Version 1, June 13th 2022
Revised on August 24th 2022
Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies of this server,
but changing it's contents is prohibited unless explicit permission is given by the owner of BonziWORLD Enhanced! (Cosmic)
If your site running the BonziWORLD Enhanced server software shuts down, all rights to your site & it's content must be given to the original creator of BWE (Cosmic)
In the event that you start your server back up, the rights to host and manipulate the server will be handed back to you.
NOTE: if your site is offline for more than 3 weeks the rights & content will no longer be eligable for a return.
Please contact the creator of BWE for steps on how to return rights & content.
Failure to comply will result in said copy of BWE becoming inoperable within 3 hours.
Hosting unauthorized copies of BWE is prohibited. Anybody caught doing this will meet my flood bots until the site owner complies!