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Fast, accurate Stan

C++ compiler optimization

You want RStan itself and your own C++ code to be compiled with the -O3 (highest) level of optimization, and without the -g ("include debugging information") flag. These are options for the CXXFLAGS environment variable, set by a Makeconf or Makevars file.

This is slightly confusing.

  1. There is a system-wide Makeconf.

    Where is it?

    rstan::makeconf_path()  # shows path, e.g. /usr/lib/R/etc/Makeconf
  2. There may be a user-specific ~/.R/Makevars, which should override system-wide settings.

    Where is it?

    tools::makevars_user()  # e.g. /home/rudolf/.R/Makevars

You may find that RStan has done the work for you at some point, in which case your Makevars file may look like this:

# created by rstan at Fri Jun 28 14:04:38 2013
CXXFLAGS = -O3 -pipe   $(LTO)     #set_by_rstan
R_XTRA_CPPFLAGS =  -I$(R_INCLUDE_DIR)      #set_by_rstan

... but if not, ensure CXXFLAGS contains -O3.

This link suggests that RStan automatically uses -O3 for installation.

The old rstan::set_cppo() function is defunct and advises using your Makevars file.

General Stan/C++ coding

  • Use fewer C++ statements; Stan applies a (small) overhead to each.

    If you're thinking of making a cut-down model by setting parameters to zero in code for a more complex model, be aware that this might be much slower (e.g. five-fold in one example) than cutting out the unnecessary code.

  • Don't check constraints twice, or apply unnecessary constraints. See

    The obvious situation that I wondered about was if, for example, if you use real<lower=0> some_standard_deviation but then have another method of enforcing the zero lower bound (say, a bridgesampling-compatible sampling function that does target += negative_infinity() if the variable is out of bounds), you could cut out the <lower=0>. (Removing this check cut execution time by 4–17% in one quite simple scenario.)

    However, see!msg/stan-users/4gv3fNCqSNk/VonPUkdcZuUJ, which appears to suggest (in 2012) that it is important to include these constraints: "A common mistake in .stan files is the failure to restrict the support of a parameter in the parameters {} block and to then attempt to restrict the support of a parameter with a prior in the model {} block... restrict the support of parameters when appropriate; if no prior is specified, it is implicitly uniform over the parameter's support... if you want to impose an informative prior, it should put non-zero (but perhaps arbitrarily small) mass over the entire support of that parameter".

    But then the 2021 Stan Reference Manual says ( that truncated distributions are now explicitly supported and the process of doing target += negative_infinity() if the result is out of bounds is exactly equivalent. (And the bad examples given by Goodrich in 2012 didn't do that.) (Note also that vectorized truncated distributions are not yet supported, as of Stan 2.26.)

    In practice, though, with rstan 2.21.2, removal of these constraints often leads to failure with:

    More on "rejecting initial value":

    ... so this error usually reflects the lack of constraints; keep constraints if unsure, at least for now. This may improve with future versions of Stan.

Vectorization and sampling

  • Vectorize everything that you can.

  • In particular, vectorize sampling statements.

    In this context:

    data {
        int N_TRIALS;
        int<lower=0, upper=1> responded_right[N_TRIALS];

    this method is slow:

    model {
        real p_choose_rhs;
        for (i in 1:N_TRIALS) {
            p_choose_rhs = ...
            responded_right[i] ~ bernoulli(p_choose_rhs);

    and this is faster, as it vectorizes the sampling statement:

    model {
        vector[N_TRIALS] p_choose_rhs;
        for (i in 1:N_TRIALS) {
            p_choose_rhs[i] = ...
        responded_right ~ bernoulli(p_choose_rhs);

Prefer generated quantities where possible

The "generated quantities" block is called less often ( Therefore, if you can, calculated in "generated quantities". For example, if you have to save choice probabilities anyway (e.g. in "transformed parameters", and are using them to calculate an area under the receiver operating characteristic curve (AUROC) measure, put that AUROC calculation in "generated quantities".

Stan versions of note

Which Stan version/code was used for a fit?

cat(fit@stanmodel@model_code)  # show Stan code
cat(fit@stanmodel@model_cpp$model_cppcode)  # show C++ with Stan version

Modelling choices

The two-choice situation

  • For a two-choice situation, you can model p_do_something against the binary data did_something, via the Bernoulli distribution, or the log-odds equivalent. For a choice like "left or right", you can model p_choose_left.

  • Probabilities. For the y ~ bernoulli(theta) distribution, y is in {0, 1} and theta is a probability in the range [0, 1].

    With and without bridge sampling compatibility, equivalents are:

    chose_left ~ bernoulli(p_choose_left);  // standard Stan
    target += bernoulli_lpmf(chose_left | p_choose_left);  // for bridgesampling
    sampleBernoulli_AV_lp(chose_left, p_choose_left);  // RNC bridgesampling shorthand
  • Log odds. However, if you start with log odds, use y ~ bernoulli_logit(alpha), where alpha is a logit (log odds) in the range [-inf, +inf]. This is more efficient than converting the log odds into a probability and then using bernoulli().

    Some versions:

    chose_left ~ bernoulli_logit(log_odds_choose_left);  // standard Stan
    target += bernoulli_logit_lpmf(chose_left | log_odds_choose_left);  // for bridgesampling
    sampleBernoulliLogit_AV_lp(chose_left, log_odds_choose_left);  // RNC bridgesampling shorthand


  • For softmax, there is no neat mapping of the softmax coefficients to to "logit space". Stan provides the softmax() function. It also provides a log_softmax() function, returning the natural log of the softmax. However, the reason for this function is to avoid underflow in some circumstances (e.g.; "log probability" is obviously not the same as "logit" (log odds) and isn't useful for this purpose.

    • This library provides logitSoftmaxNth() but, when profiled, it is slower to use logitSoftmaxNth() and then bernoulli_logit() than it is to use softmaxNth() and then bernoulli(). See tests/profile_stan_softmax/profile_softmax.stan.
  • If you want to fetch a particular result from a softmax operation, which is common, it turns out to be quicker (for a two-item softmax) to use this library's custom softmaxNth() function than Stan's built-in softmax(). See tests/profile_stan_softmax/profile_softmax.stan.

