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REAPER Web Interface Modding Documentation

From REAPER v5.31 Web Interface main.js file. Formatted by X-Raym.


  • call wwr_start() to begin requests to the server
  • you can call wwr_req_recur("REQUEST", interval) to set recurring requests (such as status updates). Interval is in milliseconds.
  • you can call wwr_req_recur_cancel("REQUEST") to remove a recurring request that was previously set.
  • you can call wwr_req("REQUEST") to send a one-time request.
  • g_wwr_timer_freq can be overridden before calling wwr_start() to increase the timer frequency. (the default is 100, for 100ms)


You should define a function named wwr_onreply:

function wwr_onreply(results) {
  var ar = results.split("\n");
  var x;
  for (x=0;x<ar.length;x++)
    var tok = ar[x].split("\t");
    // tok is a list of parameters, the first being the command

See index.html for an example.


All interaction with the server is done via




(which are internally sent as /_/command;command;command;command to the server)

There can be any reasonable number of commands, separated by semicolons. They will be executed in order, and responses may be given, depending on the commands and the server.

The format of the response is a list of lines (separated by \n), and each line has tokens separated by \t.

Valid commands:

numeric values 0-65535

REAPER command IDs. (todo: support for registered names, too). These typically do not have any response.


REAPER plug-in registered command IDs (also used by ReaScripts and custom actions)


Returns a line including (note that the spaces are here for readability, there is actually only tabs between fields):

TRANSPORT \t playstate \t position_seconds \t isRepeatOn \t position_string \t position_string_beats

playstate is 0 for stopped, 1 for playing, 2 for paused, 5 for recording, and 6 for record paused.

isRepeatOn will be nonzero if repeat is enabled.

position_string is always in the project timeline format (time, beats, etc), position_string_beats is always in format.


Returns a line:

BEATPOS \t playstate \t position_seconds \t full_beat_position \t measure_cnt \t beats_in_measure \t ts_numerator \t ts_denominator


Requests track count. Returns a line:

NTRACK \t value

value is 0 (no tracks, just master track) or greater.

TRACK or TRACK/index or TRACK/start-end

Requests information about all tracks, a single track, or a range of tracks. Note that the indices used are 0 for master, 1 for first user track, etc.

Returns any number of track lines:

TRACK \t tracknumber \t trackname \t trackflags \t volume \t pan \t last_meter_peak \t last_meter_pos \t width/pan2 \t panmode \t sendcnt \t recvcnt \t hwoutcnt \t color

  • tracknumber is 0 for master, 1 for first track, etc.
  • trackname is the name of the track, or MASTER
  • trackflags includes various bits (test with parseInt(field)&1 etc):
    • 1: folder
    • 2: selected
    • 4: has FX
    • 8: muted
    • 16: soloed (32: solo-in-place)
    • 64: record armed
    • 128: record monitoring on
    • 256: record monitoring auto
    • 512: TCP visibility
    • 1024: MCP visibility
  • volume is track volume, where 0 is -inf, 1 is +0dB, etc. see mkvolstr for dB conversions
  • pan is -1..1, where -1 is full left, 0 is centered, 1 is full right
  • last_meter_peak and last_meter_pos are integers that are dB*10, so -100 would be -10dB.
  • color is in the form of 0xaarrggbb, nonzero if a custom color set


Gets state for track x hardware output/send y. Returns a line:

SEND \t x \t y \t flags \t volume \t pan \t other_track_index

Use y=-1 for first receive, -2 for second, etc.

other_track_index is -1 if hardware output

flags & 8 is true if send/output muted


Requests information for track "index", via GetSetMediaTrackInfo(). See the REAPER API documentation for which strings are acceptable, but for example you can query the track record input index for the first track via:


The returned string will be:


(if an error occurs you may get nothing back at all, or you might get the GET string back but with no parameter)

String will have newlines/tabs/backslashes encoded as \\n, \\t and \\.


Similar to GET/TRACK/index/xxxxx, but sets the value of this item. You probably will want to follow this with a SET/UNDO command, below. This will not give any response.


