0.3: 12 Feb 2011 Internationalization initialized
- easier to modify default language order
- use HTML 5 localStorage for remembering search engine and language preference
- add News search to Google
- added help title text to language buttons
- Improved Getting Started text
- first tests on i18n
- hacked in R18n support
- EN, DE, PT translations mostly complete
- hacked in translations support for js text
- very basic language switcher
- added fancy css transitions
- use compass mixins in sass
- updated translations to use webtranslateit.com service
- custom loader for rails i18n format for r18n-core
- added build.rb script (update translations, build, fix stylesheet paths)
- added Spanish translation (thanks albertoi)
- fix layout bug with sections
- build index.html (in English) as well as index_en.html
0.2: 17 Jan 2011 Ready for trial installs
- added how to support Ubuntu text
- fancy
- fancy
- fixed link css order
- remove help icon (it is present in 10.04 only)
- switch back to Google hosted Ubuntu font (strange regression with local fonts)
- add Chrome help links
- Fixes for github links and names. Thanks BeSlayed.
0.1.1: 07 Jan 2011 README updated to show screenshot.
0.1: 06 Jan 2011 First commit.
- combined HTML5Boilerplate, go.infinse.com, and spiceofdesign projects
- removed go.infinse.com API calls
- removed autocomplete and suggestions
- changed key capture
- added left/right arrow to select search engine
- removed up/down arrow, ESC, etc
- added svg ubuntu logo
- added svg help icon
- added white versions of Google and Wikipedia logos and switched to use them
- added Ubuntu font files and usee them throughout