  • The other useful reformulation of softmax:

                P[i] =
    softmax(X, β)[i] = exp(β⋅X[i]) / Σ_j{ exp(β⋅X[j]) }

    For a two-stimulus version, with X_i and X_j being the "values":

    softmax(X, β)[i] = exp(β⋅X_i) / [ exp(β⋅X_i) + exp(β⋅X_j) ]
    Divide top and bottom by exp(β⋅X_i):
                     = 1          / [ 1          + exp(β⋅X_j)/exp(β⋅X_i) ]
                     = 1 / [ 1 + exp(β⋅X_j - β⋅X_i) ]
                     = 1 / [ 1 + exp(β⋅[X_j - X_i]) ]
                     = 1 / [ 1 + exp(-β⋅[X_i - X_j]) ]

    But since logit(p) = log(odds) = log(p / [1 - p]), we can derive (cheat):

    # Octave (pkg load symbolic; syms X Y; ...)?
    # Maxima?
    # SymPy? This is clearer than most!
    # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    # SymPy method
    # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    from sympy import *
    from import x
    init_printing(use_unicode=True)  # optional!
    # If you do "pip install ipython jupyterlab notebook" then you can run
    # "jupyter notebook"  from a scratch directory, create a new notebook,
    # and run this code; then expressions will be printed nicely via LaTeX.
    # Don't use print() for this; just type the expression (e.g. "pn").
    # Symbols:
    beta = Symbol("beta", real=True)
    p = Symbol("p", real=True)
    X_i, X_j, X_k = symbols("X_i, X_j, X_k", real=True)
    X = IndexedBase("X", real=True)  # a collection of reals that can be indexed
    n = Symbol("n", integer=True, positive=True)
    i = Idx("i")  # an index; do NOT specify (1, n) for range 1...n; see below
    j = Idx("j")  # an index
    # Functions:
    odds = Lambda(p, p / (1 - p))  #
    logit = Lambda(p, log(odds(p)))  #
    # =========================================================================
    # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # The two-choice situation:
    p2 = exp(beta * X_i) / (exp(beta * X_i) + exp(beta * X_j))
    print(simplify(logit(p2)))  # beta*(X_i - X_j)
    # Just to be clear (e.g. when "inverse temperatures" are applied to multiple
    # components which then go into the softmax):
    p2a = exp(X_i) / (exp(X_i) + exp(X_j))
    print(simplify(logit(p2a)))  # X_i - X_j
    # =========================================================================
    # Some concrete numbers for the two-choice situation:
    concrete2 = {beta:1.0, X_i:0.5, X_j:0.5}
    print(p2.evalf(subs=concrete2))  # 0.5
    print(logit(p2).evalf(subs=concrete2))  # 0
    # A three-choice version:
    p3 = exp(beta * X_i) / (exp(beta * X_i) + exp(beta * X_j) + exp(beta * X_k))
    print(simplify(logit(p3)))  # X_i*beta - log(exp(X_j*beta) + exp(X_k*beta))
    # Without the explicit softmax again:
    p3a = exp(X_i) / (exp(X_i) + exp(X_j) + exp(X_k))
    print(simplify(logit(p3a)))  # X_i - log(exp(X_j) + exp(X_k))
    # The n-choice situation:
    pn = exp(beta * Indexed(X, i)) / Sum(exp(beta * Indexed(X, j)), (j, 1, n))
    print(simplify(logit(pn)))  # no simple expression
    # ... beta*X[i] + log(1/(-exp(beta*X[i]) + Sum(exp(beta*X[j]), (j, 1, n))))
    pna = exp(Indexed(X, i)) / Sum(exp(Indexed(X, j)), (j, 1, n))
    print(simplify(logit(pna)))  # no simple expression
    # ... log(1/(-exp(X[i]) + Sum(exp(X[j]), (j, 1, n)))) + X[i]
    # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    # Try to reduce from the general to the specific, to learn SymPy a little:
    # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    p2b = pn.subs(i, 1).subs(n, 2).doit()
    # ... fails if j = Idx("j", (1, n)) rather than just j = Idx("j")
    print(simplify(logit(p2b)))  # beta*(X[1] - X[2])
    # Concrete instantiation of this derived two-choice situation:
    concrete2b = {beta:1.0, X[1]:0.5, X[2]:0.5}
    print(p2b.evalf(subs=concrete2b))  # 0.5
    print(logit(p2b).evalf(subs=concrete2b))  # 0

Thus, for the common two-choice situation, the following are equivalent:

    p = softmax(x1, x2)
    p_left = p[1]
    chose_left ~ bernoulli(p_left)
    log_odds_left = x1 - x2
    chose_left ~ bernoulli_logit(log_odds_left)

The multi-way choice situation

  • For a multi-way choice, the equivalent is a collection of k probabilities that add up to 1, but now k > 2, so there are k - 1 probabilities to be modelled. Stan's concept of "a number of non-negative things that add up to 1" is called a unit simplex: The relevant distribution is likely the multinomial, With multinomial():

    data {
        int<lower=2> K;  // number of choice options
        int<lower=1> T;  // number of trials
        array[T] int<lower=1, upper=K> choice;
    model {
        vector[K] theta;  // choice tendencies or strengths
        simplex[K] p_choose;  // a K-simplex
        vector[K] y;  // choice for a single trial
        for (t in 1:T) {
            // Calculate theta somehow.
            p_choose = softmax(theta);
            // Here we are predicting only a single trial, so y must add
            // up to 1:
            y = rep_vector(0, K);
            y[choice[t]] = 1;
            // Fit to behaviour:
            y ~ multinomial(p_choose);

    Alternatively, with multinomial_logit(), in which the softmax step is implicit (

    data {
        int<lower=2> K;  // number of choice options
        int<lower=1> T;  // number of trials
        array[T] int<lower=1, upper=K> choice;
    model {
        vector[K] theta;  // choice tendencies or strengths
        vector[K] y;  // choice for a single trial
        for (t in 1:T) {
            // Calculate theta somehow.
            y = rep_vector(0, K);
            y[choice[t]] = 1;
            // Fit to behaviour:
            y ~ multinomial_logit(theta);

Inverse temperature in the softmax function

The default value for beta (inverse temperature) in most softmax implementations is 1. However, this strongly limits preferences, e.g.

softmax(c(1, 0   ), b = 1)  # 0.7310586 0.2689414
softmax(c(1, 0, 0), b = 1)  # 0.5761169 0.2119416 0.2119416

Parameterizing the model

Parameterization: general

  • Make the parameter space easy for Stan to explore.

