1 - Install: npm i gd-fetch
or npm i gd-fetch@version
Valid Versions: 0.0.1 • 0.0.2-BETA • 0.0.2 • 0.0.3-BETA
2 - Require the library in your project:
const gd = require('gd-fetch');
3 - Make use of the functions available for the version of the library you use, offers.
For old methods, goto gd-fetch
New methods (functions) added:
- Takes one parameter. (BETA)
id - Id of the user you want to fetch data from.
Will get information as stars, coins etc. and social media like YouTube.
- Takes two parameters.
role - Number of the role, to convert to text variant.
ignoreErr - Ignores minor errors and ignores executing code and logging issue to console.
Will convert role to string format, valid role numbers are 0, 1 and 2.
- Takes an object of parameters. (ALPHA)
• diff - Difficult integer to use.
• type - Type to convert by, only used if diff is equal to 50 or to specify difficult Demon/Auto.
diff takes either Number 0, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50 or String "Demon", "Auto". type takes either Number 1, 2, 3 or String "Demon", "Auto". diff numbers equals to 0 - NA, 10 - Easy, 20 - Normal, 30 - Hard, 40 - Harder, 50 - Insane/Demon/Auto (type-dependant, or bypass it by using string). type numbers is used if diff is equal to 50, can also specify difficults demon and auto and 1 is normal, 2 is demon and 3 is auto. This does not support different types of demons, just value demon.
For older versions documentation, head over to -> https://rageous0.altervista.org/{VERSION}/, and it should bring you to main page of docs
Most recent version of gd-fetch is recommended as it features more important stuff than before.
• Bugfixes
• Three new methods - new ways to make use of the library
Another source you may refer to, can be w3schools.
- Error response from this library itself, can be caused by unknown error or invalid form data. GENERAL
- Server-sided (unknown), can be caused if the server denies the action or server returning nothing. GENERAL
- Username taken, caused by username you try to use for your account is alredy in use.
- Invalid username, caused by username being invalid e.g too long or invalid characters such as dots, paranthesis etc.
- Invalid email / email alredy in use ( / Banned mail), caused my using an email alredy or not meeting certain criterias in use (or one banned from the GD servers).
• Website
• gd-fetch
• Github
• npm
The README was last updated and written to the 1st of February (2019).