This Node.js module normalizes an set of RML rules. It rewrites the following shortcuts:
The rewritten version uses the appropriate Predicate Object, Predicate, and Object Maps.
Consider the following triples.
ex:TM a rr:TriplesMap;
rr:subjectMap ex:SM.
ex:SM a rr:SubjectMap;
rr:class ex:Test.
The result of normalizing them gives
ex:TM a rr:TriplesMap;
rr:subjectMap ex:SM;
rr:predicateObjectMap ex:POM.
ex:SM a rr:SubjectMap.
ex:POM a rr:PredicateObjectMap;
rr:predicateMap ex:PM;
rr:objectMap ex:OM.
ex:PM a rr:PredicateMap;
rr:constant rdf:type.
ex:OM a rr:ObjectMap;
rr:constant ex:Test;
rr:termType rr:IRI.
You can find an example in index.test.js
Ben De Meester