  • When a quantity is sampled from a N(\mu, \sigma) distribution, consider sampling it from a N(0, 1) distribution and scaling it:

    standard_normal_X ~ std_normal();  // = Normal(0, 1) but faster
    X = sigma * standard_normal_X + mu;

    This is referred to as "noncentred parameterization" or the "Matt trick".

    Think of it this way: if you use normal(mu, sigma), Stan is having to sample from a "moving target", whereas N(0, 1) is a "stationary target".

  • Try to use "soft constraints", i.e. avoid hard pass/fail boundaries (such as truncated distributions) for the sampling algorithm.

  • Unsure what a half-Cauchy distribution looks like? Try this:

    curve(dnorm(x, mean = 0, sd = 1), 0, 5, col = "blue", ylab = "density")
    curve(dcauchy(x, location = 0, scale = 1), 0, 5, col = "red", add = TRUE)

Regarding reparameterization, see also:

  • Klein2016 note that the half-normal distribution performs perfectly well as the prior for standard deviation (p. 1096).

Parameterization: Ahn method (everything is standard normal)

Consider the method of sampling means from underlying standard normal N(0, 1) distributions, and standard deviations from similar (e.g. positive-half-normal, positive-half-Cauchy) distributions. Transformations are then applied to reach the desired parameter "space". For example, Ahn2017 (for the hBayesDM package), Haines2018, and Romeu2020 use a method that, when expressed in Stan syntax, is as follows:

  • an unconstrained parameter A is sampled like this:

    parameters {
        real mu_A;
        real<lower=0> sigma_A;
        real A;
    model {
        mu_A ~ normal(0, 10);
        sigma_A ~ cauchy(0, 5);  // half-Cauchy because of <lower=0> limit
        A ~ normal(mu_A, sigma_A);
  • a positive parameter B is sampled like this:

    parameters {
        real mu_B;
        real<lower=0> sigma_B;
        real raw_normal_B;
    transformed parameters {
        real B = exp(raw_normal_B);
    model {
        mu_B ~ std_normal();  // = Normal(0, 1) but faster
        sigma_B ~ cauchy(0, 5);  // half-Cauchy because of <lower=0> limit
        raw_normal_B ~ normal(mu_B, sigma_B);
  • a parameter C in the range [0, 1] is sampled like this:

    parameters {
        real mu_C;
        real<lower=0> sigma_C;
        real raw_normal_C;
    transformed parameters {
        real C = Phi_approx(raw_normal_C);
        // ... equivalent to "inverse_probit(raw_normal_C)"
    model {
        mu_C ~ std_normal();  // = Normal(0, 1) but faster
        sigma_C ~ cauchy(0, 5);  // half-Cauchy because of <lower=0> limit
        raw_normal_C ~ normal(mu_C, sigma_C);
  • a parameter D in the range [0, U], where U is an upper limit, is sampledlike this:

    parameters {
        real mu_D;
        real<lower=0> sigma_D;
        real raw_normal_D;
    transformed parameters {
        real D = U * Phi_approx(raw_normal_D);
    model {
        mu_D ~ normal(0, 1);
        sigma_D ~ cauchy(0, 5);  // half-Cauchy because of <lower=0> limit
        raw_normal_D ~ normal(mu_D, sigma_D);
  • Beware: the half-Cauchy(0, 5) prior for intersubject SDs may have been an

    error and they appear to have replaced it (e.g. Romeu 2020, and later versions of hBayesDM) with half-Normal(0, 0.2). See tests/explore_priors.R. (But I've still had convergence problems with their technique and σ ~ N(0, 0.2).)


For a family of models with subsets of parameters, one option is to code the models to use all parameters. Then, for models that don't use a given parameter, we declare/initialize the per-subject effects as constants in transformed data, rather than in transformed parameters.

Finally, we must put the calculations in varying places across different types of model. What is described above holds for between-subjects designs. Then:

  • SINGLE GROUP. Sample each parameter (per subject) from N(0, 1), which takes us directly to the result of the "transformation 2" step; then transform it as in the "transformation 3" step above.

  • WITHIN-SUBJECTS DESIGNS (a subject can be in several groups). This means you can't calculate "per-subject" final values. One could calculate within the model rather than the transformed parameters block. But extracting the transformed values is likely to be helpful. In which case, declare an array or matrix such as

    real<lower=..., upper=...> s_g_param[N_SUBJECTS, N_GROUPS];
    matrix<lower=..., upper=...>[N_SUBJECTS, N_GROUPS] s_g_param;

    and calculate combinations there. A matrix is probably preferable [].

So, for subject-within-group work:

Sampling in the parameters or model block:

  1. Per-group means are initially sampled in N(0, 1) space.
  2. Per-group intersubject SDs are sampled in half-normal N(0, 0.2)^+ space.
  3. Per-subject effects (in between-subjects designs, each subject's deviation from its group mean; etc.) are initially sampled in N(0, 1) space.

Transformations in the transformed parameters block:

  1. Per-subject effects are then transformed to N(0, intersubject SD).

  2. Subject values are calculated in "Stan parameter space" as:

    subject_value = group_mean [S1] + subject_specific_effect [T1]
  3. We then convert from "Stan (unit normal) parameter space" to "task parameter space". This depends on our target parameter:

    • Bounded parameters are inverse probit-transformed to (0, 1), then scaled; e.g. a range of (0, 7) is given by: y = Phi_approx(x) * 7.
    • Unbounded positive parameters are exponentially transformed to (0, +\infty) using y = exp(x).

You might want to label parameters that are in "standard normal" (raw) space, rather than "task parameter space", e.g. with a prefix like raw_.

Priors are therefore, approximately:

  • For everything, via temporary "raw" variable r:

    \mu_{\mathrm group} \textasciitilde N(0, 1)

    \sigma_{\mathrm group} \textasciitilde N(0, 0.2)^+

    r_{\mathrm subject} \textasciitilde N(\mu_{\mathrm group}, \sigma_{\mathrm group})

  • For bounded group means in range (L, U):

    x_{\mathrm subject} = L + (U - L) \cdot \phi(r_{\mathrm subject})

  • For unbounded positive means:

    x_{\mathrm subject} = {\mathrm e}^{r_{\mathrm subject}}


One can show posterior values/distributions of the "unit normal" variable, or the transformed value (e.g. Ahn2017, pp. 31, 47; K or K\prime in Haines2018, pp. 2544, 2546, 2553; Romeu2020, p. 107711). See below for cautions regarding the interpretation of transformed values.


