+ {%- block block_card_body %}
+ {# An open field for body content #}
+ {{ card_body }}
+ {% endblock -%}
+ {# Block for CTA elements, e.g., link, button #}
+ {%- block block_card_cta %}
+ {# Card CTA Link #}
+ {%- if card_cta_label is not empty and allow_links %}
+ {%- include template_path_link with
+ {
+ "link_href": card_link,
+ "link_content": card_cta_label,
+ "attributes": card_cta_attributes,
+ "modifier_class": "su-card__link su-link--action"
+ }
+ only
+ -%}
+ {% endif -%}
+ {# Big ol link button. Adds a BEM class for targeting. #}
+ {%- if card_button_label is not empty and allow_links %}
+ {%- include template_path_link with
+ {
+ "link_href": card_link,
+ "link_content": card_button_label,
+ "attributes": card_cta_attributes,
+ "modifier_class": "su-button"
+ }
+ only
+ -%}
+ {% endif -%}
+ {% endblock -%}
+ {# end of .su-card__contents #}