Live Site https://book-flight-neon.vercel.app/
Responsive Search Widget: The search widget has been fine-tuned for smooth performance across all devices and up to 300% zoom.
Scalable Styling: Most styling uses relative units to ensure everything scales up or down seamlessly.
Intuitive Date Fields: On mobile, the departure and return date fields are separated to simplify date selection.
Themes for Night Owls: Dark and night themes have been added to reduce screen brightness in low-light conditions.
Well-Organized CSS: CSS rules are sorted into separate files based on their purpose, making the code cleaner and easier to manage.
Pushing for Accessibility: Efforts have been made to enhance accessibility within the limited available development time.
Semantic HTML: Tried to use semantic HTML for accessibility, SEO and overall code readability by providing meaningful structure and context to web content
Well-Organized JS: JS codes are sorted into separate files based on their purpose, making the code cleaner and easier to manage.
This project is built using Vite, which provides a fast and modern development environment. Below are the steps to set up and run the application locally.
- Ensure that Node.js is installed on your machine (LTS version recommended).
To get started, clone the repository to your local machine:
git clone [your-repository-url]
cd [your-repository-directory]
Install the project's dependencies using npm:
npm install
Start the development server with the following command:
npm run dev