A major advantage is of being able to operate in an unconstrained space throughout, then constrain at the end if required (rather than e.g. having a constrained parameter to which you add a deviation that might take it out of its constraints).


  • This obviously affects the priors a bit.
  • It's a bit fiddlier to extract the transformed parameters of interest.
  • It doesn't converge in some of my models, whereas direct sampling converged fine.

Parameterization: direct method

Another way is to sampling directly from the distributions of interest. For example, using a subjects-within-groups design:

Sampling in the parameters or model block:

  1. Per-group means are sampled in bounded parameter space, with sensible per-parameter priors.
  2. Per-group intersubject SDs are sampled in half-normal N(0, SD_prior)^+ space, e.g. N(0, 0.05)^+ for a parameter bounded [0, 1].
  3. Per-subject effects (in between-subjects designs, each subject's deviation from its group mean; etc.) are initially sampled in N(0, 1) space. [SAME AS ROMEU.]

Transformations in the transformed parameters block:

  1. Per-subject effects are then transformed to N(0, intersubject SD) space. [SAME AS ROMEU.]

  2. Subject values are calculated as:

    subject_value = group_mean [S1] + subject_specific_effect [T1]

    and then bounded (clipped, but without potential for sampling failure) in parameter space.


  • Convergence, in one example of mine. Took maximum \^{R} from ~160 to ~1, where other measures hadn't helped.

    Why? Initialization parameters were at 0 (raw), meaning that bounded parameters start at the middle of the range, since (for bounded parameters) probit(0) = pnorm(q = 0, mean = 0, sd = 1) = 0.5, and (for unbounded positive parameters) e^0 = 1. But in diagnostic plots, a lot got stuck at 0.

  • Parameters are directly meaningful (no need to jump through hoops in generated quantities to get useful values out).


  • Clipping, potentially. You could reject() out-of-bounds values as an alternative.

The interpretation of transformed parameters

Be careful not to misinterpret transformed parameters.

Let's use the example of the transformed parameter B above.

Note that the mean of B in "B space" is NOT the mean of sampled values of exp(mu_B). (Though it is, of course, the mean of sampled values of B itself, and the mean of exponentiated values of raw_normal_B.) Likewise, the standard deviation of B in "B space" is NOT exp(sigma_B)! As a demonstration in R:

set.seed(1)  # for reproducibility
mu_B <- 5
sigma_B <- 2
raw_normal_B <- rnorm(n = 1000, mean = mu_B, sd = sigma_B)
B <- exp(raw_normal_B)

print(mean(raw_normal_B))  # about 5
print(exp(mu_B))  # 148.4
print(mean(B))  # about 1280
print(mean(exp(raw_normal_B)))  # identical to mean(B); about 1280

print(sd(raw_normal_B))  # about 2
print(exp(sigma_B))  # 7.389
print(sd(B))  # about 10100
print(sd(exp(raw_normal_B)))  # identical to sd(B); about 10100

Why is this relevant? Because sometimes, for efficiency, you will not store the things you care about in the "transformed parameters" block, and must therefore generate them in the "generated quantities" block.

Here's an example (which is highly inelegant!) in which the transformed means are not used directly within "transformed parameters" but are calculated within "generated quantities":

# Load RStan
options(mc.cores = parallel::detectCores())
rstan_options(auto_write = TRUE)

# Generate some data
set.seed(1)  # for reproducibility
RAW_OVERALL_MEAN <- 1  # in "standard normal" space
RAW_BETWEEN_SUBJECTS_SD <- 0.5  # in "standard normal" space
RAW_WITHIN_SUBJECTS_SD <- 0.2  # in "standard normal" space
EPSILON <- 0.05  # tolerance
repeat {
    # Fake randomness so we actually end up with a mean/SD that is
    # what we want, within the tolerance of EPSILON_*.
    raw_subject_deviation_from_overall_mean <- rnorm(
        n = N_SUBJECTS, mean = 0, sd = RAW_BETWEEN_SUBJECTS_SD
    if (abs(mean(raw_subject_deviation_from_overall_mean)) <=
                EPSILON &&
            abs(sd(raw_subject_deviation_from_overall_mean) -
                RAW_BETWEEN_SUBJECTS_SD) <= EPSILON) {
repeat {
    # Likewise, "constrained randonmess":
    error <- rnorm(
        n = N_OBSERVATIONS, mean = 0, sd = RAW_WITHIN_SUBJECTS_SD)
    if (abs(mean(error)) <= EPSILON &&
            abs(sd(error) - RAW_WITHIN_SUBJECTS_SD) <= EPSILON) {
raw_y <- (
    raw_subject_deviation_from_overall_mean[subject] +
)  # in "standard normal" space
y <- exp(raw_y)
standata <- list(
    subject = subject,
    y = y

# Analyse it with Stan
model_code <- '
    // Single-group within-subjects design.
    // The prefix "raw" means "in standard normal (Z) space".
    data {
        int<lower=1> N_SUBJECTS;
        int<lower=1> N_OBSERVATIONS;
        int<lower=1> subject[N_OBSERVATIONS];
        real y[N_OBSERVATIONS];
    parameters {
        real raw_overall_mean;
        real<lower=0> raw_between_subjects_sd;
        real<lower=0> raw_within_subject_sd;

        vector[N_SUBJECTS] raw_subject_deviation_from_overall_mean;
    transformed parameters {
        vector[N_SUBJECTS] raw_subject_mean = (
            raw_overall_mean +  // real
            raw_subject_deviation_from_overall_mean  // vector
    model {
        vector[N_OBSERVATIONS] raw_predicted;

        // Sample parameters
        raw_overall_mean ~ std_normal();
        raw_between_subjects_sd ~ cauchy(0, 5);
        raw_within_subject_sd ~ cauchy(0, 5);
        raw_subject_deviation_from_overall_mean ~ normal(
            0, raw_between_subjects_sd);

        // Conceptually, raw_subject_mean is calculated at this point.

