num_round)
elseif high_fid_structure == "SecondOrderPolynomialSurrogate"
eps = SecondOrderPolynomialSurrogate(x_high, y_eps, lb, ub)
elseif high_fid_structure[1] == "Wendland"
eps = Wendand(x_high, y_eps, lb, ub, eps = high_fid_structure.eps,
- maxiters = high_fid_structure.maxiters, tol = high_fid_structure.tol)
+ maxiters = high_fid_structure.maxiters, tol = high_fid_structure.tol)
throw("A surrogate with the name provided does not exist or is not currently supported with VariableFidelity")
diff --git a/src/VirtualStrategy.jl b/src/VirtualStrategy.jl
index cc63a0c19..33ce1877a 100644
--- a/src/VirtualStrategy.jl
+++ b/src/VirtualStrategy.jl
@@ -1,17 +1,26 @@
# Minimum Constant Liar
-function calculate_liars(::MinimumConstantLiar, tmp_surr::AbstractSurrogate, surr::AbstractSurrogate, new_x)
+function calculate_liars(::MinimumConstantLiar,
+ tmp_surr::AbstractSurrogate,
+ surr::AbstractSurrogate,
+ new_x)
new_y = minimum(surr.y)
add_point!(tmp_surr, new_x, new_y)
# Maximum Constant Liar
-function calculate_liars(::MaximumConstantLiar, tmp_surr::AbstractSurrogate, surr::AbstractSurrogate, new_x)
+function calculate_liars(::MaximumConstantLiar,
+ tmp_surr::AbstractSurrogate,
+ surr::AbstractSurrogate,
+ new_x)
new_y = maximum(surr.y)
add_point!(tmp_surr, new_x, new_y)
# Mean Constant Liar
-function calculate_liars(::MeanConstantLiar, tmp_surr::AbstractSurrogate, surr::AbstractSurrogate, new_x)
+function calculate_liars(::MeanConstantLiar,
+ tmp_surr::AbstractSurrogate,
+ surr::AbstractSurrogate,
+ new_x)
new_y = mean(surr.y)
add_point!(tmp_surr, new_x, new_y)
@@ -32,4 +41,4 @@ end
function calculate_liars(::KrigingBelieverLowerBound, tmp_k::Kriging, k::Kriging, new_x)
new_y = k(new_x) - 3 * std_error_at_point(k, new_x)
add_point!(tmp_k, new_x, new_y)
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/test/GEKPLS.jl b/test/GEKPLS.jl
index 7d9a3a8ba..2c2aadf1d 100644
--- a/test/GEKPLS.jl
+++ b/test/GEKPLS.jl
@@ -83,7 +83,7 @@ y_true = welded_beam.(x_test)
@testset "Test 4: Welded Beam Function Test (dimensions = 3; n_comp = 3; extra_points = 2)" begin
n_comp = 3
delta_x = 0.0001
- extra_points = 2
+ extra_points = 2
initial_theta = [0.01 for i in 1:n_comp]
g = GEKPLS(x, y, grads, n_comp, delta_x, lb, ub, extra_points, initial_theta)
y_pred = g.(x_test)
@@ -175,8 +175,8 @@ end
extra_points = 2
initial_theta = [0.01 for i in 1:n_comp]
g = GEKPLS(initial_x_vec, initial_y, initial_grads, n_comp, delta_x, lb, ub,
- extra_points,
- initial_theta)
+ extra_points,
+ initial_theta)
n_test = 100
x_test = sample(n_test, lb, ub, GoldenSample())
y_true = sphere_function.(x_test)
@@ -209,8 +209,8 @@ end
y = sphere_function.(x)
g = GEKPLS(x, y, grads, n_comp, delta_x, lb, ub, extra_points, initial_theta)
x_point, minima = surrogate_optimize(sphere_function, SRBF(), lb, ub, g,
- RandomSample(); maxiters = 20,
