diff --git a/plugins/inventory/panorama.py b/plugins/inventory/panorama.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..9c9629fd0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugins/inventory/panorama.py
@@ -0,0 +1,170 @@
+""" Dynamic inventory from Palo Alto Panorama """
+import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
+import requests
+import urllib3
+from ansible.plugins.inventory import BaseInventoryPlugin
+ name: panorama
+ plugin_type: inventory
+ short_description: Dynamic inventory from Palo Alto Panorama
+ description: Get devices and groups from Palo Alto Panorama
+ author:
+ - Konstantin Kuminsky (@kk-at-redhat)
+ options:
+ plugin:
+ description: Name of the plugin
+ type: str
+ required: true
+ panorama_address:
+ description: Panorama IP address or FQDN
+ type: str
+ required: false
+ env:
+ panorama_username:
+ description: Panorama username
+ type: str
+ required: false
+ env:
+ panorama_password:
+ description: Panorama password
+ type: str
+ required: false
+ env:
+ additional_marker_key:
+ description: Name of the variable name to be added to each host
+ type: str
+ required: false
+ additional_marker_value:
+ description: Value of the variable value to be added to each host
+ type: str
+ required: false
+EXAMPLES = r"""
+plugin: "panorama"
+additional_marker_key: "device"
+additional_marker_value: "firewall"
+class InventoryModule(BaseInventoryPlugin):
+ """ Ansible Inventory Module class"""
+ NAME = "panorama"
+ def verify_file(self, path):
+ return path.endswith(("yml","yaml"))
+ def _make_api_request(self, url):
+ urllib3.disable_warnings()
+ response = requests.get(url, verify=False, timeout=10)
+ if response.status_code == 200:
+ return response.text
+ response.raise_for_status()
+ return None
+ def _get_api_key(self, panorama_address, panorama_username, panorama_password):
+ endpoint = (
+ f"https://{panorama_address}/api/?type=keygen&"
+ f"user={panorama_username}"
+ f"&password={panorama_password}"
+ )
+ api_response = self._make_api_request(endpoint)
+ root = ET.fromstring(api_response)
+ return root.find(".//key").text
+ def _get_xml_data(self, panorama_address, query, panorama_api_key):
+ endpoint = (
+ f"https://{panorama_address}/api/?type=op&cmd="
+ f"{query}&"
+ f"key={panorama_api_key}"
+ )
+ xml_response = self._make_api_request(endpoint)
+ root = ET.fromstring(xml_response)
+ return root
+ def _get_devices(self, panorama_address, panorama_api_key):
+ devices_query = ""
+ devices_endpoint = self._get_xml_data(panorama_address, devices_query, panorama_api_key)
+ devices = []
+ for device in devices_endpoint.findall("./result/devices/entry"):
+ device_model = getattr(device.find("model"), "text", "")
+ device_version = getattr(device.find("sw-version"), "text", "")
+ device_hostname = getattr(device.find("hostname"), "text", "")
+ device_ipaddress = getattr(device.find("ip-address"), "text", "")
+ if device_hostname and device_ipaddress:
+ device_info = {"hostname": device_hostname,
+ "ip_address": device_ipaddress,
+ "model": device_model,
+ "version": device_version}
+ devices.append(device_info)
+ return devices
+ def _get_device_groups(self, panorama_address, panorama_api_key):
+ device_groups_query = ""
+ device_groups_endpoint = self._get_xml_data(panorama_address,
+ device_groups_query,
+ panorama_api_key)
+ device_groups = []
+ for device_group in device_groups_endpoint.findall("./result/devicegroups/entry"):
+ if device_group.find("./devices"):
+ for entry in device_group.findall("./devices/entry"):
+ device_hostname = getattr(entry.find("hostname"), "text", "")
+ if device_hostname:
+ devices_and_groups = {"hostname": device_hostname,
+ "group": device_group.get("name")}
+ device_groups.append(devices_and_groups)
+ return device_groups
+ def _get_nested_groups(self, panorama_address, panorama_api_key):
+ nested_groups_query = ""
+ nested_groups_endpoint = self._get_xml_data(panorama_address,
+ nested_groups_query,
+ panorama_api_key)
+ nested_groups = []
+ nested_groups_path = "./result/config/readonly/devices/entry/device-group/entry"
+ for nested_group in nested_groups_endpoint.findall(nested_groups_path):
+ parent_group = getattr(nested_group.find("parent-dg"), "text", "")
+ if parent_group:
+ parents_and_children = {"parent_group": parent_group,
+ "child_group": nested_group.get("name")}
+ nested_groups.append(parents_and_children)
+ return nested_groups
+ def parse(self, inventory, loader, path, cache=True):
+ super().parse(inventory, loader, path, cache)
+ self._read_config_data(path)
+ additional_marker_key = self.get_option("additional_marker_key")
+ additional_marker_value = self.get_option("additional_marker_value")
+ panorama_address = self.get_option("panorama_address")
+ panorama_username = self.get_option("panorama_username")
+ panorama_password = self.get_option("panorama_password")
+ panorama_api_key = self._get_api_key(panorama_address, panorama_username, panorama_password)
+ for device in self._get_devices(panorama_address, panorama_api_key):
+ self.inventory.add_host(device["hostname"])
+ self.inventory.set_variable(device["hostname"], "ansible_host", device["ip_address"])
+ self.inventory.set_variable(device["hostname"], "model", device["model"])
+ self.inventory.set_variable(device["hostname"], "version", device["version"])
+ if additional_marker_key and additional_marker_value:
+ self.inventory.set_variable(device["hostname"],
+ additional_marker_key,
+ additional_marker_value)
+ for device_group in self._get_device_groups(panorama_address, panorama_api_key):
+ self.inventory.add_group(device_group["group"])
+ self.inventory.add_host(device_group["hostname"], group=device_group["group"])
+ for nested_group_pair in self._get_nested_groups(panorama_address, panorama_api_key):
+ self.inventory.add_group(nested_group_pair["parent_group"])
+ self.inventory.add_group(nested_group_pair["child_group"])
+ self.inventory.add_child(nested_group_pair["parent_group"],
+ nested_group_pair["child_group"])