        // Calculate the per-subject mean for each observation:
        for (i in 1:N_OBSERVATIONS) {
            raw_predicted[i] = raw_subject_mean[subject[i]];

        // Fit to data:
        //      y ~ exp(normal(...)), or
        //      log(y) ~ normal(...), or
        //      y ~ lognormal(...):
        y ~ lognormal(raw_predicted, raw_within_subject_sd);
    generated quantities {
        real transformed_overall_mean = exp(raw_overall_mean);
        real mean_of_transformed_subject_means = mean(
fit <- rstan::stan(
    model_code = model_code,
    model_name = "Test model",
    data = standata

# Means from Stan:
# - raw_overall_mean = 0.98 (95% HDI 0.87-1.07), accurate
# - raw_between_subjects_sd = 0.48 (HDI 0.42-0.56), accurate
# - raw_within_subjects_sd = 0.20 (HDI 0.20-0.21), accurate
# - transformed_overall_mean = 2.68 (HDI 2.38-2.90)
#   ... relevant (estimates exp(RAW_OVERALL_MEAN)), but NOT mean(y)
# - mean_of_transformed_subject_means = 3.00 (HDI 2.99-3.02)
#   ... potentially also of interest.
# Compare to values from R:
print(mean(raw_y))  # 0.980
print(sd(raw_subject_deviation_from_overall_mean))  # 0.479
print(sd(error))  # 0.202
print(exp(RAW_OVERALL_MEAN))  # 2.718
print(mean(y))  # 3.06
# ... noting that if all subjects don't have the same number of
#     observations, a different calculation would be required to
#     match mean_of_transformed_subject_means.

In this case, the point to emphasize is that "mean(exp(raw_overall_mean))" is not the same as "mean(exp(raw_overall_mean + a normally distributed deviation from 0))". That can be demonstrated simply again in R:

deviations <- rnorm(n = 100000, mean = 0, sd = 1)
mean(0 + deviations)  # -0.00224
mean(exp(0 + deviations))  # 1.648
exp(0)  # 1

# This is because of the intrinsic difference between mean(transform(x))
# transform(mean(x)). It doesn't even depend on random noise:
zero_sum_deviations <- rep(c(-1, 1), times = 100)
mean(zero_sum_deviations)  # exactly 0
sum(zero_sum_deviations)  # exactly 0
mean(exp(0 + zero_sum_deviations))  # 1.543

Attempting to recover standard deviations in "parameter space" is unlikely to be meaningful. If z ~ N(0, sigma) and y = exp(z) then y is not normally distributed, so it has no "standard deviation"; the relevant SD is that of z, which will be estimated by Stan directly.

Which transformed parameter should you report as your posterior? For example, in a single-group, multi-subject, within-subjects design, do you want (a) the transformed version of the "underlying" (e.g. normally distributed) group mean, or (b) the mean of the transformed per-subject means?

Let's illustrate this with a very basic example, using the reciprocal transformation between speed ("underlying") and time ("transformed") for a 100m race. Suppose five runners, some of them admittedly quite slow, race at 2, 4, 6, 8, and 10 m/s. Their mean speed is 6 m/s. Their times will be 50, 25, 16.67, 12.5, and 10 s, for a mean time of 22.83 s. But if a hypothetical person ran at the "average speed" of 6 m/s, they would take 16.67 s — and if they ran the "average time" of 22.83 s, they would be running at 4.38 m/s. So you could report the mean speed (sensible in this example), but then (a) "the time taken by a person running at the group's mean speed" (16.67 s), or the (b) "mean time" (22.83 s).

In the context of a cognitive model of a task, therefore, do we want (a) "the parameter used by a hypothetical subject of [group] mean underlying normally-distributed raw parameter", or "the mean of the parameters used by our subjects"?

Looking at the hBayesDM code for the go/no-task, gng_m1.stan, where N is the number of subjects and T the maximum number of trials per subject, we see that conceptually it (1) draws group means (mu_pr) and standard deviations (sigma) from predetermined priors in N(0, 1) space; (2) uses these to scale unit-normal variables for three parameters (xi_pr, ep_pr, rho_pr) into "parameter space" (xi, ep, rho); (3) performs the cognitive calculations using those parameters; (4) in the "generated quantiies" block, transforms the group-level means (mu_pr) into "parameter space" and reports these (mu_xi, mu_ep, mu_rho). This is therefore approach (a).

That also accords with the Howell1997 (p. 325) advice to analyse the transformed thing, then report back_transform(mean(transform(raw_values))); Howell uses the example of analysing log salary, then reporting antilog(mean(log salary)).

So: approach (a).

Parameterization: a third method

[RNC, Dec 2022.]

We could also use quantile functions to start with standard normal distributions (cf. Ahn), and do intersubject variation in that same (infinite) parameter space (cf. Ahn), but then transform to more specific priors (cf. my previous direct method e.g. Kanen).

See tests/priors/explore_priors.R and tests/priors/extra_distribution_functions.stan; functions from the latter are pulled into my commonfunc.stan. I've implemented:

qwiener()  # maybe pointless!

So, for a terse-parameter coding of a between-group comparison (e.g. for a reinforcement learning task with parameters alpha and beta), we could do something like this:

data {
    int<lower=1> N_GROUPS;
    int<lower=1> N_SUBJECTS;
    array[N_SUBJECTS] int<lower=1, upper=N_GROUPS> group;
    // ...
transformed data {
    int<lower=1> N_PARAMS = 2;
    int PARAM_ALPHA = 1;
    int PARAM_BETA = 2;

    real PRIOR_BETA_SHAPE1 = 1.2;  // den Ouden 2013
    real PRIOR_BETA_SHAPE2 = 1.2;  // den Ouden 2013
    real PRIOR_GAMMA_ALPHA = 4.82;  // Gershman 2016
    real PRIOR_GAMMA_BETA = 0.88;  // Gershman 2016
    real PRIOR_HALF_NORMAL_SD = 0.05;  // cf. Kanen 2019
parameters {
    array[N_PARAMS, N_GROUPS] real raw_group_mean;
    array[N_PARAMS] real<lower=0> raw_group_sd;  // homogeneity of variance
    array[N_PARAMS, N_SUBJECTS] real stdnormal_subject_effect;

transformed parameters {
    array[N_SUBJECTS] real subject_alpha;
    array[N_SUBJECTS] real subject_beta;
    for (param in 1:N_PARAMS) {
        for (s in 1:N_SUBJECTS) {
            int g = group[s];
            // Random variable in normal space:
            real raw_x =
                raw_group_mean[param, g]
                + raw_group_sd[param] * stdnormal_subject_effect[param, s];
            // Corresponding cumulative probability:
            real raw_p = Phi_approx(raw_x);
            // Convert via our target prior distribution:
            if (param == PARAM_ALPHA) {
                subject_alpha[s] = qbeta(
                    raw_p, PRIOR_BETA_SHAPE1, PRIOR_BETA_SHAPE2
            } else if (param == PARAM_BETA) {
                subject_beta[s] = qgamma(
                    raw_p, PRIOR_GAMMA_ALPHA, PRIOR_GAMMA_BETA
            } else {

