All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
- Fix Issue with group_by field pointing to model with custom primary key Issue #58
- Fix highchart cache to target the specific chart
- Added initial and required to report_form_factory
- Added base_q_filters and base_kwargs_filters to SlickReportField to control the base queryset
- Add ability to customize ReportField on the fly
- Adds
option to SlickReportField Will prevent group by calculation for this specific field, serves when you want to compute overall results. - Support reference to SlickReportField class directly in
instead of its "registered" name. - Adds PercentageToBalance report field
- Change the deprecated in Django 4
- Fix an issue with time series calculating first day of the month to be of the previous month #46
- Fix Django 4 compatibility (@squio)
- Breaking [ONLY] if you have overridden ReportView.get_report_results()
- Moved the collecting of total report data to the report generator to make easier low level usage.
- Fixed an issue with Charts.js
- Added ChartsOption 'time_series_support',in both chart.js and highcharts
- Fixed
to use the issuing class not the vanilla one.
- Fix compatibility with Django 3.2
- Add ability to refer to related fields in a group by report(@jrutila)
- Add exclude_field to report_form_factory (@gr4n0t4)
- Added support for group by Many To Many field (@gr4n0t4)
- Add datepicker initialization function call (@squio)
- Fixed an issue with default dates not being functional.
- Added missing prefix on integrity hash (@squio)
- Enhanced Field prepare flow
- Add traversing for group_by
- Allowed tests to run specific tests instead of the whole suit
- Enhanced templates structure for easier override/customization
- Enhanced Time Series Plot total HighChart by accenting the categories
- Enhanced the default verbose names of time series.
- Expanding test coverage
- Allow for time series to operate on a non-group by report
- Allow setting time series custom dates on ReportGenerator attr and init
- Fix a bug with setting the queryset (but not the report model) on SlickReportView
- Fixed an issue if GenericForeignKey is on the report model
- Fixed an issue with Time series annual pattern
- Created the demo site
- Add support to group by date field
- Add
hook to SlickReportingView - Add support for several chart engine per same report
- Add
setting. - Documenting SlickReportView response structure.
- Fix issue with special column names
- Fix issue with Crosstab reminder option.
- Properly initialize Datepicker (#12 @squio)
- Use previous date-range for initialization if it exists
- Bring back calculateTotalOnObjectArray (#11)
- Bypassing default ordering by when generating the report (#10)
- Fix in dates in template and view
- Renamed
- Renamed
- Added
leaving sanity checks for theSlickReportView
- Add Sanity checks against incorrect entries in columns or date_field
- Add support to create ReportField on the fly in all report types
- Enhance exception verbosity.
- Removed
field reference .
- Fixed an issue getting a db field verbose column name
- Fixed an issue with the report demo page's filter button not working correctly.
- Fixed an error with ManyToOne Relation not being able to get its verbose name (@mswastik)
- Bring back crosstab capability
- Rename
to the more verbosequantity
- Minor enhancements around templates
- Adds
option for ReportFields, and pass it to response - Add option to override a report fields while registering it.
- Test ajax Request
- Fix a bug with time series adding one extra period.
- Fix a bug with Crosstab data not passed to
- Enhance Time series default column verbose name
- testing: brought back ReportField after unregister test
- Fix Pypi package not including statics.
- Crosstab support
- Chart title defaults to report_title
- Enhance fields naming
- Fix a naming issue with license (@iLoveTux)
- Ability to create a ReportField on the fly.
- Test Report Field Registry
- Lift the assumption that a Report field name should start and end with "__". This is only a convention now.
- Port Charting from Ra Framework
- Enhance ReportView HTML response
- Ported from Ra Framework