- num_new_samples = 20, needs_gradient = true)
+ RandomSample(); maxiters = 20,
+ num_new_samples = 20, needs_gradient = true)
@test isapprox(minima, 0.0, atol = 0.0001)
diff --git a/test/SectionSampleTests.jl b/test/SectionSampleTests.jl
index 46336f1af..be6d656c8 100644
--- a/test/SectionSampleTests.jl
+++ b/test/SectionSampleTests.jl
@@ -25,16 +25,16 @@ isapprox(f([0, 0, 0]), f_hat([0, 0, 0]))
""" The global minimum is at (0,0) """
(xy_min, f_hat_min) = surrogate_optimize(f,
- DYCORS(), lb, ub,
- f_hat,
- SobolSample())
+ DYCORS(), lb, ub,
+ f_hat,
+ SobolSample())
isapprox(xy_min[1], 0.0, atol = 1e-1)
""" The minimum on the (0,10) section is around (0,10) """
section_sampler_z_is_10 = SectionSample([NaN64, NaN64, 10.0],
- Surrogates.RandomSample())
+ Surrogates.RandomSample())
@test [3] == Surrogates.fixed_dimensions(section_sampler_z_is_10)
@test [1, 2] == Surrogates.free_dimensions(section_sampler_z_is_10)
@@ -42,9 +42,9 @@ section_sampler_z_is_10 = SectionSample([NaN64, NaN64, 10.0],
Surrogates.sample(5, lb, ub, section_sampler_z_is_10)
(xy_min, f_hat_min) = surrogate_optimize(f,
- EI(), lb, ub,
- f_hat,
- section_sampler_z_is_10, maxiters = 1000)
+ EI(), lb, ub,
+ f_hat,
+ section_sampler_z_is_10, maxiters = 1000)
isapprox(xy_min[1], 0.0, atol = 0.1)
isapprox(xy_min[2], 0.0, atol = 0.1)
diff --git a/test/VariableFidelity.jl b/test/VariableFidelity.jl
index 378c7b843..fe1cd49f1 100644
--- a/test/VariableFidelity.jl
+++ b/test/VariableFidelity.jl
@@ -13,10 +13,10 @@ add_point!(my_varfid, 3.0, 6.0)
val = my_varfid(3.0)
my_varfid_change_struct = VariableFidelitySurrogate(x, y, lb, ub, num_high_fidel = 2,
- low_fid_structure = InverseDistanceStructure(p = 1.0),
- high_fid_structure = RadialBasisStructure(radial_function = linearRadial(),
- scale_factor = 1.0,
- sparse = false))
+ low_fid_structure = InverseDistanceStructure(p = 1.0),
+ high_fid_structure = RadialBasisStructure(radial_function = linearRadial(),
+ scale_factor = 1.0,
+ sparse = false))
n = 10
lb = [0.0, 0.0]
@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ my_varfidND = VariableFidelitySurrogate(x, y, lb, ub)
val = my_varfidND((2.0, 2.0))
add_point!(my_varfidND, (3.0, 3.0), 9.0)
my_varfidND_change_struct = VariableFidelitySurrogate(x, y, lb, ub, num_high_fidel = 2,
- low_fid_structure = InverseDistanceStructure(p = 1.0),
- high_fid_structure = RadialBasisStructure(radial_function = linearRadial(),
- scale_factor = 1.0,
- sparse = false))
+ low_fid_structure = InverseDistanceStructure(p = 1.0),
+ high_fid_structure = RadialBasisStructure(radial_function = linearRadial(),
+ scale_factor = 1.0,
+ sparse = false))
diff --git a/test/optimization.jl b/test/optimization.jl
index 11413d0fb..85492edc5 100644
--- a/test/optimization.jl
+++ b/test/optimization.jl
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ x = [2.5, 4.0, 6.0]
y = [6.0, 9.0, 13.0]