    // ... implement RL code here (or in "model")

transformed parameters {
    array[N_SUBJECTS, N_GROUPS] real subject_group_alpha;       // <-------
    array[N_SUBJECTS, N_GROUPS] real subject_group_beta;        // <-------
    for (param in 1:N_PARAMS) {
        for (s in 1:N_SUBJECTS) {
            for (g in 1:N_GROUPS) {                             // <-------
                // Random variable in normal space:
                real raw_x =
                    raw_group_mean[param, g]
                    + raw_group_sd[param] * stdnormal_subject_effect[param, s];
                // Corresponding cumulative probability:
                real raw_p = Phi_approx(raw_x);
                // Convert via our target prior distribution:
                if (param == PARAM_ALPHA) {
                    subject_group_alpha[s, g] = qbeta(          // <-------
                        raw_p, PRIOR_BETA_SHAPE1, PRIOR_BETA_SHAPE2
                } else if (param == PARAM_BETA) {
                    subject_group_beta[s, g] = qgamma(          // <-------
                        raw_p, PRIOR_GAMMA_ALPHA, PRIOR_GAMMA_BETA
                } else {

    // ... implement RL code here (or in "model")

model {
    for (param in 1:N_PARAMS) {
        raw_group_mean[param] ~ std_normal();
        raw_group_sd[param] ~ normal(0, PRIOR_HALF_NORMAL_SD);  // half-normal
        stdnormal_subject_effect[param] ~ std_normal();

    // ... implement RL code here (or in "transformed parameters")
    // ... perform final fit to behaviour here
generated quantities {
    array[N_GROUPS] group_alpha;
    array[N_GROUPS] group_beta;
    for (g in 1:N_GROUPS) {
        group_alpha[g] = qbeta(
            Phi_approx(raw_group_mean[PARAM_ALPHA, g]),
        group_beta[g] = qgamma(
            Phi_approx(raw_group_mean[PARAM_BETA, g]),
    // ... now do group differences in this space if desired

Phi() or Phi_approx()? The Ahn/hBayesDM package uses Phi_approx(), so that's precedent.

CURRENTLY THINKING ABOUT: Any bridgesampling implications? Just fix that half-normal sampling?

Group-level testing

I tend to follow the "cell means" approach outlined in Kanen2019 (see the "Interpretation of results" section).

Homogeneity of variance

In general, it is desirable not to assume homogeneity of variance, and instead to model (and test for) variance differences between groups. However, for "low n" studies, there may be insufficient data to estimate the variances separately. In this situation, you may find that even a very simple conceptual model does not converge, and you may have to assume homogeneity of variance (such models will also run faster). The assumption of homogeneity of variance is of course the norm in traditional null-hypothesis significance testing methods such as ANOVA.

Variational inference

You will be tempted to use Stan's variational Bayes approximation (variational inference), e.g. via rstan::vb(), because it is much quicker. But it can be wrong; see e.g. Yao2018.

Per-trial values

Specimen single-subject, single-parameter task:

data {
    int<lower=1> N_TRIALS;
    int<lower=0, upper=1> choice[N_TRIALS];
    int<lower=0, upper=1> outcome[N_TRIALS];
transformed data {
    int N_STIMULI = 2;
parameters {
    real<lower=0, upper=1> alpha;  // learning rate
model {
    // Calculated probability
    vector[N_TRIALS] p_choose_second;

    // Prior
    alpha ~ (1.2, 1.2);

    // Reinforcement learning model
        vector[N_STIMULI] stimulus_value = rep_vector(0, N_STIMULI);
        int chosen;
        real prediction_error;
        for (t in 1:N_TRIALS) {
            // Choose
            p_choose_second[t] = softmax(stimulus_value)[1];
            // ... First option has index 0; second has index 1.
            // ... Fixed inverse temp. of 1 in this very simple model.
            // Learn
            chosen = choice[t];
            prediction_error = outcome[t] - stimulus_value[chosen];
            stimulus_value[chosen] = stimulus_value[chosen] + prediction_error * alpha;

    // Fit to behaviour
    choice ~ bernoulli(p_choose_second);

And the same thing recoded to extract a per-trial variable:

data {
    int<lower=1> N_TRIALS;
    int<lower=0, upper=1> choice[N_TRIALS];
    int<lower=0, upper=1> outcome[N_TRIALS];
transformed data {
    int N_STIMULI = 2;
parameters {
    real<lower=0, upper=1> alpha;  // learning rate
transformed parameters {
    // Here we are aiming to extract prediction error, and nothing else.
    // Will get e.g. N_TRIALS * 8000 values out (for 8 chains, 1000 samples
    // per chain). Beware saving too much!

    // We want this saved:
    vector[N_TRIALS] prediction_error;

    // We don't really want this, but we have to refer to it in the model:
    // Calculated probability
    vector[N_TRIALS] p_choose_second;

    // Use braces to prevent other variables being saved.
    // Put the RL calculations in here.
        // Reinforcement learning model
        vector[N_STIMULI] stimulus_value = rep_vector(0, N_STIMULI);
        int chosen;
        // Replaced with a per-trial version: // real prediction_error;
        for (t in 1:N_TRIALS) {
            // Choose
            p_choose_second[t] = softmax(stimulus_value)[1];
            // ... First option has index 0; second has index 1.
            // ... Fixed inverse temp. of 1 in this very simple model.
            // Learn
            chosen = choice[t];
            prediction_error[t] = outcome[t] - stimulus_value[chosen];
            stimulus_value[chosen] = stimulus_value[chosen] + prediction_error[t] * alpha;
model {
    // Prior
    alpha ~ (1.2, 1.2);

    // Fit to behaviour
    choice ~ bernoulli(p_choose_second);

Threads and processes

Stan has automatic support for using multiple cores, one per chain. Since 8 chains is a common number, that tends to match or exceed the number of cores per CPU, which is helpful (not very many consumer CPUs have >8 cores). This provides between-chain parallelization.

