Utility view to retrieve massive files from a remote page.
There is an helper view (/files-retriever) that you can call on every Plone folderish context.
Files will be saved in that context.
There are two endpoints:
- @files-list (POST): accept an url and some CSS selectors, and returns a list of found links in the page.
- @save-files (POST): accept a list of urls/titles and will download resources and save them in the current context.
This product has been translated into
- English
- Italian
Install redturtle.filesretriever by adding it to your buildout:
[buildout] ... eggs = redturtle.filesretriever
and then running bin/buildout
- Issue Tracker: https://github.com/RedTurtle/redturtle.filesretriever/issues
- Source Code: https://github.com/RedTurtle/redturtle.filesretriever
The project is licensed under the GPLv2.