my_k_SRBF1 = Kriging(x, y, lb, ub; p)
xstar, fstar = surrogate_optimize(objective_function, SRBF(), a, b, my_k_SRBF1,
- RandomSample())
+ RandomSample())
#Using RadialBasis
@@ -31,19 +31,19 @@ x = [2.5, 4.0, 6.0]
y = [6.0, 9.0, 13.0]
my_rad_SRBF1 = RadialBasis(x, y, a, b, rad = linearRadial())
(xstar, fstar) = surrogate_optimize(objective_function, SRBF(), a, b, my_rad_SRBF1,
- RandomSample())
+ RandomSample())
x = [2.5, 4.0, 6.0]
y = [6.0, 9.0, 13.0]
my_wend_1d = Wendland(x, y, lb, ub)
xstar, fstar = surrogate_optimize(objective_function, SRBF(), a, b, my_wend_1d,
- RandomSample())
+ RandomSample())
x = [2.5, 4.0, 6.0]
y = [6.0, 9.0, 13.0]
my_earth1d = EarthSurrogate(x, y, lb, ub)
xstar, fstar = surrogate_optimize(objective_function, SRBF(), a, b, my_earth1d,
- HaltonSample())
+ HaltonSample())
##### ND #####
objective_function_ND = z -> 3 * norm(z) + 1
@@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ y = objective_function_ND.(x)
my_k_SRBFN = Kriging(x, y, lb, ub)
#Every optimization method now returns the y_min and its position
x_min, y_min = surrogate_optimize(objective_function_ND, SRBF(), lb, ub, my_k_SRBFN,
- RandomSample())
+ RandomSample())
lb = [1.0, 1.0]
@@ -84,7 +84,7 @@ objective_function_ND = z -> 3 * norm(z) + 1
y = objective_function_ND.(x)
my_linear_ND = LinearSurrogate(x, y, lb, ub)
surrogate_optimize(objective_function_ND, SRBF(), lb, ub, my_linear_ND, SobolSample(),
- maxiters = 15)
+ maxiters = 15)
@@ -106,7 +106,7 @@ my_p = 2.5
y = objective_function_ND.(x)
my_inverse_ND = InverseDistanceSurrogate(x, y, lb, ub, p = my_p)
surrogate_optimize(objective_function_ND, SRBF(), lb, ub, my_inverse_ND, SobolSample(),
- maxiters = 15)
+ maxiters = 15)
lb = [0.0, 0.0]
@@ -116,7 +116,7 @@ x = sample(15, lb, ub, RandomSample())
y = obj_ND.(x)
my_second_order_poly_ND = SecondOrderPolynomialSurrogate(x, y, lb, ub)
surrogate_optimize(obj_ND, SRBF(), lb, ub, my_second_order_poly_ND, SobolSample(),
- maxiters = 15)
+ maxiters = 15)
####### LCBS #########
@@ -156,7 +156,7 @@ x = sample(5, lb, ub, SobolSample())
y = objective_function.(x)
my_k_EI1 = Kriging(x, y, lb, ub; p = 2)
surrogate_optimize(objective_function, EI(), lb, ub, my_k_EI1, SobolSample(),
- maxiters = 200, num_new_samples = 155)
+ maxiters = 200, num_new_samples = 155)
# Check that EI is correctly minimizing the objective
y_min, index_min = findmin(my_k_EI1.y)
@@ -241,15 +241,15 @@ ub = [6.0, 6.0]
my_k_DYCORSN = Kriging(x, y, lb, ub)
surrogate_optimize(objective_function_ND, DYCORS(), lb, ub, my_k_DYCORSN, RandomSample(),
- maxiters = 30)
+ maxiters = 30)
my_rad_DYCORSN = RadialBasis(x, y, lb, ub, rad = linearRadial())
surrogate_optimize(objective_function_ND, DYCORS(), lb, ub, my_rad_DYCORSN, RandomSample(),
- maxiters = 30)
+ maxiters = 30)
my_wend_ND = Wendland(x, y, lb, ub)
surrogate_optimize(objective_function_ND, DYCORS(), lb, ub, my_wend_ND, RandomSample(),