Stan has also introduced threading support for within-chain parallelization, described at, which involves splitting your problem into "shards" and calculating each in a separate thread (and thus core), and then using a map-reduce method to combine the results.

I haven't gone down that route, because it's rare for me to be executing fewer chains than I have cores.



To get started with CmdStan:

  • Download cmdstan from For example, cmdstan-2.31.0.tar.gz.

  • Unzip it. I put the zip into ~/dev so this gives e.g. ~/dev/cmdstan-2.31.0.

  • Change into that cmdstan home directory. You may want to use the environment variable CMDSTANHOME for convenience (some scripts here use that).

  • Run

    make  # print help
    make build  # do useful things
  • Change into its home directory.

  • Call your Stan program /MYPATH/MYPROG.stan; it can be in any directory.

  • From the $CMDSTANHOME directory, run make /MYPATH/MYPROG (without the ".stan" suffix).

    This will create a program called "MYPROG" in the same directory as your Stan source code, i.e. in /MYPATH.

  • Run it from the code directory with:

    ./MYPROG sample

    It will write "output.csv".

  • You can then run

    $CMDSTANHOME/bin/stansummary output.csv

It may also write "profile.csv", if your code contains profiling statements. Inspect this and see

GPU support

Stan will also support GPU calculations via OpenCL. See:

Find out whether your system supports OpenCL via:

clinfo  # if not installed: sudo apt install clinfo
clinfo -l  # list platforms/devices only

For example, it may produce output like:

Platform #0: NVIDIA CUDA
 `-- Device #0: GeForce GTX 660 Ti

Choose your device number (e.g. 0 in the example above).

For CmdStan, edit either ~/.config/stan/make.local or ${CMDSTANHOME}/make/local to include these lines:

CHOSEN_OPENCL_DEVICE = 0  # choose from the output of "clinfo -l"

ifeq (${STAN_OPENCL}, true)
    CXXFLAGS += -fpermissive

It looks like OpenCL is supported for CmdStan but not for RStan as of July 2020: Also (as per the links above) there is an overhead for using GPUs and it's not clear to me exactly what the conditions are when enabling OpenCL will help. Still, something for the near future.


Stan 2.26+ supports profiling (in a way); see

Bridge sampling, generated quantities

  • Bridge sampling slows things down, both in the Stan calculation and then in the processing of its output through the bridgesampling package. However, it is (unfortunately) not simple to switch the necessary calculations on/off easily, so they are baked in. See also my Stan feature request about this.
  • "Generated quantities" (GQ) blocks can add significant time. These are not required for model comparison.
  • If you have n models, each with approximately a sampling time of t and a GQ time of g, then:
    • they will take (nt + ng) to run in full;
    • it will take (nt + t + g) to run all the models without the GQ blocks and then re-run the winning model with the GQ block back;
    • therefore, you should consider temporarily disabling your GQ blocks during model comparison if (n - 1)g > t.

Leave-one-out (LOO) cross-validation and model selection

  • Bridge sampling (above) is based on Bayes factors/marginal likelihoods, and you modify your Stan code to change depvar ~ dist(params) to target += dist_lpdf(depvar | params), correcting if required for boundaries imposed. It runs a bit slower, but no more information is saved.

  • An alternative is leave-one-out (LOO) cross-validation and the LOO Information Criterion (LOOIC), and related techniques. You modify your Stan code, most efficiently in the "generated quantities" block, to declare a log-likelihood variable, usually named log_lik, and specify it; e.g. for N data points sampled from a normal distribution, you might do

    generated quantities {
        vector[N] log_lik;
        for (n in 1:N) {
            log_lik[n] = normal_lpdf(y[n] | mu, sigma);
        // ... though probably in this simple case you could shorten to:
        // vector[N] log_lik = normal_lpdf(y | mu, sigma);

    For a reinforcement learning model, this would be e.g.

    generated quantities {
        vector[N] log_lik = bernoulli_lpmf(chose_rhs | p_choose_rhs);

    A downside: to do this in the "generated quantities" block, you need to save the calculated probability (in the "transformed parameters" block), here p_choose_rhs, which will be of size N trials × e.g. 8000 samples per variable (also: as for log_lik itself!). But there are other methods for large data; see

    The R loo package can compare models based on LOO metrics, and the R Stan package has LOO methods for stanfit objects. You can compare with e.g.

    loo_comparison <- loo::loo_compare(
            model1 = rstan::loo(model1_fit),
            model2 = rstan::loo(model2_fit),
            model3 = rstan::loo(model3_fit)
    print(loo_comparison, simplify = FALSE)
  • For LOO methods with Stan, see:

  • For debate about the better way (or when each is better), see

Troubleshooting run failures

  • This error from bridgesampling:

    Error in tmp$r_vals[lr - 1] * tmp$r_vals[lr] :
      non-numeric argument to binary operator

    may be this bug: quentingronau/bridgesampling#18

Troubleshooting poor convergence (high R-hat)

Consider also:

  • reparameterization;
  • tighter priors, if scientifically reasonable;
  • init at the centre of distributions if it wasn't.

Which block does my variable belong in?


  • data: when you want to provide data, which may vary, to Stan.
  • transformed data: when you want to use transformed versions of the data, or when you want to declare constants.
  • parameters: when you want Stan to "jiggle" the variable to find the best fit.
  • transformed parameters: when you want to use (and later inspect) values that are transformations of the parameters.
  • model: for local calculations only, enabling you to fit the model. Variables declared in the model block are not saved. Sampling statements (e.g. y ~ normal(mu, sigma) or target += normal_lpdf(y | mu, sigma)) go here.
  • generated quantities: when you want to calculate and extract something based on parameters or transformed parameters, but that calculation isn't important for model fitting (it's just "observing" the model after it has been fitted).

