This project was originally developed from an issue on CentOS, but at home I use Arch Linux, which required more effort than expected to get it working.
Arch Linux packages are stripped of debug symbols by default. This only causes issues with jmap -histo
so the
following instructions aren't necessary, but I've recorded my steps here for future me, if nobody else.
To start, this has only been tested with Open JDK 8, which at the time of writing was the java8-openjdk package.
To get an installed JDK with debug symbols on Arch you have you use the Arch Build System.
mkdir ~/abs
cd ~/abs
svn checkout --depth=empty svn://
svn update java8-openjdk
cd trunk
## Edit PKGBUILD and add:
# groups=('modified')
# options=('!strip')
# Make and install
makepkg -sic
# Confirm it worked, should see 'not stripped' in the output of the following command
file file /usr/lib/jvm/java-8-openjdk/jre/bin/java
Note: If you haven't already, you should add IgnoreGroup = modified
to /etc/pacman.conf
to stop pacman updating this
package. Instead you should svn update the abs packages you have manually.
JVisualVM is not part of the Java package. You need to install it separately and the
visualvm package can be installed and run using visualvm
I went with the AUR git version of the Jemalloc package to make sure I had the latest version, but the following could probably be done to the ABS version too.
mkdir ~/aur
cd ~/aur
git clone
cd jemalloc-git
## Edit PKGBUILD and add the following to the command in the build function:
# --enable-prof
# Make and install
makepkg -sic
# Verify it worked, should see '--enable-prof' in the output of the following command
jemalloc-config --config