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This is a Discord bot that I made for any Discord server and has features from moderation to fun google images and game stats.


  • Prakhar Trivedi


(Works only if you have an application with a bot setup at the Discord Developer Portal

  • Download/Fork this repository.
  • Go to index.js and update the 'token' variable at line 39 to your bot's token.
  • Additionally, this bot requires a FortniteAPI API Key, so, get one here and update the variable at line 43 in index.js with your API key
  • Go to a Discord Bot Permissions Calculator and enter your Discord application's Client ID Do not change the permissions as the bot requires Admin permissions to function
  • Click the link provided in the calculator and add the bot to a server.
  • On your computer, open up Terminal/Command prompt and 'cd' into the folder and type 'node .' You must have node.js installed for this command to work
  • You should see the bot become active on the server.

This step is required: Do pr!ss help to find out the different admin commands for the bot. Please create a log channel and use pr!ss setlogchannel <id of log channel> to set the log channel. After this, you can use the bot as per normal. (you may choose to set a main and muted role as pr!ss help for more information)

pr! is the default prefix of the bot. Do pr!setprefix <prefix> if you want to choose your own prefix.

To find out more about the bot, do pr!modhelp (moderator-only command) or pr!help.


  1. Message Clearing: pr!clear 50...
  2. Finding out information about members: pr!minfo @...
  3. Bot Info: pr!info
  4. Help (pr!help) and moderator help (pr!modhelp) [MOD]
  5. Mute: pr!mute @... 10s [MOD]
  6. Poll: pr!poll (channel ID where poll is to be sent) do you like pancakes? [MOD]
  7. Clear all messages in channel: pr!clear-all [MOD]
  8. Setting prefix: pr!setprefix ! [MOD]
  9. Bypass and unmute to bypass timer and unmute someone: pr!bypassandunmute @... [MOD]
  10. Channel info: pr!cinfo
  11. Server Info: pr!sinfo
  12. Random google images (default subject is: memes): pr!gi (subject (optional))
  13. Minecraft server status: pr!mc (server IP)
  14. Fortnite Game Details: 'pr!fn help' or 'pr!fn troubleshoot' if you are running into some issues
  15. Coinflip Feature: pr!coinflip (heads or tails)
  16. Kicking: pr!kick @... [MOD]
  17. Banning: pr!ban @... [MOD]
  18. Trivia: pr!trivia help
  19. Change a user's nickname: pr!nick @... (new nickname)
  20. Unban a banned user with an ID: pr!unban (user ID) [MOD]
  21. Create/Manage an invite: pr!inv [SPECIAL PERMISSIONS]
  22. Get a list of active invites: pr!invitelist [MOD]
  23. Perform a mathematical operation: pr!math (operation, e.g 5*10)
  24. Change some server settings and bot settings: pr!ss help [MOD]
  25. Lock a channel (prevent people from messaging in it): pr!lockchannel help [MOD]
  26. Get information from Wikipedia: pr!wiki help
  27. Listen to Music in a Voice Channel: pr!music help (temporarily disabled)
  28. Delete Message Logs (Logs content of messages when they are deleted.): pr!ss setdeletelogs true/false [MOD]
  29. Suggestions (suggest improvements to a server democratically): pr!suggest (your suggestion here)
  30. Role Management (assign or unassign roles to members): 'pr!assign help' and 'pr!unassign help' [MOD]
  31. Channel Creation (create text or voice channels with special customisations): pr!create help [MOD]
  32. Link to All Features Webpage: pr!cmdlist
  33. Get the Weather for any location: pr!weather (location name)
  34. Destroy server completely by deleting all channels and roles: pr!destroy [OWNER ONLY]
  35. Find out more about a role: pr!rinfo (name of role, with spaces replaced with % sign)
  36. Make reactive lists for people to participate in events: pr!rl help [MOD]

Commands tagged with [MOD] or [SPECIAL PERMISSIONS] work only if you are a moderator or if you have specific permissions.