- maxiters = 30)
+ maxiters = 30)
### SOP ###
# 1D
@@ -262,7 +262,7 @@ ub = 6.0
num_centers = 2
my_k_SOP1 = Kriging(x, y, lb, ub, p = 1.9)
surrogate_optimize(objective_function, SOP(num_centers), lb, ub, my_k_SOP1, SobolSample(),
- maxiters = 60)
+ maxiters = 60)
objective_function_ND = z -> 2 * norm(z) + 1
x = [(2.3, 2.2), (1.4, 1.5)]
@@ -274,7 +274,7 @@ ub = [6.0, 6.0]
my_k_SOPND = Kriging(x, y, lb, ub)
num_centers = 2
surrogate_optimize(objective_function_ND, SOP(num_centers), lb, ub, my_k_SOPND,
- SobolSample(), maxiters = 20)
+ SobolSample(), maxiters = 20)
#multi optimization
diff --git a/test/parallel.jl b/test/parallel.jl
index 7cc133e52..f3472b958 100755
--- a/test/parallel.jl
+++ b/test/parallel.jl
@@ -1,7 +1,6 @@
using Surrogates
using Test
-using Revise
+using Revise
lb = 0.0
@@ -10,13 +9,18 @@ f = x -> log(x) * exp(x)
x = sample(5, lb, ub, SobolSample())
y = f.(x)
# Test lengths of new_x and EI (1D)
my_k = Kriging(x, y, lb, ub)
-new_x, eis = potential_optimal_points(EI(), MeanConstantLiar(), lb, ub, my_k, SobolSample(), 3)
+new_x, eis = potential_optimal_points(EI(),
+ MeanConstantLiar(),
+ lb,
+ ub,
+ my_k,
+ SobolSample(),
+ 3)
@test length(new_x) == 3
@test length(eis) == 3
@@ -24,11 +28,16 @@ new_x, eis = potential_optimal_points(EI(), MeanConstantLiar(), lb, ub, my_k, So
# Test lengths of new_x and SRBF (1D)
my_surr = RadialBasis(x, y, lb, ub)
-new_x, eis = potential_optimal_points(SRBF(), MeanConstantLiar(), lb, ub, my_surr, SobolSample(), 3)
+new_x, eis = potential_optimal_points(SRBF(),
+ MeanConstantLiar(),
+ lb,
+ ub,
+ my_surr,
+ SobolSample(),
+ 3)
@test length(new_x) == 3
@test length(eis) == 3
# Test lengths of new_x and EI (ND)
lb = [0.0, 0.0, 1.0]
@@ -39,7 +48,13 @@ y = f.(x)
my_k = Kriging(x, y, lb, ub)
-new_x, eis = potential_optimal_points(EI(), MeanConstantLiar(), lb, ub, my_k, SobolSample(), 5)
+new_x, eis = potential_optimal_points(EI(),
+ MeanConstantLiar(),
+ lb,
+ ub,
+ my_k,
+ SobolSample(),
+ 5)
@test length(new_x) == 5
@test length(eis) == 5
@@ -49,7 +64,13 @@ new_x, eis = potential_optimal_points(EI(), MeanConstantLiar(), lb, ub, my_k, So
# Test lengths of new_x and SRBF (ND)
my_surr = RadialBasis(x, y, lb, ub)
-new_x, eis = potential_optimal_points(SRBF(), MeanConstantLiar(), lb, ub, my_surr, SobolSample(), 5)
+new_x, eis = potential_optimal_points(SRBF(),
+ MeanConstantLiar(),
+ lb,
+ ub,
+ my_surr,
+ SobolSample(),
+ 5)
@test length(new_x) == 5
@test length(eis) == 5
@@ -57,5 +78,10 @@ new_x, eis = potential_optimal_points(SRBF(), MeanConstantLiar(), lb, ub, my_sur
@test length(new_x[1]) == 3
# # Check hyperparameter validation for potential_optimal_points
-@test_throws ArgumentError new_x, eis = potential_optimal_points(EI(), MeanConstantLiar(), lb, ub, my_k, SobolSample(), -1)
+@test_throws ArgumentError new_x, eis=potential_optimal_points(EI(),