One thing that looks like a deficiency at first glance is that you may perform complex calculations in the model and then want to save some of these (e.g. an important intermediate variable, like reward prediction error, or something more basic like "proportion of trials predicted correctly"). Since that can't be saved in model, do you have to repeat the calculation logic in generated quantities? And since you can't return complex objects from user-defined functions, and you can't pass by reference (allowing a function to modify objects referred to by its parameters), then is this significantly limiting? My 2013 question, kindly answered by Bob Carpenter, is here. The answer is to put them in the transformed parameter block (and hide any associated temporary variables with a local {} block). The downside may be that this entails a very large quantity of data being saved, because you will have to save anything that you then want to refer to in the model block (i.e. for the final step of fitting the model to the actual data).

High-performance computing

Useful methods for your local cluster

Python 3

No Python 3? Ask your administrators nicely, and if it remains unavailable, install from source. For example:

export INSTALLDIR=~/installation
export PYTHONROOT="${INSTALLDIR}/pythonroot"
export VENVDIR=~/python36_venv

mkdir -p "${INSTALLDIR}"
mkdir "${PYTHONROOT}"
tar xvf Python-3.6.4.tgz
cd Python-3.6.4
./configure --enable-optimizations --prefix="${PYTHONROOT}"
make -j8
make altinstall

# Check Python works:


# Now create a virtual environment:
"${PYTHONROOT}/bin/bin/pip3.6" install venv
"${PYTHONROOT}/bin/python3.6" -m venv "${VENVDIR}"

You could then create a file called ~/, like this:

[[ $_ != $0 ]] || { echo "Script is a subshell; must be sourced"; exit 1; }
. "${VENVDIR}/bin/activate"

and now you can activate your virtual environment simply via:

. ~/

For example:

. ~/
pip install --upgrade pip
pip install wheel
pip install cardinal_pythonlib

You can run deactivate to exit the virtual environment.

Synchronizing your files to the cluster

You could use a Git repository as the means of exchange, but that may be undesirable for huge data files.

You could install Unison on the HPC machine, as below, and then a Unison configuration file like this (on your local machine) will work:


# Place new files at the top of the list:
sortnewfirst = true

# Turn on ssh compression:
rshargs = -C

# Define local and remote directories to sync:

# Where should SSH find Unison on the remote (HPC cluster) machine:
servercmd = /home/MY_CLUSTER_USER/local/bin/unison

# Use on first run to test connection:
# testServer = true

# Ask no questions:
batch = true

and if that is saved as ~/.unison/MY_CLUSTER.prf, you should now be able to synchronize files with


Installing Unison as a non-privileged user

First, use unison -version on your local machine to find out what version you need. Here we'll aim for version 2.48.4 on an x86_64 architecture.

# Debian method (assumes wget, dpkg)

export INSTALLDIR=~/installation
export UNISONDIR="${INSTALLDIR}/unison"
export DEBFILE=unison_2.48.4-1+b1_amd64.deb

# Download the .deb package:
mkdir -p "${INSTALLDIR}"
wget "${DEBFILE}" -P "${INSTALLDIR}"

# Install:
mkdir -p "${UNISONDIR}"

# Test Unison:
export UNISON="${UNISONDIR}/usr/bin/unison-2.48.4"
"${UNISON}" -version

This is much easier than installing Ocaml and then Unison from source, and worrying about which versions are required.

Help with SLURM


function join_by { local IFS="$1"; shift; echo "$*"; }
function csv { join_by , $@; }

INFOSPEC="%.10i %.10P %10q %.20j %.8u %.2t %.5D %.16R %.40Z"

# =============================================================================
# Everyone's jobs
# =============================================================================

echo "${BIGSEP}"
echo "Everyone's running jobs:"
echo "${SMALLSEP}"

# NJOBS=$(squeue --noheader --states=R | wc -l)
# echo "There are ${NJOBS} jobs running."

echo "Running jobs by QOS:"
squeue --states=R --Format="qos" | sort | uniq -c

echo "Pending jobs by QOS:"
squeue --states=PD --Format="qos" | sort | uniq -c

# echo "All running jobs:"
# squeue --states=R --sort=+i --format="${INFOSPEC}"

echo "${BIGSEP}"

# =============================================================================
# My jobs
# =============================================================================

mapfile -t RUNNING_JOB_IDS < <( squeue -u "${USERNAME}" --noheader --format="%i" --sort=+i --states=R )
echo "${BIGSEP}"
echo "Running jobs for ${USERNAME}: ${CSV_RUNNING_JOBS}"
echo "${SMALLSEP}"
for jobid in "${RUNNING_JOB_IDS[@]}"; do
    scontrol show job=${jobid}
# if [[ ! -z "${CSV_RUNNING_JOBS}" ]]; then
#     sstat --jobs "${CSV_RUNNING_JOBS}" --format="JobID,NTasks,AveCPU,AveCPUFreq,AveVMSize,MaxVMSize,MaxDiskWrite"
# fi
echo "${BIGSEP}"

echo "${BIGSEP}"
echo "All jobs for user ${USERNAME}:"
echo "${SMALLSEP}"
squeue -u "${USERNAME}" --sort=+i --format="${INFOSPEC}"
echo "${BIGSEP}"

Quick clusters

Or: suppose your favourite high-performance computing (HPC) environment migrates to one with a short job length cap (, and you wonder about doing it at home, or via a commercial cloud?

Note that this problem might go away via checkpointing:

But otherwise...

The whole principle of parallel high-performance computing is to bring many CPUs to a single problem (e.g. subdivisions of a common set of data). So the standard design is a single central scheduling system plus multiple "compute nodes", connected via a high-speed network. The central scheduling system, at least, must have access to the user's data filesystem, but a common approach is that each node can access the data filesystem (see e.g. SLURM Overview). This allows user-installed software to be run on the compute nodes. Nodes need to boot, though, so may have cloned filesystems containing their minimal software (or might in principle share a filesystem for this, though they are likely to need their own filesystem for scratch space; HPC designs vary here). Typically, jobs run on a single class of processor (e.g. "x86_64 CPU" or "GPU"), even if the cluster offers multiple processor types.


Commercial providers include:

Docker example

See the Dockerfile in this directory.

A private bare-metal server

  • tsp is a good lightweight job control system. You just need to set up postfix so it can e-mail you.