This is a repository that will hold a wide range of open-source projects from the non-profit Open Source Medical Supplies (OSMS). The data from these projects will move into an OpenKnowHow (OKH) format in JSON from this GitHub repository. Once in this state, a LOSH-krawler can find these projects after a user searchers for them. Ultimately, these files will allow users to easily discover important humanitarian projects for personal use, or as a pathway to become more involved in humanitarian engineering.
December 2024
Members of the project team discussed the OKH formatting and exceptions to accomodate the varied data available for each project. Moved several project datasets from the .json OSH-Registry under Public Invention to the OKH repository. Modified the original template from OSEGermany to a more simplified version tailored to the needs for this project.
January 2025
Completed conversion of the OSH registry to the OKH format. Validated existing files with the krawler, then tweaked the template and files in accordance with feedback. Continued creation of OKH files working through the OSMS Project Library.
- These are .toml files. If interested in learning more, check out this link:TOML
- This project is in partnership with both Public Invention and OSMS, with collaboration from members of OSEGermany. Check out their websites if you would like to get involved in similar projects.
- Not all of the projects listed in the files were created by Public Invention or OSMS. Many were created during the Covid-19 pandemic, from various institutions and individuals who wanted to bridge the gap of need for PPE, ventilators, and similar medical devices. If interested in building one, please see the licenser contact information and reach out to the original creators.
- Robert L. Read ([email protected]): Provided project direction, organization, and leadership for the OKH team.
- Mairin O'Grady ([email protected]): Created OKH files, converted projects from .json to .toml formats, and built the GitHub repository.
- Robin Vobruba ([email protected]): Provided guidance on OKH usage and templates, as well as the krawler.
- Christina Cole ([email protected]): Provided feedback from OSMS.
- James Butler ([email protected]): Worked on related software with Robert Read.