+ MeanConstantLiar(),
+ lb,
+ ub,
+ my_k,
+ SobolSample(),
+ -1)
diff --git a/test/runtests.jl b/test/runtests.jl
index 25abaf606..b94a25ac8 100644
--- a/test/runtests.jl
+++ b/test/runtests.jl
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ using Surrogates
using Test
using SafeTestsets
using Pkg
-VERSION <= v"1.7" && Pkg.add(name="Statistics", version=VERSION)
+VERSION <= v"1.7" && Pkg.add(name = "Statistics", version = VERSION)
function dev_subpkg(subpkg)
subpkg_path = joinpath(dirname(@__DIR__), "lib", subpkg)
@@ -22,20 +22,48 @@ end
@testset "Algorithms" begin
- @time @safetestset "GEKPLS" begin include("GEKPLS.jl") end
- @time @safetestset "Radials" begin include("Radials.jl") end
- @time @safetestset "Kriging" begin include("Kriging.jl") end
- @time @safetestset "Sampling" begin include("sampling.jl") end
- @time @safetestset "Optimization" begin include("optimization.jl") end
- @time @safetestset "LinearSurrogate" begin include("linearSurrogate.jl") end
- @time @safetestset "Lobachevsky" begin include("lobachevsky.jl") end
- @time @safetestset "InverseDistanceSurrogate" begin include("inverseDistanceSurrogate.jl") end
- @time @safetestset "SecondOrderPolynomialSurrogate" begin include("secondOrderPolynomialSurrogate.jl") end
+ @time @safetestset "GEKPLS" begin
+ include("GEKPLS.jl")
+ end
+ @time @safetestset "Radials" begin
+ include("Radials.jl")
+ end
+ @time @safetestset "Kriging" begin
+ include("Kriging.jl")
+ end
+ @time @safetestset "Sampling" begin
+ include("sampling.jl")
+ end
+ @time @safetestset "Optimization" begin
+ include("optimization.jl")
+ end
+ @time @safetestset "LinearSurrogate" begin
+ include("linearSurrogate.jl")
+ end
+ @time @safetestset "Lobachevsky" begin
+ include("lobachevsky.jl")
+ end
+ @time @safetestset "InverseDistanceSurrogate" begin
+ include("inverseDistanceSurrogate.jl")
+ end
+ @time @safetestset "SecondOrderPolynomialSurrogate" begin
+ include("secondOrderPolynomialSurrogate.jl")
+ end
# @time @safetestset "AD_Compatibility" begin include("AD_compatibility.jl") end
- @time @safetestset "Wendland" begin include("Wendland.jl") end
- @time @safetestset "VariableFidelity" begin include("VariableFidelity.jl") end
- @time @safetestset "Earth" begin include("earth.jl") end
- @time @safetestset "Gradient Enhanced Kriging" begin include("GEK.jl") end
- @time @safetestset "Section Samplers" begin include("SectionSampleTests.jl") end
+ @time @safetestset "Wendland" begin
+ include("Wendland.jl")
+ end
+ @time @safetestset "VariableFidelity" begin
+ include("VariableFidelity.jl")
+ end
+ @time @safetestset "Earth" begin
+ include("earth.jl")
+ end
+ @time @safetestset "Gradient Enhanced Kriging" begin
+ include("GEK.jl")
+ end
+ @time @safetestset "Section Samplers" begin
+ include("SectionSampleTests.jl")
+ end
\ No newline at end of file