Special case of SET/TRACK/index/xxxx, sets volume for a track via control surface API (meaning it respects automation modes etc). If value starts with + or -, then adjustment is relative (in dB), otherwise adjustment is absolute (1=0dB, etc). If value ends in "g", then ganging is ignored. Does not need SET/UNDO.


Special case of SET/TRACK/index/xxxx, sets pan for a track via control surface API. If value starts with + or -, adjustment is relative. Range is always -1..1. If value ends in "g", then ganging is ignored. Does not need SET/UNDO.


Special case of SET/TRACK/index/xxxx, sets width for a track via control surface API. If value starts with + or -, adjustment is relative. Range is always -1..1. If value ends in "g", then ganging is ignored. Does not need SET/UNDO.


Special case of SET/TRACK/index/xxxx, sets mute for track. if value is <0, mute is toggled. Does not need SET/UNDO.


Special case of SET/TRACK/index/xxxx, sets solo for track. if value is <0, solo is toggled. Does not need SET/UNDO.


Special case of SET/TRACK/index/xxxx, sets fx enabled for track. if value is <0, fx enabled is toggled. Does not need SET/UNDO.


Special case of SET/TRACK/index/xxxx, sets record arm enabled for track. if value is <0, record arm enabled is toggled. Does not need SET/UNDO.


Special case of SET/TRACK/index/xxxx, sets record monitoring for track. if value is <0, record monitoring is cycled, otherwise 1=on, 2=auto. Does not need SET/UNDO.


Special case of SET/TRACK/index/xxxx, sets selection for track. if value is <0, selection is toggled. Does not need SET/UNDO.


Adds an undo point, useful if you have modified anything that needs it.


Begins an undo block (should always be matched with SET/UNDO_END!)


Ends an undo block


If val is -1, toggles repeat, 0 disables repeat, 1 enables repeat.




where val is 0 or 1.


Sets hardware output/send mute for track x, send y. value can be -1 to toggle.

Use y=-1 for first receive, -2 for second, etc.


Sets hardware output/send volume (1.0 = +0dB) for track x, send y. append e to value to treat as "end" (capture), or "E" to treat as an instant edit.

Use y=-1 for first receive, -2 for second, etc.


Sets hardware output/send pan (0=center, -1=left) for track x, send y. append e to value to treat as "end" (capture), or "E" to treat as an instant edit.

Use y=-1 for first receive, -2 for second, etc.


Sets edit cursor position (seeking playback) to value_in_seconds


Sets edit cursor position (seeking playback) to value_string (format auto-detected)

r1 goes to region ID 1, m1 to marker 1, R1 to first timeline region, M1 to first timeline marker



LYRICS \t trackindex \t beat_position \t lyric \t ...

Retrieves MIDI lyrics for trackindex.

String will have newlines/tabs/backslashes encoded as \\n, \\t and \\. Length is limited to around 16k.


See SetProjExtState() API -- section, key, value should be urlencoded



PROJEXTSTATE \t section \t key \t string

See: GetProjExtState() API

String will have newlines/tabs/backslashes encoded as \\n, \\t and \\. Length is limited to around 16k.



EXTSTATE \t section \t key \t string

See GetExtState() API

String will have newlines/tabs/backslashes encoded as \\n, \\t and \\


See SetExtState() API (persist=false) section, key, value should be urlencoded


See SetExtState() API (persist=true) section, key, value should be urlencoded


command_id can be numeric or _123456789abcdef... registered ID.


CMDSTATE \t command_id \t state

state>0 for on, 0=off, -1=no state


Sends an OSC message through the default processing (Default.ReaperOSC) and MIDI-learn/action mappings. oscstring:value will be urldecoded.


Returns a list of all markers or regions, in the format of:

MARKER \t name \t ID \t position [\t color]
REGION \t name \t ID \t start-position \t end-position [\t color]

color is in the form of 0xaarrggbb, nonzero if a custom color set